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File: 32 KB, 550x413, russians.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22143857 No.22143857 [Reply] [Original]

>Anatoly Fomenko
>Trofim Lysenko
>Immanuel Velikosvsky
>Helena Blavatsky
>Alexander Dugin
>Ayn Rand
FUCK the Greeks, Germans, French, Anglos, etc. Now THIS is the real good shit

>> No.22143867

>no Tolstoy, Turgenev, Dostoevsky, Gogol, Pushkin, Sholokov
eat shit and die

>> No.22143875

Fyodorov, Solovyev, Bulgakov, Shestov, Koyré, Kojève, Khlebnikov, Mamleyev, Limonov, the list goes on

>> No.22143882


>> No.22144250


No; season with Russians.

>> No.22144757

based midwitmaxxed retard

>> No.22145460

Russia lost

>> No.22146173

>Blavatsky cringe theosophy larp
>Dugin lmao
>none of the actual good russian writers

Let me guess, you run some meme page called "Primal Eurasian Archeomodern Esoteric Mannerbund" out of your home in Ohio?

>> No.22146214

The anti-genetics grugbrain?

>> No.22146223

Real question anons. Do you have autism? Do you really have a hard time telling what is an obvious joke? Explaining it sucks but it's just embarrassing to see all of you fuck up this bad.

>> No.22146825

>no Chudinov
>no Galkovsky
>no Andreyev

>> No.22146888
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>hurr durrr it was le joke xd

>> No.22146897

What's the peak of language and sophistication in Russian literature and writing. I tried browsing the wikipedia but the mass of names didn't help find the best.

>> No.22146905

It starts and ends with Pushkin.

>> No.22146925

Vladimir Sorokin

>> No.22147094

It was super obvious though. Why else would those specific 6 people (all fraud schizo pseuds) be picked? Anon...

>> No.22147178

third post was all schizo/pseuds too

>> No.22147887
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I agree. Total Russian Death first! Truly one of the most disgusting "people" out there.

>> No.22147899
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>> No.22147904
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>> No.22147914
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>> No.22147935
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>> No.22147956
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Saint Seraphim of Sarov, who died in 1833, prophecied the martyrdom of Saint Tsar Nicholas II.
He also prophecied that Russia will have a rebirth and rise again after going through a very dark time.
This matches the prophecy of Saint Paisios, who said that a new Tsar will rise. (and he also prophecied the covid "vaccines" and he said they will be a prefiguring of the mark of the beast)

>> No.22147964
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>muh based ortodogsy please begome bro check out my discord bro please it's so based
Absolutely ironic how one of the main things Orthodoxy had going was a resistance to "progress" and not bowing down to earthly drama and politics, just for this very thing to become its downfall at the very hands of shallow terminally online retards who use it as a means for their aesthetics and political views. I'm sure if you had any semblance of self-awareness you'd have realized this. But it's only the ROCOR niggers doing this, rarely will you see ever see a Greek be such a slime. Even Serbroaches seem to have more dignity. Really makes you wonder.

>> No.22147968

Look at the demonic hatred you atheists have of the truth.

>> No.22147975

>covid "vaccines"
The covid "vaccines" pushed by the evil West to destroy mighty Russia, da?

>> No.22147983
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They's know all about Jewish rituals, wouldn't they?
>we dindu nuffin, the goyim are jealous etc

>> No.22148016
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>you atheists
Which of your saints have prophesied that in current year you'd built statues to Communist Jewish leaders? Is this part of that Russian rebirth you were talking about or is that more of an online thing where the more you can fool gullible Westerners and call everyone who disagrees with your Soviet-tier political perversion of Orthodoxy atheist because you have the shame and self-awareness of a nigger?

>> No.22148020
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(forgot pic)

>> No.22148027
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I don't support these Judeo-Bolshevik statues or Putin. Why are you assuming these things? Stop spazzing out for a minute and and actually read what I am saying.
In fact, Orthodoxy condemns socialism as Satanic.

