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/lit/ - Literature

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22155713 No.22155713 [Reply] [Original]

Finally, after seemingly endless decades of waiting, America can celebrate the death of Cormac McCarthy, the worst novelist ever.

McCarthy was known for such repulsive hack tripe as “Blood Meridian” and “The Road.” Along with edgy and predictable shock shlock, he also wrote kiddie romance novels.

Born to an Irish Catholic family, McCarthy, like many of his ilk, joined the Jews to help them destroy everything. Reading a Cormac McCarthy novel is humiliating and brings deep shame on a person. As you read the foul and unnatural arrangement of words, you feel as though McCarthy might as well have just broken into your house at night and pissed in your face while you’re sleeping.

Everything he wrote was utter garbage. It was sold to stupid peasants because it was simplistically written and filled with titillating scenes of violence and depravity.

For example, in “The Road,” you have a post-apocalypse scene where a father and son are traveling. At one point, they are hiding in a ditch from roving rapist cannibals, and the father holds a gun in his son’s mouth, telling him to pull the trigger if anyone sees him.

The underlying message of his work is that everything is completely meaningless – except kiddie style romantic love (i.e., sexual infatuation).

>> No.22155714

Why would such work exist? We are supposed to believe this man was some kind of genius because he was depraved? Are we to believe that the great writers of history couldn’t have written such disgusting scenes, if they had lacked all morals?

I will tell you this: virtually anyone with a sick mind and fifth grade writing skills could have written this gross, saccharine, self-indulgent, and above all repetitive prose. When you look at the “edgy” syntax, you are reaching below the fifth grade level. Any moron with a thesaurus can write broken sentences without correct punctuation. Mixing transgressive imagery with an assault on the written language, and underwriting it with themes of nihilism and blasphemy, should have been viewed as an abomination, an affront to God and man. Yet this worm was given awards, and he was given a top place in the literary hierarchy by the odious Jew Harold Bloom and his cult.

McCarthy was handsome as a young man, which no doubt played a role in his success, which was largely among women. However, if you were to see his soul – as Satan is now seeing it in Hell – it would look ratlike, like the startling visage of Bloom. The people who work in this Jewish system, perpetuating the Jews’ agenda, take on the radical Jewish spirit, and it swallows their humanity.

>> No.22155718

If you are an educated man looking at his body of work, you realize that he never learned basic sentence structure. He leaned on “stylistics” in the same way we are supposed to believe abstract artists are real artists that only choose to create works that look like they were produced by children because they are so smart. It was truly an “emperor has no clothes” situation, where a dim-witted pervert is writing like a child and everyone was looking around at each other, seeing if anyone else noticed that this “celebrated” work was absurdly, uniquely primitive.

The one thing that McCarthy spawned that was potentially worthwhile was the Coen Brothers’ film adaptation of “No Country for Old Men.” This was also likely McCarthy’s best novel, though it was still garbage, featuring crime novel tropes that were largely pulled whole cloth from Elmore Leonard and then made more gross. The Coen Brothers film was so cinematically stylistic, however, that the source material was virtually irrelevant. There are thousands of crime novels – two dozen from Leonard alone – that could have served as the jumping off point for the same film.

In some ways, McCarthy was the logical end point of American literature, following William Faulkner and Ernest Hemingway. These are complete hacks, one after the other. Of course, after McCarthy, there was no lower you could fall, so popular literature has largely simply ended.

In the wake of his death at home in Mexico at the age of 89, the Jewish American media is celebrating McCarthy as one of the greatest American novelists. Some of these people are calling him the single greatest of all. This should not surprise anyone.

The reality is that most of the greatest novelists were Russian. Moby Dick is the only American novel that compares with the Russian greats. There are no good modern novelists, except for Michel Houellebecq. The problem is, there is no meaning to life anymore, so there is nothing really to write about.

What I will say of the dead bastard and fiend McCarthy is this: he certainly embodied the spirit of the age.


>> No.22155845

Agreed. I've never read any of McCarthy's books but all the shilling made me decide to never read any of his books. "This is a great book because the world is... um... le bad..." Ok, Hitler. I'm going to pass on this filth.

