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File: 1.47 MB, 728x728, One-step Stew.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22152768 No.22152768 [Reply] [Original]

/wwoym/ One-Step Stew edition

previous thread >>22146556

>> No.22152770

The unsolved question of the century is why could jews not shut down 4chan.

>> No.22152776

Turns out the anti-state-capitalists were right all along.

>> No.22152778

My knees just hurt.

>> No.22152780

European colonialism during the 19th Century.

>> No.22152782

what if the characters in my novel were to kiss

>> No.22152784
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most attractive girls I follow on instagram end up being like 15 years old

>> No.22152798

Who are you following girls on instagram?
Are you some kind of simp?

>> No.22152801

Why are cat threads always as bad as frog threads?

>> No.22152821
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someone on 4chan found my corncob anime shrine that i made 8 years ago. No idea how anon found it today. I made it as a joke to show a friend because we were talking about how king of the hill and cormac mccarthy were like the antithesis to anime

he keked and then we immediately forgot about it and moved on with our lives

i didn't know that my unfinished corncob shrine is immortalized on the internet forever. wow some people even reblogged my shit.

i thought it was deleted. well i realized i still have access to it.

who wants to see a corncob anime shrine? i can probably do something with it if there is enough demand

>> No.22152825

I am looking for a girlfriend in my international ethnic community

>> No.22152828

This might be a bit off topic, but am I the only one who is offset by the way in wich postmodernists like pets?

>> No.22152930

I'm so fucking bored. I'm just waiting around for the day to end since 2pm

>> No.22152935

Everyone at work is giving me secretary work because I'm an intern and they don't know what I should work on. I'm filling excel sheets like a retard. Fuck this shit, I'm about to go mad and automate everything this weekend. Should've done it since the start but nobody explained to me that this one-time thing would take months. I got bamboozled like a monkey and I swear I'm going to get revenge.

>> No.22152954

The internet is a great place for me to talk to myself and enjoy the sound of my own voice. It sucks for talking to other people.

>> No.22152974

Maybe I should try to get my old job back and make as much money as possible

>> No.22152981

They turned 4chan into the internet's containment board despite the objections of everyone on 4chan. Go back to your hole.

>> No.22152990

I'm hot.

>> No.22152995

I’m worried that I’ve already failed in life.

>> No.22153005
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I don't seem to be able to remember my overarching goals and priorities in the face of engrossing perceptual stimuli.
I need to get out of this town, but keep quitting jobs because I keep pigeonholing myself as the guy that works hard but doesn't say much. I hate it because I'm just stuck in my head all day doing shit work and having nobody to relieve the weight of drudgery with light conversation because I'm always placed at the periphery of whatever the operation. My brain cannibalizes itself when I'm stuck doing humiliating drudgery by myself and my discontent builds until I get deranged and quit. Then I panic because I don't have a job and take another shitty job and the cycle begins anew. I know many third worlders would kill for these kinds of opportunities, but I can't implement that framing when it matters. It's simply insane how many opportunities I've squandered.
And what's worse is that all the time I've spent trying to find ways to get shit jobs I don't want to do could have been spent developing a skill or building my own business so I don't have to do these shit jobs in the first place.
Fuck, maybe I should just be a vagrant drifter. I guess I'm never going to change if I don't have the immediate threat of death from dehydration, hunger, exhaustion, or exposure looming right over my head.
My unhealthy health obsession has derailed my life to the point where dying doesn't even sound that bad because of how little I have going for me, so it might not be a bad idea.
I have enough money for an amtrak ticket and maybe a sleeping bag and a tarp.
I mean, if I can't even survive how was I ever going to make it anyway?

>> No.22153013

>he didn't know "intern" is the polite term for "office bitch"
Being an intern is about making connections and getting something to put on your resume beyond school and menial jobs.

>> No.22153048
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For the last month I have catched myself doing this face (aside from the mouth) unconsciously when thiking about stuff I did that day or that week.
I managed to think about it withoug gesturing like this for almost three decades, I don't want to fucked up my face even more with this shit.

>> No.22153063

I'm running out of hope, friends. But I have to keep going, not sure why

>> No.22153067

Take my virility.

>> No.22153135

---- Solaria ----

At noon or just after

Again shadows look sharp under a white sky,
The sun 90% attenuated by the meter,

A mellow orange on the ground,
The air still so neutral everywhere that

It feels indoors as it looks outdoors.
A strange arrangement.

Just before 7 it looks like 3.5K Kelvin reigns everywhere,
The air absolutely still and about 77,

Paradise atmosphere.

If they've spun out countless worlds like this
We'll never know, and suppose

Blue spiral arms that shine like mountain altitudes.

>> No.22153182

Ah, 'twas a most curious day indeed, on this merry old weekend morn - For the boys did prepare to perform their sacred task, their vital duty to be born. To plant their seeds within the wombs of girls, and watch as young ones sprout and curls. Aye, the boys did boast their tools both rare and strange, their Dickies gargantuan in size for ages too young to range. Their skills so honed upon the PlayStation scene, their thumbs, agile like snakes slither green. They practiced well throughout the morning light, erecting phalluses toward the screen with might. When lunchtime drew its final breath, their appetites, unquenched as yet, did stretch to find some meat, some cheese, some bread to stuff the hole where hunger fed. And thus, with bellies full, did Nurse Linda call and Jane beside her too, inviting all four youthful souls to draw near, to hearken to a plan so bold and true. Together hand in hand, the group did tread across the hallway floor, through doors that opened wide, leading straight onto the mattress shore. Each nurse did claim her charge with care and skill, applying hands to crotch, with fingers small and fine, to stimulate the boys until their cocks began to twine. Two hours passed beneath their touch, the boys' attentions strayed beyond console smash, as naught else mattered quite so much aside from feeling nurse's firm caress... save perhaps their own prodigious Dickies pressing onward past her palm and knuckle, swelling fast as cannonballs in battle storm. Steam rose as shorts grew sodden and tight, dampened by pre-cum nectar droplets shimmering bright. With balls restrained, engorged and heavy, bulged, they squirmed and struggled free to burst forth from underwear confinement. Then came the moment of truth, the moment they feared and yearned to reach; they mounted the nurses' loins, their bodies pressed, their spirits steeped in passion's deepest crease. As penetration took its course, their dicks did gush forth streams of jizz galore, yet held back in check, to spare their strength for future score. Some thirty minutes further down the path, the pace increased, their movements wrought with urgency and passion's lust. The girls did clutch the boys close to their bosoms round, whispering sweet encouragements to fill their ears profound. At length the nurses' eyes rolled back, their voices crescendoed in rapture's symphony, and thus it happened -- 'tis no myth, nor fancy tale -- the boys ejaculated copiously, an ocean of ejaculatory bale. Though holding back their seminal might did tax their mental and physical plight, they found solace and comfort, if only for a fleeting night. Thus ended their Saturday's labor of love, their baby batter saved above, awaiting fertilization's gentle clove.

>> No.22153281

Life's not over til you're dead man

>> No.22153303
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this blissful enlightenment feels like a rip off, where's the fireworks and the parting of the heavens

>> No.22153307

>Their skills so honed upon the PlayStation scene, their thumbs, agile like snakes slither green. They practiced well throughout the morning light, erecting phalluses toward the screen with might.
Lulz. Even my screens are more replete with porn. Of course there are better things to do, and much worse. If film could represent the horrors of the Colosseum, Seneca would still be famous now.

>> No.22153313

*as a great hero

>> No.22153330

Honey, when are you ah gonna be all mine?
Honey, when are you ah gonna be all mine?

>> No.22153497
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>tfw breaking things off with someone you have nothing in common with

>> No.22153559

Scrubbing all of my 4channel posts

>> No.22153586

I am at constant war with myself. Theres this wave of pain, regret, resentment, and sorrow thats always trying to wash over me. I spend all my waking moments fighting it off. I put this concentrated effort into being positive and optimistic. I go looking for happiness and contentment in every single moment, trying to enjoy just being alive. But I can't win this fight. The wave crashes over me and I get sucked away into this misery and all I can do is wait for the tide to subside so I can go back to resisting it.

