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/lit/ - Literature

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>> No.22132263
File: 171 KB, 365x512, it's_over_coffin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rest well, king.

>> No.22132264


>> No.22132280

*spits* *unzips* *pees all over dead body* *breaks the skull with the boot*
thatll do it

>> No.22132282


>> No.22132284
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Well shit.
Going to the great cabin and outside toilet in the sky.

>> No.22132285


>> No.22132291

what are his best kinos?

>> No.22132295
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>> No.22132298
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F Your honor remains intact and i'll always remember you, Uncle Ted.

>> No.22132302


>> No.22132303

Did they ever give him interviews later in life? Would like to watch some in his honor

>> No.22132307

better dead than in jail

>> No.22132310

good riddance

>> No.22132315


>> No.22132317


>> No.22132319

he was right about everything

>> No.22132320
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RIP Teddy. The best of us all

>> No.22132322

A prophetic revolutionary poor man had to deal with being the first man to see the tsunami of decay decades before anyone else in the scene did

>> No.22132324

No interviews but there are recordings of his voice. You don't want to hear it. He sounds like the average redditor.

>> No.22132327

fuck wrong pic.

>> No.22132328


>> No.22132330

He's the one who turned me into an incoherent depressed science dropout who couldnt bring the pieces together into a determined revolutionary.

>> No.22132329

He only gave one recorded interview.

>> No.22132335

So who's winning the nobel this year?

>> No.22132337


>> No.22132339


>> No.22132340

Fuck, I actually feel bad.
RIP, PBUH whatever.

>> No.22132344
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I was meaning to read his manifesto.

>> No.22132346

It's so over

>> No.22132351

At least he died before seeing it get worse.

>> No.22132355


>> No.22132357

requiescat in pace king

>> No.22132359
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>> No.22132360
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It's over

>> No.22132361

You still can anon . It doesn't dematerialize with his death.

>> No.22132363

mods better sticky he was one of our brightest minds

>> No.22132364


>> No.22132365


>> No.22132366

father of a million dweebs
rest in piss lmao

>> No.22132373
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He's in a different prison now!

>> No.22132372

Pynchons better

>> No.22132376


>> No.22132380
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>> No.22132382

Your treatment was worse than the disease but that doesn't change the fact that you were right.

>> No.22132383
File: 56 KB, 620x360, teddy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mods are too pussy to sticky this.

>> No.22132384

He's a famous author, I think he rather deserves a sticky here too. Especially since he still gets discussed here all the time (in a literary fashion).

>> No.22132388

I truly feel like with Ted's death society is just gonna keep crumbling. They're gonna make sure to psyop another young mind into doing another false flag "domestic terrorist" act while pumping the population full of experimental drugs and enacting corrupt neoliberal policies. Literally everything in the manifesto came true, and I've yet to see any substantive refutations to its content.

>> No.22132390



>> No.22132392

China will unironically collapse in two weeks

>> No.22132396


Who do we even have left? Linkola's dead too.

>> No.22132400

Holy shit it's true
what the fuck, how did I not notice that he died

>> No.22132402

well, we knew he was sick for a while. I guess they made an example of him after all

>> No.22132405
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mods pls sticky

>> No.22132407

/out/ in shambles

>> No.22132408
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My favorite thing he said is that mathematics wasn't worth studying justifying my own poor mathematical abilities.

>> No.22132410
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Don't cry because it's over, smile because something something or other

>> No.22132411


>> No.22132415


>> No.22132416

Math turns you into a fucking schizo or a furry, no exceptions

>> No.22132417


>> No.22132420

>waaaaaaaah don't make fun of my dead (literal) tranny
suck my fucking cock

>> No.22132421

Since I left you I find the world so new

>> No.22132423

I wish those two little boys would have sex with the big girl.

>> No.22132427

I guess that's that
It was going to happen sooner or later but it feels like a step in the wrong direction.

>> No.22132433

Tell me why this is unironically bad

>> No.22132434

Based. Can't wait till technology helps us transcend our meaty limitations. Fuck Ted and fuck his backwards followers. Great writer though.