>> No.22155869


>> No.22155900

Cormacbros, are you going to let this chud just get away with this?

>> No.22155913

why would you fight someone this pathetic, let him think what he wants, who cares about him

>> No.22155917

It is a fuckin Hollywood writer for God's sake. He is, unironically, an American writer. Of course his writing is ridiculous. We are talking the lowest of the low "literature", that appeals to the current, average American JimJim, aka the one of the most stupid, uncultured populations of the planet. We've got to endure these "discussions" about his books, but the commentary is so superficial and childish as to leave anyone else speechless. American illiterates will literally call you a faggot or something. Let this ridiculous "writer" be. RIP

>> No.22155918

Stormfags can't into art. What else is new?

>> No.22155923


>> No.22155945

>Yet this worm was given awards, and he was given a top place in the literary hierarchy by the odious Jew Harold Bloom and his cult.
Funny he should mention the late Bloom, who was one of the staunch defenders of aesthetic beauty as the primary importance of art, as well as a champion of continuing to read "dead white males" (not because they are dead, or white, or males, but because the western canon is filled with works of enduring beauty).

And for what it's worth I don't believe Bloom was anywhere near as appreciative of The Road as he was Blood Meridian, a novel conspicuously unexamined in this article.

>> No.22155954

Yeah, fucking Harold Bloom LMAO

>> No.22156001

> There are no good modern novelists, except for Michel Houellebecq
> Mixing transgressive imagery with an assault on the written language, and underwriting it with themes of nihilism and blasphemy, should have been viewed as an abomination, an affront to God and man.
How does he hold these opinions simultaneously? Lol. Someone didn’t read Houellebecq. In many ways Houellebecq actually fits that description better than Memecarthy. He writes extremely simply and all of his books are marked by defeatist hedonism. There’s a pedophile in like half of his books as a side character. I guess we should consider it a feat of his intelligence that he could even stomach 10 pages of something postmodern (surely anathema to him) to write an ostensible review of someone who achieved what he never could dream of which just seems to be more “le Jooz r bad!” than actually focused on a critical examination of his work.

>> No.22156016

In serotonin the main characters partner gets fucked by a dog.
Yet here he's appalled by a scene where someone would rather die than be captured by a gang of maniacs.

Anglin can come across as sane in some writings but I have listened to the first the episodes of his podcast with Paul Town.
He came across as completely unhinged. And I'm someone who likes transgressive people.

>> No.22156050

>posting your bizarre screed about jews on unz.com
The call is coming from inside the house wignat

>> No.22156096

Christ, the comment section attached to that article makes nu-/lit/ look good in comparison.

>> No.22156123

i thought the point of the road was the father and son's enduring love in the worst possible situations. it actually has a very pure and noble theme

>> No.22156218

Kill yourself tranny

>> No.22156236

So, it begins

>> No.22156248

Once the cock is cut, it's over.

>> No.22156249


>> No.22156274


>> No.22156313


>> No.22156339

The violence he depicted was ridiculous, and surpassed by previous authors. You know, real authors

>> No.22156343

>Yeah what authors faggot
It is all so tiresome

>> No.22156346
File: 297 KB, 2003x1127, bald fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Behold...the master race!

>> No.22156350

Kek. I agree. I don't want to read depressing nihilistic shit about rapist cannibals.

>> No.22156361

Lel even McSatan didn't believe in art.
>Of all of his interests, McCarthy stated, "Writing is way, way down at the bottom of the list."

>> No.22156370

Sorry, Andrew. You must be THIS tall to ride this ride.

>> No.22156397

>(retard) contrarian (cognitively dissonant) moral fag continues to think he's edgy

>> No.22156416


>Jews, Jews , Jews , Jews

What has this fag written? I am not even American or English and I was impressed by Mcarthys writting style and language in several of his books. Everyone is a critic but few can actually imagine and create.

>> No.22156432

So, it continues

>> No.22156436

Wouldn't be surprised if this bald cunt is actually ITT trying to boost his "piece". Jew-hatin' aside, it reads like Cracked.com rejected it.

