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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 73 KB, 768x522, ted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22132961 No.22132961 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.22132966

>another Ted thread

>> No.22132968

oh shit it's real
rip my nigga

>> No.22133088

Not literature

>> No.22133099

RIP to one of the most fascinating characters in American history

>> No.22133104

Fuck off

>> No.22133109
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>> No.22133110

Rest in POWER, Ted

>> No.22133265
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>> No.22133308

Mods will sticky their favourite garage band guitarists when they OD. Famous people never.
I believe this board has gotten reasonable enough janitors who would sticky something like this if they could, but the moderator has never liked the board and always denies us any.

>> No.22133430
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It's on /pol/

>> No.22133434

captcha gayxht

>> No.22133472

You can't read or something?

>> No.22133609

RIP. Everyone should read Technological Slavery and Anti-Tech Revolution: Why and How

>> No.22133630


>> No.22133647

>anti tech revolution
what's next, anti-power revolution? this retarded polack was an indipid dipshit and i'm glad he died of cancer inside a horrific concrede purgatory

>> No.22133655


>> No.22133857

>he got filtered by a 70 pages manifesto written by a 150 IQ man
Many such cases, very sad

>> No.22133861

Not a great loss for literature.

>> No.22133865

life is a surrogate activity.

>> No.22133879

What about that stupid ending though?
>Kaczynski believed in the green light, the orgastic future that year by year recedes before us. It eluded us then, but that’s no matter tomorrow we will run faster, stretch out our arms farther. . . . And then one fine morning—
>So we beat on, bombs against the mail, borne back ceaselessly into the past..

>> No.22133930
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>> No.22133975

Tranny died tranny died tranny died

>> No.22134483
File: 3.23 MB, 2304x2880, Ted_core_png_compressed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22134501

But not forgotten

>> No.22134670

Heaven just got a little more beautiful

>> No.22134708

RIP a real giant among men

>> No.22134720


>> No.22134727

Sticky now mods

>> No.22134779

who cares he just paraphrased ellul

>> No.22134792

nobody would know who ellul was if kaczynski didn't allude to him

>> No.22134796

If Ellul was Theory Kaczynski was Parxis.

>> No.22134816

Why do some anprims try to fit themselves in the modernist lens of the politics of left-right? Seems ironic.
Also, John Moore is absolutely not a Marxist.

>> No.22134817

I have in fact not read these. Quick rundown?

>> No.22134824

Why don't you read them yourself and make your own mind up? You're gonna get some half-assed summary from a schizo and then that will remain your opinion on Kaczynski forever.

>> No.22134830

I want to know what I'm getting into before the Feds put me on their list

>> No.22134833
File: 187 KB, 1010x647, tedchud.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ted was the first of the incel chuds who threw away his life bragging and society is now healing with his death

>> No.22134843

you're already on a list by virtue of posting here.

>> No.22134846

But surely the pedo list and the domestic terrorist list are separate?

>> No.22134852

its funny how leftists jump to defend the corporate capitalist hegemony because someone wrote mean words about them

>> No.22134859

rip bozo

>> No.22134861


>> No.22134877

RIP my man

God will have to be alot more careful, when checking his mail now.

>> No.22134885

To me with his life, it almost feels like we're celebrating his first true birthday. It's both sad but oddly majestic, hope he finds it out there.

>> No.22134901

RIP king

>> No.22134945

I'll miss this lil nigga

>> No.22134953
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F to a real king

>> No.22134960
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Technology is here to stay boys. We live in some of the most interesting times with the new AI shit being developed. Smoking on that Ted pack

Posted from my PC

>> No.22134964

Leftists are no where near as bad as the climate change denying right. Dudes are literally blaming the wildfires on literally everything but climate change

>> No.22134971

yes and?

