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22152951 No.22152951 [Reply] [Original]

Who is the greatest Christian novelist (I mean novels with Christian themes)? My vote goes to Dostoevsky

>> No.22152957


>> No.22152963

Just here to say that religion is for below 90 IQ literal subhumans.

>> No.22152967

>I mean novels with Christian themes
That's pretty much all novels ever written in the West. Maybe a better question would be best novel with unapologetically overtly Christian themes (and even then, limit it to a certain century or even decade)?

>> No.22152971

Philip K Dick

>> No.22152978

Clever move on this woman's part. She whores on only fans and plays the part of Mary Magdalene when she's in her prime, then when she starts to age she moves to Christian simps and adopts the image of the Virgin Mary to appeal to the religiously oriented men.
As for your question, C.S. Lewis.

>> No.22152986

Yes, I'm sure you're much smarter than Newton and Capernicus

>> No.22153000

1. Tolkien
2. Dostoevsky
3. Leon Bloy

>> No.22153019

Not an argument. Both were clearly heterodox in their faith for their time and additionally lacked the immediate access to information that we have.

>> No.22153028

Dante? Thomas Aquinas? Albert Einstein? Dostoevsky? William Shakespeare? Martin Luther? Ben Shapiro?

>> No.22153039

>Clever move on this woman's part. She whores on only fans and plays the part of Mary Magdalene when she's in her prime, then when she starts to age she moves to Christian simps and adopts the image of the Virgin Mary to appeal to the religiously oriented men.
This, desu. She knows damn well what she's doing.

>> No.22153053

St. Augustine did the male equivalent of that, and it worked for him, too.

>> No.22153059

That would be literally me.

>> No.22153074

Still not actual arguments but whatever.
>Thomas Aquinas
Almost impossible he could have conceived of not being Christian.
>Dante, Einstein
Both could be considered heterodox and undogmatic.
His life is so poorly documented it would be difficult to make substantial judgements on this.
>Dostoevsky, Luther, Shapiro
Not profoundly intelligent.

>> No.22153094
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>between 1901 and 2000, about 65.3% of Physics Nobel prize winners were either Christians or had a Christian background

>> No.22153096
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>> No.22153102

And I didn't even have to look at her profile. This stuff is too predictable. God damn I want to stab out my eyes.

>> No.22153104

>In a sample of 2307 adults in the US., IQ was found to negatively correlate with self reports of religious identification, private practice or religion, mindfulness, religious support, and fundamentalism, but not spirituality.

And at the end of the day, if you have experienced these people directly, you know that the vast majority of those who revolve their lives around the Bible or religious teaching are generally retarded fucking niggers and plebians.

>> No.22153105
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>> No.22153108

>In Europe, sub-Saharan Africa and Latin and North America, countries which identify themselves secular give privileges to or favor Christian churches in providing education and other public services, the IHEU said.
I'm sure the smart dudes won't take advantage of some rigged game.

>> No.22153109

Not a bad assessment, but Christ can actually change hearts as well. Difficult to know which.

>> No.22153116

>IQ was found to negatively correlate with self reports of religious identification
>IQ doesn't correlate with religions

>> No.22153117
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Better than Catholics at least

>> No.22153128

having access to our current information does not guarantee that they will change their faith
you're just talking about possibility here

>> No.22153132

shitty christian poser
if she was really a good christian she wouldn't have posted the soft-porn on the left

>> No.22153136

>be Catholic
>get married
>wife is cheating on me
>take family to church
>priest rapes my wifes children

>> No.22153137

their heterodox could be the result of lacking religious knowledge

>> No.22153138

When Reddit got taken over by troons all the mountain dew addicted fedora wearing atheist amerifats from evangelist families moved to to 4chan. This is the result.

>> No.22153148

aren't atheists love troons?
pretty sure troonism is satanicshit

>> No.22153151

It seems reasonable that given their interests that they would likely want to know as much as possible about modern physics (a topic that was the central focus in their lives) and society, it would be more likely for them to question Christian faith. Obviously claiming certainty one way or the other would be unusual here.

