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File: 74 KB, 553x506, blackpepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22161660 No.22161660 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any black philosophers? Like literally any? I know black people are capable of doing things. They can make music, they can dance, they can play ball. But do they ever think?

>> No.22161694


>> No.22161716

Huh, actually seems kinda interesting... Good job, black people

>> No.22161723


>> No.22161727


>> No.22161732

Nope. They make the lowest caliber of music, dance and "sports". Thinking is asking too much of such people, they are closer to their animal instincts.
>retard petty bourgeois 3rd worlder who grew up in london
Utterly pathetic, but that's expected.

>> No.22161738


>> No.22161745

>They make the lowest caliber of music
Ah, come on man. Jazz is probably the second best musical art form after Western classical music, give them some credit.

>> No.22161756

Jazz is bad apart from briefly showcasing musical talent and creativity. None of it is timeless like classical or even some rock, it is forgettable and is the musical equivalent of popcorn or something. It is mindless, and emerged from the lower classes. I play jazz a lot too, nothing to brag about. It is stupid music for bugmen.

>> No.22161759

MLK. The more I learn about him, the more based I realize he was.

>> No.22161762

Also, jazz didn't come from blacks. The rhythm and chords come from eastern europe. Blacks played polyrhythms on drums in Africa, they didn't even have melody. Jazz came from low class whites screwing around ultimately, they associated with blacks.

>> No.22161765

Retarded degenerate faggot, none of the ideas were his, he was a mouthpiece who just did drugs and paid hookers. Fuck him.

>> No.22161766

This. Also Moses, Elijah, and Plato.

>> No.22161775

>Kodwo...positions African slaves as the first modern subjects, as well as “real world” subjects of science fiction scenarios. Thus, while hegemonic future projections implicitly or explicitly exclude black subjects from (post)modernity and its attendant techno-scientific innovations and alienations, Afrofuturism highlights the Afrodiasporic subject’s fundamental role in initiating and producing modernity. In other words, Afrofuturism “reorient[s] history,”


>> No.22161810

Yeah most of them talk about race like female ones talk about their vaginas. Neither actually produce any profound ideas either.

>> No.22162198

Zera Yakov

>> No.22162213

Didn't exist.


>> No.22162221

fake news

>> No.22162241


>> No.22162243

>best basketball player
>best soccer player
>best tennis player
>best baseball player
>best boxer
>best football player

>> No.22162250

Franz Fanon, W.E.B. DuBois, Cornel West, Malcom X.
Lit really doesn’t read.

>> No.22162292

MLK was a generic coomer lol

>> No.22162314


Let's face it:
>best boxer
Muhammad Ali (Black)
>best soccer player
Pele (Black)
>best rugby player
Siya Kolisi (Black)
>best MMA fighter
Jon Jones (Black)
>best street fighter
Kimbo Slice (Black)
>best golfer
Tiger Woods (Black)
>best baseball player
Barry Bonds (Black)
>best bodybuilder
Ronnie Coleman (Black)
>best strongman
Mark Henry (Black)
>best F1 driver
Sir Lewis Hamilton (Black)
>best basketball player
Michael Jordan (Black)
>best sprinter
Usain Bolt (Black)
>best long distance runner
Eliud Kipchoge (Black)
>best kickboxer
Andrew Tate (Black)
>best long jumper
Mike Powell (Black)
>best wrestler
The Rock (Black)
>best football player
OJ Simpson (Black)
>best porn star
Lex Steele (Black)
>best tennis player
Serena Williams (Black)
>best Esports player
Dominique 'SonicFox' McLean (Black)

Even I have to admit, Blacks are no doubt superior than us whites athletically and physically.

>> No.22162317

Are there any Lithuanian philosophers? Like literally any? I know Lithuanians are capable of doing things. They can make music, they can dance, they can dress. But do they ever think?

>> No.22162320

Lil bro had jews write his speeches for him, including I have a dream.

>> No.22162321

>list of literally whos
admit it nigcels lost

>> No.22162330


>> No.22162349
File: 865 KB, 2544x4000, 38E76998-CD88-4397-8DC8-28EFECA57A4E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>or even some rock
Just fucking lol

>> No.22162367

Please stop bullying us litcells were already dying man give us a break

>> No.22162368

U wut, mate?

>> No.22162398

maybe ethiopians if they count as black

>> No.22162426
File: 53 KB, 545x335, ODJBcard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>even some rock
>he knows

>> No.22162446

They're really their own thing. Closer related to white people than West Africans.

>> No.22162458

Baldwin? Ellison? Fanon? Ethiopian philosopher? DuBois? De Assis? Of course blacks can think, but clearly you can't.

>> No.22162487

Dr. Cornel West.

>> No.22162490

>They make the lowest caliber of music
That's why they're known for jazz and soul music, also as the founders of rock'n'roll, huh?

>It is stupid music for bugmen

>> No.22162491

you guys are actually drooling plebs if you think niggers doodling on their instruments is better than an album like Close to the Edge

>> No.22162534

I don't like jazz or rock. Prog rock is just a variant of jazz fusion aka jazz rock anyway.

>> No.22162541

black “people” are incapable of writing about anything besides how black they are

>> No.22162570

Ta-Nehisi Coates
Coleman Hughes

>> No.22162576


>> No.22162867

Yeah. RhymeAndGrind.

>> No.22162909
File: 145 KB, 798x644, 424tav.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Franz Fanon
>W.E.B. DuBois
i have read these and they are nothing special.
communism but with race instead of class how profound

>> No.22162985

I don't know if they are all black, but I was reading a book about African contemporary philosophy. They like to shit on Aristotle, I hate that fucker too, so yeah, they are cool on my book.

