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22134553 No.22134553 [Reply] [Original]

Is Tantra a serious study, or is it hippie cooler bullshit?

>> No.22134558

Everything from the subcontinent is basically shit.

>> No.22134589

Start with André Padoux and David Gordon White.

>> No.22134627
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The final goal of tantra (unless they're focussed on siddhis) is the creation of the golden embryo/Hiranyagarbha/Tathagatagharba. Basically a spiritual "body" that one can exist in outside of samsara. I would recommend if this is what you are seeking to follow the Chinese arts. Indian tantra is too focused on deities you know things about, lack in almost all traditions something as helpful as the Dan Tian (all energetic mechanisms must be formed in the body, though you're born with some they completey dissipate in the average person past puberty) to provide a battery for the massive amounts of energy you must bring within your system (in addition to working to open energetic channels automatically through contraction and expansion rather than needing to individually open all channels). Literally universities were set up to study how to most effectively do these arts compared to a few yogis following some oral tradition and expecting that to be passed in effectively to you.

>> No.22134750

Tantra is useless to get fully enlightened.

>> No.22135181

if this is true why chinese people no have super saiyan utopia?

>> No.22135356

>Is Tantra a serious study,
Yes, traditional tantra as it was practiced in India is highly esoteric and complex and has very little to do with the new-age tantra you see in the west today.
What interests you in tantra? Do you want to understand the philosophy and metaphysics?
Do you want to read it's history? Do you want to practice it?

>> No.22135421

Why did the west never develop a tradition of sex magic like the indians and the chinese did? Not even before christianity.

>> No.22135470

More book recommendations? I've read about Qigong a bit and it seems like 99% of texts are surface level, but I get the hunch that there's more depth to it.

>> No.22135476
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Most lit is hippy "express yourself with beads in your hair and abuse psychoactive drugs because we all just want peace, man" garbage. All decent lit is written by sexually repressed, latenly homosexual proto-fascist, self-hating hedonists who worship beauty and death the way hippies worshipped having no sense of self, "ideas" and drug abuse. Also F for uncle ted

>> No.22135525

Europeans reproduce asexually.

>> No.22135631

>Do you want to understand the philosophy and metaphysics?

>> No.22136863

what is the significance of prostrate gland

>> No.22136869

seriously tho what is it?

>> No.22136885

its an organ located behind the bladder it's function related to semen production
heard rumors that practitioners stimulate this gland to activate a dormant reservoir of energy (kundalini etc)

>> No.22137253

The spiritual equivalent of edging.

>> No.22137264

The west literally did. Not only greek mysteries focused on sex but later Rennaissance and later occult orders placed emphasis on it.
Crowley is way more popular than tantra, for instance.

>> No.22137765

Tantric sex magic is literally a practice to create matriarchal societies. First let’s just assume nothing happens after death. I don’t know what happens but let’s work with this assumption, what does tantric sex magic do? It convinces highly educated, ambitious, ascetic men, to seek out a woman to attain a higher state of being, and usually this leads to their detachment from society and the material world. This destroys any chance he has of affecting the world and undermining the ruling class. The process of inverted sex where the woman sits on top of the man and remain motionless is essential to this control. Copulins are a chemical found in the secretions of a woman when their vagina detects semen. When the man and the woman couple the woman’s vagina creates a seal then it begins to pump in its fluids into the man’s penis. The vagina also produces progesterone, this makes the penis’ tract pull away from itself to allow even more of this fluid to enter. After a while the thick vaginal secretion enters the penis and begins filling the testicles. Of course injecting anything into the testicles will lead to its absorption, even the outer skin is much better at absorbing anything than other parts of the body like the arms and feet. This mixture then makes its way to the man’s brain. This is why the ritual insists that the man not ejaculate, because if he does it undoes the progress. When this is repeated the man’s brain becomes inundated with female chemicals that makes the man lose “himself” and to “transcend”. What parts of the brain do these copulins affect? The insula and the hippocampus. The insula is LITERALLY associated with your awareness of yourself. Advertisers have studied that when the insula is less active you are less aware and more susceptible to influence. Convenient, huh?
Tantra is literally a giant self perpetuating matriarchal scam. It creates a vanguard class of men that bring in other men to experience it so the most ambitious get caught.