>> No.22153593

>"It's over"
Why is it so funny? Books that capture that feel?

>> No.22153622

I'm cheating on my long term girlfriend with a female friend of mine. I wish I could just marry both of them because I love them both but neither of them are interested at all in Polyamory. I just want to get them both pregnant and have a little tribe that I can look after. I know I am selfish and retarded but that is what is on my mind.

>> No.22153625

Jew lie

>> No.22153674

I wish I was around more white people

>> No.22153690

Move to New England

>> No.22153695

I'm poor and uneducated :(

>> No.22153700

Me too, I have NF big time

>> No.22153710 [SPOILER] 
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pee pee poo poo

>> No.22153715
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>> No.22153719

Lifting weights again, feels good. I have lost so much strength. Used to rep 225 for 5 sets of 10 and yesterday I was struggling with 135 for 3x10...

>> No.22153736

I've got a fan!

>> No.22153750
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>> No.22153761

i'll remain as i am

>> No.22153767

I am really getting sick of getting evicted for reasons beyond my control.
Old owner died of a brain tumor, his oldest son was made the controller of the trust that the property is apart of, so his first move is to evict everyone so he can liquidate all the properties within the trust.

Last place I was standing changed owners and evicted so they could straight up destroy the room I was staying in so they could insure the building next door.

Meanwhile I am totally priced out of even thinking about buying real estate. I have no choice but to just take this constant uncertainty and insecurity.
I hate having no way to control such a fundamental part of my life.

>> No.22153772

My ass is a swamp.

>> No.22153813

>go on /lit/ after months
>click on catalog
>ctrl+f "guenon"
>no result
What has happened to this place?

>> No.22153820

Thanks anons; your advice rings true. Though at least in my case I think it's not so much planning ahead as it deciding on what to do and sticking to that decision, even if it's not explicitly planned out ahead of time. I've been living under the assumption that I need to wait for some emotional drive to give me directions on what to do; that may work for some people, but I have such a weak emotional life that it doesn't work for me at all.

>> No.22153832

lol i get it... shrek. good one.

>> No.22153849

Used to jerk off to a lot of /d/ shit. Tried going back to the board after a year and half and nothing interests me anymore. Its like the degenerate in me has grown tired.

>> No.22153903

I wish to cease existing so hard right now.
The last time I finished a book or a story was when I read the metamorphosis two years ago.

>> No.22153925

I still exclusively jerk off to the same fetish as always but I used to be more degenerate about it. Used to jerk off to male and furry pics, now I stick to human women. Not out of shame or anything, just nautrally lost interest in anything else. Even when I revisit some pics that I used to really like they don't do anything for me anymore.

>> No.22153943

Really, if you think about it. I actually enjoy the weeping and gnashing of teeth.

>> No.22153977
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What do you faggots like to smoke as you read/prior to when you read
I like Next Xtra kingsize
Nicotine is a nootropic you know

>> No.22154037

Yep. That's more or less the same for me. I think I like Futa for the longest time, and I still do but most of it is very whatever to me now. I liked trap for some time too.
Nowadays my biggest boner comes from very vanilla stuff. I guess I'm just subconsciously yearning for that.

>> No.22154072

SSRIs muddy my imagination. Cigarettes create constant stress in my life. Weed has helped me fail out of college. Alcohol is keeping me fat and complacent.

>> No.22154080

This is what you get for leaning on substances as coping mechanisms. Granted I cannot recommend anything healthier because I consider banging my head against a wall calming in certain situations.

>> No.22154092

Every interaction has a subcurrent: “Gain the maximal information from this person without getting caught.” Gathering information is a game that is played constantly and without end. I can win rounds, but can’t win the game itself. I have to keep playing whether it is conscious or unconscious. It’s similar to a card game. I am trying to convince the other player to show their cards to me while showing as few of mine as possible. Most people do not bury cards deep nor have a full deck. My deck is whatever I want it to be for the situation. I can be anything, I can draw any cards to convince you to show yours.

This leads to interesting situations where I am becoming different people to different people. It’d be amusing to have those who have seen different faces interact with me while they’re together. I am sure I’d come up with yet another face to deal with this interaction.

>> No.22154098

Gentrification is a bitch.

>> No.22154114

Any tips on how to become less impulsive?
I want to slow my life down so that I could begin to enjoy it. Let me explain:
My entire life I have never enjoyed anything, I tried many different activities, hobbies, both with friends and solo and I always end up abandoning it and just naturally drifting back into my room, in front of the screen, reading shit on 4chan or watching something on Youtube. It's my default state, I don't even think about it.
Sometime ago I was reading a post by some anon who mentioned that everything in his life is like a cold shower - he just takes a deep breath, goes in and does it with the mindset of "let's just get it over with", gets out and then moves onto the next cold shower or drifts back into his room and wastes his life in front of a screen. I identified with that post greatly and wanted to ask for more but he never replied.
Those of you who enjoy things, what do you think about when you're doing them?

>> No.22154178

Stop posting newfag

>> No.22154183

>the way in wich postmodernists like pets?
It's a form of degeration and it start with losing one's soul.

>> No.22154325

It has literally nothing to do with gentrification and everything to do with asset inflation.

Property values raise faster then my ability to earn or save. Mostly because everything else is too risky for long term investments now so it gets dumped into real estate for a chance of making a future return that beats inflation.

>> No.22154423

I can't stand by myself in isolation of the outside world. Much of my security in myself and my identity is derived from the functions I perform in the world, and if it isn't elitist or "better" than other people's I'll resign altogether.
Whatever happened between last year and now, it's hard it's hard for me to behave like an individual without falling back on some copestructure like school or relationships. I don't have enough self to cope with not being a part of something. Not just something, something shiny and sparkly like the fucking prestigewhore that I am keeps coveting.

I don't remember being this neurotic. What the fuck happened to me.

>> No.22154425

I was offered the chance to leave and I didn't. At the time I called it being over-ambitious. Not vying for scraps. Hindsight shows it was cowardice. An inability to be flexible, to move with the flow, to desert the nest where security and comfort are abundant.

>> No.22154439

Unironically, read Bukowski

>> No.22154486

>Property values raise faster then my ability to earn or save.
Same here. I think that we're approaching the times that the only way to have your own property is to be born into extremely rich family or inherit from parents. If you dont have any of this, good luck renting and paying your money to a schmuck whos luckier than you.
You will own nothing and you will (not) be happy.
t. 30% real estate price increase in the last 3 years.

>> No.22154504

Depends on where you want your property - in a big city just forget about it. But if it's a small town or some place 30-45 minutes away from a big city, you may still find affordable property. If you can work remotely or just don't mind the long commute, you will still be able to own something. At least until your enemies with a monopoly on violence will decide to increase taxes.

>> No.22154586

I have quite a hanker right now to gorge on some fast food. Yet, I am not hungry. What is the hunger am I trying to satiate?

>> No.22154587 [DELETED] 

housing prices are starting to drop now that work from home is ending and interest rates got cranked up. they aren't dropping in gentrified urban areas of course, but suburban places where prices doubled during the pandemic are starting to drop.

>> No.22154588

Sometimes I recognize, as an impersonal, dispassionate oberserver of my own life, facets of increasingly cruel and macabre comedy. It's hysterical when the things that I secretly vy for and desire appear randomly in the lives of my friends and acquaintances. To contrast how attaintable these trifles seemingly are, with my incomprehensible, absurd, inability to reach them.
My gut reaction to these synchronisities, is always a surge of envy. I can't help it. I curb it within seconds. And then there's only emptiness, and a sour taste of defeat. There's a plethora of affirmations and litanies to repeat. About how I need to be grateful for what I have. About how insecurity is manageable, and how happiness is a choice. About mindsets and self limiting beliefs. Words of conviction are only good to quell normal physiological reactions for a time. Sophisticated dissonance with the truth (which always bothers, always). Acceptance has no feel attached to it. What? Relief?