>> No.22162994

Robert Downey Jr.

>> No.22163006

Honestly I agree, I used to listen to a lot of jazz in my teens, but honestly most of the classic jazz albums are awfully forgettable. It's pretty much just sophisticated background music.

>> No.22163010

If Horners count, Zera Yacob.

>> No.22163016

First recorded jazz band being white does not mean white people created jazz... We know there were black jazz bands in New Orleans since the late 19th century

>> No.22163043

>Dominique 'SonicFox' McLean (Black)
I'm pretty sure he identifies as a blue fox, so you can't have that one.

>> No.22163047

>tfw no niggelian niggalectic

>> No.22163058

Levinas (Jewish/French though)

>> No.22163063

Achille Mbembe

>> No.22163072


>> No.22163576

>communism is when anyone is harmed by any social structure and then points it out
was Jesus a communist for warning us about predatory bankers, or was that based? and if it was based, how is it different from fanon, or for that matter marx?

>> No.22163760

I don’t like one over the other retard. I just think rock is either soulless bugman prog or plebeian rootin tootin awesomeness. You get to pick 1.

>> No.22163780

If a black man becomes interested in actual philosophy he gets made fun of and beat up for acting white and being an uncle tom. They equate purely intellectual interests with wypipo shit. God forbid a nigga see a nigga read a book, let alone a philosophy book.
source: first hand experience

>> No.22163792

Now compare the number of blacks with the number of Lithuanians around the world.

>> No.22163885
File: 161 KB, 600x651, scottjoplin_orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong, it all started with ragtime which was invented by a black.
> https://youtu.be/pMAtL7n_-rc
> https://youtu.be/k-qKEmxTXn8
> https://youtu.be/mrLFPYENwOQ
> https://youtu.be/tK1bzniCYsQ (Not Rag but beautiful)

>> No.22163893

Martin Luther King, Mandela, Mohammad Ali

>> No.22163913

Close to the Edge and other prog rock bands like Soft Machine owe a huge part of their music to jazz and especially jazz fusion kek

>> No.22164301

actually sounds like a big feels bad man, an intellectual African American sounds like total isolation, isolated from the greater white populace and simultaneously isolated from his own community

>> No.22164349

Trying way too hard

>> No.22164353

>everything is... LE BAD

>> No.22164400

this, they're rarely anything but sociologist funded by marxist. Thomas Sowell is based though

>> No.22164404

Malcolm X was high IQ and based but he wasn’t a philosopher

>> No.22164407

>Michael Jordan
>muhammad Ali
>literally whos
Come on friend

>> No.22164503

I really don't find it to be all that bad
This site would lead you to believe otherwise, but the vast majority of educated intelligent whites/asians aren't racist/try very, very hard to appear as if they aren't, as such I've never had much trouble befriending/fucking them
As far as blacks go the only ones that ever give me shit for being different are room-temp IQ hoodrats; I very rarely interact with that demographic so I can't say that bothers me
only thing I really hate about being black is how difficult it makes online dating lol, in person i find it pretty easy to win over girls who typically don't mess with black guys while online i'm instantly left swiped by every non-slut

>> No.22164526
File: 39 KB, 545x459, original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just date within your own race. Race mixing is gross.
As for the racism part, almost all my friends -- push come to shove -- are "racist" (in other words aren't retarded NPCs who practice doublethink). However most will be "fair" and understand group differences and the "never relax" moniker, while also understanding individual vs group variance (e.g. you have dumb whites and smart blacks). But this is obviously a select group; I suspect many in my age cohort (20s) are full blown anti-racist race denialists blank slaters.

>> No.22164539

do you credit the raw marble that a sculpture was built from, or the sculptor that made it into something great?

>> No.22164548

I think Jesus's whole beef was with the temple priesthood

>> No.22164547
File: 188 KB, 1228x1150, d17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Racism is the biggest sign of poor education and lack of world experience only fitting that /lit/ the lowest IQ board on 4chan would fall for a racebait thread

>> No.22164560

There are a few, but they're all very very basic and dumb.

>> No.22164563

Racism is the biggest sign of willingness to accept reality and actual studies of people's IQ and personality

>> No.22164590

>Just date within your own race
eh, nah
Finding a decent partner in this godless age is hard enough for anyone, the statistical likelihood of me finding an attractive black woman from a stable home that shares or at least isn't actively turned off by my interests is quite low
not saying it's impossible, I've done it before, but I'm not going to sit around with my dick in my hand watching my friends have fulfilling relationships/marriages while I wait for a unicorn to appear when I could just get with one of the many white/asian chicks that meet my standards
>inb4 recession to mean
my family is quite large and every member of it I know of is accomplished and intelligent

>> No.22164609

>online i'm instantly left swiped by every non-slut

This can't be true because white women love BBC.

So stop larping.

>> No.22164614

why do blacks always write about how x influences or relates to black people? why do they so rarely write about all people?

I have no clue how many wikipedia entries i've seen of black academics writing about x, y and z's relation to black communities or whatever they formulate it as.

>> No.22164615

Stop watching porn

>> No.22164625

quite a few of those are 50% white.

>> No.22164629

they have to excuse the behaviors of their race by any means excluding biology

>> No.22164631

Blacks have a very unique experience. And let’s not act like chuds would want to read James Baldwin’s take on Homer or the Orestes trilogy

>> No.22164638

>Blacks have a very unique experience
What are you talking about?