>> No.22134976

Leftism is better for protecting the enviroment

>> No.22134979

as long as it remains profitable for the billionaires funding them, yes

>> No.22134994

I mean leftism in practice, not self proclaimed liberals

>> No.22134996
File: 63 KB, 700x638, Hitler bird.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which totalitarian regime practiced environmentalism and which polluted countless lakes and destroyed ecosystems by diverting rivers?

>> No.22134998

Where do you think leftist organisations get their funds from?

>> No.22135006

The third position is for localism and ecology. Not globohomo capitalist massconsoomerism like leftists are

>> No.22135026


>> No.22135031

This performative mourning over this dumbass is really bizarre.

>> No.22135038

thanks officer

>> No.22135040
File: 62 KB, 800x698, rage-comic-internet-meme-trollface-laughter-faces.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every time

Do tedposters even realize what they're saying?

>> No.22135042
File: 27 KB, 500x460, E8AH2EFVgAAkIcY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop being so mad all the time

>> No.22135046

We're not really flush with right-wing icons at the moment so the Chuds latch onto whoever they can get.

>> No.22135047
File: 396 KB, 1111x766, d79.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally boomer-tier argument

>> No.22135052

preach, sis. you wanna grab some starbucks?

>> No.22135053

I guess you meant something like eco-socialism? Leftism means woke capitalism now, you shouldn't use this word if you want to be understand.
>The third position is for localism and ecology.
I think it is the best solution for environmental protection too. When you're protecting the folk and the culture it's coherent to protect nature as well.

>> No.22135064
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>> No.22135077


>> No.22135080
File: 91 KB, 1280x720, Vollmann.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mail a bunch of bombs to people
>the FBI is on your trail
>use your skills as a writer to write a manifesto in someone else's style to throw them off
>an innocent man is arrested, spends the rest of his life behind bars

>> No.22135086
File: 877 KB, 2323x2373, Churchillwithsonandgrandson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good kek

>> No.22135090
File: 68 KB, 768x960, Linkola in memorium.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And Linkola isn't here anymore.

>> No.22135096

I wish I had a sweater as comfy as the one always wore

>> No.22135117

I'm legit sad.

>> No.22135125
File: 61 KB, 720x720, linkola.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For a perfect Linkola style, look for a local handmade sweater.

>> No.22135170
File: 117 KB, 350x350, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ellul was way more level headed about technology. Its a crime that ted became the face of being critical of technology

>> No.22135179
File: 2.16 MB, 2156x1362, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

her silence speaks volumes

>> No.22135213

wrong, most ted fans don't even know he was mostly unoriginal
true but I can't take ted seriously when hes trans and also said weightlifting is a surrogate activity and should be avoided

>> No.22135263

He was trans in the 60's if I remember correctly?
There is no connection to the 2010's woke capitalism.
Why would you care about his opinion on weightlifting?

>> No.22135264

We're alone in the world now anons....Uncle Ted can't save us anymore.

>> No.22135378
File: 1.15 MB, 1200x1968, 3A4E6B7C-CA40-4B0F-BA2B-3F5E3621B104.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22135379


>> No.22135383

if he had gotten the gender affirming care he needed in college he never would have turned to a life of crime

>> No.22135384
File: 33 KB, 600x800, 826.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Technology won.

>> No.22135390

>no Indictment of Man

>> No.22135418

lol, lmao even

>> No.22135446

Why does this include AnPrim stuff when Ted wasn't AnPrim and even wrote arguing against it?

>> No.22135491

He's only against idealist Anprims who think it's a utopian society, not a lesser evil of technological society

>> No.22135524
File: 20 KB, 226x250, 7gnnrw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just castrate yourself bro! then you can be perfectly healthy like me

>> No.22135590

Where do I start with his works?

>> No.22135593

you know ted was trans right? he was going to ask his college therapist for a sex change, but there was too much transphobia back then so he pussied out.

