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22141768 No.22141768 [Reply] [Original]

What should I read to understand fascism?

>> No.22141775
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Origins and Doctrines of Fascism is the most important book for understanding it

>> No.22141780

Ideally easy things at first like Mein Kampf, For My Legionaries, Men Among the Ruins, etc. It depends what you're into and what angle you are most likely to approach fascism from.

>> No.22141929

>Mein Kampf
I wouldn't recommend it. It's dull and is honestly a chore to read.

>> No.22141937

Read Gramsci, Bordiga and Poulantzas if you want to understand what fascism actually is. The other suggestions in this thread will merely inform you how fascists perceive themselves and their ideology.

>> No.22141950

>ted k

>> No.22141954

You're living in fascism. fascism is inherently atheistic.
Fascism didnt exist before atheism.
Fascism is the atheist version of monarchy: being obsessed with being told what to do by a few generic bureaucrats turned into control freaks in order to secure their positions, since fascism being part of atheism and its circlekering over bureaucratic trifles, they have no external supernatural justification for being here, contrary to kings who claimed God put them in charge.
any solution to atheism will not be found with an new -ism from the plethora of -isms the atheists created due to their freedom of opinion and freedom of speech.

>> No.22141992

Depends on the translation you get hold of. I found the Stalag version to be quite gripping.

>> No.22142177

The anatomy of Fascism is a good starter text

>> No.22142193

I know the people who make these charts are /pol/tards who don't read because some of the books recommended here are so poorly written that any attempt of reading them can give you physical eye damage. They just aren't written in a serious manner and read like 4chan posts but longer.

>> No.22142562

Opera omnia by Benito Mussolini
Origins and Doctrine of Fascism by Giovanni Gentile
The Political doctrine of fascism by Alberto Rocco

>Mein Kampf
Mein kampf isn't about fascism. The word fascism\fascist appears like 3 times in over 700 pages. Same in For My Legionaries.

>> No.22142581
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>they have no external supernatural justification for being here
Sun, soil and blood. God is the past and we the future.

>> No.22142661

>Alisher Mukhitdinov (who goes by the moniker "Alexander Slavros") founded the online message board Iron March in 2011.[1][3][2][4] Mukhitdinov is a Russian-Uzbekistani related to Nuritdin Mukhitdinov, a former communist leader of Uzbekistan.[

Ahaha that mutt glownigger guy in his books simply renamed philosophical absolutsm as fascism, opinions don't exist and the truth is fascism all that is true is fascist. Inequality is fascist. Nature is fascist, so animals killing between themselves are fascists making might is right. You end up like nobrain leftists seeing fascists everywhere in every corner. Literal books for illiterate kiddos.

>> No.22142666

Yeah to be honest a handful of those recommendations are bad but I just posted the list because it looks nice and the top suggestions are fine.

>> No.22142672

The Talmud

>> No.22142681

>/pol/tards who don't read
I've read eight of these books.

>> No.22142685

Most /chud/-core reading list I’ve ever seen

>> No.22142703

All By My Selves: Walter, Peanut, Achmed and Me by Jeff Dunham

>> No.22142712
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Liberal fascism : the secret history of the American left from Mussolini to the politics of meaning

>> No.22142718

Mussolini's Intellectuals by A. James Gregor is a good one. It's a serious and impartial study of italian fascist ideology that treats a wide range of writers, including Evola and Gentile. Anti-fascist academics and bitchute chuds both quote it approvingly because it's a fairly neutral book that just aims at an honest reconstruction of fascist ideas, although you can tell that the author has some sympathy for Mussolinis adventure. Might be a bit of a challenge if you're new to intellectual history but it's great as an introduction to the topic.

these are stupid recs, evola is a good writer but not really that much of a fascist, unless you use a very broad definition.

>> No.22142719

No but Evola is an inspiration for modern fascists. Same for Uncle Ted.

>> No.22142725
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i want to be a fascist but I'm not white and living in a white country
sucks but wjat can you do

>> No.22142729
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No worries obama is a fascist too

>> No.22142740

True! Trump is a modern palingenetic proto-fascistic ultranationalist and reads evola every night before sleeping. He kneels at hyperborian kangz.