>> No.22164652

>Shiiidd.... finna flip dat... finna witsa on da fix wit dat shid.... niggas triflin on time one beeze wif dat..... said shiiiiddd.... niggas walk out da doh but ain't wit dat hoogie shit out tha block... we wuz hoopin dat on foe nem.... beez bout dat shit every day nigga..... cracka ain't know on da lock fubap onna shid..... wit da one time... one time on dat nigga cuzz...... shiiiiddd....

one of the most profound excerpts of black literature to this date

>> No.22164653


>> No.22164679

You're partially right
there are white women out there that love black dick and fuck black dudes exclusively; 99% of them are low iq trash only good for a quick fuck
I've had long-term relationships with several white women, save for one none of them had dated a black guy before me and none have since

>> No.22164687

>personality studies

>> No.22164691

Their experience is more strongly tied with their race than most races. Especially African Americans

>> No.22164705


>> No.22164790

This is meaningless retard babble.

>> No.22165002

Great music must be carefully curated and meticulously refined. Jazz is an outlet for on-the-spot creativity and improvisation and it always strikes me as such. Anyone with any musical proficiency can tell the difference between carefully deliberate playing and just letting your fingers do the talking. Not saying either genre is bad but mindful composition is far more difficult.

>Guitar and piano enjoyer.

>> No.22165013

Patrice O'Neal.
Completely unironically, the man understands human psychology and had the most philosophical outlook on life I've heard from an American in general(let alone a nigger, but I do admit, mutts are hardly a better category).

>> No.22165017

>2 Serbs
God really is a Serb. Fuck Jews look how overrepresented we are.

>> No.22165724

>That's why they're known for jazz and soul music
Jazz and soul are shit-tier. They also didn't invent either and they didn't invent rock, which is also basically shit-tier. Just because there is an environment where blacks aren't total failures (rare), doesn't mean blacks are behind that environment or dominate it. The exact same thing is true for sports. Wow, black people throw a ball threw a hoop all day growing up, and you're telling me lots end up going into it professionally? Lol

>> No.22165739

>, it all started with ragtime
>invented by a black

You idiot. Go listen to Eastern European folk. That's where swing comes from.

>> No.22165756

That seems like it could be a fair assessment, but if a white were in that position they would just ignore it and move past it. Rural country boys face the same thing sometimes, doesn't stop them from thriving intellectually. So really you are just posting more black cope. Overall blacks are incapable of accepting responsibility for anything.

>> No.22165764

Lemme guess. African Americans weren’t and aren’t oppressed and that hasn’t dictated their culture and outlook?

>> No.22165773

>First recorded jazz band being white does not mean white people created jazz..
They did you retard. Swing comes from European folk music, melody and harmony or chords all comes from Euros. Jazz bastardizds classical with these folk influences. Jazz emerged from lower white classes, and blacks were tolerated among them, hence why they got into jazz. There were influential black jazz players, but saying jazz came from blacks really is idiot-tier afrocentrism just as stupid (if not more) as the pharaohs and ancient Egypt being black.

>> No.22165782

>. It's pretty much just sophisticated background music.
100%. It just impresses people who's only idea of music is 4/4 rock beats with the same chord progression or even worse, hiphop tards. Fusion can be cool for showing off musicianship and pushing musical boundaries though.

>> No.22165786

Jazz is the epitome of musical midwittery (at best). But that is not the point really. The point is that blacks didn't invent it. They are just credited for it because they literally have nothing to point to culturally that's theirs.

>> No.22165804

>nigger claims other niggers are the best at something
That's almost totally subjective. Sports and music are the only areas where blacks can even compete, but they are far from the best. And again, even if they were, it would be after having been lifted up by Whites anyway.

If you're black and want to fix this, you should go back fo africa and start again. Otherwise holding on to black identity will just turn you into even more pathetic, burdensome, puerile monkeys.

Probably the best thing to do would really be to just identify with your white heritage (all blacks in tbe US have at least a little, when they aren't 50+% white) and admit subsaharans are retarded losers. Too bad you've been brainwashed against that and most likely lack the wisdom and humility to attach yourself to something that could actually uplift you.

>> No.22165810

He had red hair like berbers and is described as pale.

>> No.22165815

>boomer bullshit upheld by jewish media
Wow good one

>> No.22165821

You couldn't get any girl apart from a hog, filthy muttman.

>> No.22165836

The only white women who get with blacks are shit-tier, classless hamplanets with pizzafaces or literal crackwhores with mental problems. They are rejected by whites so have to settle for something less. If you think otherwise you're delusional and need to go outside. I had a black friend (really a mutt, he was 50% a mix of a bunch of brown stuff and 50% black) and despite being taller than average and in shape the only white woman he could get was a dog covered in pimples who looked inbred.

>> No.22165844

Everyone is and was oppressed. Blacks are just too stupid and inwardly weak to see past it and strive for something greater. You sound like a first year college student or a mindless little girl.

>> No.22165855

Nigger, you are the one calling Micheal Jordan, Barry Bonds, Muhammad Ali, Serena Williams, Pele, etc literal who’s

>> No.22165858

Not to the extent that african Americans were/are. Nice ad hominems though. A real reddit move

>> No.22165879

>Not to the extent that african Americans were/are. Nice ad hominems though
Oh look, the black has the mind of a child. Read history, idiot. From your understanding of the world, whites and basically all other races were slaves who were forced to go off to war for thousands of years. They couldn't even own anything.

Right now niggers in the US can go openly take things from stores or attack people, or just collect welfare their whole lives while popping out babies at the white taxpayer's, and you have the gall (really just ignorance) to whine about "oppression". You must be an absolutely shit-tier individual, inwardly. You are shameful.

>> No.22165883

That wasn't me, you hair-brained simian.

>> No.22165885

>more ad hominems
>whites are the true oppressed


>> No.22165893

are you a real negro?

