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22152293 No.22152293 [Reply] [Original]

Books only you have read

>> No.22152297
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Based Moresco reader.

>> No.22152300
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>> No.22152310
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Wasn't bad

>> No.22152315

This about a man and his horse?

>> No.22152349
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>> No.22152351

My diary, desu

>> No.22152378
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>> No.22152434
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It's quite shit, the bits with monks were kino though

>> No.22152442
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>> No.22152802
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>> No.22152847
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>> No.22152849


>> No.22152854
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maybe my favorite book

>> No.22152886

Read this and erasers he's based

>> No.22152891
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>> No.22152959
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Surprisingly it is kind of great.

>> No.22152985

I went to a used bookstore the other day and they had a signed paperback of this in a glass case and a signed hardcover of Klara and the Sun just on the shelves mixed in with Ishiguro's other books.

>> No.22152999


>> No.22153031

Thieves are more likely to try and swipe a signed Bob Honey because thieves are more likely to know how Sean Penn is. Glass cases are primarily for things which are likely to be stolen or damaged, has nothing to do with value judgements.

>> No.22153046
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>> No.22153160

There was only room in the case for 1 and someone going into a bookstore is more likely to know which is more valuable. It was just an odd thing to see--my guess is they didn't realize the Ishiguro book was signed and messed up shelving it.

>> No.22153223
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>> No.22153356

>Not the Urqhart translation

>> No.22153402
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>> No.22153411

yeah..... im just so FREAKING unique!!!! BASED... so not cringe!!!!

>> No.22153414

Is this a joke?

>> No.22153417
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>Not the utterly hilarious and raunchy Raffel translation
You guys must like Catholic censorship

>> No.22153435

Was it priced accordingly for a signed copy? Ishiguro's signature may not be all that valuable, especially on recent works. Signed works of contemporary authors are generally not going to increase the price much unless it is someone who never signs stuff or an important work, you might get an extra $10-20 but you will sit on it for months. Sean Penn's signature is almost certainly worth considerably more than his books. And the sort of person who would but an autographed Bob Honey is probably not the sort of person who is going to spend hours digging through the stacks so having it somewhere very visible is good for the sale; an Ishiguro fan will find that signed Ishiguro and it is right where they will expect to see it.

People don't go to used book stores to steal stuff to sell, value has nothing to do with it as there is little value in the sorts of books you can easily swipe. When I worked in a used book store the bulk of theft was just ridiculous stuff of no value beyond irony, like $1 books that are a glut on the market and when ever we caught someone stealing it was almost always a bored teenaged delinquent that most likely did not read. Half the people who go into used book stores are not particularly into reading, they are killing some time or with someone who is into reading.

>> No.22153456
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Robbe-Grillet isn't in vogue anymore but he was frequently praised in the 20th century so you'll see the occasional reader on here. I had this edition actually.
I gave up on this one about 20 pages in, he's not for me.

>> No.22153768
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an amalgamation of black women's made up stories about meeting lincoln, written in ebonics in 1928. should go public domain next year so ill release it on gutenberg.

>> No.22153854
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Unironically feels like it

>> No.22153891

What is that, Estonian?

>> No.22154181
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This is one of my favorite topics. I also prefer reading textbooks when it comes to philosophy.

>> No.22154267

Nope. Almost no one has actually read GnP all the way through. Actually most people haven't started it. Those that have skip the sausage recipes and other nonsense. I read every measurement of mustard in that thing. Actually come to think of it most people haven't heard of it so if you read this thing closely then you are 1% of 1% of 1% of people who have had any contact with this book.

>> No.22154274

Why are you showing us your feet?

>> No.22154280

The Necrophiliac. It was pretty repetitive and kind of boring.

>> No.22154445

Moravia’s Voyeur is better (I have never read this book and found Moravia’s Voyeur somewhat ok)

>> No.22154448

Reading this now, but I’m only reading it so I can understand/get more out of Hegel. I will that I’m starting to lean towards Kant slightly more than I thought I would.

>> No.22154474

>be Sean Penn
>publish novel at Simon & Schuster
>704 people rated it on goodreads after half a decade

>> No.22154477

Call of the Crocodile has 358

>> No.22154483
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>> No.22155217

Yeah, Baturin has some recognition, this isn't one of his more popular works

>> No.22155585

Is this translated?