>> No.22135599

Climate change is a controlled discourse designed to make it so there are only two options: "environmentalism bad, FUCK trees" vs. "I guess I'd rather save the environment than destroy it, I just wish I didn't have to side with globohomo and the deep state to do it..."

It's the same as COVID. Any actual meaning to the whole vaxxer vs. antivaxxer debate was 0.1% of what was going on, the other 99.9% being the deep state coopting anti-antivax discourse to make normies make the permanent association "trust the experts = trust the science = be smart and moral = own the magapedes and racist grandpa = obey the nanny state."

>> No.22135601


>> No.22135623

>Equating neoliberals with leftists

>> No.22135628

"Can life prevail?"
It's his last book and apparently the only one translated in English. It's a collection of essays from early 1990's to early 2000's.
You can also find some interesting videos online, some interviews and some more artistic.

>> No.22135639

The usual mistake. As long as people use one dimension (left-right) to talk about politics, it's inevitable.

>> No.22135647

There have been no real leftists since before WW2, all current self-proclaimed leftists are rich kids who unfailingly support the status quo and read bourgeois liberalism into leftist theory

>> No.22135655

that's because by then the failure of communism became apparent to everyone so it was dropped for except rich kids who want to upset their dad.

>> No.22135678

lol, he withdrew because he realised what a scam it was
>oh you're a young insecure guy with no social support and having abnormal thoughts? you don't need improvement in your social conditions, you need to undergo an irreversible surgery and live the rest of your life as a shallow parody of a female

>> No.22135697

there is barely any difference nowadays, leftism as an ideology has retreated from worker unions to university campuses because of lack of organisation. now they barely focus on workers' rights and are more interested in college campus issues like perceived microaggressions, identity politics and "let's play who is most oppressed". until around 2018 or 2019 a significant portion of leftists were non-sectarian but they have lost all their platforms because of "transphobia" and "sexism". all that the modern leftist can do now is live inside the comfort bubble provided by billionaires in the form of twitter or twitch, where they are basically domesticated cattle simping for their benevolent e-girls

>> No.22135702

it was his idea. he was worried the therapist wouldn't accept him. it wasn't like now where every shrink's office has a safe space statement on the door and rainbows. everywhere. i wonder what kind of weird perv shit he got up to out there in his fap cabin.

>> No.22135707

>he was worried the therapist wouldn't accept him
he made the right decision then. back then people weren't paid to play along your childish delusions

>> No.22135739

>and also said weightlifting is a surrogate activity and should be avoided
I lift 6x/week but in what way is weightlifting not a surrogate activity? You're putting your muscles under unnatural stress and performing strenuous labor with no tangible benefit solely because day-to-day, the modern man does not utilize his body the way primitive man does. Unless your argument is historical, since the Ancient Greeks (who were certainly not as overwhelmed by technology as us) did practice weightlifting?

>> No.22135768

Holy fucking retard

>> No.22135779

Someone should start a project to collect all the letters he wrote in jail. Then we could feed them into an AI and revive him as a robot.

>> No.22135788
File: 22 KB, 251x231, 1d6cd6e3c95bb036fcf9ee314023240a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know this might sound cringe, but Ted was a huge influence on me since I was a teenager. He shaped some of my worldview and while I don't agree with his methods, I think he is someone that more people should have listened too. The technology issue is far bigger than people realize, and his writings have made me dedicate my life for fighting for a better world. These are sad days without him. Rest in peace, king.

>> No.22135793

The 40% claims another

>> No.22135802
File: 214 KB, 2228x1670, koth_hank_distraught.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22135806

already did. the pdfs are around 800Mb. check online

>> No.22135807
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>> No.22135808
File: 32 KB, 800x450, cover3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> ted in 1 pic

>> No.22135816

>his writings have made me dedicate my life for fighting for a better world.
This is nice to read. I only learned about his ideas in my late 20s. Did it change the way you interacted with technology as well?