>> No.22165901

>not even seeing the argument and just using it as an opportunity to cry some more for yourself
Stereotypical behaviour, i would tell you to be ashamed but i know you're far below that.

>> No.22165903

>source: I made it the fuck up

Sure, there were white people who were obviously part of jazz in its early stages and its creation but by and large it's a product of the black communities of New Orleans. Much of the European sensibilities came from mixed Creoles who were educated and had more extensive musical backgrounds but were forced into segregation due to laws, also marching bands and church music that blacks were brought into. A culmination of European aspects as well as the rhythmic and call-response attributes of more traditional African music. Also, like 90% of the major evolutions and innovations in jazz came from black artists. Jelly Roll Morton, Louis Armstrong, Duke Ellington, Billie Holiday, Charlie Parker, Thelonious Monk, Miles Davis, Ornette Coleman, John Coltrane, Sun Ra... all black artists.

All your "evidence" for whites creating jazz is some shit tier band that got the recognition of being the first recorded jazz band and lame arguments about how "akshually white people created saxophones and they're using OUR harmony".

>> No.22165906

Niggers have not had it good in America. Refute that

>> No.22165907

Nigger he refuted you and you're just gonna take it like a Buck-Broken Cuck?

>> No.22165931

Most have had it better than they would have in Africa. Sorry your average IQ is around coco the gorilla's, and your impulse control/ability to think ahead is about the same too. White's aren't your babysitters. They gave you every opportunity to thrive and instead your men are too weak to raise the kids they have and would rather run away and do drugs. Your fault.

You think it was easy for the White man to go to war with tribes of warriors to make a living for himself back in the day? People were getting scalped, dying of plague, towns and families getting massacred. Keep crying about microagressions and white culture, dumb animal.

>> No.22165947

I didn't make that up, go listen to it yourself you dumb nigger.
>writing all this
Lol. Why would I read more of your nigger cope when you can't even do the most surface-level research on the topic at hand? Jazz rhythm (swing) comes from European folk music, go find out for yourself, nigger halfwit. Blacks didn't even have melody or harmony, they were hitting drums to make polyrhythms. The fact that some blacks found success in jazz and influenced it doesn't mean they invented it.

>> No.22165959

Liberal Catholics like to pretend Augustine was black because one of his parents was North African (not actual Subsaharan black though).

>> No.22165963

Why is difficulty the measure of great music?

>> No.22165966

literally google black philosopher are you so inept

>> No.22165970

Black do not have the luxury that white people do. That is writing their philosophies based on their own personal experiences then pretending that those ideas are universally applicable

>> No.22165973

Uzdavinys, Greimas

>> No.22165974

No it does not you retard because swing was made in america. Just because our folk song "vaguely" sounds like swing (it doesn't) doesn't mean we made swing jesus christ you are either a reductive american racist or a country bum nationalist faggot.

>> No.22165975

North Africans were white originally. See the Guanches. Other whites/Germanics also conquered those areas later on. North Africa is really more Mediterranean.

>> No.22165979

Where did he say that? Sounds more like he's measuring it with the intention and thought behind it. Jazz is pretty mindless, it's background music.

>> No.22165980

real mental gymnastics when the answer is that whites and semites are fairly similar.

>> No.22165983

subjective opinion presented as undeniable fact

>> No.22165986

>No it does not you retard because swing was made in america
The name swing came from america. But the rythmic style came from Eastern European folk. Same rhythm in a slightly different form, and certainly not from blacks. It was from low class whites, same with "ghetto" language blacks employ.

>> No.22165987

Holy bait. Anyone replaying to this after me is certified retarded

>> No.22165989

Really fucking tired of /pol/. The raid that won’t end

>> No.22165997

he's quite the exception

not really it has more relation to classical music than jazz in overall structure. Rush doesn't jam when they played live. every song is played to recording

you have a very narrow perspective on rock if that's the case.

>poor education
>lack of a world experience

tell me you're a trust fund kid without telling me you're a trust fund kid. most people don't leave their hometowns and generally don't trust outsiders. lemme guess, its the heckin hillbillies in west virginia?

>> No.22166010

>jazz composition being short and basic and the genre relying on improv is a subjective opinion
Your cognitive dissonance is on full display, nigga.

>> No.22166020

It isn't mental gymnastics that the extremely White Guanches are the original ethnic stock of the Berbers, or that Germanic "tribes" and other White civilisations controlled the region for a lot of history. And yes many semites are just mutt whites.

>> No.22166025

>Why would I read
You're actually more retarded and more anti-intellectual than the niggers you make fun of. Also, the argument you're making would be on the exact same kind of bullshit as an Arabic guy saying "uhh acktually we created algebra so europeans didn't do anything, it was all us"

>> No.22166026

>nooooooo people talking about topics rhat make me uncomfortable and challenge my juvenile worldview must be from /pol/ raids
/pol/ is just part of the "culture" here

>> No.22166030

Did your friend act like a nigger? From what I've seen the only way to get a decent white girl as a black is to have good looks, class and a good job, 99.99% of blacks fail miserably at one of more of these which is why very few of them pull nonblack women worth a shit

>> No.22166042

>you're anti-intellectual because you won't waste time reading nigger cope when the nigger hasn't even done the most entry-level research into the topic he's writing about
Cry more.
>Arabs and algebra
It's not "the exact same" because the Arabs got it from the Greeks and Persians. Did you just not know this? I think your insults show that you lack self-awareness, you seem more anti-intellectual and retarded. You have no arguments either.

>> No.22166048

More like pol is part of the cancer here. Ideologies have devastated the board

>> No.22166052

No he was a wannabe white. Wore sweaters and glasses and read shakespeare but was still pretty stupid.

