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22144216 No.22144216 [Reply] [Original]

Don't forget Cormac McCarthy's last recorded interview is cringe-fest where lawrence krauss acts like your average redditor and Cormac is seems embarrassed to be there

>> No.22144312

>acts like your average redditor

Explain what this actually entails otherwise your post means nothing

>> No.22144315

Just look in the mirror, m8.

>> No.22144374

i didnt even watched the video and I can tell how much of a faggot this guy looks.

>> No.22144381

your autism is not my problem

>> No.22144392

>skip through the video
>every single time its the faggy guy talking

>> No.22144521

First youtube comment:
>What a national treasure Cormac McCarthy is. It would have been great to hear him in this interview.
Youtube comments: 10 points
4chan: 0

>> No.22144547

Another top comment
>Proposed new title for this video: "Greatest living American author Cormac McCarthy, in possibly his final interview, listens patiently while some guy monologues for an hour about how much stuff this guy knows. Cormac occasionally tries to interject, but is swiftly silenced by the guy, who has much more to say."

>> No.22144578

>video has obvious flaw
>people are pointing it out
your point being?

>> No.22144594

The dude literally prefaces the video in the first 30 seconds saying >hey sorry most of this interview is me talking at cormac but he's a quiet old fart who doesn't speak much and it's just our relationship

Kress obviously knows his shit and tries to engage with McCarthy as much as possible but McCarthy is just a guarded fuck. You can't draw blood from a stone.

>> No.22144613
File: 49 KB, 498x412, 1683837773245070.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just one look at the title and the dude's face and i instantly understood what was meant and that the "redditor" descriptor was used properly. If you need something like this explained to you, you're probably genuinely a refugee fresh off the boat from reddit. You should probably kill yourself you pathetic nigger.

>> No.22145140

Midwit bourgeoise

>> No.22145180

damage control

>> No.22145387

I actually wanted to jump in the video and punch this little rat.

>> No.22145413

Listening to the interview it seem to me that Cormac is as much of a redditor as Kraus.

>> No.22145425

Hi, Kress

>> No.22145437
File: 303 KB, 1823x576, 1685928155240835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did he interview him...AS A SCIENTIST?

>> No.22145483
File: 56 KB, 680x591, 558.jpg (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

McCarthy was a hack
>McCarthy had an aversion to other writers, preferring the company of scientists. He voiced his admiration for scientific advances: "What physicists did in the 20th century was one of the extraordinary flowerings ever in the human enterprise."At MacArthur reunions, McCarthy shunned his fellow writers to fraternize instead with scientists like physicist Murray Gell-Mann and whale biologist Roger Payne. Of all of his interests, McCarthy stated, "Writing is way, way down at the bottom of the list."

>> No.22145615

What a retard

>> No.22145650

Shut the fuck up.

>> No.22145714
File: 1.13 MB, 1208x1332, Screenshot 2023-02-17 at 16.02.52.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I shan’t be watching.

>> No.22145724

Fuck writers, most are fucking lame, some are assholes, few of them are interesting but eccentric, and even fewer are genuine and good to hang out with.

>> No.22145861

you're pathetic

>> No.22145971

Can’t believe our greatest master of American letters patiently let himself take this much disrespect from this frail soiboy for so long. Cormie should’ve went Judge-Holden on that Epstein-associate çuck and bashed his skull in with a rock then cannibalized the body or something. I’m legit disappointed that this godly specimen of rugged Southern masculinity that McCarthy is let himself be abused like that.

>> No.22146008

McCarthy was from Rhode Island

>> No.22146098

Based fellow shanter

>> No.22146158


>> No.22146176

This might be the gayest post I've ever read.

>> No.22146186

>You can't draw blood from a stone.
Yes he caveats what he's about to do regardless, it doesn't make him any less an artless egghead sperg with no social graces, as if that were some sort of virtue outside of the stetl.

>> No.22146199

Just a funny shitpost i gather. No one here is that sincere for that to be honest.

>> No.22146247

He's completely right. I've been to get togethers for writers and they are absolutely fucking insufferable both the events and the people.

>> No.22148205

This one is better.

>> No.22148214

Nothing wrong with being gay you stupid faggot.

>> No.22148426

talking about writing with other writers is fucking lame. why would anyone who wasn't a complete hack do this?

>> No.22148456

Reddit McCarthy

>> No.22148931

I'm a musician and my least favourite group of people is musicians, by a country mile.

>> No.22148955


>> No.22149023

>Feynman is what convinced me science wasn't all done by some dead white men 200 years ago
Jesus Christ what a faggot.

>> No.22149627
File: 24 KB, 500x333, 41543433102_75c82162ef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it should've been him...

>> No.22149652

He started talking about some identity politics bullshit not even a few minutes after starting the interview then I clicked off, OP wasn't lying the dude is reddit incarnate, or in other words a beta faggot

>> No.22149710

if you have to ask you don't belong here

>> No.22150971

Lots of kino writers disdained their contemporary "peers".

>> No.22150977

Blackouts over is time to go back

>> No.22151343

>he wants to hang out with some bitch that wrote a book over a whale guy
Delusional and soipilled

>> No.22151528

Is neo liberalism science too

>> No.22151654
File: 18 KB, 253x253, 1686762932276632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Krauss is actually better now that he's been canceled. He was more reddit before. As far as I can tell he
>accepts race & IQ
>doesn't believe in trannyism
so he can enter the Circle of the Sane. Everything after that is just politics. But straightup reality deniers, you can't talk to them, you have to hope some life experience shakes them out of it.

>> No.22152492

It's incredible how McCarthy destroyed his entire legacy by going out with a pro tranny book and an interview with a redditor.

>> No.22152756

>and it's just our relationship
McCarthy clearly hated how stupid he was. When he keeps insisting mathematics is this super divine le science language the old man with half a foot in his grave visibly cringes and would clearly slap his shit if he had the strength. This hour-long interview is a fucking goldmine in that regard.

>> No.22152823

kek i did the same. it's just lawrence talking

>> No.22153578

It's funny how much poltards cry all the time

>> No.22153689

musicians are cancer. both famous and unknown