>> No.22142745

im pretty sure the purpose of this chart is to disenchant you from fascism by tricking you into reading thousands of pages of dense, nonsensical, and tedious books. Doctrine of Fascism is not bad but wont really make much sense unless you have some background in the historical context.

>> No.22142781
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You can be a nazi

>> No.22142789


>> No.22142810

no, it isn't. its biased.

>> No.22142818

>commies reject violence
Hahahahahahah are you kidding me? Tell that to stalin, mao, lenin and other bloodthirsty communist dictators, you filthy rat red scum.

>> No.22142845
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Hitler loves you

>> No.22142905

>Trump is a fascist
Back to twitter retard

>> No.22142916

Trump, de santis, kurz, orban, bolsonaro, zelensky are all fascists. Fascists support the fascist state of israel.

>> No.22142948

Read about the 1848 European Spring revolutions and see how the concepts of nationalism and socialism against imperialism first started to form.
The ideal of plain nationalism is almost a localized communism, but it retains the centralized nationstate characteristic, so always results in the same ends the imperialist model had.
Nazi fascists are just secular versions of the divine monarch. A halfway between kings and liberals republicans

>> No.22142957

The Work of Art in the Age of Its Technological Reproducibility

>> No.22142965

Nationalists will use you in their army, but they’ll likely resort to segregation as a policy.
Left liberals in the US will elect Obamas, promote gay rights, but there’s a right liberal racist faction, and they’ll tell you to go back to Africa. (Or wherever you’re ancestry is)

>> No.22142970

Got 'em.

>> No.22142990

>read nazism to "understand" fascism
>read traditionalism to "understand" fascism
>read legionarism to "understand" fascism
>read ted to "understand" fascism
>read american neonazi larpers to "understand" fascism
>do not read fascism to understand fascism

>> No.22142991

kinda crazy how that guy guessed about the internet back in 1934. i'm talking about the passage where he discusses how works of art will flow into peoples homes in the same way as utilities like gas and water.

makes me wonder if marxist theory of history might work for some spooky tarot card style oracle.

>> No.22143002

>read marx to "understand" marxism

>> No.22143014

sorry anon but someone's got to tell you. you're illiterate

>> No.22143025

I mean you could read Gentile, that's the logical starting point for fascism. I personally think fascist governance is the spiritual successor to the Roman policy of declaring a dictator under times of war or strife, not a really deep philosophy.
Now, if you're interested in understanding national socialism (which is actually a deeper philosophy, which fascist philosophers contributed to), read:
>The Origin of Species by Charles Darwin
>The Culture of Critique by Kevin McDonald
>You Gentiles by Maurice Samuel
Darwin lays the foundation of biological realism, McDonald and Samuel talk about the relationship that Europeans/Aryans and Jews have from the perspective of a European/Aryan (McDonald) and of a Jew (Samuel).
After that read Mein Kampf, and if you're interested in the economics of natsoc then read Feder.
Also, if you really want to understand Jews, read the Talmud like anon said. But fair warning, you might get angry if you're not Jewish kek
We are not living under fascism. Fascism =/= bad government.
Go to the country you belong to and be a fascist there. Why would you not want to try and help your people, or at the very least, not feel alienated constantly. Because that's what multiracial democracies foster: alienation.
Even leftists are smarter than you and they're retarded
No fascist supports Israel kek. How many levels of cognitive dissonance are you on right now? You should go touch grass.

>> No.22143027

>distinguishing between good communist violence and bad fascist violence

>> No.22143055

>t. Banderite
You are retarded fascist azovites support isreal. Hitler created israel with the myth of holocaust. NeoLiberal Fascist Pinochet was a jewlover. Liberal fascist ultracucktolic francisco franco recognized israel. Face the truth fascism is jewish, the biggest jew psyop ever made for retards like you.