>> No.22137783

Look up all the symptoms of failed tantric sex magic and you’ll see how it’s all associated with damage to the insula
Damage to insula leads to apathy, loss of libido, inability to tell fresh fruit from rotten fruit. It can damage vestibular function which will absolutely fuck up your sanity. Tantric sex magic is literally just matriarchal programming
It talks about how orgasming during tantra will lead to a “feeling of great loss more profound than any other”. No shit you literally delivered a shock to your brain by flooding it with copulins and then shooting it out

>> No.22137926

these are not even proven to exist

>> No.22138151

Whenever sex magic comes up I feel like I have an angel and a devil on my shoulder, the angel telling me that since sexuality is such a primordial and emotionally, physically, and even symbolically charged thing surely there must be something to its use in a spiritual sense, as a transcendental union of yin and yang, two halves of a whole, when done with the right person the right way, and the devil telling me that it's all bullshit coomers and cult leaders made up as an excuse to bang women. I'm usually inclined to believe the devil.

>> No.22138172

sex is just cooming and there is no wisdom attached to it. It's sluts and their orbiters who want to feel good about themselves who make up preposterous narrative

>> No.22138539

A good start would be tantra illuminated by Christopher Wallis. It gives a good overview of the philosophical key concepts, history and practice. From there I'd recommend you to read the actual tantras.

>> No.22138607

>The process of inverted sex where the woman sits on top of the man and remain motionless is essential to this control. Copulins are a chemical found in the secretions of a woman when their vagina detects semen. When the man and the woman couple the woman’s vagina creates a seal then it begins to pump in its fluids into the man’s penis. The vagina also produces progesterone, this makes the penis’ tract pull away from itself to allow even more of this fluid to enter. After a while the thick vaginal secretion enters the penis and begins filling the testicles. Of course injecting anything into the testicles will lead to its absorption, even the outer skin is much better at absorbing anything than other parts of the body like the arms and feet. This mixture then makes its way to the man’s brain.
whoa didn't know girl on top was this dangerous

>> No.22138701

Women are like vampires feeding on male sexual energy. Great sex leaves men spent and exhausted and women wanting even more than what they already got from that man, they can never know true satisfaction because the act of satisfying them just makes them want even more.

>> No.22139526

The greatest damage you could do unto them would be to make it known how much energy you have and to then ignore them. Not active deriding, just passively refuse to acknowledge their existence

>> No.22141114

It gets to a point where you’ll literally start sharing in her delusions and thought patterns.
If someone stays in close proximity to someone with schizophrenia they’ll start exhibiting similar traits. Why? Hormones. Schizophrenia has also been shown to be transplantable. If you give a rat the fecal matter of a rat with schizophrenic-like traits they’ll develop them too.

>> No.22141216

Both, just like almost all Orientology.

The role of sex, and of traditionally forbidden consumption of hallucinogenic drugs or alcohol, is what was and is most lurid to it in Western appropriations and study of it (like Crowley and Mathers with the Golden Dawn, Evola, lately Kenneth Grant).

Mantric breathing, yogic meditation, kundalini yoga or equivalents (like tummo/chandali in the Tibetan tradition), meditation on yantras (mystical geometrical diagrams) and ritual use of mandalas, as well as visualization practices and deity yoga (in which one identifies oneself with the chosen deity) are as big, if not bigger, aspects of Tantra than the more lurid aspects are, as well as the metaphysics and cosmology behind it. Some strains are more openly heterodox, antinomian, and transgressive, but far from all are, many sects being ascetic, or a balance between the two opposing tendencies.

>> No.22141932

>sharing delusions and thought patterns
i already have that problem by being in society and i haven't even had sex

>> No.22141960

In spirituality, women, normies and their society are inherently evil or sterile

>> No.22142038

stupid the chinese government literally harvested human organs from ppl that practiced chiqong, religion is forbidden and all the temples were destroyed.
i mean how stupid are you? can you not even use google you stupid mongrel? how the fuck are you even in the internet? who's paying the wifi bill's?
literally kys

>> No.22142041

there is but the ones that are not degenerate/going to the black column are kept in secrecy

>> No.22142048

>It creates a vanguard class of men that bring in other men to experience it so the most ambitious get caught.
only wrong part
women are just the tools egregors/archons/demons/whatever you want to call em to extract energy from humans

>> No.22142049

You can study tantra through books just fine, but if you actually want to practice it you need a guru.

>> No.22142055

Damo Mitchell is the source you want to be looking at, I doubt there's anyone in the Western world who is as knowledgeable about Nei Gong as he is. Basically every big Nei Gong practitioner you meet either studied under him or was his associate at some point.

