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22160853 No.22160853 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.22160865

He looks like he’s at least 40.

>> No.22160872

Stopped reading the moment the word 'dick' appeared. Sex isn't funny anymore, cringe boomer ass retard and his dumb ass podcast can suck a fat one.

>> No.22160878

That's what 30 year olds looked like before zoomers started drinking the water that lowers your T.

>> No.22160931

reads like it was written by a gay chinese man

>> No.22160955

i can’t pinpoint why i hate him so much. and i literally listened to cum town before it had even ten episodes before anyone knew about it and hated it even then

>> No.22161001

>Anyways. I’m going to the batting cages today. There’s hip Brooklyn fathers there, with their hip Brooklyn sons, and they don’t seem to be much happier.
This is the part Nick misses. They actually are happy. I'm not saying he needs to have kids to be happy, but there is redemption in earnest forms of life, and he rejects them too completely.

>> No.22161025

I think it's poignant and funny.

>> No.22161060

Is he the guy from Cumtown?

>> No.22161089

I'm turning 30 this year and I'm terrified

>> No.22161093

Of what?

>> No.22161172

I've often felt the same thing like if you haven't made it by 30, you're somehow doomed to mediocrity.
And no more room left to fuck around now that you're twenties are gone, you're supposed to be a serious adult.
Youth is gone and you can see the horizon of what will be the rest of your life.
I guess at least hopefully by then I will have saved some money. That's the only silver lining I can see to getting older.

>> No.22161176

This is true though Sam Hyde was right

>> No.22161180


>> No.22161208

Why are Millennials so afraid to grow older

I'm 25 and nothing has changed, I look exactly like my high school pictures and act identical too

Never did drugs, still don't drink, barely go outside, still watch and enjoy the same stuff from when I was a kid

See, that's the issue. Gen X had it worse but Millennials do this thing too:

You start off immature, then you try to reinvent yourself. So when the plan inevitably fails you look more pathetic crawling back to your childhood

The irony is that nothing is wrong with never growing up or being a "serious adult" >>22161172 because it's all smoke and mirrors

Mom likes to burp a lot and her music taste hasn't progressed beyond 80s one-hit wonders

Dad's entire personality still revolves around Star Wars and die-cast model cars

Unless you have delusions of grandeur and envision yourself as being something greater than who you are *right now* in the moment, you're fine

>But the big three-oh, mannnn...

What of it? Youth is a spook, mirth is what really matters above all else, and even that is fleeting

>> No.22161230

>reddit spacing

>> No.22161264

Your brain loses plasticity

>> No.22161267

>and act identical too
You should not be bragging about that.
He is a phone poster, get over it.

>> No.22161270

That is not aging, that is complacency.

>> No.22161272

>Never did drugs, still don't drink, barely go outside, still watch and enjoy the same stuff from when I was a kid
What I'm getting from this post is that you are a stunted man-child who never leaves his room.
You don't have to leave behind all the things you liked as a kid, but regardless there's a real societal expectation that by 30 you will have done something with your life. And that you are beyond the age of partying, and wasting time which the twenties are considered.
You can cope and tell yourself it doesn't matter what others think, but it does. You no longer have the protection of youth.
For example, a twenty year old living with his parents is fine. But a thirty year old and you'll start to wonder what's wrong with him.
I'm not a millenial I'm 23 but can still recognize this. Maybe my perspective will have changed once I reach thirty, but even now the pressure somehow feels greater with just a few years than it was when I was an itty bitty freshman who didn't know what he wanted to do.
And you look at some 18 year old fresh out of high school with their unbridled, naive sense of optimism with some jealousy, that you can never again regain the naivety of youth.

>> No.22161274


>> No.22161277

This is not confirmed, and the actual decline in plasticity doesn't become truly noticable until you reach middle age. I continue to believe that the real cause of this supposed loss in neuroplasticity is the loss of enthusiasm caused by the increasing amount of responsibilites we attain throughout our life.

>> No.22161284

Relax, man. Age is arbitrary if you're living right and you have an OK life. Don't stress too much over it or you won't be able to age gracefully. Accept the change with dignity and peace, as much as you can. Keep in mind the guy telling you this is 27 and still lives with his parents but that shouldn't mean anything.

>> No.22161288
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>> No.22161297

It is clickbait lazy journalism that says age is the cause, medicine almost completely agrees that it is the lack of using your brain and exposing it to new things which causes the loss. Most people fall into a mental rut shortly after they leave school.

>> No.22161310

>What I'm getting from this post is that you are a stunted man-child who never leaves his room.
And you're mean and a dick. Anon's post describes a sort of calmness and a coming to terms with life. But you're just a 23 year old still not past his arrogant phrase.

>> No.22161311

Yes, that sounds more reasonable. I will say, however, that this is one of those cases where believing that you can improve and learn new skills at any age is far more useful than believing you can't. Even if there was an age-related decline, I would continue to try to improve in spite of that. Though 4chan is a place full of people seeking for excuses to continue to be failures.

>> No.22161320

I find him very likable.

>> No.22161323

He has the same cadence as Sam Kriss prose.

>> No.22161344

Being a modern comedian seems like a terrible fate. Many of them hold to a form of distanced cynicism that shackles them to unhappiness. To even ask for exuberant silly comedy today, is to somehow out yourself as too immature to accept mundanity. Yet, who truly wants to sit before a stage and encounter the mundane? There is a reason that humanity's earliest storeis were fantastical. This entire piece sweats that desperation through its pores, and I hope that we see less and less of these kinds of doomer millenial socialists as the the years go by. To risk sounding a little precious: where are the Rabelaises or Sternes of today? Where are the Chaucer's. If literature isn't there thing, take a leaf out of Billy Connolly's book or even observe Jim Carey's early stand up. Entertainment has no need to make us 'face tough realities', as all that usually results in is an intesnely myopic and denuded worldview.

