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22162764 No.22162764 [Reply] [Original]

Not sure if this is a /lit/ thing or a /sci/ thing or what but what's the deal with Alchemy? Is there anything to it? Does it have any tangible benefit to reading besides complete psuedo-intellectual gains?

>> No.22162791

From what I know alchemy is the art of changing matter from one form to another.
The principle substance of alchemy is the prima materia, the animating force of all matter.
Just as a circle can be divided infinitely so too can the prima materia form different substances.
Knowing the path to and from the prima materia gives the alchemist agency over all matter.

>> No.22162864

look into spiritual alchemy. that is where it's at
also spagyrics is kinda cool and related to spiritual alchemy. I'd like to know more about spayrics also. Anyone know some good books on it?

>> No.22162894
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>> No.22162907

Principe is great. Everyone should watch his courses for the great courses.

>> No.22163315

The Elric Brothers

>> No.22163324

It's the art of understanding the nature and structure of the universe and using it to your advantage but actually it's the art of understanding the nature and structure of reality and becoming spiritually enlightened but actually it's all an elaborate method of self-hypnosis a la Jung.

>> No.22163347

It's a /x/ thing.
It's a highly complex topic but generally the "deal" is that through occult understanding one could according to alchemical theory transmute a lower base material to a higher level. Sometimes this is literal, like in the case of transmuting metals into other metals, and often it's metaphysics and metaphorical like the transmutation of the soul to higher forms.
>Is there anything to it?
Objectively or empirically, no.
>Does it have any tangible benefit to reading besides complete psuedo-intellectual gains?
Debatable. I guess it has more to do in your overall interest in the occult or culture and history associated with the particular branch of alchemy you are looking at. It can be cool when looked at in a historical sense for example.

>> No.22163376


>> No.22163406

What is alchemy in a nutshell?

Is Jung's interpretation of alchemy similar to the reinterpretation of Stonehenge by new generations?

>> No.22163434

See: >>22163376
Article answers both questions

>> No.22163440

Hermeticism/Alchemy; Knowns and Unknowns:
1 Known Knowns: These are the established facts and principles that are widely accepted within the field of alchemy and hermetic philosophy. Some known knowns include:
• The historical existence of alchemists and their contributions to various fields, such as chemistry, metallurgy, and medicine.
• The use of symbols and allegorical language in alchemical texts to convey hidden meanings.
• The belief in the existence of a universal life force or energy (often referred to as the Philosopher's Stone or the Elixir of Life) that can transform base metals into gold and grant immortality.
• The principle of "as above, so below," which suggests that there is a correspondence between the microcosm (human beings) and the macrocosm (the universe), reflecting a fundamental interconnectedness.
2 Known Unknowns: These are areas within alchemy and hermetic philosophy that are recognized as gaps in knowledge or understanding. They represent questions or subjects that remain unanswered or require further exploration. Some known unknowns include:
• The specific methods and processes employed by alchemists to transmute base metals into gold or create the Philosopher's Stone.
• The true nature and composition of the Philosopher's Stone or the Elixir of Life.
• The extent of the practical applications and efficacy of alchemical principles and practices.
3 Unknown Unknowns: These are aspects or phenomena within alchemy and hermetic philosophy that are currently unknown or unexplored. They represent realms of knowledge that have not yet been discovered or considered. Examples of unknown unknowns include:
• Potential undiscovered alchemical techniques, substances, or principles that could have significant implications for the field.
• Connections between alchemy and other areas of knowledge, such as quantum physics or consciousness studies, that have yet to be explored
4 Unknown Knowns: According to philosopher Slavoj Žižek, unknown knowns refer to knowledge that individuals or groups possess but are unaware of or fail to acknowledge. In the context of alchemy and hermetic philosophy, unknown knowns could encompass:
• Implicit assumptions or preconceived notions held by alchemists that influence their understanding and practice but may go unrecognized.
• Unconscious biases or psychological factors that shape interpretations of alchemical texts or symbols without conscious awareness.
• Subtle connections or patterns that may exist between seemingly unrelated aspects of alchemy and other disciplines, waiting to be discovered.
The concept of unknown knowns suggests that there might be hidden layers of understanding or unexamined aspects within alchemy and hermetic philosophy that, once revealed, could deepen our comprehension of these ancient practices.

>> No.22163457

Alchemy is an outdated and bad theory, but it still provided useful information in its day. Principally it advanced European metallurgy and helped pave the way for European dominance in the modern era. But anything useful it did was outmoded by chemistry, particularly the discovery of oxygen which helped explain a ton of previously misunderstood chemical phenomena.

>> No.22163458

In the heart of darkness, where the shadows of doubt and despair loom, Hermeticism has illuminated the path toward the light. We have witnessed the transformative power of the divine presence. It reminded us that we are not alone in our struggles and that the gods, though distant, are ever-present in our lives.

Hermetic spirituality acknowledges the multifaceted nature of religion. It recognizes the terrestrial gods that govern different aspects of our existence and reminds us of the importance of maintaining a harmonious relationship with them. In an age of darkness, where materialism and ignorance prevail, Hermeticism provides a beacon of hope, reminding us of the profound truths that lie beyond the surface of mundane existence.

The Hermetic tradition has often been associated with secret societies and private experiential practices. By coming together in private, practitioners have sought to explore the depths of their souls and unlock the mysteries of the universe. Through deep embodiment and the use of powerful sounds and images, they have sought to tap into the divine economy and commune with the gods at work.