>> No.22135834
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>> No.22135846

anti tech revolution is not that good

>> No.22135848
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>> No.22135851


>> No.22135859

Who was fren?

>> No.22135870

it was an interview afaik

>> No.22135895

dude also had a girlfriend in jail
ted won

>> No.22135897
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>> No.22135900

what? really?

>> No.22135903

Dude, chicks love killers.

>> No.22135953

Why isn't Ishmael by Daniel Quinn included?

>> No.22135964

Doesn't bring new stuff to the table. If you read technological slavery you won't get much out of it. The manifesto is the best thing he wrote

>> No.22135972
File: 1.31 MB, 1200x805, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone have that meme of the cavemen getting mad at the dude inventing stone tools

>> No.22135983
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>> No.22135985

dont give him any ideas

>> No.22135987

We have a wwoym for this

…mods are asleep

>> No.22136224

Both meaningless terms that describe nothing substantial

>> No.22136234


>> No.22136271
File: 85 KB, 1243x546, TEDtalks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what we do in life...

>> No.22136279

where is the lie

>> No.22136287

Could it be that liberalism among the youth root from narcissism and slave morality, propping themselves up on a moral pedestal with their false humility

>> No.22136291

retards will discredit him for saying "leftists bad" even though all that he criticised was identity politics

>> No.22136330


>> No.22136334

>The technology issue is far bigger than people realize

Same but I wouldn't know what to do. I can't go agrarian because that almost needs a village setting to work much like the Amish have accomplished. I can't go Amish because they don't accept converts. I can't go hunter gatherer because I don't know if natives will accept me and black and South American hunter gatherers are different than white or asian ones.

>> No.22136444
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>> No.22136584

have some respect

>> No.22136619

>killed himself
what a huge faggot

>> No.22136623

But leftists and conservatards are bad

>> No.22136655


>> No.22136680
File: 109 KB, 720x512, Technology.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im thinking technology won bros

>> No.22136681

Uncle Ted said I need to shoot you so where you at

>> No.22136691

Why does this board think leftism = corporatism and american tier liberals

>> No.22136767

because it basically is in north america

>> No.22136773

Not an argument, fucking nigger

>> No.22136783

not him but weightlifting isn't a surrogate activity because it ensures health and survivial
something like excessive bodybuilding is probably a surrogate activity

>> No.22136794

>arguing wether your fitness routine fits into the ideological framework of a mentally ill terrorist
that's time well spent

>> No.22136806

> Dudes are literally blaming the wildfires on literally everything but climate change
I fucking loathe “I love science” niggers like you. Climate scientists have been extremely careful to say you can’t link individual events with climate change, that it’s a matter of probability changes over time as temperatures increase. They DON’T link wildfires or hurricanes with climate change in any direct sense. Only idiots in the media and useful idiots like you do that.

Do you actually care about what’s happening or is it just another propaganda war for you to make some directionbrained “I’m the good guy” morality play out of?

>> No.22137334
File: 289 KB, 1200x1325, Light_horse_walers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

..not yet, anon. The battle has been won, but the war isn't over. We'll fight on in Uncle Ted's name.

>> No.22137385
File: 48 KB, 750x392, Bennett's Phylactery .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder what the Pissident Right has to say about this.

Ah, yes.

>> No.22137684

>(((killed himself)))

>> No.22137694

Do you genuinely believe there's any significant leftist organisation that isn't being funded directly or indirectly by billionaires? The biggest leftist movements currently are BLM and Antifa, where do you think they get majority of their funds from?

>> No.22137702

those idiots are all trannies so of course they have terrible takes

>> No.22137703

>He was trans in the 60's if I remember correctly?
No. He was mentally unstable and seeing a psychologist who tried to convince him that he was trans. Ted listened to his psychologist for a while but eventually realized that the psychiatrist was not to be listened to and dropped the whole thing.

