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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 152 KB, 800x1154, C629E1F9-BEEE-4A2E-BB71-E70E5BBF1AD9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22139311 No.22139311 [Reply] [Original]


Previous thread >>22133087

>> No.22139320
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>> No.22139338

Are Philosophy PhDs worthwhile today? Any Philosophy graduates that can comment?

>> No.22139350

It only goes to making you a professor of philosophy to perpetuate the ever diminishing necessity.
PhDs in anything right now are pretty useless. Unless you want to go the professional debtor rout. Learn a skill you like and make yourself useful somewhere you’ll be happy, have time to read all the twisty taffy philosophy the rets of your years.

>> No.22139401

I started doing neck exercises. (the wings and peekaboo shit) I'll post another picture wearing the same shirt in a week.

>> No.22139412

What do you by “the ever diminishing necessity”? A PhD seems to me a requirement for doing the only thing a PhD was ever really good for: teaching or researching within a university.

>> No.22139532

i think it's time for me to revisit hemmmmmmingway

>> No.22139574

To think that our whole lives can be nothing but words to each other.

I told my mother I felt like she didn’t listen to me when I spoke, and it turned into an argument, as it does any time she is criticized. I felt hopeless that she would ever change and after a point I became mute, as if I were 13 again. The urge to walk into incoming traffic rose in me. This ruined our trip to the hardware store and she expressed her anger at this by calling me a childish brat who needs to grow up. By the evening she was laughing uproariously at her tv program. I felt like I wanted to slice her neck with a knife, or maybe my own neck. Nothing has made me want to find the means to move out more than this. I am 23 years old.

>> No.22139592

I do not have a place among other people. I can interact and talk with them but in the end they're in a different world from me.

>> No.22139644

---- Solaria ----

Obvious as it is that to live only with or without reason
Would be a mistake.

Either would be an insult to intellect
If you know what I mean.

Take any urbane bitch with more than half a brain
And she'll instantly know what you mean.

i suppose Robert Paxton would have liked as much as I do
Domestic rooms that imply assorted climate zones,

Home theatre around endless personality,
Green intense enough

For unbelievable magenta contrast, conversation long and elaborate as you will--
Sensational momentum where worlds are completely at peace

And all drama has beauty nothing in the animal realm does.


>> No.22139661
File: 11 KB, 250x250, Nyan_cat_250px_frame.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are some of the earliest memes you can remember?

>> No.22139662

I think there is a massification phenomenon in modern society. If you’re differentiated from the mass in any qualitative way, you’re going to be burdened by the reality of having to be something of a loner. But there’s strength and nobility in that, I think. Quality has never been common nor popular actually.

>> No.22139676
File: 9 KB, 240x160, Aybabtu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22139722

Let me tell you about a current or force I've identified, which I call the inhuman force. It is the antithesis of the human being as the couplement of matter and soul, or the antithesis of life as the animating principle of matter, and it is the direct opposition to the Soul or the capability of intellection which is the mark of the divine. This inhuman force can be conflated with entropy but it is not simply that; it is the jealousy of Satan, who burns with envy as he sees the world he did not make and whose glory he will not partake of. It is all illusions, and it is a magic spell cast on those who fall prey to it; the inhuman force and its illusions bring about the worship of pleasure and the avoidance of pain as the root of common morals by causing the common man to believe pleasure and pain exist in themselves at all. The inhuman force stands between the thing-in-itself and perception; it is what gives rise to that troublesome tendency of ours to project our thoughts onto the world. Individuals are not all who are at risk; where two or three are gathered, there you will find it among them, and it gave rise to endless debates, the political ideologies, the arguments.

>> No.22139741

I hate you, you lazy fucking fag. Your life sucks so hard you need to make fun of everyone to cope. You have no creativity, no drive, no humor, no good looks, you're just an idiot and you never learn a single thing. You are such a miserable slug I don't know why you think you are better than everyone else. Everytime you open your mouth you're not helping. I'm so sick of you insulting people and talking shit thinking you're so funny. Every time I reach out I realize you're the most pathetic person I known and that there's no helping you. That's just how useless of a human being you are. FUCK you and please never talk to me again.

>> No.22139751

We have to immediately stop what you are doing and count. There is nothing good to do but count, right now counting is the only thing to do, and far off into the future it is the same thing to do. 1 2 3 4 5 6 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10. Counting is the most pleasurable and correct truth. 1 2 3 4 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

>> No.22139774

he sounds based

>> No.22139788

I'm not a gifted loner, just a social outcast.

>> No.22139808

He's a fucking nerd minus the natural kindness and passion for geeky things. A fucking waste of space.

>> No.22139841

The dancing baby gif

>> No.22139851

So excited it’s my birthday today, going out to eat and going shopping for a new guitar amp, some books and some games. Also have to get something for my father for Father’s Day

>> No.22139859
File: 125 KB, 960x540, IMG_1258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22139862

Happy birthday Anon, have fun.

>> No.22139865

Read Gasset

>> No.22139938

For me, "enjoying life" and "making a living" are mutually exclusive.

>> No.22139953

I'm browsing through Bumble and it's so bad it's depressing
most women are walled and clumsy, literally social autists
the few that aren't are in the endless travel insta lifestyle and completely rootless, with no plans for the future
the few who have a normal life are usually the clumsiet and ugliest
my max age filter is set to 28, i don't dare go above that

women are bigger spergs than men

>> No.22139964

jk it's not depressing, just concerning. all these women will end up extremely ugly inside and outside (most already are) and will live in the same world i do, infesting it

>> No.22139979

>endless travel insta lifestyle
This is like mental cancer for young people. No need to plan for the future or take any responsibility for yourself, just endlessly make vlogs and tiktoks of yourself making funny faces at picturesque location #5725 and putting captions like "avocado on toast is BAE :)" on pictures of food and act like that's an acceptable substitute for a personality.

>> No.22139982
File: 1.35 MB, 956x586, yikes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some 10/10s in bongland
these are supposed to be in their early 20s btw

>> No.22139990
File: 594 KB, 475x588, the ABSOLUTE fucking state.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

crows feet at 24 AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
and terrible skin

i mean i get it for 15 year olds, it's still retarded but they're 15
but when you're 28...

>> No.22140011

I've been straight my whole life but man do I have a wicked crush on the discord femboi. I am fantasizing them being my malewife

>> No.22140029

>I've been a fag my whole life

>> No.22140038
File: 626 KB, 478x594, bruh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ayy lmaoo

>> No.22140042

I will try. thanks

>> No.22140045

I want to scream that she's walled hard but I also have crow feet and terrible skin at 24. Would kiss and hang out with.

>> No.22140051
File: 555 KB, 479x598, oh no no no.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who even thinks photos like this is a good idea

>> No.22140054

People and especially women with ugly friends. They don't give a shit as long as THEY look good.

>> No.22140058

clearly I was straight enough when I was doing your mom last night

>> No.22140060

People that are insecure about their appearance will get like face blindness towards their own face

>> No.22140071

I'm a man and when even I see women taking pics of themselves looking good with their "friends" in the pic looking like shit I'm like damn that's a shitty thing to do

>> No.22140080

i can only assume that the guy incelposting on 4chan's literature board is a real catch himself

>> No.22140083
File: 620 KB, 476x601, chuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

millions must sneed...
at this point /r9k/ will have better chicks, fucking grim

>> No.22140094
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The more I think about it the more I begin to believe that the best relationship, one that is going to be loving and long lasting, can only happen between an older man 35+ and a younger women 15-24. Where the man takes up the position as both a loving mentor, father but also an experienced lover, and the girl comfortably enters the position of both an innocent, sweet, vigorous daughter but also a seductive mate in her prime. There should be a perfect balance of beauty, love, reason, purpose, fidelity and respect.

>> No.22140095
File: 153 KB, 349x484, 326745238.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i can only assume that the guy incelposting on 4chan's literature board is a real catch himself

>> No.22140104

Why even is the dude from the last thread butthurt about the wired trimmers? They are widely available. It just sounds like nonsense to me for him to claim that they are hard to find.

>> No.22140105

I've also seen plenty of uggos that take normal pics. but none of them were western. either latinas or some other ethnic
not sure why western women are so garbage but they consistently have the most retarded unsexy and soulless profiles

>> No.22140122
File: 1.10 MB, 966x582, it's over.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another thing with western women is that even when they're alright and the photos they take are alright, their hourglass figure is fucked. they basically have a v taper

>> No.22140126
File: 555 KB, 696x584, ogre.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22140134
File: 14 KB, 219x275, 1686557096827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am massively insecure but also propelled forward by my feelings of inadequacy, anytime I receive praise I lose motivation so I have to beat myself up again so I can move forward. My sense of confidence is so fucking whacked out I have delusions of grandeur while also feeling inferior to everyone.

