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/lit/ - Literature

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22146556 No.22146556 [Reply] [Original]

/wwoym/ Write Less of What's On Your Mind

RIP Charles Joseph McCarthy Jr.
1933 - 2023

Previously >>22139311

>> No.22146586

1st for (small) boobs > ass

>> No.22146589


>> No.22146592

rare pic

>> No.22146620

Stand by me
Nobody knows the way it's gonna be

>> No.22146642

My ass is a swamp.
>Captcha: SGMVA

>> No.22146651

if she's less than a C cup I don't bother.

>> No.22146663

I effortpost more than I read.

>> No.22146664

the left has gone insane

>> No.22146702

I do not belong anywhere.
Not even here.

>> No.22146722
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>Look at clock
>Don't know if AM or PM at first glance

>> No.22146725

This used to be me when I was very depressed. Shit was horrible in the winter.

>> No.22146743


>> No.22146751

Saken är den att du borde inte kunna förlåta mig. Jag visste, medan jag var otrogen, att det var troligt att jag skulle såra dig så djupt att du aldrig kunde älska igen. Jag gjorde det ändå. Jag skriver bara det här utifall att du ser det och om det skulle vara så att du har behållit någon slags känsla för mig. Du borde inte ha någon sån känsla.

>> No.22146759

tuo on ruotsiksi, tyhymä, yritä ainakin muistaa oikea kieli seuraavan kerran kun yrität pyytää anteeksi

>> No.22146776

I will play Starfield. Not because I want to, and not right away. But at some point, a couple of years from now, I will see the GOTY edition on sale for a couple of bucks and inevitably I will get it, and 200 hours later conclude that it sucks.

>> No.22146782

I ain't playing it until I can travel the stars with my incest harem and can board civilian ships and rape everyone onboard.

>> No.22146799

Well, I tried to kill myself but it didn't work. Looks like I'm to stick out this existence. I think I'm going to try to become a subway driver. Either that or go to Amsterdam and try psilocybin. I didn't think it would come to this. I thought something would come up. I think the basic problem is that I'm bitter. I've lost most of my contacts with humanity, and basically this has been by choice. I'm wondering if, if I got work as a subway driver, if I could maybe like sing in a choir or something. Or help in a soupkitchen. I don't want to do any of this. Or maybe I want to be useful somehow. I've had a lot of mental illness. I can't tell if I'm up to my waist in learned helplessness or what. It seems like it sometimes, but then a lot of stuff has happened. On the one hand I can't believe that I put my mom through this, and on the other I'm thinking a lot about just switching up the methods as soon as I get out of here (I'm in a psych ward now). I don't know when I broke. 08 I think, then it's basically been downhill. But I was a cunt before that also. It was complicated I guess. I really, really hope that God will be merciful with me for all of the mental health problems. I'm not a loving man though. I surely am not. I've been alone so, so much of my life. I'm considering seeing a shrink when I get out but it's like what do I even talk to him about? My life is basically empty, I haven't worked in 9 years, I'm a NEET, the only person I have a potentially somewhat durable connection with is my mother, whos life I'm currently ruining by my behaviours, but either way we haven't been close for very long. I accept that this life must be meaningful, I believe God must have caused it to be, and I don't think you could ever really deny that what we do here matters, every human being knows this, every human being recognizes mercy, tenderness, beauty. It matters. I just want revenge. The idea with driving the subway is that I won't have to deal with too many people and I can maybe lift some weight off my mom.

>> No.22146801

If you tried and failed you didn't want it.

>> No.22146807

Yeah. In the moment I came to the conclusion I'd be willing to just change everything about myself and try to live any way. I did press a knife into my throat though, so it left a mark for a few days. I leaned into it but then I just thought "anything is better". I hadn't wanted to seek help before but I did now, which is why I'm here.

>> No.22146809

You're missing out. Flat chests are delicious.

>> No.22146815
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What manga would have corncob enjoyed?

>> No.22146826

My advice is to read Schopenhauer.

>> No.22146834

I'm far enough away from the world already

>> No.22146836

Landwhale lover.

>> No.22146841

Yeah well I don't know why you assume it would make that worse.

>> No.22146847

I wonder what being genuinely religious is like. I think for me it was mostly a way to glorify anger.

>> No.22146851

What would you recommend I read from him, and why?

>> No.22146857

schopenhauer is infamously life denying man who used logic to make a argument that life is not worth living, try pyrrho instead

>> No.22146867

Read On Suicide. It's short. It will convince you of the futility of suicide. If you can't grasp it, start with the Greeks and work up to Kant. You can't kill yourself until you have internalized all of that philosophy. That is what I'm doing.

>> No.22146871

WRONG and don't reply to him, we were having a conversation and you're interputing with lies. Schop never advocates for suicide.

>> No.22146878

>life is shit but don't do it, it's just another pointless gesture in a meaningless world where you have no control over anything you do!~

>> No.22146916
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>Enjoy prison, stalker.

>> No.22146993

Doom soundtrack at max volume in my earbuds cannot drown the aututune nigger music in the bar I'm having coffee in. I am genuinely starting to think this is a psyop to turn people with taste insane.
Every single place plays this. It's like torture.

>> No.22146999

Yep Europeans are missing out

>> No.22147003

why would you go somewhere to drink a coffee? Drink it at home and relax.

>> No.22147010

the same reason I go to strip joints instead of just inviting your mom over and throwing dollar bills at her.

>> No.22147016

>why would you go somewhere to drink a coffee?
I don't wanna stay at home every day. It plays in the gym too. I don't wanna live in a prison.
I'll switch to Meshuggah

>> No.22147028

the only advantage of 4chin over reddit is being able to say nigger, otherwise these two sites are indistinguishable

>> No.22147034

Happy cake day!
Here's an updoot and some reddit gold, kind stranger!
Yeah totally like 4chan

>> No.22147050

God I hate rap so much. I would gas every single nigger and wigger

>> No.22147073

I'm starting to get comfortable in my office slave job.
I used to complain about it here but I now see the plus side in it. I have plenty of time to read articles about whatever and can shitpost on 4chan while getting paid.

>> No.22147081

So you just go to another building alone and sit and drink a coffee?

>> No.22147091

Getting a job will help, anon. Even if it sucks, having some structure betters your life immeasurably. Better to get a job doing something that interests you, though.

Also, you don't need to go to Amsterdam to try Psilocybin.

>> No.22147100

if thats the only reason you know why.
affirmative action kills.

>> No.22147105

Yes it's not your fucking business what I do for leisure you fucking retard.

>> No.22147107


>> No.22147113

I'm just causally trying to understand, tough guy, not attacking you. It doesn't seem like leisure if you are blasting the DOOM soundtrack into your head surrounded by annoying shit. When I drink coffee I like to sit in my underwear and read and relax.

>> No.22147121

he's just trying to cover up his inane hobby of beating off to animal foot porn.

>> No.22147123

I suspect that knowing my father is very wealthy impacted my life in a lot of ways.
Even at a young age I fucked around at school, not caring. Same with work. I switched jobs so often it's crazy for my age.
From social worker to basic salesman to office grunt work to welder back to a different type of office work and now I'm looking into making money from agriculture when i get bored of this job.
The thing is I'm not spoiled at all. Sure he helps me out here and there when I do things like buy a car or when I buy a house. But other than that I don't like asking for help.
He only got very open about his money as of a few years ago and has made the comment:
>Why care, you'll be a millionaire when I die anyway.
I feel it's a blessing and a curse. Blessing for obvious reasons. My life is pretty carefree. Where others fret about keeping their job I quit every one I had within 3 years.
A curse because I cannot commit to things I don't feel passionate about. Less a problem now but when I was in school it did damage me. I wish I put in more effort to become an expert in something. But the thought of it all not mattering anyway because I'll end up richer than my classmates who DO put in the work made me not care at the time.

>> No.22147129
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I have been singing a song recently
It goes
Row row row your boat
Gently down the stream!
Merrily merrily merrily merrily
Life is but a dream
I thought I must have misremembered the last line of the song but apparently it's the actual lyrics
Why is this line in a children's song?
Why are children singing this?
That your must row your boat down the stream in a merry way but that life is but a dream?
Life is but a dream?
What the fuck?