>> No.22143064

Based post

>> No.22143096

I definitely do not support Ukraine kek
Pinochet was a tool of US imperialism, nothing more. And Franco was a coward, I mean a conservative, not a fascist.
Germany was flattened by the combined force of the Zionist allies, the holocaust is a myth, but the myth was largely created after his death. I know it's pointless to tell you this because you're so mindbroken by the system, but Hitler was one of the last non-Jew controlled major heads of state. Shocking stuff really mate.
We've all been psyopped my friend. Most of us buy into the programming, some of us don't. And some of the ones who don't end up like you, full of cognitive dissonance and schizoid tendencies.
I was once like you. I hope you get better. I love you brother.

>> No.22143160
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>hitler was one of the last non jew controlled major heads of state
bullshit that jewlover started a designed to fail war to kill millions of whites. Wallstreet kikes hate whites and put him chancellor. Imagine praising hitler who killed more whites than everyone else with his stupid designed to fail war. You must hate whites too.

>> No.22143226

so? they are right. it is good to kill righties

>> No.22143264

Probable Mussolini's texts, since he wrote up much of the modern convention for fascism today. Don't read Mein Kampf. Unironically a chore to read.

>> No.22143267

Carl Schmitt would have no problem with you being open and honest about your friend-foe designations. He only dislikes liberalism's dishonesty about pretending it's peaceful because it uses indirect violence.

Open and honest communists end up like the Munich and Hungarian revolutions, easily suppressed. Or they end up like Stalin and the CCP, serving as a tragic monument to the stupidity of communism.

>> No.22143276

Mein Kampf is amazing. The guy came out of nowhere and did exactly what he said he was going to do in a book written in prison while his movement was still tiny.

>> No.22143365

Communists usually kill other communists

>> No.22143423

>no john glubb
>no pat buchanan
>no jonathan bowden
Ignore this buffoonery.

>> No.22143473

sure, communist violence is good for communism and fascist violence is bad for communism. that's true by definition

>> No.22143474

I like mineKraft, but I agree I read it like for entertaining value and to get a view into Hitler's values and Ideology which is not exactly the idea of fascism I expected.

>> No.22143482
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Most of the latam countries would unironically benefited from a fascist govenment. Pic kind of related

>> No.22143526

wouldn't expect less of those filthy jews than to create a fascist state. such a murderous ideology and such a murderous people.

>> No.22143596

None of these sound like fascist names

>> No.22143614

Here's a tip, no matter what author or topic you are interested in, google the name + counter currents and you will probably find articles. If it's an author, they will probably have a "Remembering" page, which will give a short intro and link to all relevant articles. If not, you can still use the "tag" page.










>> No.22143628

Fascists are existentially sacred people. They can't control the cosmic forces like Capital.

>> No.22143967

The complete works of Walter Benjamin.

>> No.22144035
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he was pro israel

>> No.22144105
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Ernst Nolte, Fascism in Its Epoch

>> No.22144111

Renzo De Felice Fascism An Informal Introduction to Its Theory and Practice

>> No.22145108

I love Uncle Ted but beyond traditional living in communion with nature, Fascism is incompatible with his worldview and pretty much antithetical to his goals. Thus, he shouldn't be recommend on this list as he is far from a fascist.

>> No.22145154

Evola referred to himself as a "superfascist" at one point. He was more likely a radical traditionalist than anything else though. His esoteric philosophical stuff is more interesting than his blatant political works, in my opinion, although both are pretty much interchangeable.

>> No.22145162

If you support the West in any way you are guilty of being a Neoliberal Fascist, as that is what the current (((ruling class))) has made the West into, with themselves at the top, of course and the illusion of choice.
>Our Democracy™
LMAO, even

>> No.22145200

Evola, Hitler, Rowling

>> No.22145337

Where can I get my hands on a Stalag version if I live in Europe?

>> No.22145344 [DELETED] 

National Socialism is not Fascism.

>> No.22145518

The Dalton translation is better. It's on libgen or you can go to his site https://www.thomasdaltonphd.com/

>> No.22145559

Male fantasies by klaus theweilet

>> No.22145713

I agree. Also, why would someone into fascism need to read 10 books about how the jews control everything. I already know lol I don’t need to read culture of critique or George Lincoln Rockwell

>> No.22146258
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>anti-jew stuff
fascism isn't antisemitic. read mussolini and the jews by michaelis meir

>> No.22146286
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>> No.22146306
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>> No.22146446
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>> No.22146452

My diary desu.

