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/lit/ - Literature

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22153952 No.22153952 [Reply] [Original]

What am I in for?

>> No.22153961

proto NGE

>> No.22153965
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>> No.22153971

what does that mean?

>> No.22153981

My oxford edition of Hamlet says that modern scholars think that King Lear is generally the better play
Is this true?

>> No.22154019
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>> No.22154043

It's basically a competition between the youthful insanity of Hamlet vs the senile insanity of Lear. Honestly we cannot even be sure if Hamlet was really insane or it was a ruse, but the dark mysterious atmosphere makes the entire play very compelling. Whereas Lear is definitely mad with grief. As far as remaining characters are concerned Hamlet is far better, with Polonius, Claudius, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, Ophelia, etc. Lear's characters are comparably less memorable except Gloucester and his sons

>> No.22154047

>reading Shakespeare

>> No.22154050

>not memorizing every line and staging full productions with costumes for your bloodhound Rupert

>> No.22154095

Goddamn I hate anime faggots so much holy shit

>> No.22154097

This is an anime website

>> No.22154103

still no fucker has explained what proto NGE means. I don't care about your transjester anime pictures anon, just answer the fucking question.

>> No.22154105


>> No.22154108
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>> No.22154125


>> No.22154296
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>> No.22154442

no one cares that was 20 years ago grampa

>> No.22154451
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go make your own website zoomer Asuka owns lit

>> No.22154471

Probably one of the greatest Shakespeare stories (and tragedies of all time in general) right next to The Tempest. A great study into power and the blindness of deceit to gain power, in this case, being the daughters who wish to hasten Lear's downfall to seize power from an eventually frail and fragile old man.

Absolutely read it as soon as possible OP.

>> No.22154495

I heard it's Macbeth

>> No.22155182
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>> No.22155202

Absolute kino but get Arden edition next time

>> No.22155210

I think it’s better

>> No.22155245

Anon, see lionesses' vig

>> No.22155298

>Newly revised edition
I hope they fixed the ending and let Cordelia live

>> No.22155353

Where's the tragedy in that? Would you rather it be called "The Mild Inconvenience of King Lear"?

>> No.22155366

Hey, King Lear still dies

>> No.22155372

yeah, out of grief over cordelia's death

>> No.22155384
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Yes. This is an anime website.

>> No.22155394
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>Yes. This is an anime website.

>> No.22155516
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>Yes.This is an anime website.

>> No.22155663
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Stop the ugly posting at the very least

>> No.22156965

is every board just /pol/ 2.0 at this point?

>> No.22156973

Interesting first half and boring middle with Gloucester

>> No.22156974

Yes, it is the reason I barely browse this website nowadays

>> No.22157385
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>> No.22157808
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>> No.22157818

There's a difference between making a swastika because it makes people upset and that makes you laugh and making a swastika because you believe in some ideology

>> No.22158480

I just wanted to play video games.

>> No.22158497

After gamergate and the 2016 election, things changed