>> No.22132435


>> No.22132436

I'd commemorate his death on Facebook but I doubt he'd want that.

>> No.22132448

Does /lit/ believe his writings will be studied in the future? Genuine question. I think "The System's Neatest Trick" will stand the test of time.

>> No.22132453

They'll likely just get pushed to the annals of history and not taken seriously.

>> No.22132455

Mods sticky

>> No.22132464

In the psychiatric evaluation, Johnson reveals that Kaczynski had persistent and intense sexual fantasies about being a woman. While he was a graduate student at the University of Michigan in 1967, he went to a psychiatrist to discuss his wishes for a sex change operation. But in the waiting room, he decided he could not go forward. Instead, he told the psychiatrist he was depressed about the possibility of being drafted.

His near confession of his feelings so filled him with rage, in this case directed at psychiatrists, that he went through a major transformation.

"As I walked away from the building afterwards," Kaczynski wrote in documents released today, "I felt disgusted about what my uncontrolled sexual cravings had almost led me to do. And I felt humiliated, and I violently hated the psychiatrist. Just then there came a major turning point in my life. Like a Phoenix, I burst from the ashes of my despair to a glorious new hope."

Kaczynski's new hope? To take his rage out on others, including the psychiatrist. "I will kill," Kaczynski wrote. "But I will make at least some effort to avoid detection so that I can kill again."

>> No.22132468

He might have chuckled if you made it the most over the top clickbait linking to his manifesto.

>> No.22132477

the absolute state of tedtrannies

>> No.22132484


>> No.22132485

There are no refutations; you simply can’t put the genie back in the bottle. I look at life as a crazy experiment with things constantly changing and don’t take it too seriously since there’s never a choice to begin with

>> No.22132490

Why are there suddenly 900 threads about this. His death was announced here like 2-3 months ago.

>> No.22132497
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>thought about writing him a letter
>meh ill do it next week
Its actually over. I'm never going to recover from this. Technology won. AI won. Nature lost. Humanity lost.

>> No.22132504

we should write a manifesto together in his honor

>> No.22132508

It’s akin to shooting a bank teller because you are against usury. If you are taking drastic measures then go for the people at the top. The ones you really have a problem with

>> No.22132511

Why? His prose was shit

>> No.22132520
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Fuck, so he's never gonna finished Technological Slavery Vol. II.
Actually a shame, I did enjoy his works even though I pretty much entirely disagree with him.

>> No.22132528

ted wanted to be a lenin but ultimately he is a marx like figure that will inspire a lenin, who will increasingly appear more and more as global warming and tech ravage the earth

>> No.22132530



>> No.22132531
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Sweet dreams space cowboy.

>> No.22132534
File: 1.60 MB, 1603x2400, Greta_Thunberg_time_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's your Lenin

>> No.22132535

Leftists will seethe about the superstructure and the impersonal nature of capital yet direct all their resentment and action towards inconsequential symbols. TK is literally centuries ahead. He put in practice what they never could.

>> No.22132536

They knew he would come off sane and would articulate what he stood for coherently and convincingly. I just read an article and they did not mention his writings. They're painting him as a murderer rather than a revolutionary. As usual.

>> No.22132541

board culture
but there's one on /pol/ so I'm satisfied with that

>> No.22132543
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>> No.22132546

What? The opening line of his manifesto is top-notch expertise.

>> No.22132547

rest in piss

>> No.22132548

this is 4chan kek

>> No.22132550

>global warming
HAHAHAHAHAH the absolute state of tedtrannies

>> No.22132555

it fits in the thread oddly

>> No.22132558

>committing acts of terror to get yourself published
/lit/ personified

>> No.22132559


>> No.22132560

RIP King

>> No.22132564


The most based tranny to have ever lived

>> No.22132582

you don't read

>> No.22132586

piss off tourist, not literature, just an excuse for poltards to come here to shit up the place with their cringe insecurities

>> No.22132591
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>> No.22132595

nietzsche for americans

>> No.22132597

don't forget le doomer jesus!!!