>> No.22146484

Ernst Nolte, Anthony James Gregor, Stanley G. Payne, Roger Griffin. All four are libs who were published by mainstream academic presses. Payne in particular has a survey of "fascism" in general that would probably be a decent starting point.

>> No.22146493

>i want to be a fascist
>sucks but wjat can you do
fascism doesn't care about your race the important thing is that you kiss jews' lard asses, support israel or for "modern fascists" larping as antisemites engaging in acts of terrorism to discredit anti-zionism and antisemitism as a whole

>> No.22146519


>> No.22146525

all these others half ass it or end up just listing off symptomatic traits of fascism. Griffin is the only one who actually truly understands what fascism is and gives it a definition by essence.

>> No.22146538

griffin is the worst and most biased of them all

>> No.22146584

Griffin, Roger. The Nature of Fascism. London: Routledge, 1993.
>Innovative study proposing an “ideal type” intended not to specify some essence of fascism but merely to provide a heuristic tool, recognizing that every manifestation will be both typical and atypical. Takes as the mythic core of fascism “a palingenetic form of populist ultra-nationalism,” redeeming the nation from decadence (pp. 26, 38). But argues, at the same time, that the fascist revolutionary project, linked to dynamism and myth, was inherently unrealizable.

trump is a palingenetic fascist. he will make america great again redeeming it from decadence.

>> No.22146661

Marx has nothing to do with Marxism, the equivalent here would be to read Lenin, Kautsky or one of those other 20th century ghouls.

>> No.22146730

>>But if that is so then how much difference is there between the politics of Sarkozy and Marine Le Pen, given their shared penchant for xenophobic authoritarian statism? Or should we be minded to treat Putin’s Russia as fascist given the cocktail of repression, authoritarianism, racism (against historically oppressed minorities, etc.) and a powerful and successful rhetoric of national (or even imperial) regeneration? This is not just a definitional matter, given the turn to a militant politics of no-platforming articulated in the book’s conclusion, which only gains urgency and priority to the extent that the movement-dimension of fascism (perhaps on the auxiliary fringes of its mainstream political representation) is viewed as paramount. One might also wonder to what extent we can really see contemporary authoritarian far-right trends as carrying the ‘millenarian hope in a new order, alternative to the established one’ (p. 35) that seems to characterise palingenetic fascism – are not contemporary movements on the Far Right in Europe, from the Lega Nord to UKIP, far more cynical and disabused in their racist revanchism?


>> No.22146804
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Hebrew Fascism in Palestine, 1922-1942 by Dan Tamir

>> No.22146858

I really enjoyed it. It's very refreshing and interesting. I learned a lot about Hitler and the Nazi Party that I didn't know before.

>> No.22146891

This is the best one.

>> No.22146920

Threads like this is why I come to /lit/. Reddit would have just referred OP to the Ur-Fascism essay by Umberto Eco

>> No.22146949

>Action française
my sides.. they were just royalists also anti-german too.

In 1965, the German historian Ernst Nolte claimed that Action française was fascist.[38] He considered Action française to be the first fascist party.

Certain present-day scholars disagree with Nolte's view. For example, in 1999, the British historian Richard Thurlow[39] claimed that "his [Nolte's] linking of Action française to the fascist tradition was misleading".[40] Later, René Rémond and Stanley G. Payne described the differences between Action française and Italian fascism.[23][41]

>> No.22146952

Fascism in the year of our lord 2023 is just accelerationistism

>> No.22147070

>certain '''present day scholars'''
Kek, none of which should be taken seriously.

>> No.22147548

You're right about the fact that they should not be taken seriously but objectively Ernst Nolte is very incorrect in that statement since fascism is revolutionary and opposed to De Maistre's "reactionary conservatism" while Charles Maurras, leader of Action français (founded in 1899, well before fascism), was a counterrevolutionary directly inspired by Joseph de Maistre. You can't conflate opposites.

Mussolini in The Political and Social Doctrine of Fascism:
> we do not desire to turn back; Fascism has not chosen De Maistre for its high-priest. Absolute monarchy has been and can never return, any more than blind acceptance of ecclesiastical authority.