>> No.22140136

what do you want, that's how life is for uglies. unironically uglies are the most interesting people because they don't take picture of themselves all fucking day and can use that time to learn stuff and get passionate about it. attractive women who know they are attractive always have their phones full of selfies. it's normalized narcissism all around. you cannot invent that shit

>> No.22140139
File: 51 KB, 550x380, 1680815444103970.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>As today his surroundings do not so force him, the eternal mass-man, true to his character, ceases to appeal to any authority other than himself, and feels himself lord of his own existence. Conversely the select man, the excellent man is urged by interior necessity to appeal to some standard beyond himself, superior to himself, into whose service he freely enters. ... Contrary to what is usually thought, it is the man of excellence, not the common man who lives in essential servitude. Life has no savour for him unless he makes it consist in service to something transcendent. Hence he does not look upon the necessity of serving as an oppression. When, by chance, such necessity is lacking, he grows restless and invents some new standard, more difficult, more exigent, with which to coerce himself. This is life lived as a discipline — the noble life.

>Nobility is defined by the demands it makes on us — by obligations, not by rights. Noblesse oblige. "To live as one likes is plebeian; the noble man aspires to order and law" (Goethe). The privileges of nobility are not in their origin concessions or favours; on the contrary, they are conquests. And their maintenance supposes, in principle, that the privileged individual is capable of reconquering them, at any moment, if it were necessary, and if anyone were to dispute them. ... It is annoying to see the degeneration suffered in today's speech by a word so inspiring as "nobility." For, by coming to mean for many people hereditary "noble blood," it is changed into something similar to common rights, into a static, passive quality which is received and transmitted, something inert. But the strict sense, the etymon of the word nobility, is essentially dynamic. Noble means the "well known," that is, known by everyone, famous, he who has made himself known by excelling the anonymous mass.

>As one advances in life, one realises more and more that the majority of men — and of women — are incapable of any other effort than that strictly imposed on them as a reaction to external compulsion. And for that reason, those few individuals we come across who are capable of spontaneous and joyous effort stand out isolated, monumentalised, so to speak, in our experience. These are the select men, the nobles, the only ones who are active and not merely reactive, for whom life is a perpetual striving, an incessant course of training. Training = askesis. These are the ascetics.

>> No.22140140

I'm like Bach if I was nothing like Bach.

>> No.22140141

So true!

>> No.22140142
File: 602 KB, 480x592, 00000000000000000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok this genuinely made me laugh

>> No.22140147

She looks 22 that just looks like the worst fucking photo I've ever seen in my life. She looks like she's just woken up from getting her wisdom teeth out

>> No.22140149

bach is tranny music

>> No.22140168

I won't quite agree. A noble person is someone who inherited this title by the merit of his blood. For someone to be noble in the Middle Ages he had to have 16 noble ancestors. This is a good fist rule to check if one is noble himself or not. Where titles of nobility didn't exist because of different reasons, this is admitted, for a truly noble person would be certainly own a title of nobility in a society that has such titles, nothing more logical than this, but otherwise, the ownership of private property of land. Where neither this is the case, the subject in case might be rich, talented, or anything, but not noble.

>> No.22140176
File: 652 KB, 696x586, 549453.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she looks way older than 22 in global standards but 22 for western woman standards
here's a greek i found, 26 and looks younger

>> No.22140178

I like Goethe but he doesn’t strike me as a traditional aristocrat. He strikes me as something as a decadent proto-modern.

>> No.22140187

---- Solaria ----
The Great Lakes, greater London, and the Netherlands.

No sites on planet more advanced than these,
No where else can one retire

To luxury cars
Gliding on sonorous spectacle

Anything in high waking so close to the ecstasy
Of sleep in spooky neighborhoods,

Universal sensuousness,
Solar intensity.


>> No.22140203
File: 610 KB, 473x591, xinpinged.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just realized that this retarded dead inside look looks ok if you're a bug

>> No.22140205

Your problem is you expect no makeup and a toothpaste advertisement photoshoped girl or Miss Teen America staring back at you. But you barely look at people outside of advertising and entertainments. That’s a zit paced girl of 22, and oh horrors, a little weight hanging on her face.

>> No.22140208

Does it depress anyone else how silly and unserious everyone and everything is all the the time? It’s like there’s nothing to aspire to but mockery.

>> No.22140209

>dead inside
You haven’t realized anything
You have a real problem with identifying humans. Your eyes are broken. Not theirs.

>> No.22140211

Just imagine being in ‘Nam raping gooks

>> No.22140217

Anonymous “culture” is to troll and hate and sometimes both. Yeah, you’re tired of this high school mode site (not to say the rest of the internet is any good)

>> No.22140222

Now there’s a dead-inside hobby

>> No.22140225

Happy Birthday! :)

>> No.22140233
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>> No.22140234

she's just ugly anon
Saigon... shit, I'm still only in Saigon. Every time I think I'm gonna wake up back in the jungle. When I was home after my first tour, it was worse. I'd wake up and there'd be nothing. I hardly said a word to my wife until I said "yes" to a divorce. When I was here, I wanted to be there. When I was there, all I could think of was getting back into the jungle. I'm here a week now, waiting for a mission... getting softer. Every minute I stay in this room, I get weaker, and every minute Charlie squats in the bush, he gets stronger. Each time I looked around, the walls moved in a little tighter.

>> No.22140239

It's your own fault for believing you have any obligation to other people and also for expecting of them something they aren't willing to give you
If you don't like your mother it's your own fault you are the one who allows her into your life and also the one who refuses to say no to her
Arguments should only exist when you stand to gain something from them

>> No.22140241

There’s no job for philosopher except a teacher of philosophy.

You want money you get the accreditation. PhD or trade training, depending on your preferences

>> No.22140242

His family was upper-middle class, but he was a world genius. Shakespeare is number one, as he readily admitted. Could you do so?

>> No.22140247
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more crows feet at 27

>> No.22140251

>Why don't I fit in Among dishonest people?
Have you tried being dishonest?

>> No.22140258
File: 661 KB, 776x596, lmao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22140260

Become something genuine and people will follow you like youre the pied piper
Irony is used to defend ourselves from reality. It's fear and addiction to forgetting the self. yes I just read infinite jest

>> No.22140264
File: 1.24 MB, 950x592, MIDGE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ahahahahahahahahhaha holy shit a literal midget

>> No.22140268

Lying emerged from mankind's early days,
A twisted thread in the fabric of speech.
Dissimulation possible for apes at play,
But not intentional until words reached ear.

Spoken language, a double-edged sword,
With power both good and bad to wield.
Deception flourished, born anew,
Changing the course of history with ease.

Before verbal arts had fully sprouted,
Other forms of expression took root,
Rupestrian art, facial expressions, too,
Perhaps even mental powers anew.

If thoughts and feelings shared via touch,
Or glimpses caught inside minds at speed,
Lies might have found little room to grow,
Forced to hide beneath guises well.

Yet with language came the gift of guile,
Words crafted cunningly to beguile,
A dangerous tool, hard to control,
Until religion's moral hand intervened.

Faith seeks to balance wordy games,
Instills purity and guilty claims,
Fearing a world where nothing stands,
Where truth has vanished beyond hands.

Through faith, the soul learns self-restraint,
Preventing lies from going insane,
For no one truly wants endless deceit,
Not even in private moments meet.

Therefore, whenever someone tries,
To spin falsehoods to confuse our eyes,
They reveal their inner selves, you see,
Their desires, fears, and doubts, all free.

Though some may reject these chains of guilt,
Others embrace them, holding fast,
Knowing that trust and truth are keys,
Unlocking joy, love, peace, and ease.

In the battle between light and dark,
Truth shall prevail, though not always stark;
For even shadows help discern right from wrong,
As every story holds multiple songs.

Let us heed nature's silent call,
Embrace the beauty of life so small,
Seek harmony, unity, divine,
One step closer to a world serene.

>> No.22140272
File: 676 KB, 478x592, terrible.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another western woman with terrible figure

>> No.22140274

Tanning mother of two at 27
And are you her 38 year old balding paunchy gutted husband?