>> No.22132603

what are some thinkers who went mad because they knew too much?

>> No.22132605


>> No.22132610

He was an autismo but his style is plain and follows logic. That plus the impact he has had on culture makes him /lit/worthy

>> No.22132611
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Sleep tight, Uncle Ted

>> No.22132612

It's actually over...

>> No.22132616

RIP, he was a complicated man, and whatever one has to make of him committing murders he unlocked critical thinking about the modern world in the minds of thousands, maybe millions of young men

I hope he reincarnates as something comfy after atoning for the stain on his karma

>> No.22132619

RIP King.

>> No.22132621

RIP Prof.

>> No.22132625

I did not agree with him in many things, but he believed in something and stood by it, and that I respect. May he find peace in the next word.

>> No.22132626

RIP teddy

>> No.22132635

Oversocialization is a nice concept.
But not worth blowing off someone's hand.
Should've just not been violent

>> No.22132637

He has been and will only be vindicated by time.

>> No.22132638

the unabomber taught me it was okay to be weird

>> No.22132639

RIP hobo bomber.

>> No.22132645

someone post the response letter he wrote to a /lit/ anon once

>> No.22132647

the fact that you disagree with doesn't mean it's not literature
cry libtard

>> No.22132655

Sorry, still not literature

>> No.22132664

someone please post this

>> No.22132665
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>> No.22132676
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its joever

>> No.22132679

damn, rip

>> No.22132680

>They're painting him as a murderer
Excuse me anon but did he not, in fact, murder people?

>> No.22132687
File: 435 KB, 1280x1280, 1686350315136034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you people really take this sperg seriously?
I thought you were just memeing

>> No.22132692

Ignorance is as they say bliss

>> No.22132701


>> No.22132703

don't try and discredit his work with labels like "murderer"

>> No.22132704


>> No.22132706
File: 830 KB, 628x969, hu3wwjz3ixn21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In honor of Ted, here is a good article on ecofascism for anyone interested in going beyond Ted's and Linkola's self-admitted vagueness on issues of praxis (a vagueness which is, unfortunately, easily co-opted by recent globalist "population control" schemes and "climate change" biopolitics; see the Georgia Guidestones):

Savitri Devi:
>There is also the “Esoteric National Socialist” Savitri Devi, who prized the aristocrats of the natural world — among which she included tigers, ancient oak trees, and Aryan man — and whose life was dedicated to their preservation.
>Thus, in a world utterly given over to American hedonistic capitalism and Soviet anthropocentric tyranny, she could see nothing to do but: . . .to aid all beautiful minorities attacked by the agents of chaos; to resist, even if that should delay only a few decades the disappearance of the last aristocrats among men, animals, or trees. There is nothing else that one can do, if not, perhaps, to curse in one’s heart, day and night, today’s humanity (apart from very rare exceptions), and to work with all one’s efforts for its destruction.

Introductory materials on Devi:

Some rogue German "greens" have recently turned toward revisionism regarding National Socialism, which they recognize as having had actual environmentalist policies unlike the pseudo-green movements under liberal democracy. Particularly Rolf Peter Sieferle, who wrote on both right-wing and green movements, and recently wrote Finis Germania and then committed suicide:

Also check out Bramwell's famous book Hitler's Green Party, often accused of being an apologia for National Socialism. And "How Green were the Nazis?" is a good, short book. Others:

>> No.22132709


>> No.22132721


>> No.22132723

Just for that, you have to read some more.

General list of relevant articles:

>> No.22132724
File: 2.58 MB, 328x328, checked.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is unironically what tedcels believe.
Anon, go take your pills.
Yes, the ones in the orange bottle.

