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22159457 No.22159457 [Reply] [Original]

>On June 13, 2023, Cormac McCarthy was found in his house in Santa Fe, Mexico. He was 89 years old. An autopsy revealed that McCarthy had died of an overdose of heroin and grape Mad Dog 20/20, a combination called a Milwaukee Compromise. The lethal combination caused enormous gas pressure to build up in the intestines, blocked by years of heroin and Mad Dog poop, nearly 11 lbs coroners estimate. The stinky poop blockage forced noxious gas to blow out McCarthy’s ears like steam whistles. When McCarthy blocked his ears the fart steam rushed into his lungs and tasted like fart poop so bad he coughed his eyeballs out of his head. When he saw his scary popped out eyeballs he laughed so hard that it gave him a heart attack, and he died. Upon death the 11 lbs of heroin and Mad Dog poop slid out of his butt onto the floor, the heroin and Mad Dog poop ball was roughly the size and shape of a baby. The coroner’s report claims “it stunk real bad”.

>> No.22159610