This part of my life is probably an exercise in accomodating humility. In taming certain qualities, not letting them grow past the threshold of moderation. I know I'm impulsive. I drifted once to a kiosk (when I had money to piss away) and bought a display knife. The sharpest thing I'd owned. Couldn't use it. I have a fundamental contempt for those who scissor their wrists with decorative scars without mustering enough insidious intent to slash deep enough to kill. I still bought it. And fiddled with it every evening. What was the fucking point.

>> No.22154630

I did not think it would be this bleak once you graduate. I knew people making memes about having no close friends but just colleagues and maybe a wife in your 30s but it's happening to me at 22. Before the flu my social life was just recovering from a 2 year long self imposed withdrawal but then I managed to make several friends, did fun, fulfilling things because, hey, there were always a lot of kids mu age around. There's nothing now, I have nothing to look forward to. I am quite seriously looking at enrolling in some graduate program to just get back to the university because I can't take this anymore. Where the fuck do I meet people? All the people at the office are at least a decade older, I work remote mostly now. No one in my neighbourhood, no one in my hometown, where the fuck are the young people??? The closest thing I have to friend is my colleague who lives in another state far away.

>> No.22154631

This country needs Jesus.

>> No.22154667
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No one has ever disproved this chart.

>> No.22154681
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>that guy who works hard but doesn't say much
literally me. This whole post, fuck...

>> No.22154690

Not a fun job.

>> No.22154697
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I have broken all 10 Commandments.

>> No.22154698

Jobs (especially the ones for you smart lit types) are still in cities. It's what drives up the demand for housing of course.
Telework is being rolled back, even places that had "permanent" telework agreements are reneging on them now. Possibly from pressure from their other billionaire buddies that own the real estate in the city. Effectively everything that happens externally (pandemic, supply line, etc.) gives the people in power a chance to make a move. When everything is static they increase wealth and power slowly. When they have an excuse to make a change they do, and it's always in the direction of more wealth and power.

>> No.22154704

people who think 4chan is some sort of counter-cultural place confirm to be idiots every time they post.
Fuck off tourist

>> No.22154705

Killing bugs doesn't count anon

>> No.22154711


>> No.22154714

Philosophers only come up with ways to justify dominant or fast growing ideas.
Top 3 revolutionary philosophers:
3 spinoza
2 marx
1 diogenes

>> No.22154721

Why do brainlets always congregate around the same "philosophers" they never read?

>> No.22154739

When I got out of the Army I went to talk to this guy with a clip board in a strip mall for about thirty minutes. He was a psychologist, or a psychiatrist, or a counselor, or a therapist, I didn't ask. I told him with a straight face that I killed three to five people in Afghanistan and had seen a lot of mangled bodies and smelled them and processed them. Now Uncle Sam pays my rent and I have an engineering degree.

>> No.22154743

We have a brainlet convention where those talking points are presented

>> No.22154752

Killing people in war is not against the 10 commandments, that's about murder

>> No.22154762

I can read the best when the only thing I see is the book in front of me
no noise around, nothing in the peripherals
I wish I had a perfectly dark place somewhere in the house where I could just lock myself and only see the words on the paper
they should make that as an option in VRgoggles

>> No.22154776

I wamt to be pontual but I always end up arriving late, no matter where I go

>> No.22154837

Cat: cats should eat mice. That is the natural order.
Mouse: hmmm that makes a lot of sense to me

>> No.22154923


>> No.22155011

What did the søymouse say to the chadcat?

>> No.22155017

finally that annoying idiot gave up.

>> No.22155023

Once upon a time, in the marvelous kingdom of Chickentopia, there reigned a beloved and wise leader named King Tendie. King Tendie was a rooster with a golden crown perched majestically upon his head, and his feathers were as white as the purest snow. His kingdom was renowned far and wide for its flourishing chicken farms and mouthwatering cuisine.
King Tendie decided to organize a grand festival, a celebration of flavors and friendly competition. He invited neighboring kingdoms to participate in the Great Chickentopia Cook-Off, where talented chefs from all realms showcased their culinary skills in preparing the most tantalizing chicken dishes. The air was filled with delicious aromas, and the kingdom buzzed with excitement and anticipation.

During the festival, King Tendie, his golden crown shining brilliantly, stood before the gathered crowd. He spoke passionately about the importance of embracing diversity and cherishing the unique qualities that each kingdom brought to the table. King Tendie declared that Chickentopia would forever be a kingdom of open doors, warm hearts, and delectable cuisine, where the talents of chefs from all walks of life would be celebrated.

As the festival continued, the joyous atmosphere filled the kingdom with laughter, music, and the clinking of utensils. Visitors from far and wide reveled in the lively competition, eagerly sampling the innovative and mouthwatering chicken creations. The festival became a symbol of unity, where kingdoms set aside their differences and came together to appreciate the shared love for gastronomic delights.

As time went on, the legacy of King Tendie and his festival of flavors spread throughout the land. Chickentopia became a renowned culinary hub, drawing food enthusiasts from all corners of the realm to savor the delectable dishes and experience the warmth and hospitality of the kingdom. King Tendie's reign stood as a testament to the power of unity, diversity, and the joy that comes from sharing a good meal.

And so, my friend, the kingdom of Chickentopia thrived under the wise and benevolent rule of King Tendie. With his golden crown atop his head, he left a lasting legacy of unity, friendship, and mouthwatering delights. It was a story that would be told for generations, reminding all who heard it of the extraordinary power of coming together over a shared love for the finest chicken dishes.

>> No.22155047

Go to New Hampshire, you'll fit right in

>> No.22155052

I've always shared a connection with my dad. Even my first memory is related with him. However this thing is so fragile that we cannot speak of it because then it breaks down into thousand pieces and we both become speechless, feeling misunderstood by each other.

>> No.22155067

Would it be preferred to have a President with a PhD in Economics, a PhD in Politics or Political Science, a PhD in something else, or no PhD at all?

To date, there’s only been 1 President with a PhD and it was Woodrow Wilson with a PhD in Government.

>> No.22155070

It's funny how Ruth Bader Ginsburg is in hell right now.

>> No.22155080

Society is easier to appreciate when you realize how primitive it is.

>> No.22155103

Yeah that is a non zero chance that i am masturbating to pictures of my boss tonight

>> No.22155113

Spengler made every other thinker after him look silly to me.

>> No.22155122

Wish I could at least do my 20s over. I know exactly what I’d do.

>> No.22155144


>> No.22155154
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I'm so moderately happy. I'll be looking at houses in a couple months and I am so excited. I have an appointment tomorrow where I find out the gender of my baby. My neuroticism is better lately because I am comfortable and satisfied. I feel like I'm almost to the top of maslow's hierarchy of needs. I've got a lot of freetime since I can't do much besides sit around so I am reading comics to pass the time. Later today I'll go to the hobby lobby and pick up some crafts to do too (picrel a craft I saw I wanted to try making). I feel like I made it... maybe I will try writing the book I wanted to too

>> No.22155155

wow thanks

>> No.22155159

I think grade inflation has hit the medical profession. Hopefully I'm wrong but if it continues to trend then it's going to become (or already has) like a faith healing religion, and spawn other faith healing religions in response.

>> No.22155164

I’ve never had any connection with my dad. We barely spoke when I was a kid, the relationship was frictional to say the least from pre-teen to teen, and after my parents divorced when I was a teenager, I didn’t see him again until I was twenty-five. I’m at his house now for the week actually and we don’t really talk besides occasional small talk. A few sentences. Nothing more.

>> No.22155167

Medical school is already co-opted by pharma. I trust a base of monitoring and herbal medicine for upkeep, and will turn to doctors when shit goes wrong (luckily nothing is wrong so far). Doctors used to prescribed herbs and medicines in conjunction but Rockefeller medicine discourage and vilified any natural ingredients in favor of their petroleum based medicines. It's fucked, you really gotta watch out for your health instead of purely relying on the medical institutions.

>> No.22155170

Do you feel more connected with mom?