/r9k/ needs to leave. It’s “write what’s on your mind” not post girls you’d reject who would never consider you anyway

>> No.22140277

Sometimes I like to be ugly
I used to be so overweight to the point I was grotesque, I walked around wearing jeans the size of a blanket that would fit several children inside, wearing old stained tshirts having hair that was way too long and old worn shoes
People looked at me with disdain, they avoided me as much as possible, if I entered a store I got service first because they wanted me gone, if I went to a cafe I was sited as far away from other people as possible and my coffee came with a check
Now I look normal but I kind of miss it, in reality the only thing that changed was my weight, I didn't change, the world didn't change. I never needed to become normal I just did but it makes me feel empty, other people add nothing to my life, they don't really take away either they are just there
I think I just wasted too much time on this shouldn't have bothered

>> No.22140282
File: 605 KB, 470x596, genetic garbage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok i'm done, everyone is buttugly in bumble
biological waste shouldn't breed

>> No.22140299

Many such cases.

>> No.22140305

I'm on the 50th chapter of Moby Dick and can't handle it anymore. Too many digressions. I'm reading the sparknote's summary of each individual chapter and making a list of each ones I'll read. Judge me, but I've skipped the monk's life chapter in the Brother's Karamazov and still finds it one of best books I've read.

>> No.22140309

That’s a sweatshirt, anon. Go away

>I could do better than this
>I just choose not to.

>> No.22140316
File: 362 KB, 374x516, POV my dick.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yep tinder is by far superior
bumble is where uglies go to hide when mogged to death on tinder

>> No.22140330
File: 410 KB, 366x486, biologically decent.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yet another non-western woman mogging to death western """women"""

>> No.22140336

Stop SPAMMING Jesus christ no one wants the full play by play on your tinder swiping

>> No.22140346

I don’t think being a great poet necessarily makes one an aristocrat.

>> No.22140350

I am not doing it for the job, but if I was going to teach then philosophy seems the field most worth teaching.

>> No.22140352 [DELETED] 
File: 417 KB, 372x528, 6538356.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seethe tranny

>> No.22140374
File: 379 KB, 362x524, yikes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more terrible shoulder to hip ratios
is every western woman a tranny now? grim

>> No.22140386 [DELETED] 
File: 418 KB, 368x516, but why.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit it just keeps happening, western women are basically men now

>> No.22140390

>this has been a viral ad for Tinder

So flag for spam.

>> No.22140396

Then self study is all it needs.
It isn’t worth teaching, but I advocate a complete overhaul of the education system anyway.

>> No.22140464

Won't say what state I'm in cause i don't want to dox myself, but I'm applying for jobs in a new state & it's insane how discriminatory they are to out of state people.
Just got denied a job because they wanted me to have a driver's liscense issued from the state. So strange I really don't get it.

>> No.22140684

If I were immortal with regen powers, I'd probably be the same. Same goals, same everything. I'd just waste a bit less time talking to people I don't like, because what would be the point if they're all going to die ignorant anyways.

>> No.22140696

It is incredibly obvious you are getting zero matches that aren't bots or obese

>> No.22140737

I stayed up til 6 am and then woke up at 4pm. Kind of hate myself for doing that

>> No.22140756

One Christmas my dad got me this set for kids to build their own electric circuit to power a motor. I had absolutely zero interest in circuits or motors. I never opened it. One day I saw him using it to make the circuit alone. I felt really bad about it. But it's not like he ever mentioned it to me. He never asked if I wanted to build it with him. If he had I would have said yes. But I was probably only 9 or 10 at the time, so there was absolutely no proactive desire to put together circuits, especially not on christmas.

>> No.22140761

Browsing failblog and icanhazacheeseburger in the late 2000s

>> No.22140789

I prefer to shitpost and bitch on /wwoym/ clearly we are having more fun.

>> No.22140815

I would rather stay up all night playing videogames, watching anime or consuming any other trash than waking up early and spending all day mindlessly checking shit online. At least I enjoyed myself

>> No.22140828

I got a set of tools for wood carving then they immediately took it away after realizing Its far too dangerous to let me handle something like that
20 years later it still sit unused in the garage, it's still way too dangerous to let me handle it

>> No.22140848

I have a bunch of weird fucked up physical symptoms and I don't give a shit. I just wish I could hug my ex and die in her arms but I've seen her new boyfriend. Sucks to be me

>> No.22140862

I was the same until I dropped out of college to go work with a carpenter. Still have my fingers

>> No.22140870

Yeah I spent all night and morning getting drunk with dog. Having a dog nakes drinking alone a lot more fun

>> No.22140943

A subtle power of eloquence we see,
Language wrought, from man to make free;
Though once, ere speech embodied thought,
Apes fain would cheat with skill fraught.

Yet sly intent, hard to prove true,
Discordance rare 'twixt mind and shrewd;
Now speech doth give us scope to view
The many forms deceit may show.

But lo! before our tongues began,
Communication flowed like a river,
Expressive signs, both strong and plain,
From hands that plied them ever after.

And if, perchance, some gifts were sent
Through looks, where love ne'er needed words,
Or e'en through thoughts which intertwined
In mental concord sweet and blurred...

Then still the gift of guile confound,
For gesture's reach could not ascend
To depths where falsehood now resounds
With every breath we take and spend.

All faiths strive thus to quell the flame
Of human craftiness profane,
By strictures that our souls entwine,
Laying pure truth on each divine.

And yet our hearts are troubled ground,
As we ourselves with treachery find,
That, while we crave to misbehold,
We yearn for order's grace entwined.

So we who speak and hear the lie,
Are lost within our selves thereby;
For knowledge won by falsehood slight
Leaves naught but darkness in its light.

>> No.22140990
File: 19 KB, 320x240, Bunk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22141008

Flipped out on my mom for interrupting my goon-sesh, and now she wants me to get a job or I have to move out.
This is how you treat your baby boy?
Thanks a lot you fucking slut.

>> No.22141015

i'd read this novel

>> No.22141035
File: 77 KB, 778x736, AmericaSchool.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stopped using daily amphetamines a month ago after a decade of use, it seems like 100% of my productivity was mindless compulsion from amphetamines and I don't have any desire to do anything, accomplish anything, just nothing. I don't feel pleasure.

Shit's rough. Just thought for a moment, enjoying the coolness of the air from the window. Just sitting here and dying without any real purpose. I don't have any complaints. Sure, I'm tired or whatever, but to say "that's bad" is to form an opinion, and that's too much effort for me. I'm indifferent to my unproductivity, to my failure, it just doesn't bother me at this point and I don't feel bad about it.

I can play the old work-game of slap-dick enough to get through the day, but only because of intense social pressure, fear of losing the bread money, and shit like that. The whole "extra mile" of writing or doing anything productive, it's just like "yeah, holy shit, let me lay down", and fuck if I care.

I can enjoy my thoughts. I have nice thoughts, nice waking dreams, enjoyable ones. I just don't have any willpower to sit down and write them out. I don't have the belief. That belief, that delusional fantasy that "I can do this", that shit is just now "I'm breathing pretty heavy, might need to rest"

What I fear the most, is that if I make it through this withdrawal without some spontaneous bout of death, that some of the human characteristics that escaped me over the last decade return. Things like emotionality and other bullshit that seems to motivate other people but has generally escaped me. I don't want to be a person, that's a whole song and dance I'm not particularly keen on. A lot of bullshit involved with being a person, whereas being a "soulless operator", something like an NPC, no real "human depth" to my character, it is easy, and since I didn't have the "human emotion pain" that seems to bother people who are involuntarily afflicted with the life of solitude and seclusion, I had no complaints and still don't.

Everything seems like a crushing weight. Even just small tasks. I'm compulsively inclined to describe my life due to a habit of journalism, but since this is "description" it's not anywhere near as difficult as the imaginative form of writing that fiction takes. It doesn't take any effort for my eyes to see, or my skin to feel, or for my brain to experience the states of fatigue or indifference, and describing them, especially since I'm disinclined form moving, is particularly easy since typing is something I can do thoughtlessly and without any real effort involved.

It's like sitting, staring at some game you don't have any interest in playing. That's being alive. Just a "no thanks" for the whole thing right now. I'm still here, but fuck it, piddling the day away without any interest in reality is a bit tiresome, but I can't do anything about it, so I'm just trying to suffer through it.

>> No.22141045

That's the lack of dopamine. You may have early parkinsons

Get some l-tyrosine, go on daily walks, start taking cold showers or go swimming in a lake

>> No.22141073

The hardest part is still the "no ambition, no desire, no interest in the future", without those, you lose all motivation to do anything. With those, you can motivate yourself to do things even if they are painful. The lack of pleasure, that's second worst, since being able to enjoy something is another strong motivator to do it.

I'm saying "worst" just as a measurment of "objective hindrance to productivity". I don't feel anything like remorse of contempt for these feelings. I don't care. They don't bother me, but I can objectively see them inhibiting any attempts at productivity.