>> No.22132726

Good riddance

>> No.22132730

he was a terrorist

>> No.22132736


>> No.22132738

Leftist are just middle class faggots

>> No.22132739

He was a rebel

>> No.22132742

>15. Leftists tend to hate anything that has an image of being strong, good and successful. ... The leftist’s feelings of inferiority run so deep that he cannot tolerate any classification of some things as successful or superior and other things as failed or inferior. This also underlies the rejection by many leftists of the concept of mental illness and of the utility of IQ tests. Leftists are antagonistic to genetic explanations of human abilities or behavior because such explanations tend to make some persons appear superior or inferior to others. Leftists prefer to give society the credit or blame for an individual’s ability or lack of it. Thus if a person is “inferior” it is not his fault, but society’s, because he has not been brought up properly.

>The leftist’s feelings of inferiority run so deep that he cannot tolerate any classification of some things as successful or superior and other things as failed or inferior.
>His feelings of inferiority are so ingrained that he cannot conceive of himself as individually strong and valuable. Hence the collectivism of the leftist. He can feel strong only as a member of a large organization or a mass movement with which he identifies himself.
>If our society had no social problems at all, the leftists would have to INVENT problems in order to provide themselves with an excuse for making a fuss.

>> No.22132743
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retroactively refuted by Godard

>> No.22132745

he did that himself

>> No.22132747

>Murders people
>"Don't call him a murderer!!!!"

>> No.22132749

Wish I'd written to him when I had the chance

>> No.22132750


>> No.22132751

this was bound to happen. ted just wanted to delay it as much as possible

>> No.22132758

la chinoise

>> No.22132761

Google 'La Chinoise Godard'
NTA but it's one of my favorite films

>> No.22132765

literally godard's only good film. after i saw it, i thought wow this dude rocks, then i watched his early shit and it's just generic noir.

>> No.22132767
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>> No.22132778 [DELETED] 

that's why we had been supporting the taliban in the 90s. they even did a press tour in america including an appearance on charlie rose, lmao. i think that was in 1999 or 2000 lol.


>> No.22132784

Give him what he deserves, bros.


>> No.22132794


>> No.22132815

>give the FBI what they want

>> No.22132826

>Nobel prize
>For a literal redditor turned domestic terrorist
The absolute state of /lit/

>> No.22132828

not even an anprim or a ted stan but where is the lie

>> No.22132836

its kind of meandering and I dont agree with everything but theres a reason people are still talking about it to this day
i havent read anti-tech revolution but i've heard its better and more focused

>> No.22132855

i WILL consoom memes and reactions of your death

>> No.22132856
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Ironically, industrial society is strong good and successful and he was seething about it all his life


>> No.22132857

Well, to identify the liberals as leftists is wrong.
Ted is like any intellect, like Chomsky, or Nietzsche, they were wrong sometimes. Nobody’s perfect.

>> No.22132861
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>Wrong sometimes, not almost all the time

>> No.22132879


>> No.22132882

the only thing chomsky got right was manufacturing consent

>> No.22132886


>> No.22132888

he's not an "intellect", you simpleton

>> No.22132892

have you read Technological Slavery? He specifically differentiates 19th century leftists from 20th century leftists
zizek himself asked, where are the marxists?
there are no siginificant leftists or leftist circles (at least in the US where ted was from) who dont fit this description

>> No.22132893

rest in peace king

>> No.22132897

he wrote essays too, one of his best is called
The System's Neatest Trick


>> No.22132898

The funniest thing is that all "actual" leftists worshiped by in-the-know hipster leftists in the US are third worldists and basically open national socialists, often racist and antisemitic

Mariateguists for example are basically agrarian national socialists

>> No.22132900

RIP king

>> No.22132902

Besides the impotent strategy of voting for the lesser of two evils and the senile fear of anti-vaxers, you cannot name a time he was wrong.

Untrue. What, you’re a Leninist? Seriously?

He’s a smart guy, and a lot of people see him as genius, but don’t call me simple for recognizing that he was just smart.
Fucking tards on this board get worse every year

>> No.22132905

I was only talking about the quote
Haven’t read that one though.

>> No.22132911


>> No.22132916

god bless the taliban

>> No.22132920

Why do all these guys just go for randos instead of the true elite? I guess the intelligencia is one thing, but that's still low-hanging fruit.