>> No.22156459

No one worth impressing will mistake your contrarianism for intellect. Only weak strangers and perhaps your parents will be shocked by your "edginess." Only your fellow retards will think you have any standing when it comes to being a moralfag. You will continue to stew in your own resentment and never develop into anything worthy of real attention let alone respect. You're likely ready for a sad pathetic existence because it seems you've been preparing for it your whole life.

>> No.22156465

Very impressive copypasta, amerinom. Impressive. Well done yawn. A clownish Hollywood POS comic that's what he is. Deal with it

>> No.22156486

Cool contrarian hot take, edgelord. You forgot to moralfag.

>> No.22156495

He will be remembered a little bit, of course. Specially by the covers of his books, featuring the latest hot celebrities

>> No.22156502

>you faggot
It gets so tiresome, so quickly

>> No.22156520

Why are MacDonald's fans always the bottom of the barrel scum? Have they got no shame?

>> No.22156521

Dude just watched the wendigoon video

>> No.22156527

>Specially by the covers of his books, featuring the latest hot celebrities
Wow, your social criticism is really impressive. It must have taken a lot of study for you to be able to read into things so deeply.
>It gets so tiresome, so quickly
Yeah, being an edgelord contrarian must be really tough. All that regurgitating in hope you'll shock someone. At least you don't have any friends, let alone a girlfriend, to bother you. Get some rest.

>> No.22156541
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>> No.22156547


>> No.22156549

>you'll shock someone
>shock someone
Lol. Lmfao even.

You plainly don't what shock is, you trannyland Disneyfaggot queer. Surely you realised your pet Hollywood scriptmaker of the week has not the credencials to pass. It is a fail, unfortunately. Fear not, however. There will soon rise another dimwit to take his place on the tele. This is the 3rd grade response you deserve, you misbehaving child. Why don't you insult some more, huh

>> No.22156557

Imagine living to seethe. Unironically sad for stormfags

>> No.22156564

Yeah, imajin being a manchild McDonald fan LMFAO

>> No.22156570

That's where it's at LOL

>> No.22156583

this guy is a pedophile

>> No.22156595

Granting that some actions are evil, do the moralists think that evil should not be depicted in literature? If so, literature is reduced to an out of touch portrayal of life without conflict and pain that isn't relatable to anyone.
Some people might find portrayals of violence and suffering disturbing, but that does not in the least reflect badly on the quality of the book and only shows that more sensitive souls would be better off not reading such books.
It's also interesting that these criticisms often come from a religious angle, portrayals of evil being seen as nihilistic. In a world ruled by divine providence such acts can never occur.

>> No.22156620

>This is the 3rd grade response you deserve
Self-handicapping won't trick anyone. We already know you're an edgelord contrarian retard who spergs about le Hollywood as if it's a hot take.

>> No.22156625

You fuckin McDonald tranny central eject you don't even know how clueless, how ridiculously dumb you sound. Violence has been depicted in literature for thousands of years. Thousands of years, my poor child. Baby rapes, beheadings, merciless women killing, whatever. This doesn't "shock" no one, my poor naive boy. It is what is behind the violence, the thoughts, only those can "shock" someone, to use your 3rd grade burger tongue. The presentation. It matters. Now find your next McDonald or embarass yourself some more itt

>> No.22156639
File: 99 KB, 1259x618, manlet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NTA, kek.

>> No.22156642


>> No.22156651

BTFO lol

>> No.22156664

So portraying violence is fine, but portraying the thoughts behind the violence is bad. Explain why.

>> No.22156671

No explanation available for sheltered, naive McDonalds fanboy children sorry

>> No.22156675

You don't even know how to read lol

>> No.22156684
File: 23 KB, 720x528, too big.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Awwwww, wook at him. He can't even fill out his big boy suit.

