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22141083 No.22141083 [Reply] [Original]

Is she actually as racist as everyone says she is?

>> No.22141106

I hope so.

>> No.22141248

What a qt3.14. Who is this semen demon? I hope she’s as racist as your average not denouncing Talmud enjoyer.

>> No.22141338

Blah blah racism. Blah racism black blah. Transsexuals and white people and black people blah blah.

>> No.22141350


>> No.22141357

I might be biased here, but I'd go with a 'no' for prudence reasons.

>> No.22141360

I hope she is. Then I might actually read her.

>> No.22141394

I imagine that the rumors (if there are any) are more due to resentment over how talented she is and less to do with any actual evidence.

>> No.22141406


Skip ahead to 27:30

>> No.22141413

She sounds unhinged

>> No.22141417

These people are grown in a lab to be the new useful idiot pseudo-organic class, they did it to South Africa first:

They are made very dumb but also very uppity so they only have to be given one simplistic talking point and they'll repeat it forever with total conviction

>> No.22141432

who is this titty tart?

>> No.22141439

>halfway there

>> No.22141448

The immediate words she is saying at 27:30 are chosen at random and you can't convince me otherwise.
For the first time in my life I understand when someone says, "I don't even think the speaker knows what they are saying."

>> No.22141455

Addendum. If I read that Goldfinch book and can't detect anything that apparently hurt her so much that she was crying then I'm going to be fucking pissed off.

>> No.22141473

who is this penis prima donna?

>> No.22141577

I read the book earlier this year and I'm struggling to think of anything. that booktuber just seems especially nutty
She never actually gives a specific example of what has upset her, and then goes on a tangent about how people refuse to acknowledge proof even when its right in front of them

>> No.22141757

Monstrum in fronte, monstrum in animo. That person is unhinged. That’s why she bitches about art instead of making it.

>> No.22141761

>when i first read The Goldfinch i was croywing.

>> No.22141771

Seems pretty clear to me

>> No.22141788

I'm so tired bros. >>22141248

>> No.22141790

It’s the White Writer Catch-22: if you write a story with no white people, you’re racist; if you write a story that includes non-white people, you’re misrepresenting them and therefore racist.

>> No.22141824

women cant be racist

>> No.22141831

>racist, problematic authors & ones that don't appeal to me
That's quite the category!

>> No.22141852

as a black man, I unironically want her to whip me while calling me nigger.

racist girls are hot as fuck, wish I had a dominatrix like her.

>> No.22141862

>as a black man
I have only ever seen this phrase used in reddit screencaps posted on /pol/. I really doubt your a nigger.

>> No.22141868

The Helter Skelter Bed of Procrustes relieves the golem of any need to think or engage with ideas in a way that requires understanding, that's the appeal -- laundered virtue, confabulated merit.

>> No.22141870

Walt Disney's agitation for the Song of the South lead to get an Oscar - the first awarded to a black - counts for nothing, and the Splash Mountain ride is being bowdlerized for some new reskin; the film itself has remained out of print for decades and has to be pirated to be seen at all. Showing people as they are or anything other than Noble Savages will also make one catch it in the neck. There is no winning with this type of bad actor or their ilk.

>> No.22141885

>Donna Tart is the most racist
>Several minutes of no examples
>It's because everybody love dark academia they're willing to forgive her for the things I don't have examples for.
>One character uses the N word
>Also she's racist against Asian people that's just decided to be offended for
>The Secret History (a story about pretty much all white people doing white people stuff) is racist.
This is gibberish. Why does everybody who can write at a teenage level think anybody wants to hear their nonsense.

Goldfinch might be racist, I have't read it. The Secret History? I'm happy for somebody to clue me in on that one.

>> No.22141891


>> No.22141966

I will never watch and give that utter trash more views. I know she is unhinged from the preview picture. You combat retardedness by ignoring it.

>> No.22141987

We taught them how to read and this is our reward.

>> No.22141998

There’s not much discussion of race in The Goldfinch. One character’s Russian. Some Latino men work at the protagonist’s apartment building, and one of his friends is a mild weaboo. There’s a man who’s involved in organized crime who’s Jewish. That’s about it, and the book’s around 800 pages.

Regarding the Secret History: I don’t think there’s much explicit description of the characters as being white, but from the circumstances you’d have to assume they are. By this I mean that probability of non-white people knowing Latin and Greek and attending school together in Vermont is basically zero. So yes the darkies are making a pretty accurate assumption when they say the book is about white people.

>> No.22142004
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Kek, this whole video is fucking gold. I mean, I could go on a rant about how mass literacy was a mistake, but this is so absolutely insane, it ends up being funny.
>JK Roachling
Lel, please recommend me more of these videos.

>> No.22142020

Once you realize just how stupid they are everything else makes sense.

>> No.22142043

She was shook, I say, shook.

>> No.22142059

Well, an Arab is referred to as a "sand nigger"

>> No.22142095

Almost like they just fanatically hate white people and that's it.

>> No.22142096

In a rare moment I saw his point, black or not.
I pictured myself as a black man and here's this qt face, 90 pound 30-40 year old woman who is unapologetically racist. Calling you nigger to your face and telling you to move as if she possessed the ability to back it up with the necessary physical force.
It would be hot.

>> No.22142113

>800 pages
>Follows an artist who lost a parent
>We're still following this character as an adult well after their parent's death
>They do le underground group things
I'm deleting the thing I downloaded for free.
What an ugly world we live in. At least in the 1800's if you wanted to be an outsider, you bought a yacht and did some shit in foreign land. And we have plenty of those books I still haven't read.

>> No.22142121

>racist against slavs, blacks and asians
Is she the new queen?