>> No.22137709

Explain how PR and image would be affected by corporations taking a minorities, oppressed and maligned groups should be discriminated against. They have to pay lip service to some extent or face a huge backlash

>> No.22137761

It is hypocrisy of the worst kind. The fact that leftist organisations are completely dependent on corporate capitalists for funds means they have to act as a mouthpiece for their globohomo mass-consumerism focused agenda. Do you genuinely think a greedy capitalist would donate his precious money if he didn't see some net profit from it?

>> No.22137772

It is a parasitical relationship where both benefit in some ways. Let’s not act like corporations are left wing economically though. For many on this site politics has strictly cultural implications

>> No.22137779

Kenobi of /lit/

>> No.22137784

leftists seem to delude themselves into thinking that billionaires are their friends, that hollywood actors donate money to BLM out of the goodness of their heart. it's such a childish delusion it's laughable

>> No.22137824

They still benefit from it though

>> No.22137835

as long as billionaires see some net profit out of it. till then, the leftists are mere puppets parotting whatever their handlers tell them

>> No.22137848

Ok. This is going in circles. I already said it’s a parasitical relationship: companies get PR and groups get $. Simple as

>> No.22137862

>companies get PR
it goes deeper than that. companies get an indirect mouthpiece for their globohomo agenda. for example corporate houses want to drive down labour costs, so they tell leftists to shout slogans for immigration.

>> No.22137889

RIP Ted.

>> No.22137934
File: 709 KB, 828x1015, E984FDCF-8368-486A-97B6-4D45E759695F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my dear uncle Ted
Buried today carried away
How you surely have bled
For a world that, of you must lack

Oh my bearded good friend
Singing with ink, to your life drink
I and I do wish then
Your songs and rhymes, be sung t’all times.

And if singing we lack
Good memories of your words we love
Then may our tools and tact
Bring back what we had lost to greed

Oh my dear uncle K
Who was selfless in his purpose
And devils due is paid
To make aware sleeping white bears

>> No.22138135

What is he talking about "increased lethality and destruction of his bombs", as if he was constantly turning it up a notch, and for no reason. He had tried to bomb a plane much earlier. He was targeting little nodes involved in technological development and the violent was very much intended to send a message.
Don't buy this "prison shrink" who diagnosed him as a paranoid schizophrenic when every word he wrote and publicly uttered appeared lucid and coherent.

>> No.22138145
File: 246 KB, 726x726, 1686466246584435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's the classic strategy of "call your opponent crazy" because it would be devastating for them if a guy like ted was declared sane and healthy

>> No.22138161
File: 25 KB, 516x485, 116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>parasitical relationship where both benefit in some ways
So many words to just say "symbiosis".

>> No.22138182
File: 757 KB, 1178x1276, modern leftism is rainbow capitalism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

leftists celebrate pride month on twitch instead of putting effort into organising blue collar labour unions

>> No.22138425

Another dead tranny. YWNBAW.

>> No.22138426

>Then we could feed them into an AI and revive him as a robot.
Fucking hell. I have no mouth but I must...

>> No.22138497

>feel a bit insecure
>go to (((psychiatrist)))
>he tells you to chop your dick off
>never see him again
how exactly is he a tranny?

>> No.22138518

Keep denying science as these events happen more and more frequently you troglodyte

>> No.22138520

That's irrelevant its not a crime to fund movements. Conservatives get WAY more funding and its not even close

>> No.22138521
File: 32 KB, 639x692, 1601673518256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is true.

