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/lit/ - Literature

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22136829 No.22136829 [Reply] [Original]

I need some poems to impress women in the bar
Please show me some, I will memorize them

>> No.22136837

How about some Gottfried Benn? Women love him.

Beautiful Youth
By Gottfried Benn
Translated by Michael Hofmann

The mouth of the girl who had lain long in the rushes
looked so nibbled.
When they opened her chest, her esophagus was so holey.
Finally in a bower under the diaphragm
they found a nest of young rats.
One little thing lay dead.
The others were living off kidneys and liver
drinking the cold blood and had
had themselves a beautiful youth.
And just as beautiful and quick was their death:
the lot of them were thrown into the water.
Ah, will you hearken at the little muzzles’ oinks!

>> No.22136841

My son there is no poem on the planet that will help you, specifically, pick up a woman in a bar.

>> No.22136846
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you don't want to memories some other man's poetry, you want to make up poetry on the spot for her. only way to impress her.

>> No.22136850
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Memorize poems in French and Italian. Guaranteed to make pants went.

>> No.22136975
File: 459 KB, 1024x768, poem_for_the_ladies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