>> No.22147173
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I like the idea of being highly self-disciplined, but am so easily distracted that I never actually get the work done. I can watch and read things about productivity and get excited, and watch things about people who are monk mode style disciplined but always find myself just here, just absorbing without doing. For example, I saw things about dopamine detox and the benefits of it, and decided I was going to do it. Turns out it became a new obsession and I just spent hours watching hours of videos about dopamine detox. I saw Master Chief from Halo as being a no nonsense disciplined character, and ended up watching Halo lore videos. I feel like I am some high-level procrastinator that can always find every side quest imaginable but fuck up on the main quest line. I also can’t figure out if Norse paganism or Catholicism is the way. I feel drawn to both, and was raised in a family that was Christian, but very Arthurian Christian, my mother always would talk about nature spirits and things that are more akin to early Christianized England. The Green Knight story always attracted me as there are a mix of aspects that symbolise both. Seeing ravens and the whole Odin taking form as a wandering man always rang something inside me. I am also drawn to more masculine philosophies so Christianities stance on forgiveness and no revenge can cause some cognitive dissonance for me, watching videos and reading about Spartans attitude to training, self-mastery and fearlessness in combat are very satisfying. But then again, Crusading Knights were also known for high self-discipline and fearlessness in battle and probably were more self-denying than the Spartans were. Sometimes I think of God as being some Lovecraftian beyond comprehension type entity and not anything that is human-like at all. My mind is full of confusion.

>> No.22147174
File: 24 KB, 330x465, P.Mainländer_(cropped).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys ever think about how, by browsing this board for years, we develop an encyclopedic knowledge of images of obscure writers/philosophers and how this may be hard to explain if you accidently expose that knowledge and don't want to explain what 4chan is and what /lit/ is and admit you come here all the time and also have not read these obscure writers at all and how embarrassing that would be? especially if the person you are with actually knows this obscure writer intimately?
For example, maybe you are with a coworker and somehow you and her stumble upon a picture of Philipp Mainländer and you say, "That is Philipp Mainländer, a German pessimist who has never been translated into English" and then she goes "Yes! I wrote my thesis on Die Philosophie der Erlösung during my undergrad, somehow I find his fathomless pessimist to be comforting" and then she starts going on about transcendental idealism and thing-in-itself and pluralism and a bunch of other shit you don't know and is expecting you to be able to carry on an intellectual conversation because obviously if you can recognize Philipp Mainländer at a glance surely you have read his work and all the standard prerequisite writing and she is excited because you are one of the rare people she is able to talk about philosophy with casually but she quickly realizes you are way out of your depth and you can see her trying to work out why in the fuck you would know who this guy is and then she starts probing with questions to figure it out but you CANNOT admit to using 4chan. I think about this often.

>> No.22147181

yeah it is a little, um, unnerving.

>> No.22147190

Fuck off retard

>> No.22147200

seethe poorfag

>> No.22147207

>trust fund kiddo

>> No.22147214

Nice meme but I haven't lived a rich life at all.
Stop being mad because you're going to be poor for the rest of your life.

>> No.22147215

>when I like something I watch videos of other people doing it until I've tricked my brain into thinking I've done something worthwhile
I think you know what to do about this.
>I feel like I'm a high-level procrastinator
Don't kid yourself about being high-level anything. You don't have any willpower, simple as.
>my mind is full of confusion
No it isn't. You know exactly what you need to do, you're just too weak to do it so you watch others do it until you feel like you did it by association.

Your first instinct may be to get defensive about being called out, but if you want to change you need to be honest with yourself.

>> No.22147250

same for the most part. G Funk era and before is fine but after like 1996 everything started to fall to shit. I also cannot identify with music that speaks about baggin' bitches when in reality that's clearly not the case.

>> No.22147252
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are we there yet?

>> No.22147262
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Sure, right this way

>> No.22147295

can you give me any advice of how I can fix my current behaviors going forward? I appreciate your response.

>> No.22147309

Glad to see this articulated so well.

Alan Watt now? Not Watts. Ha

>> No.22147313

I don’t think 4chan/4channel is half as obscure as people think it is and I suspect in 10 years people will speak openly about their time spent on 4channel. I’m old enough to remember when both anime watching and Reddit browsing were something people didn’t admit.

>> No.22147318

Thinking about getting a Master’s, JD, or PhD just to overwrite my extremely poor undergraduate record that I’ve always been a little worried is going to come back to haunt me.

>> No.22147319

Dude who gives a fuck?

>> No.22147325

yeah I remember when reddit was forbidden to mention in public, back when they still had jailbait porn

>> No.22147352

>being left wing is when you are nice to the people and being right wing is when you are mean to the people

Horrifying how many people have an understanding of the political scene on this level, even besides the issue of whether the labels of left and right wing are of any use anymore.

>> No.22147361

I suppose they’re of us in the sense that the right swims slower towards a left teleology slower. Rightists are less progressive I suppose. But the dumbing down of the political discourse is worrisome. Carl Schmitt seemed to think we are denying the political altogether. So what we have masquerading as politics is not even really politics. Noticing that it seems to be a weird hybrid between journalism, law, and media all for the profit of certain money interests makes it hard to disagree.

>> No.22147374

You can do what I'm doing to fix similar behavior. It's no magic trick. You need to get rid of all distractions. You don't necessarily need to throw them out, you may want them again eventually, but you need them out of the house.
Pack it all up and take it to your parents' house. If you don't have school or work from home (like me) you should cancel your Internet.

Every morning when you wake up (preferably early and at the same time each day), go out of your bedroom and kneel before something, doesn't matter what. Close your eyes and set your intentions for the day. This works because when you acknowledge what you want out of the day, you become accountable for your actions (and inactions). It's harder to procrastinate when you have a goal in mind. This only works for people with self-respect though, if you don't care about yourself it's easy to let yourself down.

Realize that NOTHING will change if you don't make drastic changes. You will keep waking up, a few years gone by each time, realizing that you have nothing to show for the passage of time except knowledge (useless because it never produced anything in the material realm).

Transform your life, become the man that you want to be. It will not be happy everyday and it isn't supposed to be. Joy is more powerful than happiness and joy comes from accomplishment over time.

Do it, nigger.

>> No.22147379

I really cannot take the meaninglessness of my job and thus my life anymore. Even though I’m expected to do just a few hours per week of work, it’s all so small and faggy and fucking bullshit that despite the time commitment, the feeling of being somehow bound to this is so radically depressing that the thought of this and only this for the next 20 years is enough to put a bullet in my temple. I have a “good job”. Decent pay. Tons of vacation time. Remote flexibility. Schedule flexibility. A pension. People would kill for this, but I am so fucking miserable.

>> No.22147381

>stop being mad
lol, no, get bent kike

>> No.22147404

Maybe you'd be miserable with any job.

>> No.22147407

Thank you brother, I am glad you found my post. Sorting myself out is long over-due, I will start now.

>> No.22147410

You come across as a sneering jew yourself.
Lashing out like you do. Do you get mad when you see rich people go about their day? Do you wish it was you instead?

>> No.22147416

*starts up another 3 hour youtube video about some video game lore*

>> No.22147432

Every day I am thankful that the "video essay" format does not appeal to me at all. Regarding the religious stuff, why are Catholicism and Norse paganism the two options? They have very little in common. You are letting memes about them being based and trad or whatever make decisions for you

>> No.22147435

Probably. I don’t want a job. Nobody does really. But I do seem to tolerate it less than most do. If it weren’t the degree of freedom I do have, I would’ve abandoned it a long time ago.

At this point, the main thing keeping me here is the pension because I know if I don’t want to work now I really won’t want to work when I’m 60.

>> No.22147455

>take it to your parent's house

>> No.22147458

Get a hobby man

Something you're passionate about

>> No.22147460

What is it you do with all that time and freedom you get from your job?

>> No.22147462

I do have some hobbies. Besides writing poetry, which I do only occasionally, I don’t find much purpose in my hobbies. To me, living merely for hobbies seems intolerable. I realize that should be enough and is enough for most people but I don’t think it is for me.

>> No.22147467

Kekked checked based
have a (you)

>> No.22147477

Is there any way you could make writing more meaningful, maybe pursue that as a career by writing a book?