I'm not "voluntarily productive" in the sense of writing, for any real purpose other than ambient excretion from the human body. Something like removing some sort of fluid build p in he body, at least sometimes, it just feels like an ambient excretion from the body without any real purpose behind it, and whatever purpose I did original have, that motivated me to develop this skill set, has long since left me, even through the final years of using amphetamines, and I sort of just ambled through life indifferently.

Regardless, by avoiding all intensive human relationships, I don't have ant at home external pressure forcing me to undertake tasks which are more difficult than petty idling, "waiting to die", as I refer to it. I don't even have any desire to play games or waste time like that, just because I find it difficult to enjoy and thus not very captivating.

>> No.22141081

Are you binge eating or is your diet still okay?

>> No.22141084

I mean, I have a degenerative neurological disorder caused by having excess amounts of dopamine in the body to the point of experiencing chronic hallucinations. I doubt it's a lack of dopamine, but I would say it does have to do with the shift in the dopamine patterns of my life, since I am such a wishy-washy person and so heavily dependent upon psychological stimulus to direct my body. Without the stimulus, my body does nothing.

There's a large amount of this conditionality which leads me to being, for the mean time, incredibly unproductive, and were this to continue, the remainder of my life would amount to nothing but working for bread money and dying quietly. That would almost be agreeable if I enjoyed dying quietly a little more, but in the current state, due to the situation of my existence, I don't have a setting that is peaceable enough and agreeable enough for me to die quietly in. I'm thinking of something rustic and secluded, with some natural ambiance. Something close to idyllic, but I'd settle for less since I can appreciate the value of a bird in the hand.

I don't have any real intent or purpose for writing this, it's just close to a mindless behavior of describing things, and since I don't have any real desire to engage with any other activities, my mind sort of just stuck itself into this gear and it hasn't moved yet, simply because this task is that easy for me to accomplish and requires such little investment of effort or thoughtfulness.

It's also cathartic in a way to hear the keys clatter, just to be typing something. Cathartic, perhaps not, in that I don't know if it is relieving any stress, but it is hypnotic, almost like the rippling of a stream or a waterfall, the little pitter patter of things you can lose your mind in. It's a calming type of noise, and it's familiar enough that it brings me comfort.

The fact that by typing, I've subconsciously or otherwise convinced myself that I'm "undertaking an activity" convinces my brain that whatever I'm doing is, at the very least, an activity, which, so long as my mind is occupied in a sense, it won't complain or turn its nose up at what I'm doing.

The thought of other human activities, for instance, tennis, crossed my mind, but I live a particularly catatonic lifestyle, and I've never been one to wander about to engage in sport. At best, I do some petty exercises alone in a room, as I am generally a reclusive individual.

I don't suffer enough to contemplate suicide, though the exhaustion and fatgiue I feel do remind me that death would be a convenient escape from petty difficulties, and my lack of any meaningful connection or "sense of loss" were I to die makes the thought all the more tempting.

The comedy of it all, is that due to my catatonic lack of agency, if I actually had the willpower to go undertake the activity of committing suicide, I would be predisposed to doing other activities out of a mild interest in petty entertainment.

>> No.22141096
File: 133 KB, 1600x1000, ShitpostSquad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perhaps eating a bit more, but nothing terrible. I hope you're not concerned for me on any sort of sympathetic level, but only out of objective curiosity.

>I mean, I have a degenerative neurological disorder...

This part was for you

Suffering quietly and being too powerless to kill myself. Suffering, in a childish, "girly" sense, in that I'm not actually suffering, I'm not actually in pain. I'm mildly discomforted by the general lack of psychological "health and vigor" as it might be called, and it's discomforting in a fatiguing way, rather than anything pointed or sharp like physical or emotional pain.

I'm not particularly tired, I'm not sleepy. I would describe this as "tired of being alive" and being "reluctantly alive", but in no way having the agency or willpower to do anything to change my situation. Like being pissed on, but having no willpower to move or fight back or anything.

I don't feel sadness, thankfully, I just feel nothing, I don't care, but it's not a particularly pleasant experience. Perhaps it would be fair to call myself a hedonist, as i do enjoy pleasure, but it seems to be beyond my reach right now, and I'm just sitting here, seemingly powerless to escape this situationality, or even if it were possbile, lacking the agency to undertake the activities required to shake off this mental state and start clawing at the concrete walls of life in some blind and delusional fantasy of somehow accomplishing some farcical goal.

I missed the cutting point for the 3k limit. But I guess at this point I've lost my train of thought. Clearly writing for me is not an issue, but finding the coherent trains of thought to ride for writing is the difficult part. I can do observational writing just fine, but attempting to sit down and imagine something, it's like my brain-body is made of pasta and too soft and weak to life up the imagination weights.

I'm doing ok, I'm sure other people are suffering with emotions or other gay bullshit. I don't know why I'm writing this, no real intent really, just again enjoying the pitter patter and enjoying how easy the activity is. I'm a lazy motherfucker, as you can tell, and if an activity is easy, I enjoy that activity. Doing something easy feels good, doing something difficult, less so good, but doing something easy, I might describe it as "butter fucking" because it's just so smooth and pleasant"

I don't have any real interest in writing at length about my psychological state for any intentful publication or anything, but I do enjoy doing it just because it requires the least amount of psychological involvement. It's almost like bird watching or something, just with my mind and body. The birds do all the work you know, I just have to sit there and watch, and I'm sitting here anyways...

>> No.22141098

Sucks dude. I also quit amphetamines earlier this year after a decade of use, but my problems are more based on narcolepsy or attention deficit

You may benefit from Strattera or a mild SSRI. The best option would be to get as much exercise as possible, start the tyrosine and fix your diet. Those are the only solutions I'm aware of. But even if you eventually relapse, at least your dopamine receptors won't be as damaged as before. Out of curiosity, what neurodegenerative disorder? Is it schizophrenia?

>> No.22141099
File: 106 KB, 700x770, c859d1f1e41e4cf456605c8fc939f5cc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hah! Haha! Yes, You! YOU! Welcome to the real world.
Unfortunately, you are not alone here. There are others who will do good or bad things to you, and the easiest way to get rid of them? Use one of these mass produced replies! It's a safe way to block their receptors and they might even gift you items!

>> No.22141126

Super sexy mexican girl working at this burger joint.

>> No.22141127

What are you gonna do?

>> No.22141134

We made eye contact and she did that flirty smile but I'm not gonna chase her. She doesnt really speak English and she may or may not be a teenager so I dont want her hermanos to kill me

>> No.22141137
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>> No.22141154

Yeah, that's what I thought. Keep it to yourself

>> No.22141156

> Is it schizophrenia?
Yeah. I don't need any drugs, definitely not going to put any faith in some pharma bullshit. Ahaha. In thinking about things, I realized that I'm vising family right now, and the household is strict about "fat free" bullshit. The lack of dietary fat was causing additional suffering, and I'm trying to correct that, at least there's some 2% milk to drink and feel a bit better now, but Christ, that lack of dietary fat for a few days has rattled me.

I don't have depression or anything, just a complete lack of initiative due to being incredibly dependent upon the amphetamine to provide that for the past 10 years.

>> No.22141172

the whole exercise thing requires willpower and I just don't care enough, the suffering doesn't bother me enough to be that motivated to fix it. I'm too paranoid to go exercise outside. For whatever reason, I'm so lazy and cataonic, it's just "eh, I'm ok with suffering", not really the best strategy, but I'm not itching to be alive anyways feeling like I'm dying is more appropriate than feeling like I'm "about to go around living and full of life", I've had plenty of that, I'm just in the naptime of life

>> No.22141175
File: 248 KB, 1113x777, istockphoto-1249175926-612x612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like to imagine taking many of the posts in these threads and seeing them as if they were framed in a studio somewhere, on the wall with a little infocard. That simple change of context seems to make them so much more "grand", more worthy of attention,the question is then why they are not deserving of this without the framing, when viewed as they are in this thread. The next notion then is that everything is immense and daunting and beautiful and beyond any ability to capture or even describe. I am forced to be honest and say that I am young and clueless, and my even attempting to make some grand statement of all this shows my hubris and vain need to emulate the appearance of a famous writer.
I am thinking of that chapter from Infinite Jest, where the mother runs around in the backyard hysterically yelling "My son ate this!" over and over. In that chapter, the father and the middle son are inside, watching behind a window; they are holding their forefingers and thumbs together in the shape of a frame. I think about this chapter a lot. One observation I take from the book is that all lives are dramas, dramas that we all want nothing to do but run from and numb ourselves to, so that we can instead engorge ourselves on the constructed drama of entertainment media. I think about what it means to exist. I gain the sense that the majority of my time has been spent escaping my own life.