>> No.22156689

Where the fuck did he say that, boy???? Are you playing us? Are you just shitting out of your fingers MACDONALDS INDEED

>> No.22156692

A child. A poor child. You were better when you plainly screamed "faggot" and "tranny" and other stuff of your level

>> No.22156700
File: 45 KB, 408x335, manlett.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>too short for the teacups
>seethes at Disney

>> No.22156707

That's some of the greatest literary arguments in favor of MacDonalds I've ever read. Colour me impressed.

>> No.22156712

Imagine if I peeled back your skin and then threw you into a bath of lemon juice, your writhing and screaming echoing through the room as I boot your stupid fucking head everytime your try to climb out, your shock and horror rising and rising as you finally realise that this is indeed the time that you die.

>> No.22156719

Very fitting and appropriate at the time of his death. He deserves no less.

>> No.22156726

Lol. Lmfao even

>> No.22156727


Anglin is the personification of everything that went wrong with the Alt Right. He seems unable to progress beyond edgeposting, contrarianism and clowning. I've never understood why anyone took the Stormer seriously.

>> No.22156731

This can't be serious. Please, just leave.

>> No.22156735

Imagine trying to dredge up american anti-catholic sentiment from the dustbin of history and having gone to a state college. It would be one thing if he were some ivy educated episcopal from Virginia, but he's just some middle American subhuman known for being an object of pornographic social disgust.
Whatever "transgressiveness" is associated with his brand falls away when you read between the lines and see a deeply pathetic subnormal willing to cheer on mass shootings in order to make the world into a thomas kinkade painting. Cringe and gay.

>> No.22156737

Little Andrew is having a stroke, he will probably start posting pictures of his penis any moment now

>> No.22156739
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It's tragic we went from having extremists like Rockwell to this clown.

>> No.22156740

I'm sorry what

>> No.22156748

rockwell was simply the proto-anglin

>> No.22156750

Andrew is having a meltdown in case you didn't notice

>> No.22156752

Anglin is not one tenth the man Rockwell was.

>> No.22156760

The guy who killed him is free, I wrote him a letter but he never wrote back.

>> No.22156767
File: 3.20 MB, 1404x1022, lll.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22156768

Who's Andrew? WTF are you even talking about? Have you gone completely, irrevocably insane? Me thinks you've gone a bit over the edge with you McDonaldism, kid Flying blind and solo through the jungle of bonkers

>> No.22156773 [DELETED] 

What did Rockwell ever wrote about except how he hates women, gays, blacks, jews etc.
The Daily Stormer is his legacy

>> No.22156778

The problem isn't the author's offensive imagination, the problem is his offensive imagination being used to cover his inability to craft an intelligent message.

>> No.22156782

Exactly. Carthy McDonalds failed.

>> No.22156783

Andrew, you have awful discernment for an ostensibly racist Christian.

>> No.22156784

What did Rockwell ever wrote about except how he hates women, gays, blacks, jews etc.
Anglin and co are his legacy

>> No.22156793

Hi Andrew, how is the mental health going

>> No.22156800
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>ad hom
>ad hom
>ad hom
Can you guys refute what he said or is it just too hard? If edgy run on sentences is all it takes to be literature then the average underaged /b/tard poser is churning out high art every time he posts. If Steven King is sucking the author off maybe it's time for some introspection.

>> No.22156804

Is this why so many of you zoomies are such philistines? Instead of reading books you're worthless reading articles by nonentities like this guy? The decline of /lit/ is starting to make sense to me. You guys know it's possible to reject leftism and still have good taste in literature, right? And, really, you shouldn't take seriously the feelings of a man with that phenotype.

>> No.22156816

>The Coen Brothers film was so cinematically stylistic, however, that the source material was virtually irrelevant.
Why isn't he bothered by the (((Coen))) brothers?

>> No.22156823

I wonder who will play the kid. I bet DiCaprio is in on it. I've been refreshing People Magazine as a mofo, surely a thread will be up for that, maybe even a Netflix exclusive

>> No.22156833
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>"white nationalist"
>has yellow fever
Many such cases!

>> No.22156840

I don't think a 12 year old is capable of doing that to anybody in this thread.

>> No.22156854
File: 196 KB, 2120x620, 5 7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Daily Puddle
Why do we need to refute him when Himmler did it 90 years ago?