>> No.22132927

saying that leninism is bad is not a unique invention of chomsky's unlike manufacturing consent
im sure chomsky also thought the sky (outside of NYC anyways) was blue and that water is wet

>> No.22132930

teds thing was being anti technology so he attacked scientists and such. if he were young today he would be going after elon musk or something

>> No.22132933

The true elite have their mail checked dummie
His little rampage was just seething impotent rage though not meant to have a real impact

>> No.22132937

Damn, I always wanted to write him a letter.

>> No.22132938
File: 128 KB, 694x1054, 968C1898-59D0-4CD3-9052-F47699353C49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RIP King Kaczynski

>> No.22132948


>> No.22132969

Good night sweet prince

>> No.22132973

Well obviously you wouldn't send something in the mail retard, my point is just that every time someone lashes out it's always 100% of the time at nobody. It's just so dumb.

>> No.22132974


>> No.22132999


>> No.22133003

that scene is taken from Dostoievski's Demons

>> No.22133005

Of course, ZOG doesn't like what the Taliban is doing. They need the Gentiles doped up.

>> No.22133011

You don’t seem to know much about any of those people. Ted is more of a Bakunin.

She’s just a pawn. You’d do better to point out Schwab

>> No.22133016
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RIP in peace.

>> No.22133019
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>> No.22133026
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He and Guy Debord are the two greatest theoreticians of the 20th century.

>> No.22133028

We are not talking about novelty, you imbecile.
>well, I’m sure he this or that. That’ll bolster my opinion that he was wrong about everything

>> No.22133030

begone midwit scum

>> No.22133031

>Global warming
Oh you didn't read the article from this month proving CO2 doesn't cause global warming?
Yeah we should still genocide China and India for their pollution though

>> No.22133044

Small man imbecile confirmed.

>> No.22133046

son, this is a literature board. you need to go back

>> No.22133062


>> No.22133115


>> No.22133121


>> No.22133136

I'm not a luddite and I don't agree with his ideas, but he was a virtuous and intelligent man who fought for his beliefs, and without him many people wouldn't have questioned our political system, I can't help but respect him.
F, your agony is your triumph

>> No.22133139
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He was a mind broken aspie

>> No.22133148
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Good riddance, I can understand the sentiment of hating industrial society, but he killed and injured innocent people, was basically a white supermacist, hated gays, and he wasn't a green anarchist. He was more of a fascist who wanted everyone to live in the woods without any choice in the matter. Plus, every account of him besides his family paints him as a loser neet that smelled like shit and was completely retarded socially. No wonder most of you morons liked him. You people who admire him categorize his violence as a way of garnering sympathy and admiration. Just for the basic idea that the Industrial Revolution sucks in a lot of ways, when really the only reason he did, it was because he was a bitter schizophrenic that people can only remember by being a murderous piece of shit for attention. He's pretty much a rl oc for people with no lives that blame the industrial revolution for why they have friends and how people actively detest being around thse freaks, like they should

>> No.22133151

you're trying too hard

>> No.22133153

>fought for his beliefs
he mailbombed people for clout bro. all-time pussy move right there

>> No.22133157


>> No.22133162
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He was a mathematician
He was a philosopher
He was a prophet
He was a terrorist
She was a repressed tranny
He was a man who lived his convictions
He was everything our children should aspire to be

>> No.22133164

This but unironically.

>> No.22133166


>> No.22133168
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>> No.22133170

Ted should have tried harder

>> No.22133177

Hasan is doing a Kaczynsky special

>> No.22133183

Ted should've tried harder to be social instead of being a lonely loser all his life

>> No.22133185
File: 93 KB, 640x549, 1656386150308378.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Modern Lifesisters... another W for us.

>> No.22133187

God bless a great mind

>> No.22133193

My favorite Pixies song.

>> No.22133203

Rip King

>> No.22133211

Ted is Dead?

>> No.22133214

He was only interested in gaining notoriety to get the word out. If somebody were to truly wage a war against the modern world they would take a rifle and shoot at power substations. Those things are filled with very expensive and very difficult to replace parts and the people that attack them don't easily get caught since they're usually located in rural areas.