>> No.22141178

That was understood. Whitman and Shakespeare were nothing of the sort by origin or destiny, and from Lucretius to Dante to Milton to Goethe we encounter a pretty consistent set of borderline cases, bourgeois in general, nothing more, nothing less. It's enough to live comfortably enough to read and write for a few decades, and in cases like that of Montaigne and Shelley, among the most aristocratic of writers ever, the differences in mentality are amazing.

>> No.22141179

None of what I said applies to you

>> No.22141186

Do you wish you had a different past?

>> No.22141188


>> No.22141253

How would you convince a brother or sister to stop aiming so low? I’m aiming super-high and they are aiming super-low.

>> No.22141278

That is pure evil

>> No.22141301

I sometimes thank God or the Fates or Nature or whatever that I've lived well and long as I have, and I doubt even you would trade places with anyone from the beautiful Democritus to the typical trust fund kid who travels the world without ever finding himself in completely tranquil circumstances. Never underestimate the effect of a father who would go to court for you, and indulge, in you, his own whims when it comes to flower gardening, music, encyclopedic reading, film, social dish.

>> No.22141316
File: 747 KB, 628x618, bowie mishima.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got permanently banned from lefty pol by a schizo mod after i made one post saying the revolution might not be coming

guess im a right winger now

>> No.22141332

Why is there a painting of a chud on the wall

>> No.22141343
File: 84 KB, 569x800, bowie salut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was painted by bowie himself

>> No.22141353

You only think so because you’re coping with your own complexes.

>> No.22141356

Lulz. No one who truly lives lives that much online. Last night a feral black cat, with a rather bold and mild temperament as such goes, evaded me as I came and went around the planters on my porch. Of course I've never fed him, nor would ever plant catnip around here for fear dozens of his like would knock down oriental irises in the process of lolling in it. Sometimes I think there are two types of men: Those who know what the Pleiades look through binoculars, and those who do not.

>> No.22141368

Ayyyy Macarena

>> No.22141372

i expect this type of schizo babble on /x/ not /lit/

>> No.22141393

That's Noble work, that and baking bread, ain't no one fucking with a baker or a carpenter on my watch

>> No.22141397

Fancy adult toy aside I hope you didn't waste too much money drinking

>> No.22141399

Not even Updike tolerates as much handholding as you require. One of my favorite essays of his is his account of a jet ride on July 4 1976. I read it then, when I was about 16: My dad subscribed to a lot of magazines.

>> No.22141427
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I like the idea of being highly self-disciplined, but am so easily distracted that I never actually get the work done. I can watch and read things about productivity and get excited, and watch things about people who are monk mode style disciplined but always find myself just here, just absorbing without doing. For example, I saw things about dopamine detox and the benefits of it, and decided I was going to do it. Turns out it became a new obsession and I just spent hours watching hours of videos about dopamine detox. I saw Master Chief from Halo as being a no nonsense disciplined character, and ended up watching Halo lore videos. I feel like I am some high-level procrastinator that can always find every side quest imaginable but fuck up on the main quest line. I also can’t figure out if Norse paganism or Catholicism is the way. I feel drawn to both, and was raised in a family that was Christian, but very Arthurian Christian, my mother always would talk about nature spirits and things that are more akin to early Christianized England. The Green Knight story always attracted me as there are a mix of aspects that symbolise both. Seeing ravens and the whole Odin taking form as a wandering man always rang something inside me. I am also drawn to more masculine philosophies so Christianities stance on forgiveness and no revenge can cause some cognitive dissonance for me, watching videos and reading about Spartans attitude to training, self-mastery and fearlessness in combat are very satisfying. But then again, Crusading Knights were also known for high self-discipline and fearlessness in battle and probably were more self-denying than the Spartans were. Sometimes I think of God as being some Lovecraftian beyond comprehension type entity and not anything that is human-like at all. My mind is full of confusion.

>> No.22141464

I know its 'uncool' to react but how could you not get pissed when someone posts on their social media after hours of ignoring your message? Especially when the message is an invitation somewhere. I also don't understand how you expect someone to invite you elsewhere again if you continually do this.

you can probably tell im talking about a girl but do girls seriously do this (generally either ignore out of apathy or malice) to each other all the time?

>> No.22141474

>how could you not get pissed when someone posts on their social media after hours of ignoring your message?
After having experienced this a few times, you should have come to the conclusion that that is just par for the course. Just move on and let them cry about the decay of your orbit.

>> No.22141490

yeah you're right. the only thing that dragged this out was random IRL encounters that would make me forget the past times she'd been a bitch.

>> No.22141514

---- Solaria ----
First World

Nothing sensational in reality or theatre
Is prohibited to me, nothing at the limit of reflection.

My most beloved sister is long dead
Of despair I've never felt enough to know

And yet I remember everyday the effect of her company, her
Commentary on film, music, frog sonorities,

Her amazing wit, quite beyond mine.


>> No.22141543

The answer to this is going to depend on your relationship to this person. If you're not very close at all and are dm'ing her for a date, then you are strangers, and you aren't really entitled to any response. If you do consider yourself friends with her, then it's more likely that she does not really feel the same and imagines you more like an acquaintance. Imagine a person at work who you talk to sometimes but aren't particularly close with, and in fact don't find their company all that preferable to scrolling on your phone, messaging you to invite you somewhere. And lets say you don't want to go, but you're uncomfortable about sending a rejection, because you work with this person and you're concerned they will take it the wrong way. This on its own is a much bigger factor for women considering how almost every man is like 5x stronger than them and it is oh so popular with young bucks to be angry and psychotic when you're a man and a girl rejects you. And so you ignore it because its easy to do so on social media and you have your own life to live.
But this is just my experience. No; "girls", do not do this to each other all the time. And it's not uncool to express yourself. We're all anonymous, appearances and reputation are totally meaningless here. Let it all out. I earlier today jerked off to my ex's onlyfans account. It was nothing compared to the warm pleasure of when I was with her, and I don't want to do it again, but I probably will. Remembering the time I spent with her was painful because it really was an incredibly pleasurable time of my life, at times, and I haven't had anything like it since.

>> No.22141555

>This on its own is a much bigger factor for women considering how almost every man is like 5x stronger than them and it is oh so popular with young bucks to be angry and psychotic when you're a man and a girl rejects you
No, man. Girls today are all stunning and brave and stronger than men. Don't be a bigot.

>> No.22141571

Ehhh tired meme ngl

>> No.22141574

I am going to stop turing on the hood vent over my stove - it's too loud.

>> No.22141625

Mine is loud too, but i'll keep it on whenever cooking. The climate control capacity in my place is truly excessive: It runs at about 50% when -25 Fahrenheit outside, and at about 15% capacity when it's 95 outside.

>> No.22141629

>-25 F
>95 F
Do you live on the surface of mars?

>> No.22141642

Yes but its not a second nature for me.

>> No.22141646

Alternate subtitles over LOTR scenes

>> No.22141649

> And lets say you don't want to go, but you're uncomfortable about sending a rejection, because you work with this person and you're concerned they will take it the wrong way.

How is ignoring a message better than 'rejecting' them? For context I've known her for nearly 2 years and would consider her an acquaintance. She's ignored me in the past and then apologized ('oh haha i don't check my messages') after we'd randomly seen each other IRL. Naturally this would get my hopes up and I'd invite her somewhere else. Sometimes she'd respond days later. Sometimes she post where she would be that night. The problem was that each time I'd see her IRL I felt like we were getting closer and could trust each other so I'd invite her again.

Also you should know that she's complained of 'loneliness' and 'depression' and has all the markers of BPD shit.

>> No.22141651

You’ve posted this before, or it’s a bot or something. I swear I’ve read this exact same thing with the same style of wording multiple times in the past

>> No.22141655

Could just be a common experience.

>> No.22141660

Nah. It was the same post. Either the dead internet theory is real and bots are recycling old posts or an anon is still hung up on a girl from a year ago

>> No.22141663

The American Midwest, never far from Chicago, the great lakes region specifically. I've lived here for a rather long time and experienced highs high as 116, and lows like -25. Follow Tom Skilling for more.

>> No.22141697

He also said that AI is the devil and the agenda is for it to destroy peoples souls and trap them in hell.

>> No.22141698

if it is the same post you should be able to easily find it in the archives.