>> No.22147497
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You need to become a hobo for a while or fly to the third world and mingle with people who have to eat mud and live in shacks made of driftwood and sign boards.
You're too first world-adapted. How much of a blessing your daily life is is obscured by exclusion of contrasting elements such as death and extreme poverty.
If you cannot manage this, at least try watching a couple youtube videos of homeless people who can't get any job because they don't have ID or a car or whatever.
Alternatively, you could start regular gratitude exercise.
And remember, meaning you perceive in the world is always half created by yourself.

>> No.22147507

lol, I am laughing at you.

>> No.22147536

I wanna fuck a tinder slut again. It wasn’t supposed to be like this. I always regret fucking them, and promised myself I wouldn’t do it again. It doesn’t even feels good, I always feel like shit after. Still, here I am, lusting after tinder hoes. Again. Coomerism is hellish and I wish I was free of it.

>> No.22147604
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why is it that when i have a real tangible personal tragedy that im dealing with, i can go online and still find people posting memes and laughing and having jokes and stuff
do they not know?

>> No.22147654

I am a drug addict.

>> No.22147659


>> No.22147699

Golden Kamuy

>> No.22147710

I want to believe the hat actually grows with every repost

>> No.22147711
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I am a sensitive young man.

>> No.22147715

I simply feel the urge to go outside. When I lived in a better city I got into his habit. I'm not a homebody, I don't like to stay home. But things got so much worse

>> No.22147716
File: 1.88 MB, 2560x1440, 2560x1440-915336-ultrawide-painting-Jackson-Pollock-artwork.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best part about working the night shift is I can drive drunk at 9am to antique stores and nobody will suspect a thing.

>> No.22147723
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Reminder: this is canon

>> No.22147725

I know there is an archive of all of the posts I've made on 4chan. How do I find all of my old posts easily? Is that even possible if I don't have NSA contacts?

>> No.22147730
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I wanted to make a living out of writing, but in the end I'll make one out of writing code
it sucks to live in a third world shithole

>> No.22147734
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If I had a girlfriend I would feel more relaxed and compelled to go do things outside, you should get a girldfriend.

>> No.22147746

i harbor a deep resentment for high iq people who share my predicament (being a depressed, shut-in NEET). i loathe all of these tormented geniuses who mock genuinely genetically unlucky people like me for their stupidity

>> No.22147760

We all have this “making a living” dilemma breathing down our backs, third, second or first world. Rebel when you can.

>> No.22147761

I'm not mocking you at all, I commiserate with you brother.

>> No.22147763

>you can't be depressed because you have somethings going for you, only i can be depressed because i drew the line of what is acceptable to have mental condition at the exact level of misery i am at
you really are stupid

>> No.22147765

>third world shithole
which one? could be kino.

>> No.22147783
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>Vegeta's best powerups

>> No.22147788
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>> No.22147815

Pretty based if you ask me.

>> No.22147821

He implies Brazil


>> No.22147822

For some reason all of the women I've had repeated social interactions with have been at least 60 YO, every time I see this one woman I go home and fantisize about her. Really though she listens to NPR so i don't think its worth it. But damn she looks better and better every time I see her.
t. Millennial

>> No.22147826

What the


>> No.22147828

ahh thats too bad. Not kino, if he would have said Chile or Mexico yeah, but not Brazil.

>> No.22147918

can't tell if i'm more retarded than before or if i'm getting smarter and noticing how retarded i always was

>> No.22147926

smartness is a meme way to put people down for having any gaps in knowledge or not getting a stupid quip, you are probably more aware and able to process what you did wrong in the past that caused you to feel negative about the interaction or event

>> No.22147955


>> No.22147963

>go to London to work for like a year
>easily the most common interracial relationship is bmwf
Explain britbongs?

>> No.22147966

Leisure mostly. I read, go hike for a few hours every day, cook, run errands. I have been pretty lazy if I’m being honest.

>> No.22147974

I might try to publish some poems this year or next year. I’ve written some short stories but I don’t think they’re very good and I’m not sure I want to write a novel, not yet anyway.

>> No.22147981

I could be a traveling vagabond for a while but it would mean giving up my highly secure and easy job with early retirement forever. Thinking about logically, I think I should only give that up for something I’m really interested in. Don’t you?

>> No.22147987

I’ll bite. Why?

>> No.22147995

I think it’s unlikely you are really genetically unlucky. If you’re here, you’re probably pretty smart.

>> No.22148007

It’s more that being intelligent doesn’t equal being knowledgeable, especially when most of what people societally seen as smart know ends up being a bunch of memorised trivia pertaining to whichever subject struck their fancy. Most people have met at least one ignorant person who was quick as whip despite barely having an eduction and some phd or whatever that could do nothing besides aping the thoughts of worthier minds, no matter the subject. Obviously a guy who has a great head on his shoulders and also studies will be miles ahead of everyone else, but these are rare. I only met one, while smart uneducated types and academics who larp at being big brained were always a dime a dozen.

>> No.22148050

It feels kind of silly pursuing a law degree in my 30s. I mean, there’s nothing really wrong with it but really successful people don’t do that.

>> No.22148055

Fantasizing about all the things I'll be doing once I get my own proper house (big back yard and everything)

>> No.22148063

I could hang myself tomorrow and nobody would ring a bell except neighbours who will eventually smell my rotten corpse. Why do I have to reach out for someone always, yet nobody is bound to do the same to me?

>> No.22148069
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Questioning when the bad times are going to end would be contradicting myself. They are bad and will affect me when if I allow it to. I’ve had it worse but every stepping stone I push down the mountain to get a little higher seems to scream something about the blood I inherited, the one flowing through my whole body and pushing me forward. Am I hearing them alright or I’m also letting them affect me and my judgement? Logical reasoning seems to be out of the question when trying to battle the stuff that ails one.
I took my computer to my shop so i only use it for actual work. At home i only have books, comics and music. I've read 12 books in 6 months, something i have never done and i've lost 40kg since October. Steadily and at your own pace you can accomplish a lot if you set yourself onto it.

>> No.22148090

because you assume that being a doormat to others will entitle you to be treated nicely while in reality it will just attract assholes to you that will use you like a cum/tear rag and toss you aside until they need you again because that's how you're behaving and behaving a bit more assertively in a polite way might land you actual friends that respect you?

>> No.22148102
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>Why do I have to reach out for someone always, yet nobody is bound to do the same to me?
I wish I could answer but I've been seething over this exact question for the entirety of my life. The great injustice.

>> No.22148136

Why do you expect anything from people? Be self sufficient and self reliant. Don't be a pussy cunt.

>> No.22148188

completely missing the point

>> No.22148206

It's such a mundane pitiful shallow childish lament that I laughed.

>> No.22148233

> it’s mundane
Okay, but do you have any observations that aren’t redundant? That it’s mundane is practically the whole complaint in the first place…

>> No.22148289

I think that anon is laughing about the gravitas you attributed to a banal experience that most people go through simply because of how (you) relate to it. It’s navel gazing in an immature sort of way.

>> No.22148300

this cant be real


>> No.22148332


>> No.22148340

Messed up with a girl again. It likely would have gone nowhere but Im missing the closure. :(

>> No.22148398

I don’t see what’s so immature about it, unless you mean to define maturity as settling into that sort of thing, in which case I guess I just reject your notion of maturity.

>> No.22148418

I got really into calligraphy in middle school. I was totally entranced by the great uniformity as well as the great diversity of calligraphic works. The book of Kells, the works of Hermann Zapf, the great Islamic artists which blended architecture, drawing, and writing... it all fascinated me. I wanted to write in letters sculpted like beautiful statues and share in the passion the calligraphers and scribes of the past had held for their art.
I initially wanted to practice ornamental penmanship and engrosser's script, but I didn't have the patience to learn not just the letterforms but also the correct pen-grip angles and pressures to apply when drawing the letters and so I took up broad-edge instead. The strokes that go into each letter are incredibly simple, yet at the same time very difficult to master. Each angle has to be precise to form the correct ductus, but you also have to learn how to shape the letterforms to your desires in order to produce something you like. Flourishing and decoration take more skill than producing the letters, in my opinion. I could spend hours sketching out a flourish, erasing it, drawing it again, getting lost in the elusive ideal letterforms I was attempting to draw out.
I haven't seriously held a pen in years. Every now and then I'll pull my old Pilot Parallels out of the desk drawer, do a couple capitals or a word or two, then put them back up. In the last five years I've produced maybe two pages' worth of material.