>> No.22133218


>> No.22133219

>all-time pussy move
You'd be too cowardly to do it even if you really wanted to.

>> No.22133221


>> No.22133226

if you want to kill and mutilate random people with bombs because it's your last remaining avenue of notoriety/attention you're already a max level coward, much like "uncle ted"

>> No.22133232
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Technology victory

>> No.22133245

too old

>> No.22133248

There's nothing wrong with opium production tho

>> No.22133249


>> No.22133250

doesn't address my argument at all

>> No.22133277 [DELETED] 

so hecking true!

>> No.22133280

i feel like this is the third time ive heard that he's died in the past year

>> No.22133284

>Ted was based! Random computer store owners deserved to die!
>Posted from my computer

>> No.22133289

So the world turns more lonely than ever before.

>> No.22133299


>> No.22133303

RIP in pieces, you will be missed and never be forgotten.

>> No.22133306
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we just keep winning modern life sisters

>> No.22133311

he will rise in three days time

>> No.22133315

Brother still alive? Is he picking up the remains? Will there be a memorial service?

>> No.22133317

doubt it

>> No.22133324

Most successful revolutionaries are murderers, depending on the nature of their revolution, doesn't mean the October revolution was merely a gang of "murderers" with no larger dynamics at play, even though by their actions they were by definition murderers.

>> No.22133330

ted was neither successful nor a revolutionary THOUGH

>> No.22133335

What about all the other lines? Surely you have something to say about them? Some elegant stream of words you highlighted with a marker? Post your favorite fragment.

>> No.22133347

microwaving some hot dogs in honor of our brave and stunning queen

>> No.22133352

He was pretty clearly a revolutionary in his intent, his success can only be judged by whether he attained his immediate goal in pushing forward the revolution he obsessed over (people learning about the manifesto), and we're all in this thread decades later so I'd say it wasn't for nothing from his perspective, as condemnable and unproductive what he did was.

>> No.22133388

farewell king, I only wish i could read more of your work.

unironically, he would be angry that i use a website called "internet archive" to read up

I only wished i there could be more

>> No.22133395

He didn't reply to my letter. I'm sad, I should have sent it sooner.

>> No.22133405

god i hope so anon,

A lot of people don't know this but his works resonate with the developing world. In just under 1-2 generations, whole societies skipped industrial and into the informaiton age and all of its tragedy.

I hate the great satan btw

>> No.22133410

where is this from?

>> No.22133412

Sad, but whatever, never got into his stuff, it seemed like a bunch of really weird shit.

>> No.22133413

reminder that this site is still up for some reason


>> No.22133421

>Georgia Guidestones

Weren’t those written by a KKK member?

>> No.22133426
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>> No.22133435

Good riddance

>> No.22133441

His manifesto

>> No.22133454

Anarchoprimitivist Lenin would be BTFO'd by capitalist powers, which is exactly why his idea sucks and is non viable in the Darwinian sense
Even Ted says the best way to enact TTD was a bunch of small terror cells
Lel what a faggot

>> No.22133464

RIP king

>> No.22133465

Fuck you you retarded piece of shit

>> No.22133469

With this character's death, the thread of prophecy is severed. Restore a saved game to restore the weave of fate, or persist in the doomed world you have created.

>> No.22133473

>turned in by his bro

>> No.22133480

Veterans are murders, George Washington was a murderer, your favorite anime character is a murderer

>> No.22133489

>t. tiktok and porn addict

>> No.22133500

F, rest in peace.

>> No.22133520
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reminder he wrote a 2016 follow up


>> No.22133575

eat shit

>> No.22133593


>> No.22133596

Rest in peace.

>> No.22133598

>board full of christlarpers

>> No.22133614

Read his books Technological Slavery and Anti-Tech Revolution: Why and How in his honor instead.

>> No.22133618

Two interesting quotes from the Hacker News thread:

"One of my good friend’s dad was brutally murdered by Kaczynski when she was a young teenager.