However, the journey toward spiritual enlightenment is not without its challenges. We often find ourselves looking through a glass darkly, struggling to make sense of the world around us. We are at the mercy of scribes and their interpretations, which may distort or limit our understanding of the Hermetic teachings. Yet, even in the face of such challenges, Hermeticism encourages us to embrace the weirdness at the center of our existence and remain open to the enigmatic nature of truth.

The path of Hermes, the messenger of the gods, offers a way to navigate the spiritual journey. It is a path that may lead to spiritual madness, but it is through this madness that we are reborn and find gratitude for the wonders of existence. By embracing the spiritual teachings and embodying their wisdom, we can truly become alive, awakening to the boundless possibilities that lie before us.

Beyond the realms of materiality and spacetime, Hermetic spirituality unveils the source of all creation. The silent one, the ultimate reality, exists beyond our limited perceptions, inviting us to explore the dimensions of life that transcend our earthly existence. It is a sounding cosmos, a symphony of divine vibrations, beckoning us to venture beyond the stars and discover the secrets of the universe.

The conquest of time, a theme deeply embedded within Hermetic philosophy, offers us a profound insight. It reminds us that our journey toward spiritual awakening is not confined to our present existence alone. Through the metaphorical drug of divine wisdom and the inscription of timeless truths, we can disseminate the teachings of Hermes and transmit them across generations. In doing so, we partake in Thoth's secret, preserving the ancient wisdom for future seekers of truth.

>> No.22163477

In antiquity, allegory was a literary and philosophical device that played a significant role in understanding and interpreting the world. It relates to philosophical conceptions of the symbol by presenting abstract ideas, moral principles, or complex concepts through the use of symbolic figures, actions, or events. Allegory allowed philosophers to communicate deeper meanings and truths indirectly, often through narratives or visual representations.
In ancient Greece, the concept of allegory was closely associated with the works of philosophers such as Plato, who used allegorical language to convey his metaphysical and ethical ideas. Plato's famous allegory of the cave from his work "The Republic" is a prime example. In this allegory, a group of prisoners is chained in a dark cave, perceiving only the shadows on the cave wall. The shadows represent the illusionary world of sensory perception, while the outside world illuminated by the sun symbolizes the realm of true knowledge and Forms. Through this allegory, Plato conveyed his belief in the existence of a higher reality beyond the physical world and the importance of philosophical enlightenment.
Another significant figure in the use of allegory in antiquity was the Roman philosopher Plotinus, who further developed the concept in his system of Neoplatonism. Plotinus employed allegory extensively to explain his metaphysical ideas, such as the emanation of the One (the ultimate source of all existence) and the ascent of the soul towards unity with the divine. His allegorical approach aimed to convey the ineffable and transcendent aspects of reality, which could not be easily grasped through direct language or rational discourse.
Overall, allegory in antiquity served as a tool for philosophical thinkers to express profound concepts and ideas that often exceeded the limitations of direct language. By employing symbolic narratives or representations, allegory allowed philosophers to convey complex notions in a more accessible and evocative manner, encouraging readers or listeners to engage with the deeper meanings and symbolism inherent in the allegorical work.

>> No.22163661

Magic as the Foundation of Causality: The roots of alchemy and science according to the anthropological tradition and the philosophy of Hegel

>> No.22163681
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>This work departs from the commonly accepted concept of alchemy as an ‘embryonic science’ to then
analyze what is its mystical side, the part in it that would be opposed to science, which we deal with here under the name of
. Through the exposition of the theory of great exponents of the anthropological lineage such as James Frazer, Marcel Mauss and Claude Lévi-Strauss, magic is presented not as mere mysticism, but as positing the notion of causality. It is also revealed that effectiveness, far from being something foreign to magical thinking, constitutes its object, and that the difference between magic and science is much less clear than commonly imagined. In a similar sense to that of anthropology, we present Hegel's theory of magic. The philosopher understands it as the first form of the spiritual rule over nature, the gateway through which everything in the world is related acquiring meaning. As ballast that reinforces the arguments presented by these authors, we bring, on the side of modern science, arguments made by one of its most prestigious theorists, Thomas Kuhn.

>> No.22163716
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>Magic, however, in the general sense, simply amounts to this, that man has the mastery as he is in his natural state, as possessed of passions and desires. Such is the general character of this primal and wholly immediate standpoint, namely, that the human consciousness, any definite human being, is recognized as the ruling power over nature in virtue of his own will.

>> No.22163997

Alchemy, in the metaphorical sense, implies a few things:
>dialectic, the art of connecting and evolving ideas from one to another
>rhetoric, the art of making the weaker argument stronger (lead to gold)
>self-purification, the art of elevating the soul from a baser to a higher state

>> No.22164090

You mean that it is used for orgies and other degenerate bullshit? Yes.

>> No.22164578


>> No.22164586

Read Meditations on the Tarot

>> No.22165473


>> No.22165960
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the author shows how he produced potable gold by following hermetic tablets

>> No.22166688

what's the connection between tarot and alchemy?

>> No.22166694

Tomberg's reading of the symbolism of the tarot is basically hermetic-alchemical, more or less Christian jnana yoga. It's a good way to get the "point" of the hermetic understanding of alchemy as self-perfection and thus self-transcendence.

>> No.22166865

According to the Esoterica guy, spiritual alchemy didn't really exist until 1590

>> No.22167200

The esoterica guy is one of (((them))) and also egged on a school shooter in his youth (look it up)