>> No.22166064

>From what I've seen the only way to get a decent white girl as a black is to have good looks, class and a good job,
Nope lol, sorry nigga.

>> No.22166110

> They gave you every opportunity to thrive and instead your men are too weak to raise the kids they have and would rather run away and do drugs.

Lol let's not get ahead of ourselves now. They fell for the same Jewish tricks than whites did except that they felt its consequences the hardest, being already at the lowest of society. Hell they had no common identity of being "black" before the Euros gave it to them despite being way more genetically diverse than the latter

>> No.22166112
File: 69 KB, 564x846, IMG_2085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You’re coping hard friend

>> No.22166120
File: 195 KB, 664x893, Henry-Cavill-suits-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It really depends on the woman. You talkin bout a trashy hood wigger girl or hoes then yeah. If you're talking a yuppie type of woman they only want this specific type of chad. Every time.
As for basic middle class people they probably mildly mix based on personality but I don't actually know.

>> No.22166143
File: 49 KB, 480x720, b983803a1492d11fa97870ede065654c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Professional-managerial class women love it

>> No.22166151
File: 404 KB, 1548x1024, michael-buble.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22166156

I've lived in cities filled with blacks and the only white women they get are fat hogs with pimples, literal 3/10s who no white man wants. You're coping, you even have a picture to help you cope, since it doesn't represent reality, and no attractive white woman will ever want you.

Your pic just represents the ideal male figure. All women would take that if they could. I'm basic middle class and they still want that. Again, only really shit-tier or ugly whites will settle for a black. And if they do, he's always above them in terms of looks or other measures.

>> No.22166162

>that they felt its consequences the hardest, being already at the lowest of society
Wrong and extremely low iq, blacks are lifted up by the jewish establishment and have been for decades.

>> No.22166164

>low iq nigmutts actually fell for the bbc tranny meme

>> No.22166171

Women are kind of more "racist" than men in that sense, they will make an instant value judgement, and they know inherently that blacks are low class and brings their value down. Even if you are a nigga trying to be white, it won't help at all.

>> No.22166176

>They fell for the same Jewish tricks than whites
No they didn't you idiot. Jews promote black racial and cultural identity and encourage them/make them buy into it. Meanwhile they destroy racial and cultural identity in whites at every opportunity.

>> No.22166194

All you're saying is "Group A is credited with creating X but actually Group B created a basic element of X so therefor Group B is the one who created X" which is so obviously retarded that you can name thousands of absurd examples of the same argument and continuously go back in time to "prove" that a group didn't create something.

>> No.22166216

This is the literary equivalent of burping until you puke

>> No.22166300

>this thread


>> No.22166348

I'm saying jazz comes from whites, not blacks, and used examples. I could also spam lists of white people influential or foundational in jazz but it would be superfluous, since it's roots lie in white music anyway, not black. At the same time, blacks were influential in jazz a little later on, but that doesn't mean in came from blacks, which is the trope I'm refuting. >>22166194
It's just another form of black cope.

>> No.22166358

ikr, i hate niggers, but c'mon this board is for literature

>> No.22166364

Asian philosophy isn’t about being a POC either

>> No.22166405

Alright, you're clearly just baiting me, ya got me, good one m8.
If you're not baiting though, just go fuck off and listen to all the great white jazz artists that you love so much like Benny Goodman, Buddy Rich, Stan Getz, etc. Oh yeah, just don't search up their Early Life sections on Wikipedia though...

>> No.22166462

>its bait that blacks didn't invent jazz
Can you not read, dumb nigger? I've already explained why they didn't and nobody can refute it. Swing rhythm comes from Eastern Europe, jazz comes from bastardized classical and European folk music. Africans don't even have melody and chords. It emerged from the lower white classes, and blacks were tolerated among them, so they started playing it. Prove me wrong, you can't. I don't give a shit about white jazz players, or jewish, or black, jazz is a shit-tier genre anyway.

Start arguing any time instead of acting like a dumb nigger child in disbelief that someone has challenged it's simple-minded worldview that it accepts without question.

>> No.22166473

Blacls are too stupid and thoughtless to be philosophical, there's no philosophy in black Africa.

>> No.22166480

If it's just bait then why are you clearly so butthurt, shitskin? You're literally too stupid to follow the thread you dumb nigger. Nobody is saying there aren't black jazz musicians.

Whites are better though, and not jews. That lies more in the fusion realm. Blacks really just can't even compete when it comes to high level performance.

>> No.22166540
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White boys (goys) wish they could toot with the same kind of chutzpah that my mensch Benny did

>> No.22166617

berbers aren't white

>It isn't mental gymnastics that the extremely White Guanches are the original ethnic stock of the Berbers, or that Germanic "tribes" and other White civilisations controlled the region for a lot of history. And yes many semites are just mutt whites.
berbers and the guanche were brown according to modern genetics

>> No.22166636

>t. Adorno

>> No.22166677

Jazz is Italian

from the Original Dixieland Jazz Band wiki
>Sicilian influence
>Both LaRocca and Sbarbaro were children of immigrants from the Italian region of Sicily.[8] The Sicilian capital of Palermo had long held cotton and citrus fruit trade with New Orleans.[8] This resulted in the establishment of a direct shipping line between the two port cities which enabled a vast number of Sicilians to migrate to New Orleans, and other American cities, between the late 1800s and early 1900s.[8] With this migration, Sicilian sound was brought to New Orleans and integrated with regional African-American music.[8][9] The band would capitalize on this growing integration.[8]

>> No.22166750

I thought that as I read it too. You never see one that doesn’t speak about their race and they often relate everything they are focused on back to it. Also, it is socially acceptable and encouraged for black people to fixate on their race as an integral part of themselves.