>> No.22156866

>guy who belongs to the ideology that created the Dirlewanger Brigade lecturing others about morality

>> No.22156874

It is just one kid, anon.

>> No.22156889


>> No.22156896

>guy who celebrated and mocked a woman being run down by a car at the unite the right rally is really big on morality

>> No.22156909

>gay nigger association of america should have progressed
no u, why did you take any of this seriously?

>> No.22156918

b-b-but conservatism was the new countercultcha...

>> No.22156931

Why would anyone bother legitimately refuting the arguments of a fed?

>> No.22156938

Is there any right-wing actor who isn't a fed, schizo-kun?

>> No.22156947

white nationalists remind me of the old grannys who would blame everything they dont like on satan, or liberals who blame everything they dont like on white men, they are just as pathetic with their focus on jews

Like, you are fucking neo nazi, a nazi, you know, the guys who did the holocaust. And you are their biggest fan while whining about violence in a book that is about the american frontier or in some savage post apocalypse, not exactly places where people would be holding hands and singing kumbya.

in the end the top poster was right when they said andrew is too pathetic to actually argue with

>> No.22156949

>Born to an Irish Catholic family, McCarthy, like many of his ilk, joined the Jews to help them destroy everything.
American Protestant retardation detected.

The vast majority of Protestants support Republican candidates who are zionist cucks. Evangelical tards voting for zionist candidates. They love Israel just as much as any cucked fucking Catholic. The average Protestant retard thinks their country club is the universe. No jews in my country club, meanwhile they go vote for israel first candidates and do jack shit to combat zionism. It's always the loud retard Protestant sects trying to talk shit, never the chill ones. You're probably a fucking /pol/tard. Tradcaths are fucking fags too, who found religion last week and think it's still 1517. Christians are total fucking fags dude. Catholics and Protestants. The entire religion is fucking retarded.

>> No.22156951

Based normie retard.

>> No.22156954

not an argument

>> No.22156957

I mean you've inadvertently said it yourself: they're all actors

>> No.22156998

There's nothing to refute. Given that McCarthy's moral quality has no bearing at all on the plight or destiny of the White race, there can be no mistaking that Anglin's diatribe is anything other than an effort to draw attention to himself.
He is good at writing incendiary satire and invective, great actually. I consider Anglin to be a foremost nonfiction writer of his generation, for the work he's done over the years on the DS. As far as the realm of his personal tastes, opinions, and predilections - the realm into which the matter at hand falls into - there's nothing praiseworthy to be found in him.
If he wants to prove what a good writer is, he should write that science fiction novel he was waffling about since years ago. The race won't disappear if the Stormer fails to produce funny articles for a year or two. He has no excuse.

>> No.22157002

Vox Day leaked the Daily Stormer's style guide a while back. It calls to blame jews for absolutely everything despite acknowledging this isn't actually the case.

>> No.22157030

Wasn't meant to be. The spirit of your post is based but it started off with a generic take (i.e. comparing religious grandmothers to white nationalists, kek) and the second part started with "like" and immediately got into "LITERAL NAZI!!!" territory. However, OP is a complete retard so any words against him are warranted. Hence, you're a normie/retard but arguing against OP (even if it's regurgitating basic shit) is based. You're a based normie retard.

>> No.22157039

adam friedland making gay jokes has more substance than andrew anglin's entire oeuvre

>> No.22157044

you need to be 18 to post here

>> No.22157051

>troon town
No. Literally nothing is more worthless and unfunny than that faux edgy normalfag slop.

>> No.22157103

Kill yourself tranny

>> No.22157127

This thread only had 22 or so replies when I last saw it 3 hours ago.

When I next saw the reply count, I understood one of the 4 residential mentally ill creatures (this isn't human behaviour) came out of their shit encrusted hole to trash a writer they hate without ever having read him. Atleast 3 of them are feeling particularly anally raped that the whole board is paying respects to an old favorite.

