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/lit/ - Literature

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22158084 No.22158084 [Reply] [Original]

Do you consider manga as literature? When you finish graphic novels, do you count it as finishing a book, like for a 52-book goal in a year? I find Rurouni Kenshin to be better than the Musashi novel in many aspects.

>> No.22158090

No. They're a different medium.

>> No.22158107
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Even though you could be read the most based thought provking manga, that clearly has more value then YA fiction.
It's a different medium. The only exception might be a light novel.

>> No.22158121
File: 1.47 MB, 1253x1316, berserkfanboys.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Illiterate zoomers will never choose to read a book in their life and then read some derivative trash like berserk and think it invented the very concepts it plagiarises

>> No.22158133

Berserk fans like it for the "concepts it invented"? I've never seen that. I've seen a lot of resentful posts like yours though, Sneed.

>> No.22158143

No, berserk fans are cringey teenagers LARPing as guts who think miura invented dark fantasy instead of ripping it off greater western creators
Fuck off berserkid

>> No.22158156

Cope, seethe, chafe, dilate, and fumigate. You're going to be bitter and sneedful about this for the rest of your life. It's about time you got used to it.

>> No.22158159

Manga/comics are more similar to film than to literature. That's why all the best manga/comics (Lone Wolf and Cub, Usagi Yojimbo, et cetera) use minimal words and try to tell the story through drawings, with similar kinetic motion to films or paintings. Otherwise a novel or short story would be more suitable. They are undoubtedly their own thing, and you will see their history is much more related to painting, etchings and graphic design/illustration than literature.

>> No.22158161
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You will always be a plagiaristic hack addicted to low IQ nipslop media

>> No.22158163

my opinion: https://voca.ro/1bpbwg1TsP5t

>> No.22158179

>You will always be a plagiaristic hack
I thought it was the Japanese people plagiarizing. I do too? I hope you're ESL, I really do. Or maybe it's the hormones that have finally aphasiad your brain. I hope your dilations go well tonight, Sneed.

>> No.22158187

If it's well written sure, but 99% of manga these days are fanservice of teenage girls. Finding new manga like Monster and Parasyte is like finding a needle in a haystack, almost impossible.

>> No.22158198

It is a completely different art form. Like both literature and film involve writing, manga involves writing, design, and visual artistry. The aesthetic experience of reading manga is not like reading literature because with manga you have a wider range of artistic choices to consider. It is actually far more complex than writing literature, and if some great authors were to start writing manga, I bet we’d be better off.

>> No.22158225

NTA, but had to take a moment to say what a malding burger retard you are. Everyone knows Japan adopted western materialism and culture after WW2, but their idiosyncracies still manage to shine through in a way that makes their contributions distinct. Just the medium of manga itself is an achievement in visual storytelling technique which would not exist without the Japanese sensibilities putting the more simplistic comic book format into overdrive.

Imagine making it your life mission to seethe indiscriminately at any manga thread after getting bullied by r/Berserk zoomers for not getting your pulp fiction references.

>> No.22158240
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Seethe more tranime faggot
>Everyone knows Japan adopted western materialism and culture after WW2, but their idiosyncracies still manage to shine through in a way that makes their contributions distinct
No it doesn't
>muh miyazaki
Literally just european myths and culture
>muh nip fantasy
just D&D
>Just the medium of manga itself is an achievement in visual storytelling technique which would not exist without the Japanese sensibilities putting the more simplistic comic book format into overdrive.
No it isn't
Franco Belgian comics mog manga in every single way but weaboos will never read them
Which is why nips had to plagiarise moebius for example
Why is why nips have to plagiarise every single western thing
Seriously why the fuck are you weeb retards like this? You'll point to a shitty chinese knock-off of something and laugh but then when nips do it you'll call it "based" and say it's "distinct"
Mental illness

>> No.22158271

As long as people keep parading the meme top ten lists, I'm calling other mediums literature for being able to tell far more intricately woven and interesting stories. Some of them are also heavily inspired by classic literature and may incorporate it literally, so that helps.
>soijack posts right off the bat
>overreacting with hostility through generic replies
>look I read words in books I am le smart!
Such brilliance. Anyways the Japanese have a history of eclecticism long before the Heian period. This isn't a bad thing but rather impressive that it didn't corrupt them poison and trojan horses. It's why Japs are incredible at harmony, synthesis, and synchronization.

You're bitching more about influences though, but Elric is no different in that regard that they both looked for inspiration to the northwards in Europe. Innovation and art is derivative no shit. What's next you're going to shit your pants because Miura did homages to M.C. Escher's woodcutting style?

>> No.22158294

It's literally not literature by definition so no on that.
Doesn't mean it isn't good though.
I mean paintings also aren't literature but it too is a great artform.

Also when I set goals I am more specific on what qualifies as progress and what exactly the goal means in context.
So while they are books I probably wouldn't consider it counting towards a goal of reading a certain amount of books.
Otherwise one could in theory grab a bunch of floppies and magazines then be done with it in a afternoon.

>> No.22158310

>Pathological hatred of anything Japanese seeping through his fat pores and dripping onto the keyboard as he types the word "nip" for the 5th time in the same sentence.
>Has a dedicated seething folder he's been building for a concerning amount of time full of nitpicky side by sides of western and Japanese media to drip feed his confirmation bias a day longer.
And he pins mental illness on others, lmao.

Literally take a shower (no, seriously, you stink) and admit to yourself that any good creative work is a derivative of other good creative works on top of which it builds. Both Frazetta and Moebius and any other western artist you would consider superior and infinitely more original borderline "plagiarized" many others before them and all have "plagiarized" Shakespeare and the Greeks.

>> No.22158320

As someone who reads books and manga, no.

Also, manga is way inferior to books in every regard. There are some worthwhile manga, but I feel like most manga are full of tropes and, at least in my opinion, manga authors have a very difficult time with writing endings and wrapping up stories without falling into shipping or fan service.

I also feel like you can't exactly get inside the head and mind of a character like you can in a book, so most of the character arcs feel rushed or just a ploy to move the plot.

>> No.22158339
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>Such brilliance. Anyways the Japanese have a history of eclecticism long before the Heian period. This isn't a bad thing but rather impressive that it didn't corrupt them poison and trojan horses. It's why Japs are incredible at harmony, synthesis, and synchronization.
They have a history of stealing
>What's next you're going to shit your pants because Miura did homages to M.C. Escher's woodcutting style?
I'll make fun of berserkids for pretending miuras art is the greatest thing ever and ignoring escher, bosch and dore
I have a life, unlike berserkids who talk about how guts is JUST LIKE ME
I have taste in what i consume unlike mentally ill weebs who think anything the japs plagiarise is good
>Both Frazetta and Moebius and any other western artist you would consider superior and infinitely more original borderline "plagiarized" many others before them and all have "plagiarized" Shakespeare and the Greeks.
The difference is that nobody pretends western artists are these unique and amazing unlike mentally ill weebs like you who praise everything nips do
I've seen mentally ill berserkids like yourself who unironically think that Miura is the greatest artist to ever exist and that his manga panels should be on museum walls
Complete mental illness

>> No.22158361

Come on man, your better than that.

>> No.22158391

>d-does it count???
Fuck off to plebbit.