>> No.22148422

How old are you, nigga?

>> No.22148432

Honestly man most people who have ever lived have a mundane experience. The warriors and explorers were vastly outnumbered by people who farmed or made jars or whatever.

>> No.22148514

Can you point me towards some decent cursive calligraphy? I’m tired of my chicken scratch but have no idea about what should I learn.

>> No.22148520
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In the new new era of burgerpunk, philosophers and teachers are no more: comedians took their place. Ignorami like Louis CK, Bill Burr are whom people turn to for “wisdom” with their dumbfuck takes and preachings like “we’re all horrible people”. Populism is the only viable strategy for politics: everyone is hopelessly retarded

>> No.22148556

Don’t you wish you had a life like a novel or a movie? Don’t you wish you were the main character? Wouldn’t that be better? Wouldn’t it be worthwhile then?

>> No.22148590

Just saw my English teacher from my freshman year of high school. She pretended to remember me which was polite. Or at least I hope she didn't remember me. Because then she'll back in school saying she met the psycho kid who cut his wrists in between clases. God I hope she didnt actually remember me.

>> No.22148633

That's weird.
Did you have a reason to be so fucked up or was it just attention seeking?

>> No.22148672

Stop posting this pathetic garbage

>> No.22148684

Really fucked up family life. My entire family basically all went schizo at the same time from excessive meth abuse. I actually really tried to hide the self harm.

>> No.22148700

Sorry to hear that.
I have done it too but it wasn't compulsively like you. It was more the thrill of having pain and it taking my mind off stuff.
Glad I snapped out of it fast and barely have any visible scars.

>> No.22148701

I keep brooding about this. It would have gone nowhere. She's 18 and I'm 24. I'm moving away pretty soon and she's gonna be here for at least a year more. But she's a qt blonde girl and she was definitely interested in me. Today is the last day of class and i just kind of walked out while she was still working on her final. I only talked to her once but she seemed excited to talk to me again. I should have asked to meet her after class. Oh well. Again, obviously wouldnt have gone anywhere, but I still would have liked the closure of a final conversation or at least an outright rejection.

>> No.22148702
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I fucked a prostitute

>> No.22148708

There is no need to do anything but count right now. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 5 6 7 8 9 10. Right now we have no need for anything else, they cannot do anything but detract from the truth. There is no good reason to look anywhere else now, we have it all right here. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10. That is juust right.

>> No.22148715

Most of my scars are on my shoulder, so no one ever sees them. Problem is I can never take my shirt off and have skipped many pool parties and beach trips because of it. You would not believe my tan line.

>> No.22148734

>Do it, nigger.
Most inspiring words I've ever heard.

>> No.22148751

>talk to girl once
>she's totally into me guys
Bro please

>> No.22148860

Guess thats part of it. I'm interested in her and she signalled interest in me. But my dumb ass didnt do anything to try even though I had an opportunity. Now I'll never know for sure

>> No.22148996

Where did this trend of leftist writers mimicking a stereotype of 80s/90s hacker culture emerge from? I'm talking about the Nick Land types, the Mark Fishers and their slop brained followers, although Land is actually good or at least he used to be. None of these people understand how a computer even works but think posting on Twitter and sending emails makes them understand the net deeper than Lain Iwakura. I also see some of this in Deleuze, the way he rambles about machines etc. Where did this farce leftist techiness come from?

>> No.22148997

>I might try
Do it anon. Think you could put something good out. Go all the way

Write about your job

>> No.22149002
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>> No.22149037

Tf are you talking about schizo

>> No.22149061
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Every night before going to bed I have at least 1 hour of monologue and fantasizing
Recurring fantasy recently is me wanting to have sex with my 30 year old widow stepmom after we both inherited millions of dollars from my old man
I want this happen to me so bad...

>> No.22149106

The world will be fine.
It's up to us to make sure we are too

>> No.22149112 [DELETED] 

Charles Joseph McCarthy Jr.
1933 - 2023

Previously >>22139311
Anonymous 06/14/23(Wed)03:47:45 No.22146586▶>>22146651
1st for (small) b

>> No.22149238

You and others like you. It's every day with this shit: "Why am I not important? Why am I not living a grand adventure?" Like some random guy born to normal, working parents is going to be Napoleon or something. Make peace with the fact that you will never be globally important. Actually, treasure it as a blessing, because you do not have the constitution for that life. Much better to find joy in whatever ways you can, just like all of your equally mundane ancestors did. I'm all for freedom but the American mindset has everyone convinced they could change the course of world history if they just work hard enough. History books are written with blood. L

>> No.22149307

If blood is the price then fine. It’s not mine or anyone else’s fault that you’re timid or lack ambition.

>> No.22149324

You cannot be this dense. Blood is the price, and most people are not even permitted to pay it. Do you really understand the cost of power? Is it really something you want?

>> No.22149449

I am so unbearably lonely. Realizing my friends are really just acquaintances, and I am forgotten as soon as I leave the room. I leave no impact nor impression on anyone. I hate being invisible, and having such a pleasant and harmless demeanor. I have all kinds of hobbies and yet still nobody finds me interesting. I cant figure out what the answer is

>> No.22149453

Simply epic

>> No.22149458

I guarantee this is mostly in your head

>> No.22149472

Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison

>> No.22149523

I must be dense.

>> No.22149528

Do you have family?

>> No.22149537

I wish that were the case
I do but I live alone, and I only see them maybe once a year.

>> No.22149543

i'm at the very last chapter of moby dick. i don't want to finish the book because i love it so much and i don't know what i could read next that will scratch the same itch.
i've reread the previous 5 or so chapters many times as a means of stalling

>> No.22149559

I have quit my main and most beloved board because it's a slow board now overrun with bot spam which made it unusable. The only other place I liked was a general on another board which has been destroyed by one faggot autist who spams it nonstop. I have only another board left and /lit/ but neither satisfies me in the way my home boards did. I think I might end up leaving. After so many years I'm finally throwing in the towel. They say you're here forever, but this time it isn't "fuck this place" but a sensation of spiritual nausea when I'm on it due to my awareness of bots and malicious spammers that keeps me from posting anything that comes from the heart because I know it will be wasted.
From the bottom of my heart, fuck the jannies and fuck the mods. You've let my home on the internet die like this. I have nowhere else to go.

>> No.22149568
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(Wrost this shit on /b/ when I saw them claiming to "desire to be like some pornography woman" . I doubt they will read and appreciate it for what it's worth, even if that is little. I just thought it was a tasteful rebuke to the clamoring of dogs.)

i love watching these meatbags rot and die, ahaha, god I just fucking drink up their suffering. It's amazing how few of them will ever attain a happy existence beyond shallow materialistic hedonism and drug abuse ahaha.

Every time one of these meatbags talk, it would be delightful if they could see me envisioning their entire lives, as they slowly rot and suffer, reproducing, to continue this torture, all for what? In blind animalistic confusion. To try and fail. To squander their potential and opportunities provided by happenstance. It's fucking comical. The species is literally the living incarnation of America's home videos + time-lapse mortality-rot rekt videos. ahah, so much suffering, all for so little, what fools, and not one of them with any agency to resolve this situation.

You say "child rape is bad"? According to the CDC 92% of American meatbag adults have a mental capacity below the age of consent. 92% of the time you stick your dick in a meatbag whore, that's a meatbag with the body of an adult and the mind of a child.

>30% have a mental capacity at or below that of a 9 year old
>fucking a meatbag whore
>30% chance that it has the mind of a 9 year old

imagine the pleasure of watching a 9-year-old slowly rotting to death, suffering blindly in confusion, plagued by mistakes, all because the idealist gave them "freedom". Freedom for these meatbags is only a freedom to make mistakes and harm themselves. Absolute sadism.

I don't enjoy suffering for sufferings sake, I enjoy when those unworthy of the absence of suffering receive their just deserts.

>tl;dr + you're more of a freak than them for caring this much + you will never reach spiritual enlightenment
>be meatbag
>meaningless meatbag
>one of 8,000,000,000
>8,000,000,000 seconds is 253 years
>you get one second
>every 253 years
>for your "spirit time with God"

Oh yes, magical meatbag man, oh wow, I've seen the error of my judgement. If you think typing indicates "caring" about anything beyond myself, you're projecting pretty hard there, hoss.