The saddest thing is that they literally have no other interest in literature. 90% of their posts are in a Cormac McCarthy thread. A writer that they don't even like. Humans can become like these subhuman, extermination worthy filth. Don't become them, kids.

>> No.22157129

It doesn't get more desperate and ridiculous than that. A single, abandoned, lonely child, I almost pity you

>> No.22157133

But you are some bane of the eye, wristlet, manlet manchild going by the way you post. I have known adoloscents who would beat up guys like that.

>> No.22157134

>muh message
Christiancucks need to rope themselves

>> No.22157139

I know nothing of the man personally and haven't read his other works but The Road was pretty good in every way I can think of.
If his other books are of similar quality then I don't get the hate.
Are you just being a contrarian or is it something superficial like not liking the tone?

>> No.22157142

Who cares, you Just went too deep into Corthy McDonalds fanboyism. Snap out of it. Some people think he is like all contemporary American authors: trashy, ridiculous, low tier. And that's alright. Wrap your childish brain around that.

>> No.22157147

Still better than a mentally ill, pathetic, unloved cock cutting tranny such as yourself.

>> No.22157150

>hurrr you responded to my le epic troll so i win

>> No.22157154

Don't @me filth. Target your spit spray over there at the retards. That's your brethren.

>> No.22157159

Hit too close to home, didn't it? Reassess your worthless excuse of a life.

>> No.22157165

Disappointed I have to be once again made aware of the mongoloid existence of Anglin who should have disappeared from any identifiable discourse six years ago when he swindled the White Nationalist movement of 160k on false pretenses, then five years ago when his manlet ass badjacketed the whole movement down with complaints that people weren‘t waving zog‘s rag and pretending to be republicans, then four years ago during his "Incel pride" tattoo arc, then three years ago when he revised site policy to remove the race and jewish question sections to make way for limp-wristed Trump cheerleading. Then probably an ongoing series of embarrassments I haven’t kept up with.

>> No.22157172

I just clicked the update button and 10 new posts were made, but the unique poster count only went up by 2

>> No.22157174

I will address you whatever I feel like it. And I like you better this way. You shine as the sterical manchild sprouting puerile insults left and right. When you try to argue, you always sink to new lows and gets ignored. Back to sterics it is, lad!

>> No.22157184

Like a resident clown monkey, throwing cheap vulgar tricks for any pennies (or shreds of attention) thrown to him. Keep at it, I'm loving it

>> No.22157187

The only manchild here is you. Because you are the only one sore in the ass because of America and American writers with puerile insults and retarded posts. There is no argument to be had. There is not a single argument in this thread by anyone of your single braincelled brethren. My original post wasn't even an argument, rerard. But it did it job because even you subconsciously realize that you are the filth I was talking about. Those are facts. Now fuck off.

>> No.22157195

A monkey thinks he is smart for hating books. He is also extremely insecure and replying to every insult like 15 year olds do. 3 replies to one lol.

>> No.22157197

This is rich in analysis. As predicted, the clown monkey cannot leave the circus stage. You deserve center stage. I hope you're enjoying it, MacMonkaids

>> No.22157203

Okay, I get it now why you have shown no interest in arguments. You are a dumb ESL. Your posts so badly affected and cringe to read. That means you are probably insecure avout your intelligence too. It's very low I can assure you.

>> No.22157204

>oooh ooooh aah aaah
Retard ESL tranny.
>Rich in analysis
Lol. Bet you think it made you sound smart. But low IQ can't be helped.

>> No.22157207

You owned yourself here>>22157184
Inadvertently. Lol.

Retarded ESL behaviour.

>> No.22157210
File: 321 KB, 1024x798, scaletowidth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Criticizing a goliath of modern American lit who, regardless of how one feels about the ends he achieved with them, had undeniable style and control of language.
>It's written like the retarded pablum of a college freshman

Based on this writing I'm hesitant to believe whoever this egg in OP is had the capacity to actually read McCarthy's simplest works. If this is how this guy writes I can't imagine how retarded he must sound speaking on the fly.

