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22134897 No.22134897 [Reply] [Original]

This is pure kino
There's something cathartic about reading Jews get absolutely wrecked by chad romans

>> No.22136058

But if you stopped to think about it a little harder, you’d realize that this early imperialist colonialism was the initial cause of so much misery and hatred.
One, their religion seeped into Europe, the christ cult following, the evils of holy war and factionalism, and of course the later colonialist period and modern antisemitism. It’s all an ugly mess because of “chad” bullies and their fragile notions of controlling and enslaving people are evils we still libe with

>> No.22136072 [DELETED] 

Actually nigger it's bad because a bunch of kikes moved into Europe and ruined the place.

>> No.22136111

>Jews are the reason I’m a loser

Biggest cope ever

>> No.22136136 [DELETED] 

it's only a matter of time before they start seething about hindus since they have the highest rate of professional degree completion and income in the united states, then they'll have to drop all the satri devi aryan larp crap and switch to a new cope

>> No.22136138

trust the plan sir

>> No.22136155

Every talmudic type always goes to this dumb argument. Did anyone say their lives were personally bad or did they make a factual statement that jews have brought terrible social policies to the West.

>> No.22136160

What do you think it's like the 80s where every antisemite is some bald meth head in the middle of the woods? I do finance for a Fortune 100 company and if a Hitlerian figure appeared tomorrow I'd drop everything and work for him.

>> No.22136164

I am the Jew who lives inside your head. I'm the enemy. I am left, I am right. I'm inside you.

>> No.22136170

>Did anyone say their lives were personally bad
that's the subtext inherent to most posts on 4chan

>> No.22136176

My life is great, I'm Jewish and life is good, being rent and care free inside the minds of anons is comfy as hell.

>> No.22136182

ITT. No one stops to think it over a little harder

>> No.22136193

You guys broke your alliance with America by aligning with China & Russia. Bad move.

>> No.22136197

I'm not exactly sure of what you are talking about, I'm a figment of your imagination, but sure. Go China & Russia. Boo America.

>> No.22136286

Sounds like you fell for the old /r9k/ memes. I personally live a life full of feeling and excitement while being a raging antisemite.

>> No.22136795

That’s you reading that into every post in order to feel more secure. The reality is that there are plenty of, relatively, well-adjusted goyim who also know about the jewish cabal.

>> No.22136864

>Hate the more secular Romans cause "they were bullies"
>Hates "christ cult" because ?
>Decries antisemitism but doesn't explain what he means by "antisemitism"
Not to say OP isn't cringe with his fedora tipping on "da Jews", but my brother in Christ I don't even know what you're for, paganism?

>> No.22137113
File: 134 KB, 687x657, E5D0EA18-AA32-4940-A1D5-34B1273B87EC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*hate on the violent marauders who plundered lands not their own and brought back treasures and mind plagues not their own either.

*hate backward contradictory faith because it breeds weak people to rely on elites

*antisemitism means a specific maniacal prejudice based on irrational Christian bias. I dislike all prejudices, but this one is the stupidest. As with any grouping of people, some are good, some are bad.

* but my brother in Christ I don’t even know what you’re for
Not Christ

>> No.22137123

Jews murdered Christ.

>> No.22137151

Roman rules. Roman governor’s responsibility.
And you can’t blame the ones Hebrews that advocated death. The guy was a heretic to the faith. And as it turns out, it was all bullshit that contradicted all the OT. This led to centuries of bloodshed.
If your god is worth a shit, he would have done something about the evil committed in his name. But he was a carpenter and died. Shut up already.

>> No.22137157

>they killed some dude that didn't even exist

>> No.22137163

The Jews still exist, the Roman's not so much.

>> No.22137193


>> No.22137197


>> No.22137200


>> No.22137331

Is it an enjoyable read? Or is it mainly good for its value as a historical document

>> No.22137354

Well Jesus was one of them so that was kind of none of your business what they did with him.