A small bomb in a package that used razor blazes, nails, and other bits of metal to nearly tear his head off while his young family was in the house with him.

And it turns out the victim was the “wrong” man, as he didn’t even work on the project Kaczynski wanted to bring “retribution” for.

Kaczynski May have said some interesting things, but he physically tore apart the lives of many, leaving a wake of destruction during his crusade.

Actions speak louder than words. Even eloquent ones."

"When threads about Kaczynski come up, I try to remind people that the guy attempted to take down an American Airlines jetliner. He got a bomb on board in the cargo bay designed to explode at altitude --- and it did indeed explode, caused the plane to lose pressure, and filled the cabin with smoke. There were 78 people on board that flight, and but for the skill of the pilots, Kaczynski would have murdered all of them."


>> No.22133637
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>> No.22133642

Good. Faggot is burning in hell. Nothing more cowardly than bombing innocent people

>> No.22133646

Rest in peace, prince.

>> No.22133652

He was still right about technology and that's what matters

>> No.22133674

No he wasn't. Great Techne reached into the past from the future and squished him like a computer bug.

>> No.22133694

>make your whole life about fighting technology
>use technology to make bombs to kill and maim literal who average joes

Books for this kind of hypocrisy?

>> No.22133698
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>> No.22133707

Thank you for sharing these

>> No.22133716

The guy killed run of the mill civilians.

>> No.22133726

>no sticky
/lit/ is dead

>> No.22133727

you're an idiot, ted wasn't an eco fascist

>> No.22133731

"truth vs lies" is unironically his best book even though it's not about technology at all.

>> No.22133732
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Ted completed his work. There is nothing to mourn.

>> No.22133738


>> No.22133742

electionfag begone

>> No.22133744

I don’t have sympathy for Ted. He didn’t need to kill innocent people. I hope he at least atoned for that. I’ve read Zerzan and gotten just as much out of it.

>> No.22133750

>I’ve read Zerzan and gotten just as much out of it.

>> No.22133753


>> No.22133757

What’s so funny about that? Thanks for replying to me on your iPhone.

>> No.22133817
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This world is getting colder and more alien by the year, especially when people who knew what was wrong with it die. Soon there will be nothing left that we recognize. Progress for the sake of progress is the Achilles Heel of the human race, and we will fall because of it.

I always wondered how old people don't get depressed looking at the modern world, especially if they grew up way back then. They just can't realise that the world has gotten astronomically worse in many ways, yet they don't really bat an eye at much of it. They probably just mutter something slightly unpleasant under their breath when they see ENTIRE youths looking down at their phones, I bet.
Hell, the ones that are still living are probably either could never recognize how shit the world was becoming over the decades, or were just content with it, I guess. All the people who weren't fine with it are either dead, in prison, or in a mental hospital.

It really is fucking over for our world, isn't it?

>> No.22133819

RIP king, you are gonna be a legend forever

>> No.22133826

All good men are murderers.

>> No.22133829

vgh..le west........has le fallen

>> No.22133834

>dumbass meme spammer
Can americans please go to sleep already so the board's IQ can rise by 20 points?

>> No.22133892

I don't agree with everything that he did, but I can understand and sympathize as to why he did it. Society never truly grappled with the truth behind his grievances, but it's only a matter of time before it will be forced to, only it'll be too late.

I hope they give him a resting place amongst the woods and mountains that he loved and was torn from for so, so many years. May he, on his triumphant return to those wilds, find the peace that eluded him in life.

>> No.22133896

what exactly were his grievances?

>> No.22133903

>ten years of snarky sarcasm didn't halt the advance of unironic reaction and proto-fascism
>in fact it probably made it worse by irritating reactionaries and making them seem like the sincere underdogs being mocked by fruity hipsters
Here's to another ten years of snarky posts on social media! Hitler 2033!