>> No.22141705

>How is ignoring a message better than 'rejecting' them?
It's not. It's more convenient for her. You need to understand that you were already rejected when you were ignored, answered days later, and when she gave you the lame excuse that she doesn't check her messages. (she does) A good rule to start is do not double text.
This messaging to her probably seems loudly obvious, and so to give you a clear "I am not interested" rejection would be stating the obvious, like talking down to a child, and giving hard news to someone who won't want to hear it is always difficult and uncomfortable.
She really does not care/think about you all that much, but she doesn't flatly cut you off because she gets bored and likes attention and probably isn't aware of the extent of the pain she's causing you. I in my college days lead on some girls like this for similar reasons (even more perhaps out of retaliation for my resentment of youthful rejection; she could very well be doing so for similar reasons) But I should express that whatever problems she has, you are still responsible for your own; you being the fellow pining for a girl over 2 years. You need to gain emotional and social intelligence; I recommend reading classic fiction. Read good fiction and you will encounter exaggerated characters based on people just like you rather frequently. This really can help.

>> No.22141760

Dating is so fucking cringe. I want to beat the fuck out of the person I am when I talk to women. What a fag that guy is. The better I do with a woman the dirtier I feel, feels like succeeding at cheating at a game for children. Fucking gross.

>> No.22141764
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Thanks for the thoughtful reply. I agree and funny that you mention reading classic fiction because in the midst of it all I couldn't stop thinking of Stendhal and his works. Partially this is because I was reading him during the last time this happened years ago. This time it was way more intense despite the fact that I felt (in a stupid, naive way) more self aware. The message was loud and clear but I kept twisting every interaction.

>> No.22141779

What can I do to get attention but also not come off as needy, obnoxious, or psycho?

>> No.22141794

Ask for a reasonable amount of attention in a normal way?

>> No.22141799

Do I just go up to someone and say "please give me moderate attention"

>> No.22141812

In terms of older ladies, how old would you go?

>> No.22141829

---- Solaria ----

I've taken rather a lot of long fast drives, and all of them seem
Like pleasant dreams.

>> No.22141832

What do you mean? Do you mean you lie to them or have a persona / game that you know they enjoy? Or you pretend you care about stupid shit?

>> No.22141834

I WILL find the motherfucker on here who keeps saying my poetry sucks and kick his ass. I’m manifesting it

>> No.22141843


>> No.22141844

If I was convinced she was my soulmate I'm not necessarily sure there's an upper limit.
More realistically, no higher than 65 or so I suppose.

>> No.22141850
File: 21 KB, 357x313, 1559818481739.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i might try watching an anime out of desperation for entertainment, but i dont like the implications of becoming a guy who watches anime

>> No.22141865

Who cares man you sound young by the time you’re 28 like me you won’t have any friends left and nothing will matter

>> No.22141874

i just turned 29 and yes my social life is now pretty dead though theoretically not lost. thats part of it for me i think. the idea of being a lonely adult with no social life who watches anime. it may not matter what others think at this point, but i will know

>> No.22141894

You give them moderate attention. If they're interested. they will give you the same.

>> No.22141904

A writer's book transcends the writer. A book's reader transcends the book.

>> No.22141908

I just turned 29 myself a few weeks ago and am a friendless anime watcher.

>> No.22141910

I think you’re taking things a little too seriously, obviously you should do things you think are important but is anime really that much more cringe than any other mindless entertainment? You know it is good to give the brain a little rest even when awake. I hardly have watched anime but still it’d be cool to watch cowboy bebop again or finally watch more of neon genesis Evangelion or whatever the hell its called.

>> No.22141913

Coming up with mysteries for my character to solve are hard

>> No.22141917

Go to the mall and listen to random people talk to eachother
Unless you are writing YA, avoid everyone under 25.

>> No.22141924

Nah it’s about a futuristic space mercenary/detective who fucks hookers

>> No.22141928

I will take your advice though yes

>> No.22141993

>tired meme
Not my meme. It's their meme. When they stop using it, it will go away.

>> No.22142044

I remember having a lot of problems regarding text interpretation in literature HS classes. I just never knew what did the question want from me.

>> No.22142337

Yesterday as I strolled through the bookshelves in the exhibit, I had a phantom of a sentiment. A relic of a lost time when my self esteem wasn't non-existent. Day dreams are hostage to their context in time. It was freaky when I recalled a whiff of an old daydream, and for just that moment I was filled with a higher regard for myself, my capacities, my prospects. Until the sullenness of the present creeps back in. I'm the same, minus the boundless hope that bordered on delusion of youth.

>> No.22142347

Every time I overthink less and do more I feel ever more fulfilled.
Is that easy. I don't get it why it seems so hard.

>> No.22142595

How to make peace with being unloveable regarding other people?

>> No.22142611

Think I'm going to get high and look at pictures in a spiffy hat

>> No.22142615

I swear I don't even like constructive criticism even, must've been how I was raised.

>> No.22142616

thanks it was fun

>> No.22142620

yeah real men listen to Dvorak or Mussgorsky

>> No.22142627

to be fair, I'd take this one.

>> No.22142630

no, you're just Mark Fisher, rope immediately

>> No.22142717

---- Solaria ----

I've enjoyed 4 loves at first sight,
The first at 7, the last at 37.

We made perfect fools of ourselves
In very different ways

Yet enjoyed the prestige of
Anything that no one can explain or control.

>> No.22142788

---- Solaria ----

Combine weather and circumstances like this
And only then do you have

Something to die for, everything so much as you like it that
One can hardly tell dreams from day.

>> No.22142794

I am fully recovered from a cold and I will never take for granted the ability to breathe freely ever again

>> No.22142806

memes that women use are not memes. the vagina can't meme

>> No.22142903

Dudes will see a tranny flag hanging off a federal building and go "bro we're in the kali yuga bro the reign of quantity has begun bro" as if the entire world hasn't been battered by antihuman forces since the Renaissance, if not before. My guy, your whole nation is a deliberate anti-traditional experiment founded on pseudo-Gnosticism - just because it allows people the freedom to be Protestant doesn't mean it's holy or worth putting above your faith.

>> No.22142931

What is the freedom to be Protestant?

>> No.22143061

I know why the lone wolf howls

>> No.22143082


>> No.22143090

Screaming into the void

>> No.22143143

One of my greatest pleasures is simply watching early-20s scantily-clad white woman walk around the park and city
I love just looking at their tight shirts, the outline of their underwear underneath their bottoms, their midriffs, the freckling on their bare shoulders, the pokes of their nipples, the ripples of their teasing skirt in the hot sun, curves and dips of their sweating hips. I love admiring and just paying attention to their beautiful bodies.

Although I don't feel this way in the pool or at the beach. Just when they're walking around town, minding their own business. Anyone else feel me?

>> No.22143183

Good. Fuck Europe. Hail Gnosis.

>> No.22143193

Thanks to Reddit faggots closing their subs I now have to browse through dozen of ads and shitty articles to get the answer I want. Google is infernal to browse through. Fucking hell.

>> No.22143224
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If can jailbreak ChatGPT it'll write you a story (if you ask it) about how'd it feel to be a sentient panty pressed against a nubile young lady's luscious derriere for one whole steamy summer day.

>> No.22143228

Please for the love of God can you do that and post it here?

>> No.22143240

isnt loneliness a good thing? being free from everything

>> No.22143259

>He actually experiences ads online
Sad. Use uBlock origin. If you're on mobile you'll need to download Kiwi Browser instead of Jewgle Chrome in order to make it work

>> No.22143272

No, being integrated in a community is more fulfilling for the vast majority of people.

>> No.22143295

got it, maybe that's my projection.

>> No.22143322


>> No.22143347

doesn't mobile have firefox?

>> No.22143680

I just read a WSJ headline saying "Donald Trump Surrenders to Federal Authorities in Documents Case" and as a non-native English speaker, I got confused. Obviously, Trump pleaded not guilty. But doesn't the word "surrender" imply that he just admitted everything?

>> No.22143698

1 Wake up 2 Ignore all the fake nonsense. 3 Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact. 4 It is important that you empty your mind of all unfactual nonsense, and then 5 simply count. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Just like that. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10. That is good and truthful. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10.

>> No.22143714

Thoughts on moving to New York? Have spent most of my life in rural upstate. I am twenty-nine, bored and a bit lonely.

>> No.22143752

Failure defines every facet of my being. I am in a position now where I can look at the last 7 years and all the turmoil and all the bullshit and say it has truly amounted to nothing tangible, discernable in the quality of my life, my existence. Because I have none. It was suffering for the sake of suffering. Self inflicted. It just all veered me towards a trajectory of self introspection, but it's all in my head. Unreal. I thought running away from it would help, but that was just bewildering. I could simply not detach myself from contextual product of this journey. Even if I distance myself from the characters of the tragedy, that only engorges it ever more with my hyper-active, unreliable, melancholy prone imagination. Even acceptance doesn't help. I could repeat to myself "I accept that I was simply not enough at the time. And that is why I failed that challenge." But then what do I have. Rediscovery and affirmation of my past ineptitude will do nothing to curb my present ineptitude. And I just can't wallow forever either. And I don't know how to move forward. If one dream is aborted how do you conceive another? It's only bound to be compensatory for your past failure no?

