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22163286 No.22163286 [Reply] [Original]

What do we think of Lord Byron?

>> No.22163288

literal faggot homosexual

>> No.22163300

based nigga in his time

>> No.22163304

Probably his poems?

>> No.22163319

The duality of /lit/

>> No.22163398

He's aged the best out of the romantics, because he's funny and doesn't take himself too seriously

>> No.22163600

Based. Blake and Byron are the best romantic poets and I'm tired of people pretending it's Keats.

>> No.22163654
File: 64 KB, 523x653, Matthew_Gregory_Lewis_by_George_Lethbridge_Saunders,_after_Unknown_artist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keats was better
byron was a hack born in the lap of luxury
but all the romantics, good as they are, were beaten by the king

>> No.22163690

Why does everyone gloss over the fact he fucked many young boys while he was in Greece? Nobody associates his name with faggotry like they do with Oscar Wilde, even though both Wilde and Byron were womanisers.

>> No.22163735

Keats is the most lush
Shelley is the most musical
Byron has the best personality and fun poems. /lit/ should do a Don Juan read along

>> No.22163759

Maybe because Wilde died of faggotry. Byron had a scandalous life but his passing was unremarkable.

>> No.22163809

Several reasons. The biggest reason is that Oscar Wilde was tried and sentenced to hard labor for gross indecency in what was one of the world's first celebrity trials. The trial originally started as a libel lawsuit filed against the Marquees of Queensberry by Wilde over the Marquee publicly calling him a sodomite due to him and Lord Alfred Douglas, the Marquee's son, mocking him and rubbing their relationship in his face. The lawsuit ended up being dropped and the criminal trial was launched when the Marquee brought in evidence from all the male prostitutes Wilde and Lord Alfred Douglas were banging. Byron, on the other hand, kept his bisexuality on the down low. On top of that, Wilde fits the homosexual stereotype more.

>> No.22163838

I haven't read him really but I get the feeling he's the weakest of the three younger major English Romantics

>> No.22163848

Bro he died while fighting a revolution

>> No.22163891

Byron is the greatest, followed by Keats, followed by Shelley. Unfortunately, Keats is generally regarded as the best in the UK and US, but Byron is favored in continental Europe. He was Goethe's favorite poet; in Eckermann's Conversations with Goethe, Byron is by far the most discussed writer - and they discuss many, many writers. Goethe brings him up time and time again and lavishes him with praise. Nietzsche said that Byron's Manfred surpassed all of German literature and he even composed a piano score based on it. His poetry inspired other compositions too, notably by Beethoven, Rossini, and others. Pushkin and Dostoevsky both adored him and based some of - or many of, in Pushkin's case - on Lord Byron and his characters. Victor Hugo said, " His capricious imagination rises to heights that none can reach without wings. Neither Keats nor Shelley have even a fraction of the influence Byron does outside of the anglosphere.

>> No.22163895

>Pushkin and Dostoevsky both adored him and based some of - or many of, in Pushkin's case - on Lord Byron and his characters.
I meant to say they based characters off of Lord Byron and his characters here

>> No.22163929

>Neither Keats nor Shelley have even a fraction of the influence Byron does outside of the anglosphere.
maybe Byron's genius is just easier to translate

>> No.22164278

Based. Byron was the best looking and the most Chad one out of all of them. Not only was he a poet, but he was a decent boxer and an accomplished swimmer despite having a deformed foot.

>> No.22164379

Keats is the greatest
Byron never wrote anything on the level of the eve of st agnes
But MG lewis is better than all the romantic poets

>> No.22164418

He fell ill and died, he didn't die in the battlefield.

>> No.22164592

He’s still remembered as a Greek war hero

>> No.22164602

He's my favorite out of the young Romantics. If the word SOVL was a young poet from England it would be Byron.

>> No.22165170
File: 122 KB, 652x900, statue-lord-byron-athens-26019326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's your proof, m8

>> No.22165193

>Byron never wrote anything on the level of the eve of st agnes
Don Juan
>But MG lewis is better than all the romantic poets
ah you're just a contrarian hipster faggot

>> No.22165320

Sorry for the threadjack but can't ask anywhere else. Is b-ok safe? When I run it through virus total, I get a negative return saying it is malicious.