(end of pasta)

Something upsets me about them, it's like watching dogs talk. Is it abnormal to shout at dogs when you see them barking?

>> No.22149583

I'm halfway through and while some passages are transcendental, others are boring and uninteresting. What's your take on it? Like, how do you feel about the book?

>> No.22149584

How do I reverse my brain polarity?

>> No.22149588

I dropped out of high school, became a neet, worked mopjobs, more neeting, more mopjobs and after everything that happened, it was the right path.

>> No.22149603

Steam just updated their UI, but they still haven't fixed being able to click the scrollbar when your pointer is all the way to the right, after all these years it's still necessary to aim the pointer when everyone else has figured it out.

>> No.22149620

Have you considered moving closer to them?

>> No.22149641

Im not sure that would help me. Ive never been close with anyone in my family, honestly I become very uncomfortable and guarded during my sparse visits. No real reason for it, just the way I am I guess

>> No.22149650

you seem to already enjoy the transcendental parts, so i won't explain what's great about those; instead i'll tell you why i also love the more boring parts.
i'm sure you've noticed that the narrator speaks as though the reader were a close friend; it feels like ishmael is recalling this story to you over some drinks or something. he goes on tangents, explains things that appear irrelevant to the plot (for instance, at some point he takes extreme care to ensure that you know about how whales have been misrepresented in paintings throughout history; he also paints a picture of what the whale actually looks like so that you know, when, in the future, you see those historical depictions, where, why and how they are wrong. these parts can be interpreted as boring, but i found them to be generously populated with jokes, references, analogies, etc. that made me feel like i was listening to a super charismatic speaker gush to me about their favorite hobby. i often found myself with a wide grin on my face while reading those parts.
at certain points, the line between ishmael and melville himself seems to blur, and the conversation begins to feel more intimate; i recall that, in one chapter, the narrator apologized for his verbosity, explaining that certain subjects warrant exotic language, and that any novelist worth his salt ought to have a good dictionary at hand—he even named the one he (melville) uses: samuel johnson's dictionary of the english language.
in short, even the driest (although i wouldn't sincerely call many passages "dry") and the most irrelevant-seeming parts of the book manage to reward the reader by merit of their beautiful delivery. i haven't ever encountered an author so skilled in the art of crystallizing charisma in writing. each tangent earns forgiveness from the reader, and doesn't overstay its welcome before circling back into the more action-packed or transcendental parts of the novel.
i apologize for rambling a little (lol)

>> No.22149653


>> No.22149667

No I get even.

>> No.22149687

what were your home boards?

>> No.22149722
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Which one is it?

>> No.22149727

Might read LotR as revenge against my childhood loser self that picked it up from the library and never finished it.

>> No.22149740

Nicely written, novels where the narrator is some sort of companion through the story truly are very compelling.

>> No.22149746

I was never close with my family either but I’ve been spending more time with them as an adult and we’ve become very close. It’s really made me feel a lot less lonely.

>> No.22149747

Chronic boredom coupled with a bit of self loathing

>> No.22149779

adios corndog

>> No.22149901

Lately I've been sleeping so poorly. But yesterday I drank three strong coffees and a few cocktails and slept the best sleep I've had in a long time.

>> No.22149931

Don't hurt anyone or yourself
Take an Uber

>> No.22149941

Just graduated. Feel nothing.

>> No.22149960

i just wrote a a few paragraphs of what is on my mind and then deleted it which is what i do for about 90% of replies i make on this board. i type it all out and then hit the 'X' rather than post.

i have a bad attention span and only like reading a book when the i am getting something out of the book like a new way of seeing the world but 99% of the words in the book just don't contribute to it and i'm spending all this time scavenging for the few nuggets of wisdom. i only don't feel this way when i read a book about a subject i've never thought about or dipped my toes into before. Propoganda by Edward Bernays was great because it was my introduction to things like manufacturing consent, public opinion, etc. but any book about those topics i read after just say the same things in a slightly different way and may not even introduce anything new or give any practical examples that get me thinking in a new way or see the world differently and it becomes a waste of time. i'd rather just watch an analysis where someone covers the main points using examples. its like if 'How to lie with statistics' didn't actually have any practical examples of how to lie and just gave theory about why someone may want to lie, that is my experience with most books, too much theory with no practical examples. i don't even know what point i am trying to make, i just need information quickly if i want to learn something

i am kind of doing the same thing that i complain about in books, i am just rambling for the sake of it.

>> No.22150015

i am 25 and if you sat me down to do a high school math test i probably wouldn't pass but not because i am stupid but rather because many of the topics, equations and formulas are ones that i haven't had to use since high school since they bare no use in adult life and so i have forgotten how to do them.

i learnt how to balance a chemical equation in high school but haven't had to do it since so it shouldn't be a surprise that a high school student would be better at chemistry than me since they still go to chemistry class and are retaining the knowledge and probably had to balance a chemical equation recently.

a high school student who had to use the formula for calculating compound interest a month ago would do a maths test better than an adult who hasn't had to use that formula since they finished high school 20 years ago? what a mind blowing revelation. the difference is that, as an adult, i can relearn the concepts faster than a high schooler learning it for the first time

>> No.22150063

you're in luck, there are like 150 WEGs with that premise

>> No.22150071

just get a gf, thats why people do that.

>> No.22150084


fuck fuck fuck

Jesus fucking christ I hate your dumb ass fucking fguts you dumb piece of shit
fuck you

I rent my body to your unending, unenviable bullshit fuck you

I must ufcking despise my soul more than I hate you, because I can’t fucking stop

Why do you keep fucking with me
What am I to you

You can’t keep doing this shit to me
I am human
I can feel
But I do n’t express it because I fucing love your bitch ass fuck you
why am I stuck here to suffer?

Please god help
I need it more than I need anything more in life
if I don’t end it who will?

I’m so fucking done
done with it all
I love you
meaningless lost in the mist
words of the genuine lost through a thoughtless thrift of pragmatic care
but I still care
I still love
Do you me?

>> No.22150092


>> No.22150093

I met the most beautiful woman in the world, inside and out, on vacation about a year ago. We're both graphic designers who met through a mutual friend. We followed each other on IG and we look at each other's stories and shit all the time. So the problem is I found out not long after we met that she has a boyfriend of like 6 years or so, they might even be married I have no idea since we're not close like that and she's a pretty private person. Otherwise I would have risked it all and moved over there assuming she was also interested in me.

At the same time I got a girlfriend about 5 months ago who I like also, but she's not as attractive to me and so now I can't get this idea out of my head that I'm settling down. Like maybe if I tried harder I could do better and get someone like the vacation girl I've been simping for a year now.

I feel like a piece of shit even thinking about this because my gf likes me a lot and I hate to think about her like that. One part of me says to just man up and cut it off with her, another part of me says to stop thinking with my dick and just be happy where I'm at.

Or maybe I just kms

>> No.22150114

How do I realize how worthy of nostalgia my present is?

>> No.22150130

Kind of a sad picture

Imagine young cormac and partner in love and happiness, but you know they eventually disappoint eachother and break up

And cormac gets divorced three times

Eventually spends decades of his life unmarried

This photo is a snippet of what used to be at one time in cormacs life

>> No.22150154
File: 18 KB, 728x410, ryan-gosling-blade-runner-2049-depressing-movie-scenes-hd-wallpaper-preview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22150155

Other anon is right, a lot of people on 4chan seem to struggle with a lack of purpose in their lives and getting a job is a good base to build off of.
Glad you’re here with us now bro.

>> No.22150171

As if I didn’t love him enough.

>> No.22150178

You and me too bro.

>> No.22150209

I didn't take Susan Sontag seriously after what Taleb said about her. I mean, there's cringe aspects about her, but she's still right about a lot of things.

>> No.22150244

I often see large animals in my dreams like rhinoceros and polar bears.

>> No.22150247

have you read the Sorrows of Young Werther? You'd probably like it.

>> No.22150270

Taking things seriously is bad sign. It's like your mom telling you about a stock.

>> No.22150360

don't take her for granted, dude. tons would kill to be in your position

>> No.22150363

What things?
I was reading some of her early essays and the style was off putting

Pfffff. Not takin you seriously

>> No.22150380

What essays? I'm thinking about her literary post-criticism (like Against Interpretation).