>> No.22166752

>black people focusing on their race-bad
>white nationalism-good

>> No.22166893

I thought Ottobah Cugoano had some interesting stuff

>> No.22166950

Not what I said, but regardless I do think that race is an integral part of all people. Again, black people have the luxury of vocalizing that nowadays, unlike white people. I do think that black people can have a tendency to be obnoxious about bringing their race into matters that are unrelated though, but I am not opposed to the concept.

Black nationalism also becomes more objectionable to me when it is done by black people outside of their native countries. Their identity and recognition of it should be secondary to that of the local population. Of course in the United States it a bit of a different scenario, as black people have a long history within it and their ancestors chiefly being brought unwillingly there as slaves. I also correspondingly think that the racial identity of black people takes precedence over others within the countries they are native to.

>> No.22167095

>Usyk best boxer
I’m so sick of that kike bob arum’s Ukrainian meme fighters. He’s not even the best active fighter in his division right now

>> No.22167102

>best basketball player
Jokic (Aryan)
>best soccer player
Haaland (Aryan)
>best tennis player
Djokovic (Aryan)
>best baseball player
Othani (H. Aryan)
>best boxer
Usyk (Aryan)
>best football player
Mahomes (Half Aryan)

>> No.22167126
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Imagine throwing your genes away like that.
If you insist on miscegenation at least create high IQ female hapa beauties.
I know Sub-Saharan Africa has more genetic diversity than Europe, but most African blacks are West African descendant (with ~20% euro admixture). I have to imagine they are genetically quite similar.

>> No.22167284

Depends what you mean by "lift up". Letting a few become millionaires in order to maintain their libido materialist society is not lifting up in my book. Your complaint is that you are losing your spot as the main golem which is quite sad

>> No.22167404

There isn't any actual source that proves Zera didn't exist. It's just that the authorship of the Hatata was questioned. The only person who ever really questioned his existence was some random guy with no evidence. Your source says little on the actual existence of the man himself.

>Web Du Bois, obviously
>Fredrick Douglas
>A bunch of modern day philosophers you can just google, but ill mention Cornel West
>Frantz Fanon

>> No.22167867

Jazz is great

>> No.22167963
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Just recently at work I saw this gigachad black dude with a smoking hot blonde wife in a tight black dress. I was actually kinda jealous.

>> No.22168107

>Best Kickboxer
>Andrew Tate

>> No.22168110

Hi white supremacy, there's a thing called google. This is why you're a white supremacist btw.

>> No.22168192


>> No.22168337

Interesting perspective. I still can't get past that he believed in the "Illuminati" though, but I guess that's an inevitable carryover of early life in the hood. That uneducated-but-still-paranoiac-conspiratorial mindset that was so common in poor black and WT kids was always so irritating when I was in growing up in school, and even now it lingers on unfortunately.

>> No.22168371
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This. It's depressing.

>> No.22168393

Are there any black philosophers?
I can name intellectuals but philosophers no, I don't know any

>> No.22168401

>best soccer player
>Pele (Black)
Holy kek

>> No.22168406

For me, it's the philosopher Kwebwe Mbombo

>> No.22168699

There is no way anyone is listening to stuff like Mingus, Sun Ra, Miles Davis, etc. as "background music" Jazz isn't just Smooth Jazz

>> No.22168713

and david lane

>> No.22168777

Berbers originally were white/caucasoids, see the Guanches who split off from them thousands of years ago and remained isolated, you dumb nigger. They had red and blonde hair, were 6 feet tall or more, with Nordic facial structures. The spanish talk about how surprised they were to find white savages off the coast of north africa.

>> No.22168784

>berbers and the guanche were brown according to modern genetics
No they weren't. They would have had tanned skin but they were caucasoid, had coloured hair and eyes, and superior height and build like Germanics. They were cro-magnon (white people). Keep coping, foul mutt.

>> No.22168789

In general black people only focus on their race, and it's shit. White people never do that, and it's the best.

>> No.22168798

That's not at all what's going on you low IQ shitskin. Blacks can get into university with shitty grades, are given every advantage when it comes to hiring and education and government programs, scholarships, etc., the media favours them and portrays them positively when really they shouldn't when you look at the reality of things, the entire culture amd mainstream is anti-white and pro-black. Look at all the violent crime they commit and get away with. They shouldn't even
Be allowed to own guns. Jews do everything they can to undermine white identity while building a black identity out of nothing of value, when blacks deserve nothing.

>> No.22168803

How unfortunate

>> No.22168808

It's probably not even real, just some gay jewish magazine photoshoot to help shitskins cope with their genetic inferiority and innate ugliness

>> No.22168825


>> No.22168832

A black American’s life, experience and philosophy will be more strongly tied to his race than a third generation Irish American. Blacks are undoubtedly oppressed in the US, no matter what /pol/ wants to think, and there is a strong difference between white nationalism and black nationalism in the US. The latter are a minority and have had more hardships than any other ethnic group. White nationalism will always seen as coming from a position of power. Even if both are wrong, it is akin to saying kill all rich vs kill all poor. Again, both are bad but one will be more frowned upon. For a group that claims to hate the woe is me victimization that blacks do, /pol/ sure does a lot of it themselves

>> No.22169051

>Blacks are undoubtedly oppressed in the US
No more than any other group. Less so if you look at overarching trends. For example, they commit overwhelming amounts of brutal violence against innocent people but are always portrayed as victims by the media. The opposite is true with whites.

>> No.22169055

I am Eastern European and you seem to have IQ of a gorilla. You are so desperate to take some meager achievement from blacks, you fumble through a simple concept. Pathetic.