>> No.22157211

It fills me with joy that you're now blatantly copying my remarks and diversifying from your usual "faggot"/"tranny" drivel. You were, indeed, indesperate need of a tutor. Glad to be of service. Sunset strip Corthy McDonalds would be proud. Do not, however, completely abandon your 3rd grade, insult-ridden "arguments" your raison d'être, your je ne sais quoi.

>> No.22157224

Oh my God.
>it fills me with joy
Some reddit in the tone. Obviously an ESL reply.
>You were, indeed, indesperate need of a tutor.
Ya seethe, mademoiselle hahaha

I just can't. You should pick on people who can defend themselves. I have no interest in clowning a retard who can't even speak the language well enough to reply. All the power to you. Call me whatever. I can't read more of your crigey, stilted chimp translations.

>> No.22157233

So, you run like a freshly mutilated American boy straight towards Drag Queen school hour. Corthy would probably not approve.

>> No.22157244

>seethe, mademoiselle hahaha
I actually enjoy mentaly assraping the most blatant ignorant kids like you. I inflict some mild trauma, but on the long term I contribute to your education.

>> No.22157248

I can't tell which side of this argument you're on but you type like stewie griffin and it's really gay.

>> No.22157252

No need to thank me. Your current state is my best reward.

>> No.22157254

Okay man. Hope your doctor cures you. Hopefully your English teacher also does his job lol.

>> No.22157273

Also, as an American zoomie, chances are you are a perverted tranny kid beyond salvation. In these thread alone you exhibited obvious signs of perversion and sexual confusion. I try to help these vulnerable demographics as much as I can. At least you're already copying my style, word for word. You were abandoned weren't you. But all in all, well done, lad. You will gro into a man (or tranny). Everything is gonna be alright in the end.

>> No.22157274

>post one reply
>still mad that he might have insulted you more
>come back 3 minutes later
>post more insults
>count the number of insults
>"1 more for me"
>feel better
Now you don't dare argue with me. No, just don't argue against this. This is manchild behaviour down to the very core. Your obsession with little boys is either because you have the same level of mental faculty or you are some egoistical, back water pedophile.

>> No.22157280

Yep. Some pedophile you are.

Reported ;)

>> No.22157287

>all replies within 30 secpnds of each other
Those were 3 different posters you gay, little pedophile redditor. Everybody can see what a pathetic manchild chimp clown you are.

>> No.22157301

I wish you all the best, Corthy McDonald Kiddo. You truly stood out with your absolute iliteracy, ignorant, clueless diarrhea, coupled with your obsessive "faggot" "tranny" diatribes accross multiple threads. You deserves much worse, probably no interested parents. Well, i aint your dad but I wish you well

>> No.22157319

>ooooh ooooh aaah aaah
Chimp sounds from an ESL with typical reddit passive aggression. Blackout's over you can fuck off.

>> No.22157362

Best regards, but I won't be live the thread for to use it like a lactrine for your burger-overeating bout, as you always do. At least from now on you learned to type in some style, and even immitaded some words like "puerile", "vulgar" and so on. You're welcome, MacDonalds tranny kiddo

>> No.22157369

Goofy faggot

>> No.22157370

>but I won't be live the thread for to use it like a lactrine for your burger-overeating bout, as you always do.
Hahahahahahaha lol. What the fuck are you even typing, retard?

>> No.22157375

Speak for yourself.

>> No.22157441

Racist and a faggot you must be a real hit at parties

>> No.22157457

He sounds extremely dumb and actively mouthbreathes, I remember hearing him talk in those 2017-2018 political stream shitshows

>> No.22157544

What are you even trying to say. You don't believe in anything?

>> No.22157547

I thought you were talking about Anglin at first and was going to agree. The replies in here sound a lot like whenever Jordan Peterson is mentioned.

>> No.22157676
File: 44 KB, 850x383, hooldej.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blood Meridien is the type of book that if you picked it up in an old library, and had never heard of it or of McCarthy, you'd become fascinated with it, just for its aesthetics and poetry alone, even if it's far from perfect. But after reading Harold Bloom and reddit nerds gush about it, you can't help but be disappointed.