>> No.22155175

If I was a father and had that kind of relationship with my son I would be devastated and want to kill myself and would feel like an utter failure as a man and father

>> No.22155191

How do you buy a house when you have a lot of free time to read comics and such?

>> No.22155196

She's a mother and has a rich husband.

>> No.22155206

That's not really the current problem but I wish you luck. Pharma plays a part, but basic diagnostics is a more fundamental concern. There was a period of significant medical advances from about 1920-70 where the majority of antibiotics, essential vitamins and minerals, chemotherapy, blood testing, surgery, disease classification and everything that made medicine modern advanced. A doctor from that period would extend your life span more than healthy living, which is why most faith healing religions sprung up either side of those advances. Life expectancies in populations with access to current modern medicine should not mirror life expectancies in populations with access to doctors practicing Victorian era medicine, before those basic discoveries of the 1880s-1980s. It's not all pharma, because the gatekeeping function of a doctor should be able to tell if the medicine is mountebank snake oil through basic empiricism past 1950 certainly. Even with pandemics and mass overprescribing of opiates, the other interim discoveries since the Victorian age should weigh against the life expectancy decline more heavily.

>> No.22155208

Ah, life on easy mode

>> No.22155215

I think that my fridge is slowly dying. It barely gets colder and if I open doors too many times throughout the day (maybe like 4-5), it starts condensing water drops on the inner wall. I cant afford buying another one for a few months.

>> No.22155220

Did you try vacuuming the back?

>> No.22155226

I just inspected the condenser coils on the back of the fridge and there's barely any dust.

>> No.22155228


>> No.22155233

Is its thermostat set for the right environment and season?

>> No.22155237

There's only one dial which goes from 0 to 7 and I have it on 3.

>> No.22155244

Any chance you have the manual which explains the scale or a model no for the fridge? Has it been especially warm or cold where you're at?

>> No.22155276

It's around 22-23 celsius in the kitchen.
0 - freezes the least
7 - freezes the most.

>> No.22155299

blackpilled on real estate
Situations like this should get people up in arms but I guess people are fine with renting for crazy amounts of money

>> No.22155383

>I trust a base of monitoring and herbal medicine
>t. american zoomer who smokes weed on the regular and checks the health app on their iPhone every once in a while just to be sure

>> No.22155386
File: 571 KB, 778x1090, 1686931667902217.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are globohomo types utterly obsessed with diluting other people's countries and destroying all human distinctness? It's like a fetish or something


>> No.22155397

Nietzsche is changing the way my brain works and I am going to start lifting because I am a life affirmer. Don't resent life lads and lasses,

>> No.22155404

>Don't resent life
I do because I'm not normal therefore I cannot enjoy what can life give.

>> No.22155436

>5 reasons Chinese control of the South China Sea is a win for trans rights
Nice try though

>> No.22155567

I don't smoke weed or drink and I check my BP and steps, avoid processed foods and exercise. Make assumptions if it helps you feel better about your shitty habits.

>> No.22155583

I'm too scared of getting into relationship because I'm too insecure that she will cheat on me

>> No.22155594

Well stop being like that.
If a whore cheats on you then that's what it is.
Either move on or sulk about it

>> No.22155609

I used to be like this but when you get with the right person there will be no worry. I used to have a lot of jealousy issues and insecurity but now with spouse I feel none of it. We don't lock our phones and we use each other's computers. I think it helps that when you get past a certain point in life sex become less of a priority and isn't really on the brain as much

>> No.22155612

>just get with the right person xD

>> No.22155626

You have better advise?
Or is your cope to seethe about it online?

>> No.22155632

Why are you reading glowie libfash rags? That’s for zogbot Karen training

(Actually it’s also for irritating rightwing IDpollers like you too. GG)

>all human distinctness
Human distinctions grow organically. We ebb and flow. (True they’re pressing hard that we have to, all on the assumption of destroying your deeply held prejudices). It’s just natural that some mixture happens and you shouldn’t hate it, it is what humans naturally did from the beginning. Being separated geographically was natural, but separated by elitist borders certainly was not.

>> No.22155637

i need a crystalline memory and an iq of 145

>> No.22155655

I have a better advice. Stop saying such things like it's very common thing.

>> No.22155665

What do you reckon is the percentage of women who cheat on their bf/husband?

>> No.22155710

Maybe kick it up a notch or two and see if the condensation lessens. Or put a bottle of frozen water in there overnight to see which setting it stops melting at. Ice in a cooler should last two days if it has any real insulation, so if a bottle of frozen water is melting in your fridge overnight, it's not even keeping out heat.

>> No.22155734


>> No.22155747

Thanks, I'll do that. I think that the problem is with fridge and not cooler.

>> No.22155754

Google says 13%. It doesn't matter though, if you're insecure you'll drive off any woman anyway. It helps by realizing that if someone flirts with your partner and they flirt back, they are doing you a favor and taking out the trash. Infidelidous people tend to out themselves pretty quickly, so it's not to worry. If they cheat just move on

>> No.22155809

I mean a non powered cooler box, like an insulated box. If your fridge is not keeping stuff insulated better than a plastic box with insulated walls would then it's not food safe.

>> No.22155826

I think it's more like 53% or even higher.

>> No.22155839

You watch too much porn.
It’s not above 20%.
Divorce happens mostly because the couple fall out of love, not cheat.

>> No.22155919

Then you're in too deep. There's not much you to do at this point, I feel a bit bad for your situation and I hope you turn things around.

>> No.22155925

Is a virgin who is deeply addicted to porn considered "pure?"

>> No.22155930

Imo no. Porn addicts are gross and more degenerate than someone whose had sex a few times.

>> No.22155947

What is lit opinion about tattooes? Thinking on doing one about Sisyphus, no I don't have any. Yes, I do have a reason to do it. It's the worst period of my life right now and I'm trying no to neck myself. It is to remind me of the why no to do it.

>> No.22155953
File: 131 KB, 1147x639, goblin sightings.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22155955

I think it's gay

>> No.22155958

>> notion of purity is nonsense.
There’s innocence of a child, sure. But the purity meme is about a girls virginity and her value as a tradable breeding partner.

>> No.22155962
File: 33 KB, 654x527, 1593661909518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how many /lit/bros did we lose to monasticism

>> No.22155967

well, my wife cheated on me, i've quited my job because 11h shifts were draining the rest of my soul and i went to my family for some consolation, only to find out my father had cancer. now i'm sleeping on the floor of their house to help them out and trying to quit booze and failing it. might be gay.

>> No.22155968

Agree with this gentleman (>>22155955) but also don't neck yourself bro

>> No.22155970

Go ahead if it makes you happy. Some people get ridiculous and ugly tatts, this one sounds reasonable and personally poetic for you.

>> No.22155986

California should be dark green. I live here and see goblinos every day

>> No.22155988

I dont like them personally. I like kind of having a "pure vessel" and it makes me feel primal and reminds me of my monkey nature to habe nothing on. They look cool on other people I think.

>> No.22155990

Bro, /wwoym/ IS the monestary

>> No.22155993

Theres times where I get all self righteous and think tattoos are gross. Then I look down at my arm and see all the cutting scars and realize that I can't judge.

>> No.22155998
File: 18 KB, 754x294, 2023-06-16 13_29_34-Window.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My short film has only gotten into one online festival. I want to blame censorship (lmao) but I think my work is probably just shit. But I'm finally over the doom and gloom, I think. On to better things.

>> No.22156000

I worry sometimes that mankind might have done something which can't be undone during the last two centuries. There are compounds used in cookware that can stay in the body essentially forever, drugs used to treat obesity or anxiety or irritable skin that end up in the groundwater, microscopic pieces of plastic which can end up in the blood stream or even the brain. No one knows how any of this will affect life on Earth in the long term. The whole biosphere may have been compromised, all life on Earth having absorbed one thing or another. What will happen to it all? What will happen to us?

>> No.22156003

maybe the anti-monastery

>> No.22156007

>you're in too deep
in what exactly?

