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/lit/ - Literature

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2213631 No.2213631 [Reply] [Original]

It seems most authors use drugs to write. From PKD with his speed to Hunter S Thompson with everything. The romantic poets all smoked opium and Kesey wrote One flew over on LSD.

-What drugs do you find work the best for writing?
-How do they effect the content of your work?

>> No.2213641

Speed is probably the best drug to write on. Yu can write for ages and the content of your work doesn't suffer. I cant write on Mary J, I completely lose focus and get distracted.

>> No.2213646

Either a small dose of THC, best taken via the stomach. Make me one good hash-cocktail/space-cake, and I'll write all day.

Give me a nose of coke and I wake up in the nether.

>> No.2213651

I actually found out that drugs inhibit my ability to write. When I tried weed and wrote I would get too lethargic and just forget about writing. When I tried cocaine it just made me too edgy and I would be too energetic to write. Then when I was on LSD and tried to write I would be too fucked up in fantasy land too write. Hell even when I'm on the CYMbalta by psych perscribed I can't write

>> No.2213675

Very small amount of alcohol or amphetamines.
I prefer sober. Drugs are for fun, writing is for something else.

>> No.2213678

Very small amount of alcohol or amphetamines.
I prefer sober. Drugs are for fun, writing is for something else. It seems there are a lot of drug related threads right now.

>> No.2213688

drunk is the most fun, but sometimes i'll lose focus and it'll just get all free association-y. study drugs like adderall can be nice if you're try to be hyper-detailed. i've never been able to get a thought down while on a psychedelic, but i sure as hell try every time

>> No.2213697
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>> No.2213705
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>most authors use drugs to write
>not most successful authors
>not the majority of successful authors at all
Leave. You represent the absolute worst part of /lit/, the self-indulgent nobody who thinks they are a "professional writer"

>> No.2213712

detecting the best drug for writing
>looks at Dick's output
yep, it's speed

>> No.2213716

There used to be a legal drug in the UK a few years ago called BZP, that was fantastic for writing and drawing on. it was kinda like a stimulating downer with a mild psy hint. Imagine a tiny of speed while on a load of valium.

Ketamine is by far the worst drug to do anything on. My housemate gave me my first line while i was writing an essay. I sat there staring at my laptop just trying to work out what it was.

>> No.2213718

of course!! how could i forget

>> No.2213717

Why are you so mad. Really, nothing to get so upset over...

>> No.2213724

I'm 'mad' because I am a good Christian who doesn't like to see this board tainted by your illicit substances.

>> No.2213726

>implying Stephenie Meyer, JK Rowling and Dan Brown are not intoxicated when writing their drivel


>> No.2213730


You think Jesus would judge people, or try to reform them by example? Remember when he ate with publicans, sinners, and tax collectors.

>> No.2213731

I don't even...

Are you serious?

>> No.2213746

I got quite drunk with some fellas at my university and we were discussing which drugs create the best art.

I regret it, because my honest opinion is that the contribution of drugs is probably negligible for all but genuinely psychedelic works.

>> No.2213753

I can't seem to write anything when high and/or drunk.

I like weed and booze just fine, mind; but pretty much anything I write under their influence just seems like complete garbage when I come back to it later.

>> No.2213777

>the contribution of drugs is probably negligible for all but genuinely psychedelic works.

I can appreciate that with respect to music. Psychedelic drugs work well with psychedelic songs; Pink Floyd, Jimi Hendrix, The Doors...

But what would you class as psychedelic /lit?/ anything fantasy, or books which specifically detail psychedelia.

Also the vast majority of drugs are not Psychedelic, and the vast majority of rock music was made by people on drugs. You only have to look at the clean cut, drug free pop musicians of today to realize the positive correlation between drugs and music.

>> No.2213780


>> No.2213786

>psychedelic /lit?

China Mieville

>> No.2213789

Yeah, we pretty much agreed that psychedelics have a positive effect on music, that cocaine can often have a negative effect and that, when it comes to writing, large alcohol consumption seems to correlate to good writing (or at least that many great writers were also taken with the sauce).

>> No.2213798

I wrote sober and edit drunk.

>> No.2213816

I think of fantastic plots when on acid, but I actually write to the best of my ability when sober--maybe with a coffee depending on the hour if you'd count that.

>> No.2213818

I find I write best in the early hours of the morning, totally sober.

>> No.2214384

I write best with a small amount of weed and alcohol. too much ruins it, too little doesn't stop the mental carnival.

>> No.2214406
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>> No.2214411

I work well with Pot, heroin, and speed.

Alcohol is my nemesis when I want to write. I tried to write on acid once but I ended up getting distracted and doing something outside instead.

>> No.2214436

A lot of you seem to be confusing writing ABOUT drugs with writing ON drugs.

>> No.2214486

I tried writing on cocaine but it gave me boners and I don't like boners so I stopped writing on cocaine.

>> No.2214498
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...speaking of which, anyone here read Sadie Plant's 'Writing on Drugs'?

It's basically a pretyt well executed intro to the history of drugs and the drugs trade/war on drugs, told through the history of famous authors who wrote on drugs, starting with Coleridge and de Quincey and moving on through the obvious ones (Burroughs and so on). Has some pretty interesting stuff on how research into drugs has advanced neuroscience as well towards the end.

>> No.2214503

Adderall. I can finally sustain a thought for ten minutes straight, and have the urge to write no matter what. Its magnificience, though with the speed of the writing I'll have to revise once or twice but still, its faster than just writing sober.

Inb4 babby's first study drug.

>> No.2214505

I actually saw that about half an hour ago when i googled 'writing on drugs'. I made a mental note to buy it

>> No.2214508


Also she was 'romantically involved' with Nick Land for a while. If anyone's remotely interested in seeing what Nietzsche would write like if he lived in the '90s and had a serious speed habit I suggest you check him out. His later stuff especially becomes like Burroughs + Gibson + Deleuze + Bataille.

>> No.2214511


= 'wtf am i reading'

>> No.2214513

I like to use cannabis for writing, but it very finicky. It only works if i smoke a lil bit(otherwise i'm too distracted) and only if is heady weed.

il usually use it as a last resort when coming up with ideas.

You should never smoking while you edit.

>> No.2214514
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This is a very good drug book also.

>> No.2214522

Dope story, bro.

>> No.2214882

I don;t know about this one, but I've read "Mr. Nice" by him, and it was pretty good.

>> No.2214905

the problem I've found with writing on drugs is what ever drug i'm on influences what i write about. Not a good thing. For example, when blazed I'll write silly little short stories, usually about someone getting into an absurd situation. When on speed, i'll write A LOT, but it usually has no substance, i'm just kinda writing. LSD is waaay to distracting, my keyboard literally bent in half, same goes for most 'psychedelic' drugs.

Like someone said earlier, i find environmental 'highs' to be the best stimulation, like writing at the crack of dawn or while watching a sunset. Music also helps me a lot, if i'm trying to portray a curtain mood or atmosphere i listen to music that i feel has the same vibe, helps immensely.

>> No.2215336

Desert loving in your eyes all the way.
If I listen to your lies would you say,
I'm a man without conviction.
I'm a man who doesn't know.
How to sell a contradiction,
You come and go, you come and go.