>> No.22169074

nigga if you dont believe in secret societies i dont know what to tell you

>> No.22169081
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nigga read more

>> No.22169095

So? They didn't invent it. The music came from lower class white music and had black musicians that played it, yet blacks attribute the whole thing to themselves like they always do. Cry more if the truth upsets you, maybe you should stop buying into mainstream tropes without a second though.

>> No.22169098

Whites didn’t integrate them into society well at all. They were literal slaves, which no other group can say. They were second class citizens until the 1970’s which no other group can say. Poor little /pol/tard crying “but we are the real oppressed. We are the real slaves having to work 9-5 for a corporation to make 50k. Life is tough. We are the real niggers”

>> No.22169104

Never heard of any either. But what are the chances that they were simply cut off of history? Just like Africa is the richest continent on the planet but US fags always killed and wage war on any MF that try to oppose them on anything lmao

>> No.22169120

>Whites didn’t integrate them into society well at all.
well they were freed against the will of the South, wtf did the North expect? That the South would just all of a sudden give a shit about blacks because the Yanks said so? Lincoln fucked that one up good.

>> No.22169129

The south defied the constitution. Either way, blacks weren’t integrated into society effectively. Simple as

>> No.22169183

no shit. i don't disagree. the whole thing was whiteys big time fuck up. they shoulda never brought niggers over in the first place. but since they did anyway what I'm sayin is how they did emancipation was even worse of a fuck up, they were basically like "go on! get! figure out white society yourself, and when you fuck up (as you inevitably will because you were purposely uneducated intellectually and morally) we gonna wrap that rope round ya neck boi". and now crows are coming to roost.

>> No.22169255

Yeah, identity politics and positive discrimination, other jewish tricks. And if you think any of those benefits blacks in the long run you're IQ is even lower, /pol/cel

>> No.22169472

It's nothing like any Eastern European folk music, apart from the general rhythm. Not agreeing with a popular narrative doesn't make you right, but it does make you a juvenile contrarean.

>> No.22169480

Post wasn't about expectations, but of how things went for blacks. /pol/tatds are truly a different breed of nigger

>> No.22169666

Jesus christ was black

>> No.22169680

Ronald Reagan was the devil

>> No.22169738

I'd read that. Why didn't he write it?

>> No.22169748


black philosophers attribute their philosophy to spiritual entities and are known as pai de santo and mãe de santo

>> No.22169766
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Ya can perceive reality POOF POOF as da crossroads POOF POOF da spirit or da ghost meets da clay figure POOF POOF

>> No.22169786

is every board just /pol/ now?

>> No.22169794

zippity doo da zippity ay
my oh my what a wonderful day

>> No.22169800

Yeah. It used to be that /pol/ was a subsection but now it’s the main draw and umbrella over the whole site. Unfortunately I don’t see the situation improving any time soon

>> No.22169809

Cormac McCarthy just died, have some respect

>> No.22169813

If you want to do a chicken or egg thing with blacks, fine. All I’m saying is whites did not help the situation and that blacks have really been behind the eightball in the USA. If /pol/cels want to think that blacks have it fine and dandy in the US, they are delusional

>> No.22169815

you cant be neutral on a moving train

>> No.22169850

we don't have trains in america

>> No.22169915

What does that even mean?

>> No.22169967

Eastern and southern European folk music has swing rhythm, that's literally where swing comes from. Niggers didn't make it up like they try to claim, it came from white folk music.

>> No.22169977

>Whites didn’t integrate them into society well at all
So? White people shouldn't have to be nigger babysitters. The problem is quite literally that blacks are too stupid and incompetent/clued out to have any responsibility, so naturally you'll blame white people instead. Every other race manages to come to america and do just. They work hard and get somewhere beyond the bottom.

>> No.22169981

>it's white people's fault that blacks are lazy stupid retatds that can't do anything

>> No.22169985

Their bottom wasn’t slavery

>> No.22169987

Blacks in the US are far better off than blacks in Africa you fucking idiot. They were slaves in Africa and had far worse matetial conditions.

>> No.22169988

you're either helping the jews or you're helping everyone else.

>> No.22170000

Yes it was, every ethnic group has been enslaved and still thrived. White people were killing and enslaving each other for thousands of years. Black slavery ended hundreds of years ago (thanks to white people once again) so that's just cope. Blacks are still enslaving each other today and you don't care about it nearly as much about this false narrative of slavery that happened hundreds of years ago. The fact is blacks can't seem to make any progress no matter how much money or affirmative action they're given, no matter which country. Other ethnic groups were basically slaves and they are doing fine. Blacks in the UK were never slaves but the violent crime rates are remarkably similar to US blacks. Really there is something biological going on, they are different at a genetic level. Whites have given them everything but they still whine and say it's our fault, and the anti-white jewish media pushes this false narrative as well, for the idiot cattle to buy in to.

>> No.22170001


>> No.22170015

>no argument
>mogged by my quads
The absolute state of afro-simians

>> No.22170022
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>> No.22170032

This. Niggers have it made in the USA and I would trade places with them if I could. Only trannies don’t see the benefits of being a nigger here

>> No.22170033

But Lithuanians are African. Look at the shape of their country and the color of their flag.

>> No.22170044

Ethiopia has its own theological tradition. Nobody cares enough to translate it into English, however, unless they can make something politically motivated out of it (that polyamorous lesbian nun saint hoax, claiming Zera Yacob was the real inventor of the enlightenment, and so on)

>> No.22170047
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Humans are originally from Sub-Saharan Africa, where the climate is warm all year, resulting in being ABLE TO HUNT FOR FOOD ALL YEAR; There is no winter.

The ones that stayed here, in Sub-Saharan Africa, are blacks.