>> No.22153158

Is this the christian meta?

>> No.22153169

4chan used to be atheist before tourists

>> No.22153179

one can be interested in physics and still have spirituality
physics and atheism don't provide spirituality

>> No.22153186

People love stories of redemption

>> No.22153190

They can. But the point is that followers of religion tend to be retarded. Not that the "spiritual" necessarily are too.

>> No.22153199

Just look at the eyes of the people in these photos. You know there is fucking nothing going on in their heads.

>> No.22153212

Who are you to judge?

>> No.22153214

>in their faith
>religion is for below 90 IQ

>> No.22153221

>t. stuffy ytboi who works in middle management

>> No.22153229

don't lie, this is just something you think about at night and jerk off to

>> No.22153232

>muh tourists
its been seven years, time to give it a rest.

>> No.22153290

Man. I think it might actually be forgivable, had she not posted that pic on the left. Do people have any shame these days?

>> No.22153297

Have you seen the internet? Social media in general?

>> No.22153299

Not really. I am too ashamed of myself to have social media honestly

>> No.22153312

From Kazakhstan, with all my love.

>> No.22153314

There’s nothing wrong with forgiving people for their misbehavior. Most of you fantasize about shooting up pre schools because of jews. Are you really that much superior to the roastie? I think not.

>> No.22153316
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>4chan used to be atheist
The difference is some people realized it was an embarrassing fad/intelligence LARP and put away their fedoras. The legacy of New Atheism is pic-related--bisexual furry rape/cuck fetish porn. It still manages to draw midwits who expect you to be impressed by the intellectual superiority it must take not to believe in Santa as an adult; LARPing along with New Atheism in current year instantly outs you as a tranny and/or retard.

>> No.22153317

>2/10 bait
At least specify organized religion because there are plenty of things that people do that that occupy that hole despite being non-practicing. See fandoms, political ideologies, etc.

>> No.22153319

People will do anything to go viral

>> No.22153322


>> No.22153326

It’s so crazy how you retarded faggots manage to fall for erotic role playing shit. There’s about a zero percent chance what was claimed in that screencap happened and about a 110% chance it’s some guy bearing off to the idea of an idealized catholic woman’s purity being defiled. Also women don’t usually get pregnant after one hook up. There’s entire substrate of cuckold fetishists online who write this stuff as a form of erotic role play. It blows my mind you retarded fags can pick up on it. Is it your Asperger’s syndrome?

>> No.22153333

>C.S. Lewis.
Narnia was horrendous, are his other books better?

>> No.22153340

If you're looking at that shithole I could agree.

>> No.22153351

Based Catholics for actually caring about family values and children.

>> No.22153366

>Mary Magdalene
She was not a prostitute

>> No.22153371

It's a tactic used by older roasties who employ an alternate strategy once their sexual attractiveness starts to diminish with age and their preferred options begin to dwindle. They think that becoming "born again" means that their sexual history doesn't exist and that they deserve a good man who will treat them like a virgin while simultaneously not placing natural, wifely expectations on them.

It's a shameless tactic that women are exceptional at because grace is cheap and the current gynocentric social order. It's a foul blemish on the body of Christ and proof for the argument that converts should be tested before they can claim the Cross for themselves.

>> No.22153378

*and because of the current

>> No.22153381

>The difference is some people realized it was an embarrassing fad/intelligence LARP and put away their fedoras.
right, and they all larp as catholics now or whatever, because that's the next fad. literally the same demographic. it's mind-blowing that you freely admit that all it takes to make you switch your fundamental perspective on the world is a trivial amount of social shaming. like, literally, you saw a meme that said if you don't believe in god you're a dork in a silly hat and you instantly started believing in god because you didn't want people to think you wear bad hats. unbelievable.

>> No.22153392

>Sub-Saharan Africa now is home to about one-in-five of all the Christians in the world