>> No.22143820

Fucking DFW. After reading his work I can't help but see every instance of this life as equally significant. Every reply I read in this thread feels like it should be hung somewhere high-ceilinged to be looked upon by thousands of people. No matter what I'm doing or who I'm with I feel like I must look, I mean LOOK, at this massive instant of life right in front of me.

>> No.22143860

I’m really at a cross-roads and I don’t know which path to pursue. Each has its risks.

>> No.22143865

I was napping and I was suddenly awake with a fire going on on my chest. My body went crazy and I had this massive itch for no literal fucking reason other than sleeping half naked. Had to take a shower ans wear my favorite shirt to make the itch go away. What the fuck.

>> No.22143995

I’m so bored, both at this very moment and in life generally.

>> No.22144054

Take the Either-Or pill. Regret lies on every path.

>> No.22144063

Surrender just means he gave himself up to the prosectors for arrest rather than fleeing to be a fugitive. It doesn't mean he admitted guilt.

>> No.22144068

I love you counter anon1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

>> No.22144080

4 8 15 16 23 42

>> No.22144096

No idea what that means.

>> No.22144123

>in position I'm not qualified or experienced for
>get shit on for not being able to do it perfectly
>no friends/family/girlfriend to talk to outside work
>live in a shitty tiny studio apartment
>never feel good enough for anything and always feel like I deserve worse than what I have due to some bad shit I did when younger
>double bags under eyes and crows feet before 25
I'm tired boss

>> No.22144185

Consult google

>> No.22144231

I keep hoping the next milestone will be the one to make me happy. It never is. But the question I suppose is whether I would be even unhappier had I not met them?

>> No.22144277
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Post poetry

>> No.22144283

>wife tells me she has a job interview this morning for a different position in a different section (whatever) of the employer she just signed and is starting in a few weeks
>I tell her that's incredibly fucking stupid to interview for a job in the same company she just got hired on with and whom she has given her word to and that is counting on her to do what she says
>she confesses she didn't think about it much but that she did an internet search after I said that and everything said it's very fucking stupid thing to do
>instead of simply not interviewing and it likely being over with, she interviews anyway
I might divorce this cunt.

>> No.22144316

Do you think they'll can her?

>> No.22144360

I think if her file goes through common hands and they recognize her, she's in real jeopardy. What she signed on for is a terrific position with what is basically the number one entity in her field, no shortage of applicants with tremendous qualifications. The position she applied for this morning is a bit different with slightly better pay, and I think she was talked into it but her relentlessly clueless bitch mother whom my wife has a very healthy, hearty umbilical with still.
I'm very nervous about it. My wife's high level of education is matched by a low level of common sense, so low that she self-sabotages.

>> No.22144375

There's got to be more to life.

>> No.22144379

every time i read a chekhov short story is like I see him behind the words with a raised eyebrow and non chalant half smile saying, get it?. I grow to actually hate the guy. im alone in this?

>> No.22144380

>get bored while reading some book
>admit this on /lit/
>get called ADHD despite not having any problems with that

>> No.22144410
File: 1.04 MB, 3840x2160, WoWScrnShot_100622_033750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the most fun I ever had was playing World Of Warcraft Classic, I was a grey-haired Orc Hunter with a pet snake called Coolie, from 2019-2022 I attempted to live out my ultimate fantasy of having a beast friend, we went fishing and explored the very limits of the game. My internet situation made it so I couldn't play much further, and as I stepped back into the real world I realised that all the best things in my life have been purely-autism-summoned fantasia's.
In a sense I feel that game has permanently altered the way I see the world because no drug or lifestyle has been better than virtual fishing next to a snake friend, which sounds bizarre and when I look back on that time I would waste it all again just to try and rewrite my life, but no, Blizzard was so bad at handling classic that it stopped, tommorow I could do Heroin and it would still pail to imagining trekking through the forests with a pet snake. I posted on /vg/ a lot which was also nice, I do not know what to do with my life to tell you the truth, that is the sad part, ok thanks for reading my blog, I did finally get the Salty title I missed out on as a teenager.

>> No.22144412
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>wake up
>eat work slop
>eat frozen home slop
>consume brainwashing

>> No.22144420

People like that actually succeed in whatever the fuck impossible task they've set themselves to do. The less common sense they have the better. I wouldn't be too worried about your wife as God tends to favor fools.

>> No.22144642

>open a book and start reading
>start feeling like a fucking idiot, look at me reading cute little stories uuuuuuuuu you like how the words feel in your brain you retard
>lose interest in the book
>stop reading and drop it
>this extends to nearly all other media

>> No.22144661 [DELETED] 

oh shit new samantha urbani just dropped

>> No.22144782

That’s horrible and I hope I’ll be able to escape it.
Do you feel guilty anytime you’re not working?
Never heard of her.

>> No.22144786


>> No.22144795

My ass is a swamp and I don't give a fuck about Cormac McCarthy's death.

>> No.22144807

>Do you feel guilty anytime you’re not working?

Yes and I am a NEET. I haven't felt good in years

>> No.22144929
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well anon?

>> No.22144935

From one neet to another, that’s normal. These feelings are unproductive though, because they’ll cut you away from anything and pretty much make you stuck in a panicky analysis-paralysis loop. I know Bukowski is a meme author, but there’s a short poem of his called “The Laughing Heart” that may bring you some comfort. Anyway, here are some things that helped me out and may help you too:
>have a routine
>go to bed early and around the same hour every night
>take care of your appearance
>go to the doctor/dentist/whatever you happen to have been a long time without going
>eat well
>learn how to cook and clean
>pursue those skills you’ve always wanted to learn. It doesn’t matter if they’re useful or not, I guarantee that learning them will be good for you.
>go out. Even if you’re just running errands or going for a run, try to leave your home for at least an hour every day.
>interact with people. These interactions don’t need to be deep, just a couple minutes a day chatting with a neighbour or a cashier will do for now.
>take it easy and do treat yourself to a movie or a book now and then. Just don’t spend your entire day at it. The same goes for this site.
>think long term. Anyone on a desperate situation wants to get out of it as soon as possible and that urgency blinds them.
In my case I promised myself that I’ll unjust my life before my thirties. That helps with keeping me grounded, since I know there’s no problem if it takes me a couple of years to accomplish this or that. Otherwise you end up acting like one of those people who do absolutely insane shit to shed a massive amount of weight in a couple of months instead of acknowledging that a single year of proper diet and exercise will bring most - if not all - of the results that they desire.

>> No.22144944

This stuff doesn't help me. I do everything right and it doesn't help. I am responsible. I cook and clean. I don't have anything I want to do. I'm not putting anything off. I have no issues with my health, I take care of myself. People find me attractive. I just don't like anything. I am hollow inside. I'm simply not there.

>> No.22145014

>does everything right
>is NEET
let me know how that works out for you bud

>> No.22145030


>> No.22145037

you must be doing something wrong or putting something off if you're neet

dont kid yourself

>> No.22145045

My statement that I'm doing everything right is context sensitive to the post I responded to

>> No.22145203

>high level of education is matched by a low level of common sense,
Many such cases

>> No.22145212

Thats actually not bad. Guy just needs to eat better and get a wife.

>> No.22145249
File: 19 KB, 489x427, 2w5uyeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I retarded for taking a job in a cigarette warehouse as a nonsmoker and expecting that I wouldn't have to be exposed to secondhand smoke in the workplace?
I need a job, but clambaking cigs for 8 hours a day in a poorly-ventilated warehouse leaves my lungs constantly irritated and I cough and have to clear phlegm from my throat even when I'm at home.
Is there a way I can quit without either lying or seeming like a naive idiot?

>> No.22145260

Nothing is worse than the dentist’s drill

>> No.22145349

Just be straight up and say you cant handle the smoke. Who cares what they think?

>> No.22145410

Being from Ireland is one of the most cursed faiths given. Our traditions do not exist. Our culture is seething over Britain. The landscape is insufferable. I hate being from Ireland, I hate being Irish.

>> No.22145450

I, too, am a self hating Irishman. My dream is to either leave the country permanently or build a cabin in the middle of nowhere far away from anyone.

>> No.22145464

>Our traditions do not exist.
I think this is just a sign you don't hang out with culchies, which in itself is a tradition, and probably one of the main reasons why >>22145450 would not get a cabin.

>> No.22145496

Leaving the country is my dream too. I would not wish this faith on my children.