>> No.22148046
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>In fact, Orthodoxy condemns socialism as Satanic.
Yes, but not Russian Orthodoxy, which is Satanic in itself. Should I post those stained glasses with the hammer & sickle? How can you allow such things in your own country yet sperg out online about how based things actually are? Have you no shame? Do you see any Greeks, Serbs, Romanians doing anythig similar? How can everyone else a least mimick a conscience except you?

>> No.22148047
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>Orthodoxy condemns socialism as Satanic
Is ROC not Orthodox?

>> No.22148054
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ROCOR are generally the most conservative and anti-socialist Orthodox by far. They wrote in 1953 officially declaring Stalin as a son of the devil.
Moscow Patriarchate does have subversive communist agents, yes, and I never denied that.
Generally speaking, the most liberal and subverted of all are usually the Greeks and Antiochians. In fact, some are thinking that the Ecumenical Patriarchate may be cut off from Orthodoxy in a few years if things continue this way because Patriarch Bartholomew is an extreme liberal.

>> No.22148061
File: 73 KB, 1167x1280, FhQq9RlWQAAo7Ul.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there perhaps someone u forgot to mention?

>> No.22148081
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A man was visiting an Orthodox monastery and a monk came up to him and said "There is something terribly wrong with you. You spiritually have a foul stench about you."
The man didn't understand what the monk could be talking about.
They met again that night and had a conversation. Eventually it came out that the man had written a book supporting evolutionary theory. This was the cause of the foul stench! The monk told him that evolutionary theory is a Masonic deception and contrary to Orthodox Christianity.
The man later renounced his belief in evolution.

>> No.22148091

And then the whole church clapped

>> No.22148098
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It's not a joke. Here are over a dozen modern Orthodox fathers who condemn evolution as heresy.

>> No.22148164
File: 47 KB, 630x640, 68942845_2633525856713642_1160517858644459520_n(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My nigger, quit the chit-chat and start toppling statues. How can you still be concerned with other Patriarchates and finding excuses for yourselves? Are you not concerned the only anti-communist figure you're allowed to have is a Tsar who got murdered? Or are you already dreaming about liberating other Patriarchates? Fucking hopeless...

>> No.22148423
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>In fact, some are thinking that the Ecumenical Patriarchate may be cut off from Orthodoxy in a few years if things continue this way because Patriarch Bartholomew is an extreme liberal.

It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a Russian to develop self-awareness. Or sincerity, for that matter, since here the problem really brakes down to Bartholomew granting autocephaly to Ukraine's church and Russians seething uncontrollably ever since, having lost some influence. Such a modest, spiritual, unearthly look on life.

>> No.22148429

>Bartholomew granting autocephaly to Ukraine's church
That isn't all he did.

>> No.22148461

>since here the problem really brakes down to
If you'd stop seething for 5 minutes, moving the goalpost and ignoring what's inconvenient for you, you'd probably understand more. Then again, camel through the needle.

>> No.22148463

>If you'd stop seething for 5 minutes
the irony of this statement lol

>> No.22148480


>> No.22148500

>replies within 1 (one) minute missing the obvious point
>dogpiles like niggers
>>y-you're the one seething

You truly are hopeless niggers.

>> No.22148515

You sound vexed.

>> No.22148521

>be op
>make joke thread about russians being schizos
>schizo russians have now landed
damn............Russia is so fucking based..........

>> No.22148530

ROCOR is taking the strongest stance against wokeness, liberalism, globalism, feminism, and LGBT. Much more than the Greeks or Antiochians.

>> No.22148814


Kek, in Russia these cuckolds just preach whatever current thing Kremlin wants them to, also like half of them are FSB informants, especially in bigger cities. Muscovite church was cucked since XVIIth century, and after Petrine reforms they usually put a gendarme or a military offcier at the helm of Holy Synod.

>> No.22148993

Mahanenko, Atamanov, Osadchuk...I love the greats.

>> No.22149195

If you had any idea how many Roman Catholic clergymen (especially in the Vatican) are CIA assets you would lose your mind.

>> No.22149208
File: 154 KB, 1566x881, 180521-michaelson-pope-tease_sa6rjb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