>> No.22142134

She’s so hot, but why is she single?

>> No.22142138

>please recommend me more of these videos
Now you laugh, but it's merely a cover for anger, and you know it. Just avoid, don't watch. Let them sink in their shit abyss.

>> No.22142141

Poor little snowflake leftard baby is triggered and needs a safespace and a new diappie

Poor little afro-latinx has it's feelings hurt by offensive words and equates that to actual harm

Wah wah wah, shut up and get back in the barn you ugly dumb cow!
Hahaha just kidding of course. Fuck fascists like jk roachling and white supremisism.

>> No.22142171

She's 59.
No matter how racist she is I hope some 25 year old isn't trying to make a life with that. Empty cartons are still empty no matter how cute you were when you were in your 20s.

>> No.22142211

Why do you hate eastern europeans anon?

>> No.22142258

God is literally the only solution to destroy the "culture" that has arisen with these subhumans

>> No.22142618

And that's horrendous. But was it from Tartt or a character she wrote?

>> No.22142637

They're not Muslims or such. Why are you advocating religious infighting?

>> No.22142986

It's a subtle reasoning. We are so harmless in front of their utter, hopeless, mind-blowing stupidity, that fighting them with arguments will never lead anywhere. If you put yourself at their level, they drag you down and you can't win. It's invincible retardation, and it even multiplies itself the more you try to fight it. So, the only chance we have is to ignore them and stay focused in God (or in anything you consider enough "other" to be purely metaphysical). This way, they will heal their devastating stupidity just by looking at your splendor, indirectly. Even if they don't look, your superiority will cast its light upon them. It's a perceivable energy, and it only works if you look away.

>> No.22143056

Most of the allegations of muh racism are about racism towards Europeans...
I honestly don't give a shit about what modern Amerimutts write. I've been boycotting all of their entertainment post-2011 for awhile.

>> No.22143209

>However, regarding the racism descriptions, this includes things like making the brown (mostly Latinx) domestic staff cheery people happy to serve, Black women described in a way that emphasizes weight and tempter, and Asian women sexualized and infantilized.
It's over /lit/ Tartt will be cancelled because her PULITZER PRIZE WINNING novel dares poke fun at different races from the perspective of a child survivor of a terrorist attack.

>> No.22143280

Ah, I figured it out...
>In the audiobook, the narrator picks up on her descriptions and leans in by deciding to give caricature accents of Black people, Korean people, etc.
In the UK at least, you generally aren't allowed to do accents of people not your colour. And we know the loudest idiots usually just 'read' the audiobook. So maybe that's what went on here?

>> No.22143360

Wait, this bitch wrote less than a dozen of works and that was enough to be critically acclaimed?

>> No.22143366

this is an american entertainment website

>> No.22143513

Churning out a bunch of books at a fast pace doesn’t necessarily make you a good writer. In fact, I’d say that the works of most highly prolific writers are mostly trash.

>> No.22143601

Stephen King hasn't written a single good book.
His 2 most famous books are barely worth thinking about.
What if a car came alive and tried to kill you? Yeah spooky, it's a metal box but that's retarded.
What if a teenage girls were a psychos? Oh yeah, real hard hitting stuff. That's never been thought of.

>> No.22143636

Carrie was more about the effects of bullying and abuse, but I agree with rest.

>> No.22144048

>Loved Nicholas Sparks in high school
>Dumps on anybody who likes him now
>Pronounces palatable like platapus
No love for Nick Sparks here, but she just seems like a contrarían midwit who would call you racist if you asked her what a word she used meant.

>> No.22144637

Are you retarded? Joyce wrote 4 books

>> No.22144701

>I was

>> No.22144739

name 4 of such books

>> No.22144872

Why do people even like Dark Academia while hating the British people and culture that spawned it?

>> No.22144996

Like all people with even the slightest grounding in reality, they are at heart White Supremacists. Name a more accomplished, humane, and admirable race than the European.

>> No.22145096

>i have never read tolkien
>i have no plans on reading tolkien
>i hate racism in tolkien
>i hate anti black things in his books

what? how?

>> No.22145459
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>> No.22146057

These people just seethe over the fact that white people exist 24/7 and the whole liberal world treats that like a virtue to be celebrated.

>> No.22146691

wew lass
that's quite the title you made for your video
seems like some primo bait

>> No.22147902
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>Once you realize just how stupid they are everything else makes sense.

"As long as you remember they're just children in adult bodies, you'll be fine."

I feel like I have to do this everywhere now: news casters increasingly mispronounce words; Youtubers have a very inexact and confusing use of language; other adults sound like children. I'd like to think I'm becoming more sophisticated, but it's probably the accelerating Cultural Entropy we're experiencing, where even a marked decline over the past decade is now noticeable.

>t. middle-aged pseud

>> No.22148042

Kill yourself leftist trash

>> No.22148062
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To the quote. “Civilization” is the least civil social setup in history. We see ourselves as just “naturally warlike, look at the chimp wars bro”. But they’re imbeciles, infantile by social design. The modern age uses technology where we once used the church to control them. True the stupidity is getting worse, and it maybe the lousy foods as much as the constant electronic plug-ins, but it is getting out of hand, and we have to pull away. The new generations that rebel and seem barbaric to Sowell are simply normal people having a bad reaction to the artificial surfaces of this sterile world.


>> No.22148296

God I hope so

>> No.22148571
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The part where she was rambling on about the blackface YA book, goddamn.

>> No.22150108

>how she was depicting lah-teen men
holy shit this is gold

>> No.22150347

At least this means they're giving up on saying latinx. I mean latine is still stupid because there already is a gender neutral word: Latin.