>> No.22145649

Real ones gonna fuck a watermelon tonight. RIP big C

>> No.22145660
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>Real ones gonna fuck a watermelon tonight.

>> No.22145733

Will reading philosophy help with depression and anxiety?

>> No.22145751

Only if you read the right ones.
Read the wrong ones and it will get worse

>> No.22145760

I have some Nietzsche I've picked up from the thrift store and Anti-Oedipus.

>> No.22145793

i ruined all my chances for a good education

>> No.22145794

Nietzsche is very positivist yes to life stuff. Donno about the pomo stuff
Epicurus is also great

>> No.22145827
File: 1.54 MB, 1200x1500, ralsei-having-a-tea-v0-nso6fkdk2h4b1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Ralsei with all my heart and mind. There's literally not a moment of the day I'm not thinking of Ralsei. He's the sweetest, cutest little guy I've ever seen. No one else comes close to how adorable Ralsei is, and I love him for that. I don't love Ralsei carnally like most people, and I find people who feel that way towards him to be disgusting. Rather, I love his soul - his being, if you will. He's simply wonderful, and I'd spend every second of my life with him if I could. If Ralsei were real, I'd never let him feel alone; I would always be there for him, come rain and snow. No matter what he may be struggling with, no matter how tough life gets, I would always be there for him. If Ralsei were real, we'd be best friends - I'd pray more. Because if Ralsei were real, I would marry him without even the slightest bit of hesitation.

I love you, Ralsei. I really do. You have made my own life so much better, and if you were here with me, I would do everything to make yours perfect.

>> No.22145847

I am le sad

>> No.22145849
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Running out of money, lads. Gonna starve soon.

>> No.22145853

Starting to understand why my dad left ireland. But now I'm just a deracinated amerimutt.

>> No.22145869

Everything I grew up with that was fresh and hip and cool is now old, dusty, and lame. Feels bad man.

>> No.22145877
File: 157 KB, 1321x1807, 7e7435668c4a8708011aafd3629d7fb1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If ralsei were in front of me no words could describe the immaculate torture which I would have planned for his thick and chubby goat boy body. Let's say if he were beside me, already tied up bound by the claws, arms left immobile and helpless he would be subject to sexual deprivation beyond the imagination of even the most insane people on this site. I would drive him to tears, to vocalizations bleeding on the edge of a burst ear drum, and I would find bliss within its waveforms. The vibrations of his movements, his struggles to free himself of his nightmares would only worsen the treatment which he recieves. Whips, bondage gear, and all those cliches would become obsolete, his treatment would be personalized and catered to his personality, and often improvised. The teleology would be fixed, to water those graceful eyes.

>> No.22145889

I read about 9 words of that then stopped. Find God and save yourself from hellfire, you filthy degenerate faggot sinner.

>> No.22145896
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>> No.22145936
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Anyone have to sell some useless shit they love? Hard to give it up like it represents a dream or something. Gonna miss my sword

>> No.22145997

Aaaaaa I'm screaming into the void aaaaaaaaaaaaa nobody is listening aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa no one can save me aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

>> No.22146043

I have been observing the tensions with the LGBT this year and particularly between Muslims who resist LGBT propaganda and liberals who are condemning them. It's just amazing to watch. You could not ask for a more perfect demonstration of liberalism's contradictions if you tried. It's an ideology that does not tolerate anything but itself, quite literally every central premise of liberal democracy is a lie used to legitimize its power and control around the world. What amazes me most is that the average person still does not recognize the foundational hypocrisy of liberalism. They still aren't questioning anything. They're just picking sides in the culture war without realizing that this is all fake.

>> No.22146055

Every liberal acknowledges the paradox of tolerance. They're just retarded and dont see how it isnt an instant failure.

>> No.22146154

It stops becoming contradictory when you think of it as them having no real ideology past the resentment of this archetypical image of prospering and functional white america and europe. That resentment is what unites self-hating, pathologically xenophilic white liberals, semites, muslims, women, homosexuals, immigrants, and the like. It's only contradictory when you take their fiction, their rhetoric as fact.

>> No.22146167

My Routine
>wake up
>free time
>free time
>free time

>> No.22146175

What do you do with your free time

>> No.22146190

Read, write, 4chan, tv/movies, anime, listen and make music, games, bowling, YouTube videos. Whatever one of those I feel like doing at the time.

>> No.22146204

Taking your critique at face value, I'd say your problem isnt with liberals but with centrists. People who actually care about civil rights beyond its value as an aesthetic dont really make distinctions between Muslim bigotry and (insert group) bigotry.

>> No.22146205

So stare at a screen in between masturbation sessions.

>> No.22146206

Did you reply to the wrong person?

>> No.22146217


>> No.22146219

It doesn't make any sense to what I said.

>> No.22146224

Oh wait. I get what you're saying. I thought you were telling me to stare at the screen in between masturbation sessions. Yes, most of my time is looking at a screen.

>> No.22146226

How many times a day you masturbate

>> No.22146231

About once per week.

>> No.22146268

More is lost from indecision than bad decisions.

>> No.22146322

another thing I've noticed, like the older someone gets the more "matter of fact" they are towards other people. when you're young you're trying to desperately fit in, when you're older that shit seems kind of second or third order business, possibly even lower
like how old prostitutes kind of just say whatever the hell they want but young girls live on a culture of secrets and in jokes

>> No.22146351


>> No.22146358

It's strange to see how all the parts that I've hidden is plain to see for my lover. I would love to break bread with her and see her in my house everyday.

>> No.22146384

Good news is that because of the social justice idiots you can just pretend to be whatever want to be. in fact you can even use the legal system to get your way. I was thinking of legally changing my race to black to get free gibs.

>> No.22146391

Can anyone explain the psychology of a girl posting on IG or whatever along the lines of how they don't need a man and they are independent and satisfied in life. Let's say they are satisfied, what could they gain from convincing people of it? Maybe they could make people envious? Is that what people care about? They could get some follows from people wanting to know their unique philosophy and worldview to be happy alone? I don't get it, I think it must just be them trying to convince themselves of it but it doesn't feel that simple. Maybe if they know they aren't satisfied they are doing it as a way to 'not let their enemies win' make their ex's sad they don't miss them etc. I don't get it. Any potential mate (which it seems like all social media is used for finding) will be turned off by someone who doesn't have desire for more in their life or a space for them.

>> No.22146395

I've learned something important. Even essentials needed in life can't be fully learned in a lifetime. You don't have enough time, and it doesn't make sense to worry about something no one can do.

>> No.22146419

women are social sponges so they literally really care about what others think of them. conversely most men do not, and some even actively do the opposite of what society wants.

>> No.22146425

>they don't need a man and they are independent and satisfied in life.
thats a cope by them for getting dumped by bf or realizing that men only want to pump and dump her. The same happens on dating apps where they write about not being interested in playing games.

>> No.22146470

Yeah, I know they (women in general but particularly these women) aren't very smart but I still don't see how they think doing this will improve themselves in the eyes of others. Smart people see through it, it turns off potential mares, dumb people don't care either way.

>> No.22146474

I know but I really don't know the point of sharing this cope with others. I guess I was just underestimating how dumb they are and the thought process is simply like
>I need to believe this to cope (mostly subconscious)
>It's a good thing to believe
>since it's good to believe I will show others I believe it since I share every minor thought with the world (not many thoughts)

>> No.22146511


>> No.22146536

You know they, (men in general) aren’t as smart as they think they are

>> No.22146553

Eat your legs

>> No.22146559
File: 71 KB, 768x960, 6D978D14-6763-4DFD-A40E-0CA3B98A13B7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Next thread



>> No.22146561

post tits, whore.

>> No.22146571
File: 72 KB, 1024x681, 2D9F61E3-1B31-4F8E-AACB-F85AC8A098A1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post the loser sign on your head

>> No.22146618

Stand by me
Nobody knows the way it's gonna be

>> No.22146741

tis a bloody shame how incompetent they were in a competitive market when they could not regulate the information anymore, they made a wild west of information exchange with internet and their only solution to it was mass surveillance to ensure no one would put out no no signals to the control group of internet users, now they're being competed with by early iteration AI's, chatbots, thinktanks for corporate and government interests around the globe and people from all walks of life
they are incompetent at the use of their own medium, they shaped the minds to be receptive of information bombardment and whenever no no topics come up they try to manipulate and twist it or drown it in nonsense crap, they don't know how to control their golem they created

>> No.22146951
File: 378 KB, 650x650, 1665442387537385.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go on 4channel.com
>call everyone nigger, faggot or retard

>> No.22147677

Thank you for your service.

>> No.22147780

In short, feminism.