>> No.22161350

>a sort of calmness and a coming to terms with life.
A 25 year old who never goes outside and says he is exactly the same as he was in high school. Yup, that's a loser. I know a fuck up when I see one cause I am one.
Tell yourself what you want, I was just being real with him. He sounds like a child.
Man is bragging about being the same as he was in high school and never going outside at 25. That's not something I'd be proud about.

>> No.22161379

I see what you are saying but I disagree. Personally, I have had a baby this year, taken on a new job, and over the last 2 years have had 3 items published in journals. In my day to day, these goals and small pursuits aren't that exciting, but they are my own small fields that I challenge myself in day to day. It's a good feeling. It is not standing still. But it is not like a blockbuster movie either. I also feel a calmness and coming to terms with life.

>> No.22161389

>Noooo you can't be the same person you were in middle school you need to uhhh... Learn a trade and worry about political affiliations!!!
I'm good.

>> No.22161390

The only thing that changes is you start to fail like a failure and over-analyze your past because you passed a mile marker. If you’re lucky, you’ll know approximately what you want to do with your life when you’re about 30 but you’ll feel like a failure because you weren’t making serious progress toward that already.

>> No.22161391

He'd have a point if he wasn't a NEET shut-in. If you become a totally different person after highschool, or college, or any event, you were either severely fucked up or have gotten severely fucked up. Rather, you should become a better version of who you were. I'm the same person that I was when I left highschool, but I have become a far better man than I was.

>> No.22161393

From my perspective, single 30 year olds living with parents is more or less normal now. People just can’t afford rents on their own.

>> No.22161396

>Muh zoomers
Fucking obsessed.

>> No.22161397

I think a lot of people come to want things from their lives but feel like they can’t have that because they came to it too late.

>> No.22161399

isn't this dude like 4'8?

>> No.22161406

Sure I agree with that. Although if you were a turbo beta fag you should probably make some radical changes.

>> No.22161414

There isn't a clearcut relationship between testosterone and height.

>> No.22161420

I'm everything i was in high school but worse lol. Even more anti-social and reclusive, but I've lost that care free sensability and silliness I had when I was younger.
When I look back on myself I've never felt continuity, but like im looking on another person even when the individual details haven't changed all that dramatically. Like I'm looking from with-out at a different model of the same product except the new editions are worse and worse, slightly progressively more used..
I don't know I guess aging is different from person to person, but I feel like some break from your past or loss of innocence is all part of the process.

>> No.22161423

He needs to read Pynchon. Some guy known for talking about conspiracy theories widely accepted before they were so, did racist impressions and gay song parodies describes both of them extremely well

>> No.22161428

When did I say I was a NEET? You can be a shut-in and still make a living.

>> No.22161452

Very true.

>> No.22161453

Life goes on. It just goes faster.

t. 37

>> No.22161559

He has the frame of a child. It's not even just his height.

>> No.22161575

Stop replying to me please.

>> No.22161582

Can you reddit niggers just stop your protest shit and go back?

>> No.22161591

Hi Nick. You look like a 15 year old.

>> No.22161618

/lit/-ecelebs and bait threads

>> No.22161620

I thought I looked 40?

>> No.22161627

He doesn't really though, does he?

>> No.22161703

I wouldn't have guessed Nick can write in fluent prose. His self awareness on the other hand is expected and commendable.

>> No.22161817
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Store up treasures in heaven.

>> No.22162261


>> No.22162266

I think he's funny when he's in good moods, but his neurotic behavior reminds me of a woman, what he chooses to argue and get upset over when he's in a bad mood is so obnoxious

>> No.22162381

schizoid thoughts can be cured by getting a job, a gf, turning off your computer and quitting drugs

>> No.22162400

>childless repressed homosexual having a breakdown over being old
It's like I'm seeing my future.

>> No.22162411
File: 45 KB, 200x160, 1661127243405624.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 36 years old

I literally do not mind. Hell, if anything in the last two years or so my life has been looking up. I have good genes and have not fucked myself up. I actually take pretty good care of myself. My writing is taking off, I am on the verge of getting my MA, I feel like things are going somewhere in my life. And my relationship to Christ and the Church is a great source of strength and goodness in my life.

So, well, I don't have a problem being my age. If Mullen does maybe that's a reflection of a regret he feels with how he has spent his time.

>> No.22162428

I don’t get why this dude is so woe-is-me. Dude probably makes 200k a year from the podcast and other bullshit businesses he has. Yeah he used to be a druggie and still is but he makes good money and is conventionally attractive even if he might be 5’7 or whatever. What’s this dudes problem. Does he realize that there’s plenty of people who are 30 pulling in 80k a year if they’re lucky?

>> No.22162461

>suck a fat one

>> No.22162466

he probably has some complex about not achieving success from what he spent 10 years actually working on, putting his best foot forward and really making an effort, and then getting unfathomably rich doing the opposite.

I'd definitely be happy if I never had to work again though.

>> No.22162735

Wish I could afford some nose candy.

>> No.22162760

I wasn't trying to be funny bruh.

>> No.22162793


>> No.22162794

It's over bro.