>> No.22138523

>wtf you celebrate pride month? that mean you can't be a socialist
I dont even know why I bother arguing with you guys

>> No.22138525 [DELETED] 

>>wtf you celebrate pride month? that mean you can't be a socialist
this but unironically

>> No.22138527

How is saying black people deserve to live and saying we should defund the police "bootlicking". What authority are they exactly bowing too lmao. Meanwhile you guys suck off daddy Trump and Carlson who call for more police

>> No.22138528
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>> No.22138529

weightlifting absolutely helps you in everyday life beyond what "natural primitive movement" would, look at hunter gatherer tribes they're all weak and malnourished, if you take a natural man and make him lift weights he will be better able to function in his life and in our life - ted also criticised it for just being difficult, but progressive overload helps both the natural man and the modern one - you don't get systematic progressive overload in nature and the strain you reach leaves you looking like a woman and not much stronger than one

>> No.22138531

>third position supporting trump and carlson

>> No.22138533

There is absolutely nothing in modern leftism apart from identity politics

>> No.22138534
File: 93 KB, 850x400, 1574831630175.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See here is perfect example of how these leftoids are easily brainwashed.
>Corporate fund nigger riots that destroy all sorts of property that they later buy up for cheap
>You have politicians virtue signaling for nigger lives
>Implying they actually care about them.
And you eat up all that shit, All your leftist heroes in history hated faggots and despised lazy uppity niggers.

>> No.22138547

Good. Another CIA psyop is gone. I wonder which CIA project tedfags will glom onto next.

>> No.22138552


>> No.22138566

so what does he want me to do exactly? how am I supposed to change my life after reading him?

>> No.22138702

Just move into a cabin in the woods (this is the Finnish power fantasy)

>> No.22138914

You clearly haven't read Anti-Tech Revolution. Short version: raise awareness of tech's unavoidable apocalyptic problems, seek out like-minded and totally deducated anti-tech activists, join or organise movement(s) to prepare for the inevitable crisis when the system will be the weakest and when it happens take the opportunity to attack the system and irreversibly destroy infrastructure the system relies on. He implicitly points to power generation as the number one target, but also suggests genetic engineering labs as an interim target that acts as a "way-in" before collapse because there is already public aversion to GM foods and animals.

>> No.22138982

Ted himself says any such revolution must be global to succeed. Chance of that occurring in foreseeable future is zero. Marxists have been trying to instigate one for 150 years and have put far more effort into it than any kacszynskiite but have still utterly failed

>> No.22138986

I didn't say it was realistic or that I support it.

>> No.22139027

pynchon's better

>> No.22139064

What's the connection?

>> No.22139068

Tranny luddite

>> No.22139070

fuck off

>> No.22139109

I have no idea where this hostility is coming from.

>> No.22139121

because you're retarded, yeah

>> No.22139152

Please explain

>> No.22139164


>> No.22139175

go to /a/ if you want spoonfeeding

>> No.22139218

Does /a/ know about this sort of thing? Which thread do I ask in?

>> No.22139231

"Can Life Prevail?" unless you already know Finnish

>> No.22139385

Its "Impeachment of Man". By Savitri Devi. Nice freudian slip, fed.

>> No.22139399

This is fucking garbage please don't ever write poetry again

>> No.22139408
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So is it actually worth reading or no?

>> No.22139409

Imagine using Discord...

>> No.22139420

"climate change" is just what gay people call Russia

>> No.22139424

Dead? Really? No more BBC for him...
A failed tranny, at least at the end he got what he wanted... To be treated as a woman, repeatedly, in prison...

>> No.22139431

IN the end he got what he wanted kek

>> No.22139434


>> No.22139440

If you want to be redpilled about leftism and its impact on environmentalism

>> No.22139466

I once knew a poster
And he was a nigger
Who did not have much taste
And he told us with haste

>> No.22139491

It's actually the biggest filter out there. Retards don't read , so obviously they don't know that the entirety of anarchist history( actual, non-american, non-twitter anarchism) is shitting on leftists. even lenin the commie himself wrote an entire book on the subject lol. so anyone who is put off by this is de facto a reformist faggot who we should actively keep away from the anti tech movement. it's the entire reason he opens up the manifesto with an attack on them, to keep them away. TK is all about strategy.

>> No.22139501

Asking here since it seems like a reasonable enough place:

I tried reading Jacques Ellul, but I found his writing style insufferable. However, I was reading a German translation of his work.