The ones that migrated North experienced winter, where hunting all year is not practical.
They either had to THINK LONG-TERM to save food for the winter, OR DIE. The result is that those that left Africa were FORCED to evolve for LONG-TERM THINKING.
Further, because they were not in the sun as much, they evolved to absorb vitamin-D faster, by whitening the skin. These are WHITES.

>Are there any black philosophers? Like literally any?
Very few, because their sub-species did not evolve for intelligence, but rather for chasing & hunting gazelles.
Before Europeans returned to Sub-Saharan Africa, they were literally still in the stone age.

>> No.22170066

>Humans are originally from Sub-Saharan Africa
No they didn't. Out of Africa is a trash theory, the only reason it's still around is for blacks to cope.

Subsaharans get up to 1/5th of their genome from a "superarchaic" simian hominid that isn't in the fossil record that no other racial group has. If we all came from subsaharans originally why don't any other humans this "superarchaic" simian ancestor like subsaharans? also there are loads of hominid remains found all over the world that predate out of africa by hundreds of thousands or even millions of years. OOA is garbage, only literal retards in shit-tier academic fields who believe everything their thoughtless professor tells them without question believe in it still. The only reason it's still around is because of political correctness.

>> No.22170091

They have the same bpm, hence they are the same, bravó, /pol/tards, this one goes to the collection.
You are literally repeating someone retarded take. Do you even have an idea how wide of a category is "Eastern European" ? Yet you managed to mix Southern Europe into it.

>> No.22170113

>Out of Africa is a trash theory
What alternative do you believe?

>In paleoanthropology, the recent African origin of modern humans is the dominant model of the geographic origin and early migration of anatomically modern humans (Homo sapiens).
>In the 2010s, studies in population genetics uncovered evidence of interbreeding that occurred between H. sapiens and archaic humans in Eurasia, Oceania and Africa indicating that modern population groups, while mostly derived from early H. sapiens, are to a lesser extent also descended from regional variants of archaic humans.
>The bipedal australopithecines (a genus of the subtribe Hominina) evolve in the savannas of Africa being hunted by Megantereon. Loss of body hair occurs from 3 to 2 Ma, in parallel with the development of full bipedalism and slight enlargement of the brain.
>Early Homo appears in East Africa

>> No.22170114

It has nothing to do with bpm you halfwit, it has to do with the swing rhythm, which is from European folk music (Eastern, and someone else also pointed out Italian/southern which I didn't know), not blacks, which is something not many people know. In fact just mentioning it seems to cause NPCs to meltdown and cry about /pol/, since we're supposedly robbing blacks of one of the very few things they invented, but really it is another lie.
It's right here in the first track i looked up. Keep simping for black retards who are the scourge of every society that tries to integrate them, you naive mindslave.

>> No.22170118

If you hate blacks so much, why don’t you go out and kill some?

>> No.22170126

More like niggers aren’t mentally capable of understanding what universal truth is much less being willing to pursue it.

>> No.22170129

I don't hate them, also black individuals aren't necessarily the same as the collective. I just hate the lies perpetuated by the "system" and have disdain for the collective.

>> No.22170132

If you hate Jews so much, why don’t you go out and kill some?

>> No.22170142
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Now we're talking

>> No.22170166

It sounds nothing like swing you fucking ape. You talking about mind slavery, yet you are a most loyal slave to your pity hatred of niggers. You hate them so much, you beginning to see things that aren't there, and just a thought of admitting achievement of a nigger shatters your ego.

>> No.22170184
File: 125 KB, 806x1007, 11C46102-C927-4621-BE6B-B5C5F832511F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you are a most loyal slave to your pity hatred of niggers
Last I recall, it was them, not us, that were slaves.

>> No.22170191

Wow! This sounds exactly like Duke Ellington, the way they... play instruments and make sound... it's literally just like jazz...

>> No.22170365

Jews invented basketball though, that's why they love it

>> No.22170469

OK America to this day oppresses blacks and has poorly integrated them that's why they're violent stupid etc.
Now do Brazil, Haiti, UK, South Africa, Liberia, Ethiopia, Nigeria, Zimbabwe.

>> No.22170482


>> No.22170556
File: 3.63 MB, 1280x720, 0495684580968.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ehtiopia was not colonized. Haiti has been free for 200 years. Similarly with Liberia. Even if your response was ironic which it probably was, it funny some will genuinely believe that

>> No.22170565

Rather than asking foolish questions about blacks to a site full of racists, try actually meeting some black university students or professors and talking. Crazy thought, right!? Haha...

>> No.22171060

He asked for philosophers

>> No.22171355

highest levels of narcissism among all races as a genetic predisposition

>> No.22171560


>> No.22171879

Being enslaved and shipped of to America was literally the best thing that ever happened to niggers, you fucking moron.

>> No.22172257

Is this actually true?

>> No.22172629

>It sounds nothing like swing you fucking ape.
Kek that is literally a swing rhythm you boneheaded shitskinned primate, i thought niggers had rhythm? I guess that's just another lie to help them cope with not having invented anything.

It's not meant to be just like jazz you nigger halfwit, I'm showing where swing comes from. Learn to read, i know its hard for you dark pube-haired, puck-lipped simians. Niggers didn't invent anything about jazz. It all came from whites.

>> No.22172632

Other colonial countries are thriving. Colonialism brought material prosperity of all those countries up, you dumb child.

>> No.22172637

I have and they were all stupid pseudo-intellectuals who it was painfully cringe to be around. Blacks are retards, the "racists" (stupid fake word) are correct.

>> No.22172643

Just look at the way they behave. Everything is about them, nothing is ever their fault, someone else is always to blame. It is obviously true.

>> No.22172751
