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22162917 No.22162917 [Reply] [Original]

Yes yes we all know about Philip Kindred Dick..
But do you know about Stanislaw Lem?

>> No.22163129

Fucking sad state of yours faggots

>> No.22163174

Speaking of both those gentlemen
>In September 1974, the FBI received a letter. The accusations in the letter were shocking – it told of a communist conspiracy aimed at the hearts and minds of America through propaganda in the subtle guise of science fiction. Major science-fiction publishers and organisations had been infiltrated, and their agents, notable figures in the genre, were abroad in the West. The orchestrator of it all was a communist committee, acting under the name Stanisław Lem.

>The unveiler of such an insidious subterfuge was none other than Philip K. Dick, himself a legendary science-fiction writer. According to his letter, fellow science-fiction great Stanisław Lem, didn’t even exist, except for as a figurehead for the purposes of disseminating propaganda. He was ‘probably a composite committee rather than an individual’. Dick’s evidence for this denouncement was that ‘[Lem] writes in several styles and sometimes reads foreign, to him, languages and sometimes does not’. And the conspiracy spread further still: ‘The Party operates [a U..S.] publishing house which does a great deal of Party-controlled science fiction’.