Is the English translation better, or is he just a bad writer? (Can't blame him, since he's French)

>> No.22139506

REMINDER that Kaczynski is one of the most resilient person who has ever lived. Mentally resilient. Name another ADX florence inmate who kept his sanity for so long.

So whenever you hear someone trying to delegitimize him with the mk ultra shit, realize they are actually praising his resilience. He sat for TWO HUNDRED HOURS in a room being ridiculed by the CIA, spent THREE DECADES alone in the wood, then another THREE DECADES in supermax, and he kept his sanity, kept working, kept correspondances with academics until the very end. People truly don't realize the strength of this man, and what being in supermax actually entails.

>> No.22139509

>To be treated as a woman, repeatedly, in prison...
Not in an ADX prison.

>> No.22139510

extremely dry style yes

>> No.22139514
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>Which totalitarian regime practiced environmentalism
national socialism isn't totalitarian

>> No.22139519

in your head it isn't lmao. imagine if we had /lit/ without americans and teenagers

>> No.22139525

in the head of hitler it isn't. read mein kampf fucking retard

>> No.22139528


>> No.22139541

i've read mein kampf and i've read many nazis, and most relevant to this discussion: i've read albert speer's bibliography and needless to say i will not engage further with you given the abysmal level of your understanding of nazi politics. here's a hint: ideological propaganda =/= material actuality. the volkisch movement was supposedly anti tech, return to tradition hippie type shit yet, as speer is abundantly clear, what separates nazism from other system is the absolute subordination of the technological apparatus to the state, aka the opposite of volkish propaganda.

>> No.22139542

lel I had a thought it might be wrong but couldn't be fucked to google

>> No.22139544

Aren't 90% of wildfires man-made? Even if climate change causes an uptick of natural wildfires, it seems the overwhelming area of improvement is preventing retards from starting fires in the first place.
>California gender reveal

>> No.22139608
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>believing post-war fanfic and discarding mein kampf as "ideological propaganda"
gullible, i bet you believe the holocaust happened too

>> No.22139609

pretty sure the lived experience of millions of germans and non-germans under nazi rule takes precedence over one schizo's diary desu

>> No.22141075

The English version(s of "The Technological Society", "Propaganda", and "The Presence of the Kingdom") are fine. I've put down nonfiction books for their awful prose before, so unless you're unusually sensitive to that sort of thing you should be fine.

>> No.22141327

why don't you blow your brains out like Hitler

>> No.22141396

All that and he was more succinct and laconic in his writing than modern academics who are prone to intellectual masturbation

RIP to a real KING

>> No.22141405

>the slave of the institution diagnosed him as being against the institution
>that must mean he was crazy
Reddit truly astounds me again and again.

>> No.22141407

>fill canada with dumb immigrants
>suddenly canadian forests are on fire
how could this be happening?

>> No.22141418

>cumbrain cannot stop injecting his odious fetishes into every conversation

>> No.22141426

Pretty incredible

>> No.22141443

>AI boom already underway
>millions of jobs will be replaced in the next 10 years
>mass unemployment, millions of angry workers
>huge opportunity for general strikes, anti-tech fervor, mass organization of all kinds
The critical time is coming, friends.

>> No.22141784

He had balls of steel

>> No.22141878
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one of the few philosophers who lived his ethos.

his message does NOT die with him

>> No.22141957

Finally, took the old fuck long enough. The damage is done unfortunately.

>> No.22141965


>> No.22142585

how did he manage to suicide in prison? hoarding meds? made a noose out of medical equipment?

>> No.22142599

All he had to do was wait for time to do its trick.

>> No.22142749
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I followed "the Technological Society" with "Betrayal of the West".
Magnificent and insightful reading. He is right in his predictions half a century earlier and explains the ideological disease that corrodes the left and "progressivism" today.