>> No.22156070

this muvluv vn is fire fr fr

>> No.22156071

I find that to me balance is very important. Consooming, producing, learning, partying - I can't stand any of it in excess, but I also can't go without them. In order to consoom I find that I must go out and do shit, otherwise I don't enjoy it.
As for abandoning, I drop the activity as soon as I lose interest in it; there are plenty of other activities that fight for my attention in the irl. I also keep in mind the status which the endeavour affords; I don't do faggy shit but push through the esteemed shit even if I don't like it all that much.

>> No.22156076


>> No.22156083

i’m deeply concerned and uncertain about how to live my life - because i want to have a belief is something greater than myself, and to have a cause and community that helps me forward that belief.

i keep thinking about joining the military, but i feel i would become disillusioned pretty quickly, given the state of things.

what’s a non-religious zealot meant to do guys?

>> No.22156086

Quit typing in all-lowercase, for starters.

>> No.22156093

I’ve read som people who express similar concerns. Their ultimate conclusion is that this is a sort of slow apocalypse.

>> No.22156099

i have aids in my brain and i should have died when i was 8 gg

wish i was dead

>> No.22156101

>i should have died when i was 8
were you in an accident

>> No.22156104


>> No.22156105

Its sad that some of you cannot enjoy this site as just another site, you put it up on some sot of pedestal. I hope one day you're able to value more important things in life.

>> No.22156108

I wonder if the time we live in is actually a fleeting halfway point between two extremes - one in the past where a "man-made" material was something like carbon steel or wood stain and in which humanity lived with a healthy respect for the natural world, if not at the mercy of it, and the other extreme being a world where a healthy natural birth of any organism is a rarity, where the biosphere is so polluted that cell reproduction at any scale involves copying errors, and where human life is uncertain. I hope I'm wrong, but I simply don't trust the natural inclination of medical and chemical corporations to cover up harmful effects of their products for the sake of profit.

>> No.22156114

sorry to hear it

>> No.22156118

Why do faggots like yourself see obviously subversive bullshit, acknowledge that it’s subversive bullshit, but then feel so desperately that you need to point out “ackshually the right does it too and here is why they’re kinda sorta close to right”?

It’s like you can’t just admit that it’s bad with no reservations. You have to satisfy the conditioning.

>> No.22156125

The way Twitter people talk, the "ya'll" and "folks" and all that, it's like they're trying to create a posh register of AAVE which all races shall adopt in their show of wokeness. Very bizarre.

>> No.22156126

Yes, but that relationship has its own problems, as is the case with any relationship I guess.

I don’t think he cares. In fact, I think he feels some sense of vindication or something that we now have any sort of relationship at all. I really only see him for a week or two per year. Once around Christmas and once around Father’s Day, and I only do that so by younger siblings can maintain some relationship with him without me stirring up some drama.

>> No.22156131

>relationship has its own problems
crucial ones?

>> No.22156136

I want to be a stoic hermit and live in a cave — but I need society to function.

>> No.22156140

I tend to feel not like we live literally at the end of the world, but at something that feels a lot like it. I think it’s just a particularly bad time to be alive in some respects. Same as we can look at ancient people and point out that many of them were short and malnourished but natural, after us they’ll be able to point out that we were tall and very nourished, but had hormonal and chemical problems, etc. if this epoch makes it into anything resembling history books at all. It never occurred to the Romans to go dig up Troy. It’s possible it never occurs to the people after us to dig us up. This world and the lived on may just end up buried with us, and one day the world returns to normalcy while all of this just fades out into unremembered history.

>> No.22156147

They might have been crucial when I was younger, but those are largely gone and I’m over them. I don’t resent my mother. I don’t resent my father either, but I suppose there’s always been expectations that there that I’ve never had for my mother.

>> No.22156149

Silence pseud

>> No.22156169

Why not eliminate schooling between age 12-16? It’s biologically + psychologically too turbulent a time to be cooped up inside, made to sit all the time. During these years, kids would live communally — doing some work, anyway being physically active, in the countryside; learning about sex — free of their parents. Those four ‘missing’ years of school could be added on, at a much later age. At, say, age 50-54 everyone would have to go back to school. (One could get a deferment for a few years, in special cases, if one was in a special work or creative project that couldn’t be broken off.) In this 50-54 schooling, have strong pressure to learn a new job or profession — plus liberal arts stuff, general science (ecology, biology), and language skills.

This simple change in the age specificity of schooling would a) reduce adolescent discontent, anomie, boredom, neurosis; b) radically modify the almost inevitable process by which people at 50 are psychologically and intellectually ossified — have become increasingly conservative, politically — and retrograde in their tastes (Neil Simon plays, etc.)

There would no longer be one huge generation gap (war), between the young and the not young — but 5 or 6 generation gaps, each much less severe.

After all, since most people from now on are going to live to be 70, 75, 80, why should all their schooling be bunched together in the first 1/3 or 1/4 of their lives — so that it’s downhill all the way

Early schooling — age 6-12 — would be intensive language skills, basic science, civics, the arts.

Back to school at 16: liberal arts for two years
Age 18-21: job training through apprenticeship, not schooling

>> No.22156190

I once made a great signature but I cannot replicate it.
Makes me sad

>> No.22156195

Formal schooling isn’t about what’s good for you. It’s about making you obedient and indoctrinated, literally. For some reason, people can watch a trainer teach a dog to roll over and accept that it’s actually about obedience generally and not merely rolling over, but they watch the same thing occur with children and they cannot imagine that it’s about anything but learning to roll over.

>> No.22156196

Women’s overall behavior as a group can be understood through the lens of instinctual responses to trauma. Victim mentality, refusal to have direct discussion or conflict, leading to underhanded or passive aggressive communication, manipulation and overvaluing their own sexual desirability as a way of internalized dehumanization, being vain etc.

Women are traumatized animals

>> No.22156203

Find someone you like to talk to, simple as.

>> No.22156205

There's this girl at work I am certain thinks I am dangerous. I don't know why, but she always seems scared of me and sneaks out really quick when we're alone in a room. I feel tired and depressed all the time and I'm pretty sure my appearance reflects this so I'm not sure why anyone would be scared of me. It's somewhat intriguing and I'll ask her, eventually, one day.

>> No.22156206

I have sunken into that pit, rendered into a mole. A wretched creature blinded by its maker. Furiously I chase, unsatiated, hands swollen to grab at the dirt and spineless rations spilled in the spiraling chasms of the earth, and thankful to do so. Currents of air leak through the holes but I dwell on what snakes and birds encircle them. I wish for a rain of stones to barricade me out, enforce me into the brilliant, burning, irradiated light of the outside, that if I am preyed upon so be it, or otherwise for these stones to entomb me within a prison of heat and pressure. Until I feel that tremor throughout the boundless darkness, that slipping of faults in the world's design, I will only bide my time until I can escape.

>> No.22156222

You know how they say you are the sum of the five people you are around the most? That extends to family right? What should you do if your family members are losers or degenerates? They’re family. You can’t just cut them out.

>> No.22156229

>because it’s schizobabble

>> No.22156232

Are they trying to drag you down?

>> No.22156238

you can.

>> No.22156257
File: 36 KB, 746x492, 1686946085246226.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trannysisters.... we are getting btfo again

>> No.22156260

Grew off loli, ryona and vomit shit.
Incest got boring years ago aside from those incredible degen javs where people just have sex with anyone anywhere.

>> No.22156261

Not intentionally. Not as far as I know at least.

Ok. You can, but you shouldn’t.

>> No.22156264

>you are the sum of the five people you are around the most?
Is this the NPC law?

>> No.22156288

Told my med school friend about by practically non-existent episodic memory. At the time, I wasn't equipped with the right jargon to describe what was missing. If anything was missing. Vague allusions to the impenetrable facade blocking me from images from a mere 4, 5, 6 years ago.

Unnerving. Of course, my friend dismisses my concern. Knows I'm a hypochondriac with a penchant for indulging my frivolous little research whims. Turns out it IS a condition. It IS. Severely deficient autobiographical memory.