>> No.22150383
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when you move to a new city for a new job and rent a flat and start off optimistic and end up realising after one day that there's no chance of you ever fitting in with normies (as is obvious from your lack of any smalltalk with any workplace people, newer employees fitting in effortlessly, you skipping the Christmas and summer social events due to being an ugly loser, being treated with open disgust by all female employees, being openly disrespected in front of others) and you work there for just over a year and gradually realise you're the fall guy for other people to walk all over and then you desperately look for other jobs and then manage to get a better, more senior one in another city in a way that feels like you've been saved so you hand in your notice and then your job becomes pointless as your responsibilities are taken away and a few days before you move away you throw tonnes of stuff in the bins outside from your flat, including uneaten food (because you decided to move away at short notice) and all sorts of cutlery and plates you had to buy almost a year ago during much more cautiously optimistic times, when you thought you may have found a place that you'd work at for longer, and the large home office table you assembled while sitting on the floor has to stay put because you can't be bothered moving it and the bags of rubbish filled with big blocky items feels metaphorical somehow and you realise that you barely explored the city you'd lived in and had done all of your exploring in the first few months of living there and then found it totally not worth doing any more of it and stuck to your regular walking routes and had literally zero social life and the city centre always felt like some copy-paste normie haven and you think back to that late afternoon in autumn when you heard those normie Beckys at your job discussing the organisation of some Christmas after-party and you realised right there that there was no way you'd be at the company for long

>> No.22150384
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>> No.22150447
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I’m a 31” inseam but almost all pants come in 30 or 32. I don’t want to pay 15 bucks to hem all my pants. Which should I go for? Slightly shorter or slightly longer?

>> No.22150470

Slightly longer

>> No.22150496

Im the same and I go with 30. Has a better silhouette with boots and sneakers, I wear converse highs usually but I think when the pants stack at the bottom they look ill-fitting and lame. if you go with >>22150470 just dont cuff them for gods sake

>> No.22150506

Yea I feel like the slightly shorter is better too. I can’t stand when pants stack at the bottom.

>> No.22150510

Why don't my parents want to learn simple computer stuff? I have to do simple things every time, and they don't want to learn, like how to print something.

>> No.22150530

I think many people when they get old fear feeling like a kid again. They want to always be sure and in control of their environment, anything modern they can't do they are "too old for" etc etc. It's the usual life lived in fear and routines of self-numbing.

>> No.22150534

Why the fuck is the gym so busy at 11pm? I miss the gym I had in the Army next to my barracks that was always empty. I will go back in a few hours and hopefully the unwashed masses will leave my temple so I can lift in peace.

>> No.22150536

I cant stand when you sit down and the pants ride up above your calf

>> No.22150552
File: 162 KB, 775x968, IMG_2930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It can be kino.

>> No.22150566

My sister can't stand it about my pants.
Startin' to love it myself

>> No.22150600

We haven't been flooded with redditors in the past couple days, so that's nice.

>> No.22150602

I feel that it's very common that as you grow old you start losing the desire to learn new things. At least when it comes to me I'm constantly battling the instinct to just disregard new things and not care about them. I know there's a body of knowledge to every little insignificant shit but I just don't want to be bothered by it and it takes some effort to actually get in the mood to start learning them.

>> No.22150604

cuff them?

>> No.22150626

of course, but if youre just sitting in a lecture in jeans it looks goofy

>> No.22150706

I'm too extreme in my thoughts. I need to get a lobotomy.

>> No.22150713

This is why man makes alcohol and why we always have. Cave niggers were fermenting berries to get out of their heads too.

>> No.22150714
File: 88 KB, 1080x1080, 239581914_708390777223118_3968834090037629772_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/lit/s two most beloved living writers are dead within two days of each other. Pynchon will be dead soon too and this board with have no living authors to admire besides the frenchman. I don't want this place to die. I'm a maintenance man and I have no one to talk about books with besides you guys :(

>> No.22150724

Im about to start thinking of an idea for my first novel

>> No.22150730

anything you write will either be plagiarized, flat out stolen or bashed on by critics to oblivion because you're new to the field and lack connections
anything you produce will be exploited to hell and back and you will die alone and poor in some rat infested apartment and at best all you have to look forward to is that somewhere down the line history will redeem you and some rich asshole will use your name on his company to seem closer to the masses

>> No.22150742
File: 99 KB, 1124x1064, 20230608_075433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My most recent story idea is a romance side story in a sci fi setting.

Basic premise: similar to Faggot McBanks culture series people only really die natural deaths anymore after centuries of healthy living. The gadgets we have are able to accurately predict how much time you have left before some essential function shuts down.

Now hubbie has like 4000 days left, the wife he spent centuries with has 200. What they decide to do is have her in some kind of cryosleep at their home, and he wakes her on special days, always making sure nothing goes wrong. He feels deep shame when he wakes her selfishly, because he needs her nurturing during tough times. There should be another exciting main story that intertwines with it but this is as far as I got. No idea how to conclude anything.

Feel free to steal, I can't write for shit anyways.

>> No.22150745

First time posting something here, be kind /lit/, I'm brainlet and English is not my native language.

I wish things could change in a way almost impossible to happen. I think I analyze too much things that have no value, and things that have some value or will make me accomplish something, either material such as money or ideas and conclusions about how I should deal with problems in life, I let them rot in the background of my mind.

This made me realize hos childish I am, still looking for the immediate reward of analyze nosense or even collecting and searching things about every topic and using this information for nothing.

>> No.22150752

I'm sure it could be very romantic and popular with women if done right. You could see him planning our the remaining days, selfishly waking her because he needs his other half, then having a breakdown because his plans have to be changed. The obvious ending is them dying together on the 200th day.

>> No.22150757

romance is tragedy, make the ending so that the man couldn't see his wife die before him and she is left as sleeping beauty in the cryochamber with one day left while he is found dead next to it

>> No.22150773

Yeah. I'm too much of a bitch to write that.

>> No.22150776

what do you mean, that's the happy ending, the sad ending is that they commit double suicide to be able to die together in the exact moment and because they want to die on their own terms instead of to a ticking clock

>> No.22150783

You got it completely mixed up. That's what I would consider the happy ending. Falling asleep together on the last day.

Now is that a good read? I don't know.

>> No.22150794

if you want some tragedy on the background you can make there be some kind of life threatening event happening on the background that effects their lives and time limit, they could be colonists where their life clocks wouldn't be the only time limit and them choosing to down poison at the same time instead of leaving their love nest could be a motivation, you could also make it that the cryochamber is a luxury of the rich and could not be transported off the colony due to circumstances and they would have to lose it to save themselves but the woman would die en route in a dingy rescue ship while the guy would still have years left if he chose to sacrifice her days left in the ship
could be a "tough call" where the colony has a meteor cluster heading to it that will level the surface of the colony and make it uninhabitable and due to the length of the trip or something the last rescue ship that the guy already bribed to stay a bit longer would be leaving them behind if they didn't board dooming them both to die early and they decide to stay and spend last 30 days weathering the early smaller meteors raining on the colony
they could have a romantic look from their house and note how the meteorites look kind of beautiful while they hold hands and watch the colony get leveled or something

>> No.22150795

I only feel four things - anger, sadness, shame and guilt. The rest of feelings are gone.

>> No.22150797
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sounds real spooky mein einzige

>> No.22150804

Those are really good ideas. Like I said, I'm not going to do anything with it I just wanted to put it out there and I saw this thread. I can barely get a hang of my own life without writing.

>> No.22150826
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Are those... TENTACLES?!
OH NOOOOoooooo... I'm going MAD!!!
Oooooh the HORROR it-it's INDESCRIBABLE!

>> No.22150964

Might go back to uni for a masters degree...im 32. Wonder how if ill be able to interact fine with 20-somethings or if theyll think im an old weirdo.

>> No.22150981

This was a drag to read.
Use some dots asshole

>> No.22150987

nobody will care, especially in a masters program. I graduated at 30.

>> No.22150993

>I can't hem my own pants
Learn some life skills anon

>> No.22151051

You can get the Spencerian copybooks off Amazon or just download some Palmer method books off iampeth's website. Cursive for writing and cursive for calligraphy are very different - the latter is usually referred to as ornamental penmanship.

