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File: 80 KB, 570x712, adorno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22154938 No.22154938 [Reply] [Original]

The Fascists live inside MY WALLS!

>> No.22154950

drill a hole in the wall and put your dick in it.

>> No.22154991
File: 45 KB, 492x492, 1537300084713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Human social interaction is fascist
Social structures are fascist
friendships, love, language, emotions, THEYRE ALL FASCIST

>> No.22155137

But only when (you) do them of course.

>> No.22155168


>> No.22155189

Why are they all like this? even today.

>> No.22155201

It's been 3000 years, that's not changing anytime soon

>> No.22155229


>> No.22155248

That certainly is a letter of the alphabet! Congratulations on spotting it, little guy.

>> No.22155292

Humans are not rational beings. All our 'choices' are products of our genetics interacting with enviromental aspects in ways so complex we won't even properly begin to understand in centuries to come. People like Adorno are born with the potential to become like that. So the left-right divide thought in the broadest sense possible will always exist until one side genetically engineer humans to prevent the other from being replenished by youger generations.

>> No.22155352

Marxists are not right in the head.

>> No.22155494

micro fascist detected

>> No.22155680

The fascists live inside the government, the armed services and the secret services.

Liberal and “conservative”

Why do we notice authoritarians ruling over us, or why do we not like it?
The American dream is not about letting rich people grow richer, it is about freedom from these people.
Ah, no. Marx was also an authoritarian.

>> No.22156433
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Because they are literally schizophrenic.

>> No.22156523
File: 13 KB, 352x400, adornobeach.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut the fuck up, Adorno.

>> No.22156641
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he predicted white women astrology

>> No.22156749

Make your stupid impotent jokes all you want, he won.

>> No.22156790

if you think fascism is everywhere, then you cannot win, you must concede that fascism will never go away and will always be triumphant for as long as humans exist. Adorno's paranoia about fascism is self-destructive.

>> No.22156799

>it's not delivery: it's adorno

>> No.22157163

He won the insanity contest.

>> No.22157191

Hello I am The Fascists.
Your walls are very comfy.
I am installing a fireplace to read by, so don't mind the extra heat.

>> No.22157196

He tried talking a big game, but was such a pussy when '68 hit.
I do like that one conspiracy that he wrote The Beatles' music though lmao

>> No.22157231

Shut the fuck up, liberal

>> No.22158556

Adorno lost.

>> No.22158559

Do you think Adorno would have agreed that it's okay to punch a fascist? I think he would. He was based like that. Nazi punks, fuck off!

>> No.22158567

Anti-fascism is liberalism in decay.

>> No.22158573

>I am a subversive, rebellious intellectual functioning in an environment that is reactionary, fascist, and overall hostile to me and people like me
>that's why I was given a university sinecure by them
>and that's why the occupying allied forces appointed me and my butt buddies after the war to social engineer the german population in their favour
>and that's why people who I think of as fascist are gatekept and witch hunted out of academia by the people I think of as hostile to me
>people liberated me and my kin from the germans because they actually agreed with them and hated us
>as a matter of fact, my liberators might be even worse fascists than the fascists who were threatening the lives of my people
>I am not a tool in the hands of the chimera, I am what the chimera fears the most

>> No.22158600


>> No.22158603

I'm making a ritual and hexing you. You can't confine the magical powers with walls.

>> No.22158642


>> No.22158645

It’s kind of hard with limp wrists

>> No.22158662

Is Fascist a euphemism for Jew?

>> No.22158722

He lost though

>> No.22158754

those ears though

>> No.22158783

Lmao wtf is this

>> No.22158798

Adorno was an odd guy. When you read him it's hard not to get the feeling he's only against fascism because he's a jew, but had he been born as a german he would have proudly been a true believer of the NatSoc party.

>> No.22158823

Politics are about masking and rationalizing tribalist friend/enemy politics, who would've thought?

>> No.22158829

tell this to the chosen peoples

>> No.22158859

Poor retard

>> No.22159126
File: 57 KB, 506x451, facism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22159131

chosenlet coping

>> No.22159150

Noises are free

>> No.22159184

No. But Israel is pretty much an apartheid papers-please state with fraudulent elections.
Plenty of jewish bankers funding armies.
No. Most antisemitic conspiracies are dumb. The evils that some jews do can’t be forgiven, but they’re working with non Jews, anon.

>> No.22159631
File: 1.83 MB, 3744x5616, 010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>For the summer semester Adorno planned a lecture course entitled "An Introduction to Dialectical Thinking," as well as a seminar on the dialectics of subject and object. But at the first lecture Adorno's attempt to open up the lecture and invite questions whenever they arose degenerated into a disruption from which he quickly fled: after a student wrote on the blackboard "If Adorno is left in peace, capitalism will never cease," three women students approached the lectern, bared their breasts and scattered flower petals over his head.
Big boobs are fascist as well.

>> No.22160019

why do literal, self proclaimed fascists make fun of those who do nothing more than validate their own claims? lol; fascists are braindead

>> No.22160330

The Jewish mind is a mystery wrapped up in an enigma.

>> No.22160335

Kafkatrap. Stop being an incel about it.

>> No.22160350

I hate women