>> No.22142079

>covid is real bc science says so!
now follow this. i think the reason is bc women actually don't have the root chakra bc they don't have the prostate gland. we all know chakras are based in the endocrine glands and such but women don't have prostate! they cope saying the root chakra is actually in the testes/ovaries but that's false since both of those aren't really "glands" and can't produce anything by themselves, they need to receive orders from the main other glands. that's why women are literally walking holes bc they don't have anything but void don't there so the just suck in and in and in forever...
(besides seeing the chakras by yourself)
there will never be a jesus woman, a Socrates woman or a budda woman etc. do i need to say why?no ok
they are literally the keepers of this planet prison, smiths you may call em. that's why you hear goys doing nofap for months saying "i met a new beautiful girl and i finally fucked" (or similar) duh ofcourse they sent you some hot chick, you are literally escaping the prison so they send their smiths do suck you dry and keep you a good goy.
ppl are so retarded and don't even realize that doing no fap for months to just ejaculate inside some smiths pussy is like the turkey getting fattier by himself and then in Christmas he would look everywhere for your oven, go in and say thank you! (the commensals are the archons ofc inside her pussy)

>> No.22142084

you got mixed up with who's telling you what idiot

>> No.22142105

There are bullshit artists in every sphere but that doesn't mean there's nothing to the sphere as a whole.

>> No.22142117

Pagan nonsense.

>> No.22142150

what are the implications of homos stimulating their prostrates with dicks

>> No.22142410

it keeps separating them from the truth

Spiritually, there is nothing worth saving from tantras.
Hedonists have a hard time accepting tantras, rituals and mantras are just useless for spirituality.

>> No.22142419

I would love to know what you actually look like

>> No.22142955

why? are you attracted to men?
a dick would not stimulate the prostate in efficient way

>> No.22143019


What’s this practice done for you personally?

>> No.22143377

What a useless comment

>> No.22143404

meant for

>> No.22143445

not attracted to men just like tickling the thing back there
>a dick would not stimulate the prostate in efficient way
oh then what will

>> No.22143525

All's I'm interested in is tantric sex.
Short book/manual recommendations?

>> No.22143806
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>> No.22144971

Sometimes cultures just don't fixate on ideas. Sex was huge in Western culture (like every culture), but it just wasn't ever really consciouslly linked to magic in the cultures which left lots of written records (the Nordics seem to have done some level of sex magic). Most importantly, it wasn't linked to religious magic, certainly not after Christianity.

>> No.22145367
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devices pic related or your fingers

>> No.22146649
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Any recommendation for Daoist tantra texts?

>> No.22146657

This could've been typed by me two years ago on speed. Bless ya man. Praise Mish.

>> No.22146680

okay but is it a valid way to activate the chakra or just some lecherous bs

>> No.22147047
File: 204 KB, 907x1360, The Origins of Yoga and Tantra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tantra is a technique of sexual vampirism per medieval medical theories. You suck up vaginal juice energy into your penis, up your spinal cord, and into your brain. If you cum you lose the energy back down your spinal cord and out your penial ejaculate, though if you quicky eat your own cum the sex-mana within the cum is restored to the tantric's body. The origins come from ritual court magic after the breakup of the Gupta empire into fragmented microstates. Petty kingdoms would compete for esteem and prestige by the sexual prowess of their rulers and the size of their harems. Their courts would hire magicmen to provide spells and rituals for kingdom management, war, and the sexual virility of the king. The magic techniques for the kings sexual virility in his harem spread out into a body of general magic that any initiate to the magician's sect could learn and use. The magician's origins lay in both South Indian magicmen, akin to shamans of the Dravidians, and Indo-Aryan mannerbund parties of young wildmen living in semi-hostility outside of society who would become the nucleus of tantra cults and monastics who lived as feared taboo-breakers outside of social norms.

See pic.

>> No.22147108

>The origins come from ritual court magic after the breakup of the Gupta empire into fragmented microstates
This is just a western conjecture and not something that has ever been substantiated, and it’s contrary to the claims of tantrists themselves who place their origin in what they consider to be the revealed scriptures of the Tantras and Agamas.

>> No.22147138

Well yes magic fairies could have written termas to be discovered or whispered revealed spellcraft into the ears of writer-practitioners, good point.

>> No.22147258

Simply untrue. And hedonists are the absolute worst people for studying Tantra.

>> No.22147279
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Solar and Evola pilled

>> No.22147315

Evola was literally a tantrika. Also the whole telluric lhp bad solar rhp good is a severe misunderstanding of tantra and misguides application of it to western esotericism which is unfortunately endemic during that time period. See Crowley or Klages or whoever else for similar mistakes. Tl;dr: check out Opuscula Magica by Chumbley if yr interested in actually understanding how tantra relates to esotericism...

>> No.22147326

Ngl, if you don't believe in magic initiatic faeries then most Eastern religion is gonna seem made up to you. Nearly half the texts of India and Far East claim such origins.