>> No.22151084

Some weird stuff on /x/

>> No.22151259

> have a male supervisor
> he is annoying sometimes but work is mostly fine
> get a female supervisor in-between me and him
> work is suddenly a nightmare

>> No.22151265

I’m 30 and considering a Master’s or PhD. Realistically, we will be on the old end but in graduate programs it’s mostly fine. Why don’t you want to do a PhD? I tend to think Master’s are kind of dumb. It’s a research degree that usually doesn’t allow you get a job as a researcher.

>> No.22151294

Maybe I should be encouraging my younger brother to date

>> No.22151318

When I see my peers and coworkers put pronouns in their bio, get promotions to highly paid positions in some DEI department, mention before meetings that we’re on “stolen native land” and then see how poorly they appropriate the funds of taxpayers and student debt, I wonder if I can morally continue working at a university, or if I can keep my dignity here despite my good salary, benefits, and comfortable job. I feel as if I’m somehow selling my soul, but I’m not sure what the alternative is quite frankly.

>> No.22151360

if you expect people to give you a pat on the back and affirmations about the presence of your soul you came to the wrong place, the education system has been rotting for decades before you noticed the newest additions to the shit show

>> No.22151402

What? I don’t expect any words of encouragement. If anything, expect condemnations for working with the enemy.

>> No.22151457

7 Rings is more degenerate than Wet Ass Pussy.

>> No.22151642

Is he a social reclusive?

>> No.22151658

Today is the last day I will ever look at the girl who sits behind me in class

>> No.22151707

Evil tempter, doing satans work

>> No.22151916

Just had this wonderfully elaborate sexual fantasy. I coomed very much

>> No.22151919

I'm having nightmares about Costco.

>> No.22151920


>> No.22152019

>We're both graphic designers who met through a mutual friend.
Help a brother out. I’m a graphic designer living in a poor country with jobs that pay awfully. Can you point me towards somewhere were I can get remote freelancer work and earn those sweet, sweet dollars?

>> No.22152042
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Purge should remove bubble as well as ice block.

>> No.22152047

lady boss often have a chip on their shoulder it seems. especially when she's new and tries to "prove" herself or reinforce her own authority.

>> No.22152061

4 years ago I worked at a university you know about, one of my colleagues put pronouns in her email and in that moment I knew my time there would have to come to an end. It did and I regret it a bit, because career-wise it's like crossing the finish line to a marathon and since I was just over 30 it would have been comfy as fuck. But then they all had to get max-vaxxed and boosted or compose a well worded religious presentation of their convictions in opposition of max-vaxxing. I left a lot of money behind and here I am on /wwoym/ in the middle of a work day.

>> No.22152099

Thanks. I’ll do it.
As someone who has “getting an uni job” on the back-burner in case things keep going wrong, I tell you to just keep at it. As you noticed, life happens at the university for a lot of your colleagues. It’s where they are in their element, belonging while feeling pleased and fulfilled by all of its inherent political and social elements. For you the uni is merely a means to live. It gives you money, benefits and an easy job. Life itself happens outside of it. See the things your job gives you as the fuel you need to do what you’re really passionate about. To live a life worth living. Just don’t forget: life - real life - happens outside of the university. Don’t expect from it what was never there in the first place and you’ll be fine.
To give you a slight nudge I’m gonna point out that this kind of job is ideal for a writer since it gives you a lot of down time and access to a good library.

>> No.22152114
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Zoomers have really embraced the new secular eschatology to delay maturation and adulthood.

I want to laugh when I see stuff like this, but it’s quite sad. Really lame and pathetic, but also I feel a bit bad for them about it. I just saw a young White girl get arrested for protesting climate change by getting to into fight, but she really needs is to get married and start having babies instead of getting a record due to the military/intel-industrial police state abroad spreading and enforcing socially liberal norms.

It’s really kind of sad. These type of people will be deceived to fight and fight for fake causes or to avoid responsibility, a cause that is ultimately meaningless. And when they are alone, without family, and without community, they will then realize they've been duped out of what life is actually all about.

>> No.22152119

Try the internet

>> No.22152126

It's fucking disgusting how expensive housing is.
Politicians need to get **** for this

>> No.22152160

>real estate prices increased by 30% in the last 2 years
yeah, no way out of rentcuck.

>> No.22152162

So this is that famous zoomer humor I’ve heard so much about.

>> No.22152173

How do you refer to a master's degree without the word degree.
The master's(as in: im doing my master's)? looks a bit strange.

>> No.22152181

the grand degree.

>> No.22152182
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>im doing my master

>> No.22152189

Im doing my master Bate daily

>> No.22152198

continuation of the story described in this and the following posts: >>/lit/thread/22122450#p22126086
I was stood up, and I'm going to enjoy my concert by myself.
Someone might argue I deserve this, and I would firmly disagree but I would see the point.

>> No.22152207

This nigga can't link to a previous post that has already been archived

>> No.22152252

Doesn’t anyone else feel like they’re pathetic when they’re at work? Like isn’t the fact that you have to work and the way you are at work sort of pathetic?

>> No.22152258

I need a therapist asap. Not for nothing, but I just reached a conclusion about myself that is objective and unfavorable and the shame is too great and almost crippling. I have regressed. How could I have done this? How could I regress? How could my priorities be so flimsy for me to sabotage my own autonomy and individuality for the sake of burrowing in the security of familial shelter. At my fossil fucking age. How could I be so irresponsible? How could I have done this? Worse, why was my family so accomodating to my bullshit? How could I do this to them? How could I slip like this.

>> No.22152268

---- Solaria ----

Survival of the fittest slang seems to be a rule in language
Which is why the house-sparrows of words

Have that imperial ring so quiet hardly any notices them
As such, not despite but because

In the currency of usage they're easily established
Where instruments

Make a more than usual difference to pleasure
At least on land, where fire is possible.

As for how onomatopoeic or synesthetc names like Rose or Elephant are,
Improper as they are, I suppose that's self-evident.

The idea is to have the best of both worlds, indoors and out-

To feel always the rarity our circumstance.

>> No.22152273

There is nothing stopping you from talking to them.

>> No.22152278

Are you getting it online? How in the hell haven't you heard the people around you use other terms for it?

>> No.22152279

>if you don't understand why killing yourself is le bad, start with the greeks
why are you such a fag

>> No.22152283

I hate myself

>> No.22152296


>> No.22152341

I think a really important attractive trait in a man is when he knows what he wants and goes after it.
I don't know what I want, nothing motivates me very much, really.
Wonder if I should just pretend to be really invested in something.

>> No.22152345

I like myself more or less as friends have, but not like a mother or father loves a child, or a child loves either. That would be pathological. It's enough that, when looking at projects I've both completed and abandoned, I can look at that guy as if if he were someone else and say of him, "Yeah, I get why he did that, and forgive him everything."

>> No.22152353

I'm afraid that if I get a full-time job I will somehow end up no longer creating art and such. I'm afraid that I will somehow get swept up in the currents of life and that I will no longer make time for that artistic part of me, which will vanish. I think more deeply this is a fear that my current state of mind is a precarious balance which will be lost, because I'll always go home tired wanting to watch tv or something. Or maybe I'm just afraid that I'll turn into my father.

>> No.22152368

I'm also somehow afraid that I won't be able to leave my full-time job and just go part time or something. Which is weird because I've literally straight quitted a full-time job before, with the same reason of wanting my time back. Like I would go home from my 8-5 and do nothing but code my work and I still wouldn't feel like it was enough time.

>> No.22152387

I think it’s a justified fear personally.

>> No.22152392

I have an expectation of myself that I don’t live up to.

>> No.22152398

Well shit then.
I had the idea to make some kind of pact or oath with myself, maybe a tattoo or piercing. It's seeming more and more like a good idea.

>> No.22152410

What is that expectation?