There's plenty to disprove that "diagnosis". Like the fact that I have an impeccable inner eye. I can rotate the object at will. I can conceive it in different locations, places, shapes, colors. Leave me to it and I'll fabricate a fun little scenario with it. My imagination is powerful and robust. That's not the point. But my sense of self is fractured. I can't remember who I was from a few years ago. Some people talk about their childhood dreams, their past aspirations, their role models. I can't remember anything. It seems to me almost like I had none of those things. Like I had no past. It's not sensible, but I have a terrible feeling of being rooted in the now. Like I was shat into the world right this instant.

I don't drink. Or smoke. Or overeat. I don't indulge in any inclandestine activity. I don't even consume short format content anymore. I don't miss people. Sure when I register my disconnect with the world, I get overwhelmed with a deep longing for an abstraction of human contact. But I've never missed anything concrete. Like someone's touch, or embrace. Someone's features, and their voice. Someone in a particular shared setting. The emotion's been decoupled from the mental image. The mental image desintegrated.

Sometimes I wonder if over-exposure to literature is at the root of my emotional shallowness and dishonesty. If being equipped with the vernacular to express this unusualness of existence and acknowledge it is what had brought it to the surface in the first place. I do behave and emote very appropriately in context. But in hindsight, I am so detached from my own self, I start to wonder if i truly occupy this body or if I'm simply going through the motions.

>> No.22156290

I get my news from /lit/.

>> No.22156295

Seems more like it might be a human law

>> No.22156298

I skip the penultimate letter of my name in my signature usually.

>> No.22156301

Not really

>> No.22156302

As a midnight snack, I ate a peach before bed, and kept the seed inside my pajama pocket for good dreams, until one drunken night, I pissed my pants, and woke up to a tree grown completely around my crotch, its roots entangled around my legs and ass, the weight of its mighty trunk pinning my waist against the mattress. I looked up at where it broke through the roof, a family of birds had found refuge and housed themselves within the hollowed heart its base. Further still, the light beams scattered through the interlace of branches, along the blossomed buds of silver, were actual fruit. I struggled to reach for my reading glasses, doubting what I was seeing. They all looked like me. My head in rows. My cherub cheeks, my childhood scar above my lip. Freckles from the hottest summer in years. My shaved head from the lice epidemic. Down there my soul patch. And above, the uncanny wrinkles in the furrows of my brow, like layers of soft-served lava. I peer onward, but come to a realization as the warts appear, the prolonged toll of cigarettes and gravity, as my bones shrink and my face takes on the quality of a plastic bag. My stomach churns as the fruits dwindle in number, succumbing to the exponential rot of time, until at the very peak lies nothing but a single one. A decayed skull, my skull, carved from that dark pitted center, littered with red ants swarming in legions, salvaging what remains of that withered shape. I shook my wife awake. She shrugged me off, softly laughing, "Morning wood again?"

>> No.22156303

I will never not live in a major metropolitan city because I will never learn to drive. Cars freak me the fuck out, man.

>> No.22156312

Says who?

>> No.22156314

I think you could hypothetically reach a point where you burn yourself out of every last fetish, but at that point the consequences to your mind and soul will be very severe.

>> No.22156318

I live in the country and don’t even drive anymore. It’s doable.

>> No.22156322

I go to work by bike but I'm retarded.

>> No.22156352

Me. I'm not alike my friends nor my family.

>> No.22156362

I wouldn't equate imagination with memory, sure they're interlinked, but storage and recall are entire processes of the brain that can have issues, and what it sounds like is you're probably suffering from former or current neurochemical problems brought on by depression, poor diet/rest, unfulfillment, lack of stimulus, etc. (don't stress though these are NOT uncommon problems). But to be frank, it sounds corny of you to be gloating over being able to simply imagine things lol (though it is a flex on those with aphantasia). I would prescribe more lived-in experiences, mindfulness, more sunlight, some b-vitamins, zinc, white fish, nuts, some minor carbs, moderate exercise or just long walks, clean air, for a few weeks to see if you improve.

>> No.22156368

would you rather have a gay son or thot daughter?

>> No.22156372


>> No.22156381

Either is fine as long as they repent

>> No.22156399

You are. You just lack self awareness.

>> No.22156402

I don’t feel like the main character of my life. I don’t feel as if I have a strong presence. Why does this matter? I don’t want to be like this. I basically want to be a completely different person than I am with a completely different personality.

>> No.22156408

You're projecting and lack self awareness lol you have no idea about my life, you just assume everyone is a NPC like you.

>> No.22156423

I’m not projecting. Most people can tell what sets them apart from the people in their immediate lives but not what makes them alike. You may not realize how like your friends and family you are but I guarantee you the people not in your friends or family do.

>> No.22156427

I guarantee you that's not the case. I feel alienated from all my close friends and family. I've been feeling lonely with them for years. Your theory is crap.

>> No.22156434

Pual was a short squat man with rough hands and a sour face. You could find him polishing his bar or smoking from his pipe some say he got it from a merchant others a friend regardless everyone knew when he was there by the smell of that pipe and what an awful smell it was. He could be rash and rude and a bit of a misanthrope but behind his bar he came alive. People would come from all across the world and share stories and songs and ideas there wasn't much for Pual in this life but things he heard and thought about brought him comfort. There's not much else to say about Paul his story hasn't ended yet. I hope one day he can step out of that bar and see the world and people he loves so much.

>> No.22156479

Can an impure person be purified?

>> No.22156494
File: 487 KB, 1000x750, orthodox_baptism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course

>> No.22156498

Your own bullshit

>> No.22156499

I think I'm finally gonna an hero before the end of the year. 32 years seems like enough time to realize things aren't gonna work out.

>> No.22156510

Yeah, when you do why not spice it up a little? Bring a whole school buss full of children with you as well.

>> No.22156517

don't be a fuckboy

>> No.22156528

so who are you similar to, then? or to what

>> No.22156531

Damn, these rotten apples in my desk are stinky. What a pungent stink. Yummy stinky. Oh yes.

>> No.22156533
File: 79 KB, 975x1051, E_Bl6cqVIAEevc_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course, these things haunt me everyday (I'm work in food chemistry but have friends in other sciences) but if you express your concerns most people look at you with a dead stare like you're a conspiracy theorist. They're like why are you worrying about that stuff, just live your life lol.

>> No.22156539

If they can fathom forgiveness more than shame than yes imo, that's the hard part though.

>> No.22156548

there is a mouse in my house that I cannot catch, who is outsmarting me at every turn. He is resilient to traps, he is building new burrows, and he is eating my dogs food. Shit got me feeling like that one movie, with that gay, fat dude and guy from Godzilla.

>> No.22156559

Reposting from yesterday, cause I'd like to get a comment.
I think a really important attractive trait in a man is when he knows what he wants and goes after it.
I don't know what I want, nothing motivates me very much, really.
Wonder if I should just pretend to be really invested in something.

>> No.22156585

>They're like why are you worrying about that stuff, just live your life lol.
They're not wrong

>> No.22156594

I post on 2 boards at the same time so I don't have to wait 60s between shitposts.

>> No.22156598

>not making horrifically bad posts on 6-7 boards simultaneously

>> No.22156603

i love u fags

>> No.22156604

I think I had the single-handedly worst month of my life 2 months ago. Got kicked out of engineering school, my gf left me for her ex, didn't see a reason to go on much longer.
I felt as if I was just doing stuff for the sake of it, sort of like there was no real reason to do anything I did, just going through the motions. I also have had issues with finding self worth my whole life, and this just amped it up to the next level. I was never a guy that had suicidal thoughts but I realize I was just depressive and probably really miserable to be around during this time.

All of what happened to me is my own fault. Having said that, I'm trying to get back with a new found purpose. Realizing what I've lost, I gained a new found appreciation and a disdain for my past self for not taking advantage of the opportunities I had. I have a shot at making it back into my old school and i don't want to fuck it up.

how do i keep this momentum going and not fuck it up like last time?