>> No.22137360

>moorish guinea wop: you're lookin' at 'em ashhole gabagool

>> No.22137384

>hate on the violent marauders who plundered lands not their own and brought back treasures and mind plagues not their own either.
You're not human.

>> No.22137412

For me, it's Maccabees, the most literary text describing classical warfare.

>> No.22137847

Thanks for the rec famalamski

>> No.22137897

Jews continue to exist as a scattered parasite race while Roman culture lives on in the West, just as Greek culture lived on through Rome.

>> No.22137911

>There's something cathartic about reading proto-christians get absolutely wrecked by chad romans

>> No.22137948

Nah, it was Romans who charged him with treason(ofc because he's a self proclaimed messiah, king of the Jews and the shit he did in the temple was an act of rebellion against rome too because they take the cut from the temple earnings)

>> No.22137954

Yeah it's pretty good.

>> No.22137955

Kind of making anon's point there, LOL.

>> No.22137964

Make sure you don't read the old translation
Martin Hammond's translation in Oxford World's classics edition is million times better

>> No.22138036

>pop culture
Continue to exist being the key and if we believe people like you, they live rent free and essentially run the western world.

>> No.22138402

Josephus dicking about is interesting to read

>> No.22139023

>Be the worst of the ancient Latin historians
>Be most read because of antisemites and delusional christians

>> No.22139085

It's written in greek and he gives a better picture of the 1st century palestine than any other roman historian.

>> No.22139216

I am a god. But I don’t lord it over you.

>> No.22139461

The Christ "cult" is not jewish no matter how much you pagan larpers try to twist it that way.

>> No.22139482

seethe harder atheist

>> No.22139486

>get objectively obliterated
>not understand it
>continue to be arrogant
average shemite

>> No.22140977

Jesus was a jew

>> No.22141199

Read the bible you zoomer christcuck pseud. It's all jews from the very start. And no judaism didn't 'lose its way' or be invented by rejecting christ or whatever other cope you fags dream up. It was always there and christianity is just judaism for goys.

>> No.22141549

The onus is on you to explain how a rabbi that sought to fulfill Hebrew law and prophecy isn't Jewish.

>> No.22141572

oh alook another thinly (HA!) thinly i say again THINLY veiled alt rightard polnazi thread
tell us again how blacks are taking your women or whatever or how mexicans take your jobs or how jews take your money
funny how white chuds only problems are things they aren't getting enough of HINT HINT m'thinks this explains why they hate women as well (INCELS)
post some more so i can laugh myself to death (sarcasm)

>> No.22141579

>tell us again how blacks are taking your women or whatever or how mexicans take your jobs or how jews take your money
No, but I'll tell you about how Israel is a settler colonist apartheid state that's systematically displacing palestinians and IDF likes killing children as target practice.
>but not all Jews are Zionists
90% of them are
so it's fair to generalize

>> No.22141615


>> No.22141617

4chan is a seethesite for bitter people who need to cope and shout into the void. Lots of sour grapes and angst here

>> No.22141643

You still think they are good people after Israeli shenanigans?

>> No.22141650

No, he was a Biblical Hebrew. His religion was not like modern Judaism.

>> No.22141656

That still makes him a jew of 1st century Galilee
Wtf you on about

>> No.22141666

>Wtf you on about
That he was not a Jew. His religion has been defined by historians as Biblical Hebrew. Words have connotation, you know? If you say "Jew" people immediately think of ugly pale dudes with stupid little blue hats on their head.

>> No.22141668

Jesus was Jewish, brah.

>> No.22141671

The devil telling us Jesus wasn’t a Jew…

>> No.22141672

Not true.

>> No.22141673
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>> No.22141674

The Biblical "devil" number is actually 616.

>> No.22141679

Earliest known record is 606.

>> No.22141682

Christianity is also nothing like what it how it was back in the day so you stop using the word?

>> No.22141686

Biblical Hebrew is a language

>> No.22141691

It's a religion. It's a mistake to call it Judaism.