>> No.22152427

“WHYD YOU HAVE TO SHIT SO MUCH!” The fat man positioning himself into the seat by the window of the coffeeshop accosted me “It goddamnfucking stinks in there what the hells the matter with you” “I uhh I…”
“I I I I, I” the beads of saltwater slid down his crimson forehead, his eyes strained. “I shit so fucking that fucking stinks so bad I ruin it for the rest of everybody.” One brave barista spoke out to perhaps calm down a little sir while the others lined up like crows on a wire before the counter, wide eyed but looking straight ahead. “You couldn’t have asked, one of these niiiiice baristas, and baristxs excuse me” he clarified with a small hand wave and deliberate look towards his gathered audience of short 25 year old women and one guy with a gay haircut. “I’m sorry sir I just I really had to go and” “sir I’m sorry there’s a problem but you must really settle down. His friend, the second fat man, started looking around slowly and fluidly, perhaps trying to find a way out. The meek and the loud fat men, sat in black suits like two silhouettes of fat hippos one onst his back, the other leaning forward with a pointing paw. I was getting a little tired of this horseshit, so I said “sir one day you will shit in the bathroom in public and guess what you’ll ruin it for the next guy too, and you know why? Cause with your shit they’re going to have to replace the damn thing. He slapped his MacBook Pro 13” (2019) and got up and I thought he would huff and puff and blow the house down, but instead he called me an asshole and said “come on let’s get the fuck out of here” to his friend who was already getting up to get the fuck out of here. Leaving he simply glared at me sorta side eyed the whole way of departing, like some grand 19th century general who had just lost some great public honor and was visibly spiteful in the eyes twitching and lip curling at the one who took it.
“You know Roger he does kind of have a point”
“Shut up, John”
And off they walked into the sunset.
The end.

>> No.22152437
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I was the same way, til I realized most artists. musicians or writers end up working full time anyway. It's unlikely you'll make enough money from your art by itself, and anyway it's easy to continue your hobbies in your free time

>> No.22152454

Agreed, though it depends on a lot of factors. Bishop wouldn't have written anything memorable had she not been born rich enough to retire to Brazil till the end of her natural life, while Stevens amazed as an artist even while Vice President of the Hartford Company. Aptitude is rather mysterious thing. Montaigne would have gotten along just fine, in the practical sense, if he'd written nothing, and that's just as true of Dickinson. Dickens needed the money, Twain wanted it all too much, then there's the depressing financial tragedy of Balzac. Sometimes I think that all that matters in art is a sufficient alignment between degrees of fortune and genius: More than enough wouldn't matter, and too little cuts it short.

>> No.22152463

I guess I just see the cliche of the passionate young person deciding to give up their dreams and entering the workforce so much that its got me a little paranoid. I am basically facing that cliche right now.
My dad tells me a lot that the reason he quit doing photography is because he got tired of being broke. I don't see how that stopped him from doing photography as a hobby, it seems like he fell for the meme that he had to make money from it to be a "real" photographer. I guess it's good I have such a strong fear of this

>> No.22152487

trips and I leave 4chan forever

>> No.22152496

I'll try this one too

>> No.22152497

ain't happening

>> No.22152498

Check these digits, my cunt. I enjoy a lot of things, including this freakshow. Why exclude anything so rich in its implications? Just take it lightly, especially not everyday.

>> No.22152504

What would you do with your life if you didn't have to work at all? If, in fact, you were forbidden from doing anything with the purpose of earning money? You have enough cash at any given time to live a comfortable but not luxurious life, and you can't get any more than that.
I honestly have no idea what I would do aside from drowning myself in entertainment, and not because I particularly want to but because I'd have nothing else to do. Working is what ties everything together for me.
It's not that my job (writing) is all that fulfilling. It's not bad, and it's usually at least interesting, but I don't know that I'd be doing it more often than once a week at best if I wasn't getting money from it.
To be honest, I don't even need any more money right now, but I still feel like I have to keep working so I can save up in case I need money in the future; if I knew that I didn't, I'd have no reason to do anything because there's really nothing that I particularly want to do other than to not die and not suffer.

>> No.22152519
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>> No.22152520

I took a break these last two weeks and spend my time reading and hiking instead. Did wonders for my well-being, and I reached 100-150 pages a day easy.
Came back tonight, and let me tell you, after just a little time away, you really realize what an idiotic waste of time this is, how toxic all the interactions are, how the poison of the ultra-loser worldview espoused by 95% of posters here is contagious and gradually infects you, and how profoundly little value is to be found in any of the posts.
It might wring out a hollow, joyless laugh from you every few hours, when you read a particularly vicious exudation of bile, but feeding that part of your soul does you no favors.
Singles I leave for another two weeks.
Doubles I leave for two months.
Trips I leave for two months.
Quads I leave for two years.

>> No.22152532

ah, it was a post from last week so I thought it would have fallen out of the archives already

>> No.22152542

Are you on NEETbucks?

>> No.22152551

Why are the mods on this board so vindictive? There was no reason to janny that joanna newsom poetry thread

>> No.22152573

>joanna newsom

>> No.22152577

No, butI have modest wants and needs and enough money saved up that I could go for a year if I stopped working today; even longer if I'm living with my family instead of renting my own place.

>> No.22152578

Do you play an instrument? I'm curious what kind of music you prefer.

>> No.22152596

Metal guitarist

>> No.22152608

Laugh all you want then
The world is big enough for the two of us never to come in contact again.

>> No.22152617

I was a neet for the last six months (ending by Saturday because I ran out of cash) and my honest advice if you're going to drag this PLAN AHEAD: The mistake I did was not plan ahead so I got up every day somewhere around just before noon clueless about what I was going to do with mild headaches and depression. You truly won't learn to appreciate the time you have less you literally do that and plan ahead what you are going to do. I can't tell you though what you should do. If I was you I'd probably just sort of calmily read books and go around the city. But you have to be prepared for this. If you aren't prepared you'll be like me and wait three days to go outside because I hadn't even clean laundry. It's just those complete fuckups that result from long term neeting without planning ahead that are best to be avoided. Cheers

>> No.22152620

Pretty much the same things I did from 1983 to 1989, and from 2017 to the present. Gardening, monitoring what's going on in the world, and listening to a lot of music. I'm not even a particularly low stimulus seeker, and pretty sure most men and women like the comfy life just like I do. The secret to human nature is that it is predominantly aesthetic, despite that most men and women aren't particularly endowed with anecdotal or encyclopedic memory: The only one in my extended family who shared my taste in subjects was my father, and that includes his taste for social gossip. He grew up in a time not so surreal in its aggregate creature comforts, and needed particular others, even in later life, much more than I do not now. My survival depends mostly on the survival of gigantic institutions, and I don't much mind that it does. I suppose most trust fund kids feel that way.

>> No.22152624

I would just do whatever with the only objective of writing one poem per day every day. I might write a novel at some point, maybe dabble in some other artistic pursuits. In my mind, art and literature are two obvious pursuits if you don’t have to work but aren’t necessarily wealthy.

>> No.22152627

hi I'm a psych Ph.D, AMA
I'm no psychotherapist though, whatever difference it makes to you

>> No.22152638

I was just kidding man

>> No.22152645

Very true anon. It's like we assume that since we are not working a "job" we are completely free to do whatever, free as a bird, but it turns out that everything work involves regarding discipline and planning and so on applies just as much to regular life in general, such as goal setting and planning for the future and using time efficiently so and so on. It sounds strange to say treating your unemployed life "like a job" but there is similarities

>> No.22152650

god fuck I'd finally be able to play drums 3 hours a day everyday and dedicate that much more time to studying and recording and finding people to play with
then again, that would lead to making money because I'd consistently get bigger and better paying gigs

>> No.22152660

>making excuses
>posts on 4chan instead

>> No.22152662

I just expect to be a different sort of person and to somehow live up to more.

>> No.22152665

At some point you have to realize that if you want something like this to happen, you really have to orient everything around it that you can. Putting every hour you can into your art. No more tv, games, masturbating, its just work then drums. Work then drums. Work then drums then sleep. You'll probably be happier like this too desu

>> No.22152669

Sometimes when I’m asked to speak at work, I end up speaking in that very corporate sort of way. And then I realize how I sound and it bothers me. In those moments, I wish I was someone else.

>> No.22152676

I'm like Michael Douglas in The Game. "I don't care about money, I want to see the wizard." Of course a wife or such is good too, but how often does one meet one good for a lifetime? One in three?

>> No.22152718

Whats the new secular eschatology

>> No.22152733

You're here forever

>> No.22152751

I'm making my bed and eating it too.

>> No.22152759

Chuck em

>> No.22152771
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Next thread
Here. Don't spend it all in one place.



>> No.22153032

I say don't throw it away. Being able to do whatever with your private life because your job is ez is something you will appreciate after losing it. Trust me.

>> No.22153831

Wagnerchad is that you? I'm the Schopenhauer guy from a few years ago and we used to have nice discussions if you remember.