>> No.22156640

Sitting in my chair, scrolling shit jobs on Indeed while indulging my trichotillomania, I feel stab of pain under my sternum. It's deep and reverberates through my heart.
"Oh fuck, no. I swear I was going to turn everything around this year."
But I don't die and it becomes a dull ache.
I go back to scrolling.

>> No.22156695

everything that is happening to me feels punitive, like i must be atoning for something. what a weak, bitchy approach to life.

>> No.22156705

Life will adapt

>> No.22156714

>learning about sex — free of their parents.

>> No.22156723

She might have a crush on you

>> No.22156733

The solution is the same to both problems: fuck them into submission

>> No.22156827

>she thinks I'm dangerous
Why are you humble bragging on a Tibetan basket weaving forum?

>> No.22156961

>see old friend
>has cute blonde gf
>see him months later
>'yeah anon i lost my job, etc'
>see him months later
>has cute brown gf


>> No.22156962

I'm not gay.

>> No.22157012
File: 105 KB, 1106x1012, 1681804608630572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being so fucked up that you get called a subhuman by a Ugandan

>> No.22157025

Fuck the gay out of your son

>> No.22157213

Wherever there is the discrete, one finds God, but wherever there is the continuous, one finds only himself.

>> No.22157228

Art tyrannizes whoever consumes it. It wants you to betray yourself for the feeling of the art.

>> No.22157237

She might, or she thinks I'm weird. I'm not exactly on the upper side of the beauty scale

Weaving baskets while sitting on the porch on a sunny day must feel really fucking nice

>> No.22157305

I like it, you get my full attention and I'm drunk as fuck.

>> No.22157310


>> No.22157354

if you are smart, then why are you ugly?

>> No.22157361

I'm beautiful

>> No.22157364

can you send me a photo

>> No.22157379
File: 452 KB, 1200x1453, narcissus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm for myself

>> No.22157388

Poo is ass butter

>> No.22157463

>free of their parents
Overall this is good world building but this step has unforeseen consequences. Teenagers are very political and moral, and need parents to rebel against. Its turbulence has a point, so they learn compromises and boundaries for themselves, hopefully against a backdrop of a united front of authority figures they love and a more turbulent and less unified peer group they're still forming opinions about. They need it for mate selection at the end of those years and for childrearing. They're going to work out how to have some form of sex around sixteen without any help, it's whether they work out if the social and personal consequences of their independent opinions and affiliations before that which matters, and that is much easier with some authoritarian pushback.

>> No.22157467

I wish he would stop being a fucking retard and just do what I tell him to do. He’s sabotaging his future and mine.

>> No.22157490

Yeah, wonder where those Qing Bannermen are going to end up. Seems like a pretty unstable system.

>> No.22157627

I miss you so much that I can’t stand it. Please don’t leave things like this forever

>> No.22157644

I want an expensive golden ornament but don't know where to find one.

>> No.22157680

No harm, he's armed
Setting off all your alarms

>> No.22157686

I find it hard to watch movies these days. They just don't satisfy me anymore like they used to. I look back at the hundreds of films that I've seen in the past few years and only a handful have made a significant impact on me as true works of art and creativity. Although I've enjoyed most of these movies most of them are still disposal. I feel like I've wasted my time. In particular there's one film I saw that is so good everything else feels like a disappointment in comparison. I just wish cinema was a more relevant and influential art form rather than being mostly disposable entertainment

>> No.22157720
File: 35 KB, 600x600, hate_symbol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy traditional japanese tea pot
>put lipton's tea bags in the tea thing
>sometimes just put instant coffee in the tea kettle and pour myself cups of coffee
>nobody knows i'm not actually fancy

>> No.22157733

This is quite nice, I'm imagining you as an 18th century apple picker, or perhaps the third son of a wealthy tailor in France just before the revolution.

>> No.22157759

someone should make a bot that scrapes twitter accounts for how often they mention sex or sex adjacent topics. that's how you find an NPC.

>> No.22157824

Yeah, no shit. But knowing babies are born with teflon in their blood kind of rubs me the wrong way.

>> No.22157838

>kicked out of school
>shitty gf breaks up with you
tell me how that's a logical conclusion? first world problems I swear lol I had to kill a goat yesterday to feed a family down the road whose house was destroyed by a hurricane 5 months ago. They sleep on the ground in a hut. Study and find a job you like, you have plenty of time to find real love later, flings are fine for now. If anything I say celebrate little victories. Set up small rewards for getting shit done. Good luck man.

>> No.22157844

When you shit and nothing's there, it just went down the pipe. You didn't imagine it, nor is it a ghost poo.

>> No.22157871
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Would like someone to recommend me some books/articles or whatever that pertain to what I am talking about.

I realised that so many customs we have in our culture are very arbitrary and we only follow them simply 'because'. For example, it is a custom when marrying someone to buy and use an engagement ring and then a wedding ring once married. But you only really need one ring for this, why do you need two? And why does the ring have to be expensive when you could just buy a $30 ring? Maybe it is my autism, maybe not. I looked online about stuff like this and some article said that it is tradition to spend two months salary on your rings - who started this rule, the ring seller? What does an expensive ring even accomplish over some cheap ring that simply signals that you are married?

This got me thinking about many of our customs but I came to the conclusion that only so few of these little customs can I as an individual choose not to follow with little blowback. If I were to get married, I would rather just have one ring and it not be expensive, but since it is a marriage, my not going with the two-ring-tradition is heavily dependant on whom I am marrying and if they feel the same way that I do. If she said she wants two rings and she refuses to see my point or follow my logic then the path of least resistance is to just buy two rings and the custom/tradition continues. This is why many customs we think are excessive or pointless can stay around for such a long time, someone who doesn't want to follow the custom may still do it because everyone else does and its the path of least resistance.

A better example could be how men, but not women, are supposed to remove their hats from their heads when entering a funeral service. People will tell you it is disrespectful for a man to not remove his hat... but why is it disrespectful? "It just is", they will say. But they only think it is disrespectful because they were raised and taught it was, just as their parents were, and so on and so on. This custom started somewhere, and people before it didn't take off their hats because it wasn't arbitrarily considered disrespectful yet. But even if you wanted to change things and not take off your hat as a man, the positives of not taking your hat off is that you just don't have to raise your arm up. This positive is outweighed by the negative of everyone calling you disrespectful and having a lower opinion of you even though you know it shouldn't matter. So you go on with the path of least resistance and just take your hat off anyway. And when you have children you will tell them it is disrespectful to not take off their hats, not because it is actually tangibly disrespectful but because you don't want your child to become an outcast. And so continues the custom, forever. Because on an individual level no one will benefit from not following the custom.

>> No.22157921

Tomorrow is Saturday, but it's already Saturday. Even though the sun hasn't come up yet.

>> No.22157944

Perhaps the most destructive and detestable tendency christianization introduced in the western arts was the idea that the arts exist to educate the reader on moral and social matters.

>> No.22157950

>I looked online about stuff like this and some article said that it is tradition to spend two months salary on your rings - who started this rule, the ring seller?
unironically yes.

>> No.22157957

I should learn spanish

>> No.22157967
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A jewish candlemaker helped start Kwanza so he could sell more candles.

>> No.22157974

Old racists tale, stupid frog poster. Go back to bed

>> No.22158006

Weird that I only started getting the urge to make sexual jokes to a girl who I was training. It's like certain words started to become highlighted in her speech.

>> No.22158015 [DELETED] 

Uhh... bros, what's outside New Jerusalem that it needs angels guarding the gates? It's not some Night Land situation is it?

>> No.22158020
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I have a sudden urge to start making vids on YouTube about all the shit I'm reading and ideas I'm interested in, but I don't want to be involved in Booktube or whatever the fuck. I don't have a proper setup either – just a smartphone and a Windows 11 computer. I know a lot of creators start out modest though, and I'm not even in it for the money. I just about to talk about shit I'm interested in. Should I go for it?

>> No.22158024

Why would you post something so scary when some of us are trying to sleep?