>> No.22147335

49 Barriers of Cultivating Dao

>> No.22147340

Western Esotericism has always included sexual alchemical practices. Even before introduction of Eastern ideas in modern milieu. Read more hermeticism, my brother in Christ. Magia Sexualis by Urban has good info on this rabbit hole.

>> No.22147350

>no femme socrates
Socrates literally says he was initiated by an enlightened woman named Diotima but sure go off king.

>> No.22147355

Only good post.

>> No.22147359

A bit overly scientistic but Alchemical Body is great

>> No.22147387

But that's Victorian occultism, no?

>> No.22147398

Tantras are created by hedonists for hedonists. Hence all the women and normies attracted to it. Like the midwits >>22137765

>> No.22147400

It predates that. Study more esoterica. And honestly victorian orientalism muddies waters rather than clarifies. Unless very familiar with history and historiography I would avoid it until familiar with sources. Read Magia Sexualis. Alternatively read Hidden Intercourse but super expensive unfortunately.

>> No.22147408

>projecting his own ignorance on everything/everyone in cosmos
Wow. Is this astral projection???

>> No.22147450

that's just a dirty joke

>> No.22147469

Life is a dirty joke. And so is all of philosophy.

>> No.22147514
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In short, Tantra = aquirement of powers; Yoga = pursuing eliberation. With that said, some Tantra schools may lead to some form of eliberation, or "cheating" samsara, such as in alchemical practices: >>22134627

, but most tantric practices are acually folk practices or folk religions /shamanic practices, etc under the umbrella term of "tantra". Somewhat how "sufism" is an umbrella term in the islamicate world for various popular traditions (most pre/paraislamic), tantra is such a term for the indian zone.

So studying tantra is like "studying mysticism". You must ask yourself what type, school and cultural space of tantra you want to study. You can see how that is totally differnet to the western, hippie "tantra-one-term" idea. As with most things, decontextualization leads to superficiality and generalization.

PS: You will find more categorizations such as white vs black tantra (white/black magic - black being with consumation) but again, these are mostly theosophical overwrites (XIX century orientalist labels). I would recommend starting to pray before anything. and if you have a religion, start with that. don't be a hippie invoking indian deities that will bring you pussy then illness. good luck

>> No.22147535


>> No.22147559
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>they are literally the keepers of this planet prison, smiths you may call em. that's why you hear goys doing nofap for months saying "i met a new beautiful girl and i finally fucked" (or similar) duh ofcourse they sent you some hot chick, you are literally escaping the prison so they send their smiths do suck you dry and keep you a good goy.
>ppl are so retarded and don't even realize that doing no fap for months to just ejaculate inside some smiths pussy is like the turkey getting fattier by himself and then in Christmas he would look everywhere for your oven, go in and say thank you! (the commensals are the archons ofc inside her pussy)

>> No.22147594

>sour grapes cuz kant handle the householder life even tho literally point of existence
>axshually I am le enlightened and superior
Many such cases

>> No.22147686

Evola also wrote that Dionysian mysteries were lunar because they required women to achieve realization.

>> No.22147697

Point proven

>> No.22148425

Mine also, Evola wrote solar path is man realizing himself with his own efforts. Through ascetic or warrior path.

>> No.22148626

Solar lunar opposition is dual not nondual. Evola was insufficiently critical.

>> No.22148679

From the very earliest Tantric texts there are metaphysical teachings working in the same context and using many of the same terminology and concepts as the Upanishads. This was really the major focus of tantra, and the spells and ritual instructions are secondary to this and are presented as a part of this teaching which is primarily spiritual/metaphysical. Saying that tantra “emerged from magicians selling their services” is missing this point, it’s hyperfocusing on one element like how in popular imagination tantra is all about sex. It’s just an inaccurate reductionism.

>> No.22148728

Good books:
Tantra Illuminates
>Jaidev Singh translations
>SUNY series in Kashmir Shaivism

>> No.22148766
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>> No.22148771
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>> No.22148778
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>> No.22148794

Céline and Ernst Jünger too. we will live to see greece again brothers. fuck niggers, jews and jannies

>> No.22150134

This isn’t even mentioning the fact that it involves parasympathetic versus sympathetic nervous system activation
Ejaculation is sympathetic and arousal is parasympathetic. The inverted sex encourages excessive time spent in the parasympathetic state and the big problem like in all of society is that people never know what’s wrong with excessive “peace”.
“Oh the parasympathetic nervous system is the opposite of fight or flight so it must be better in every way!” Any form of excess is bad and putting someone into PS excessively allows for easier suggestion.

>> No.22150690

>Any form of excess is bad and putting someone into PS excessively allows for easier suggestion.
That's why it's better to do these sorts of exercises alone and cultivate the inner temple that way.