>> No.22157760


"I've never read that book in my life" said the Judge.

>> No.22157785

Does anyone have a transparent png of this guy's face?

>> No.22157793

I thought it was a decent book (3.5/5) but corncob is insufferable with his descriptions of the landscape. 5 different fucking settings in a single page over and over again, fuck off. not to mention his super quirky lol so random no punctuation gimmick. most overrated book i've ever read.

>but there's so much hidden meaning, it's so heckin deep!

don't care, it doesn't make up for any of the other shit

>> No.22157908

How do people not get the message of Blood Meridian? It pretty much beats you over the head with it.

"The Judge" is where you go when you reject capital T Truth (i.e. God) and shift in to a morally relativistic gear. Remember, the FIRST thing the Judge does when he shows up is discredit and destroy the preacher, because nothing is more offensive to him than a different method of "judgement" than his own. His own method just being brute force of will.

The Judge is what happens to "based" Stirnerites, Will-to-Powerites, Postmodernists, etc, whether they like it or not. This is why Mr Nietzsche went off the deep end (maybe not exactly, but it works as a literary image). You have all these ideas but you eventually get gaped by the cock of a 7ft tall pale manbaby because he's stronger than you and fuck you. You think you can do shit, but you can't. The Judge materialises in the form of an ultimate "reckless hate" which strips away anything human. He doesn't have to sleep, or even eat, you exist at his mercy. He also hates you for existing. If you have anything you love or care about, he will destroy it. If you don't, he still doesn't care, he will kill you and piss on your skull. Why is Blood Meridian so poignant? Because we're in the process of being Blood Meridianised. We are going to fall through the cracks into the abyss of pure nothingness which underpins physical reality, aided by technological progress. The Judge has a keen interest in technology and geographical time.

>> No.22157924

Addendum: ignore the seemingly unsophisticated title of this video; it is a (imo profoundly) useful tool for thinking about the problem at the core of Blood Meridian in more detail. What happens when you reduce humans to pure vitality with no controlling 'logos'?


>> No.22157955
File: 1.48 MB, 328x328, chigurh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Behold, the BASED tradpilled white nationalist calling out Corncob McCrockpot for being a subversive tater-jew


>> No.22157993
File: 89 KB, 850x531, cowboy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost the only thing I really liked were the ridiculously long and detailed visual descriptions. It would've been better, even perfect, if it had been written as a book-length poem that kept with the 1840/50s gothic weird-west theme, but had no plot or characters. The characters are so boring that McCarthy himself seems to forget they exist, constantly. Some characters, like Bathcat, will be introduced, have some dialogue, then just disappear, never to return, forgotten about like an old toy. The main character even disappears for like forty pages, once the Judge shows up, then just shows up again towards the end. Really, the only character that McCarthy seems to even be interested in is the Judge, but he's so over-the-top that he's not that interesting (the real-life Judge was actually more compelling). Still, I won't lie that there was some dialogue that made me laugh my ass off.

>> No.22157999
File: 57 KB, 543x612, judge holden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cormac McCarthy is wildly overrated, but I will forever respect him for writing the novel that it is the epitome of pic-related aesthetic.

>> No.22158003
File: 7 KB, 225x225, ndqnwdui232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, so like, nothing matters, and we're all doomed? Whoah, I've never heard anything like that before. I just thought it was about cowboys

>> No.22158012
File: 492 KB, 972x1537, anton chigrh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cormac McCarthy's most famous character is just a rip-off of a famous kid's comic book character. If he had invented a character named Kryszlow Zherneshevsky, a Russian guy who kills people with poison laughing gas, it would be no different.

>> No.22158021

He forgot to mention Corncob's phase as a soiboi reddit "I love science" faggot

>> No.22158030


>> No.22158034

If you respect him, you should also try reading the book. Retard.

>> No.22158036

he wrote that in 1985. there are comics with that edgy western aesthetic that predate it.

>> No.22158040

one of the best eulogies and pieces of literary criticism I've read in a long time
it's time to reassess Anglin's contribution to journalism

>> No.22158048

He is a dumb chud and so are you.