>> No.22158046

Absolutely, I would also take some time to learn how to edit well enough to make your videos worth watching, you can download a free editing software called Davinci Resolve which is really good for a free editing software and it has a video series on its website that will teach you how to edit.

>> No.22158142

I am not interested in psychoanalyzing myself.

>> No.22158325

The writing of history is full of necessities demanded by the spirit of the place and time from which it originates. Historical phenomena, characters, events take on roles which they never really asked for but which are demanded of them, insignificant moments become magnified way beyond their significance, significant moments are swept under the rug or bagatellized, and there are countless paths of historical inquiry which are never investigated simply because there is no demand for them in the matters of the writer's present.

>> No.22158363

Bblah blah this board is trash

>> No.22158423

it's been two years and I'm still not over my ex
life sometimes feels like a punch to the gut. breaking up with that girl made me feel powerless, and I've been utterly powerless in various situations before but it's the first time it lasts this long. l don't even have it in me to flirt with people like I enjoyed doing before.
however this is okay. I have friends I can spend time with. at least until they get married

>> No.22158453

I only like girls that look like boys, am I gay?

>> No.22158482

Just learned that Babe Ruth is a fraud and all the Heavy Hitters from the Steroid Era weren't hitting homers due to their muscles. There is definitive proof that the baseballs were juiced. The MLB can add an extra layer of rubber to the baseballs that can increase the homerun percentage by 200%, and obviously do this for profit.

>> No.22158501

I miss my mom.

>> No.22158534

How do I sober up faster?

>> No.22158640

You're probably just feminine enough.

>> No.22158764

>there's one film I saw that is so good everything else feels like a disappointment in comparison
Ok I'll take the bait, what's the film?

>> No.22158775

>people who think 4chan is some sort of counter-cultural place
It is. Nowhere you can speak so openly against jews, trannies and other abominations. Censorship is everywhere these days, and 4chan has done an excellent work of mass mind opening since 2015. The growth of the counter-cultural wave seems unstoppable right now.

>> No.22158905
File: 406 KB, 2730x702, 1651036985864.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just realized something that should probably be obvious, but was nonetheless a sort of epiphany for me, namely that the reason why it is completely impossible to discuss the ideology of transgenderism in good faith with trannies (and I mean in good faith, with genuine curiosity, not just trolling them) is that they are almost all autistic and beholden to autistic black and white thinking, and hence want you executed if you fail to 100% agree with them before you even know what their positions are.

It all just sort of clicked for me. A lot of people have noted the religious fervor and zealotry that surrounds trans ideology, but I think that is mistaken - it's just autism. Either it is mistaken, or, perhaps equally likely, instead of becoming trans, the autists of previous times would go into scholastic philosophy, and would hence be the authorities on religious thought back then (writing it out, I now consider this extremely likely).

>> No.22158917

>electionfag gives himself away immediately
I miss the old /lit/.

>> No.22158936

Tried that new limited edition coca-cola today.
Apparently it's a league of legends tie in. Which is a game that never appealed to me and when I watch gameplay of it I have no fucking clue what I am even looking at despite playing games since before I could properly run or read.
Anyway it said on the label that it was xp flavored. I didn't really know what that was supposed to mean but I was curious about a new flavor of cola so I gave it a try.
I was completely shocked. It somehow tastes exactly how I always subconsciously imagined xp tasting if xp had a taste. Like a purplish bluish kind of flavor, but mixed with cola in a pleasant way, and the bubbles complemented it like the chime of getting xp in most games.

I might get a 6 pack of it when I next grill. It's pretty good.

>> No.22158956

I feel stuck between what I want for myself and what I want for my family. At the same time, I feel like my stuck-ness caused premature failure at both.

>> No.22158984

Dudes will say they've "escaped the matrix" and "broken free of the conditioning" after making their girlfriends or wives do OnlyFans and then quit their jobs to smoke weed all day.

>> No.22158989

thinking about going to a blink-182 concert

>> No.22158990

Something should also be said about the meme that they are all interested in programming, video games and video game inspired music/aesthetic (huge with zoomers). This is part of a larger discussion but Ian McGilchrist makes an argument in his book that the world of the left brain can be understood as a virtual world or the map of reality with strict demarcated rules and boundaries aka 'black and white thinking'. This is opposed to the right brain which navigates reality with much more ease and appreciation for new information and the immense complexity of reality. The more you study this distinction between left/right brain thinking the more it becomes obvious that much of the mental illness we see today is a offshoot of a largely left brain dominated world view. Think of all the tenants of the modern paradigm and of a populace so historically ill informed along with a system of information that feeds back on their worst emotions and can you see the ,('autistic') hell Zoomers have been placed in.

>> No.22159036

I want to break up with my boyfriend. But we live together, and I don't have enough savings to be self-sufficient if I move out. I'd hate to move back in with my parents; I'd be even more miserable. I think I'd rather just live alone and hook up with twinks when I need to scratch that itch.

>> No.22159044

Thats gay of you.

>> No.22159054

Is there a better place than 4chan? I am finally tired of every other post being a baseless assertion paired with a triumphant victory lap. Suppose I can just keep busy with old books.

>> No.22159065

Just my pipe with Good Stuff Gold Flavor

>> No.22159115

Just move back in with parents. If you’re a woman, it’s no problem. If you’re a man, it will suck if you’re over 30 but isn’t that big of a deal if it’s for a few years at most.

>> No.22159117

Would you get a really high strung corporate NPC job that took up your entire life and made you someone else’s bitch if it meant you could make a lot of money for your family (I.e. buy your mom a house, set up your kids for life, etc.)

>> No.22159179

I personally couldn't do it, but my brother had no problem. It's not really NPC work as it requires a good amount of creative problem solving, but the corporate social environment demands a high level of commitment to NPC opinions and that fear of being put into the outgroup is always floating in their minds.

>> No.22159209

Virtually no self esteem. Alone with my thoughts. Incoherent. Volatile. Insensible. More feeling than thoughts really. Heart burns. Can barely draw in breath. No agency. Disconnected, uprooted from community. Can still observe. Not fair. Spurs nothing but envy. The highlight of my day was breakfast. Might as well go back to sleep.

>> No.22159239

Why are you so unhappy?

>> No.22159243

The hemisphere pill packs a lot of explanatory power. The Master and His Emissary and The Matter With Things should be required reading in the West.

>> No.22159278

It's not really backed by looking at brains, but the theory overall is good once you don't actually make out that it correlates to either hemisphere. It's a bit of a thing in neuroscience that most scans are going to be from white, western, educated people, and lots of things related to the nervous system in general will be impacted by your culture. For example, most westernised people will have trouble with the arrows on a line optical illusion where two lines of the same length appear in western eyes to be two different lengths. That trick of the eye doesn't work if you weren't raised around carpented corners and in buildings which have strong right angles, so lots of African tribal people just think you're weird for trying to say the lines are different lengths. Your brain is built by environment, language, culture, education, and it doesn't reside in one side of the brain, but rather branches into your spinal and optic nerves and beyond, informing the development of other structures along the way.

>> No.22159305

Dissonance between too much introspection and a pathetically sensitive countenance.
I’m self aware enough to know my flaws, where I went wrong, and too weak (hiding behind some faux, unearned cynicism) to truly change.
I won and won and won and then failed once and couldn’t recover. I get a kick out self pity and self loathing. Overindulgent masochism if you will.

>> No.22159490

Where did you go wrong?

>> No.22159510

I lost my mind this morning. Every sound coming from outside was signifying something incredibly important.
>I must meditate on the sound that bird made to save the world
Then the rest of my brain woke up and I found my mind again.

>> No.22159584

What dudes?
99% of people who do onlyfans don't make above minimum wage from it.
Almost nobody is quitting their job because their girl's OF can provide for him and her both.

>> No.22159668


>> No.22159739

thot daughter so theres at least a chance i could convince her and get some as well

>> No.22159773

So you couldn’t do it even if you’d realistically be making $500k+ within a decade? Think of what all that money could do for people you care about.