>> No.22133925
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stormheroes don't need 'fruity hipsters' to mock them, they're fully capable of presenting like absolute buffoons themselves

>> No.22133933
File: 690 KB, 1447x1665, Thomas_Pynchon%2C_high_school_senior_portrait%2C_1953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think I've seen this mentioned anywhere, but in 1964 Pynchon applied to a PhD program in math at UC Berkeley, where Kaczynski became a professor in '67. If Pynchon had been accepted they likely would have met. One of the great what-ifs of literature.

>> No.22133947

Maybe this is your intention, but this attitude has created a reactionary force in society your anus isn't prepared for. The bear you're poking is young males with healthy testosterone levels; they are the most dangerous force in society on a very fundamental and undeniable level (physical force).
I don't say this from malice or
>lolol ur gonna be pwned
because I actually really don't want to know how far the right wing backlash will go; but the more you push them, the further your shit will be pushed in and the more hostile they will be to anything resembling a left.
Ya dun goof'd.

>> No.22133966

Le fallen west fags are just accelerationists. They want the world to crumble and get off on ragebait. They will not do anything. Any time they are told “be the change you want to be” they respond by calling the anon a glowie or fed.

>> No.22133976

Pynchon was/is friends with Kirkpatrick Sale, another anti-tech author. In 1984 Pynchon wrote a very anti-tech essay himself, so he and Kaczynski would have gotten along pretty well.


>> No.22133977

you wrote all that with one hand on your neovag
uncle ted would be proud

>> No.22133985

*be the change you want to see

>> No.22134007


>> No.22134019
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dis nigga killed himself

>> No.22134022

How do you kill yourself in a maximum security prison

>> No.22134037

Not even him but you're dumb, you're obviously far closer to trannies than he is, if not one yourself.

>> No.22134044

bite through your veins in your arm/leg until you bleed out, I would assume he just managed to hang himself somehow though in a way they didnt expect

>> No.22134056

but why would he kill himself?

>> No.22134057

more tedtroon cope. pitiful

>> No.22134063

he was 80+ yrs old, in superdupermax prison and had butt cancer. why wouldn't you kys?

>> No.22134064

Another snark victory on social media for the retard. The very fact we're having this thread in 2023 and Ted isn't obscure shows that you lost the culture war. Maybe if this were 2010 and I felt like I was fighting the uphill battle and not you, I'd care more about your snark.

>> No.22134075

The only loser in the culture war is those who participate. Begone, redditor

>> No.22134091

Usually with the help of some unscheduled visitors that the guards let in.

>> No.22134095

Nigga that's actually a fed you're replying to.

>> No.22134107


>> No.22134126

>thread is autosage now
fuck you jannies for no sticky

>> No.22134152

where's the sticky

>> No.22134196

>getting this mad because your boilerplate "damn kids be on they damn phones" moaning got lightly clowned on
victors of the culture war, everyone

>> No.22134203

RIP King

>> No.22134214

An academic who actually lived his life according to his beliefs. Extremely rare considering how colleges are filled with armchair philosophers and extremists without desire to act.

>> No.22134232
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red pills incoming

>> No.22134256
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>> No.22134270

Zerzan is a tiresome hippie crank.

>> No.22134291

If anything, doesn’t us having this conversation online prove that he’s WON the culture war? If a system can receive a damning accusation of its faults, and then sell it on Amazon, I find it hard to believe that it’s in any real danger

>> No.22134303

Yeah but the truth is the truth no matter if they try to control it's disclosure

>> No.22134315
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>I find it hard to believe that it’s in any real danger
"we can keep slipping the Malthusian noose indefinitely and surely aren't running into a diminishing returns wall that requires more and more input so that fewer and fewer people can enjoy the fruits, such as they are, of modernity"

>> No.22134322

>tfw leftists will unironically defend modern corporate capitalism if it means they can shit on uncle ted

>> No.22134330

>tfw leftists will unironically defend [themselves] if it means they can shit on [someone who called them out on their bullshit]

>> No.22134546
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>> No.22134738

i think there's more heads than that. For example, food and shelter and clean water is also technology

>> No.22134749

>boohoo human exploitation ; (
>boohoo animal exploitation ; (
>better kill several people so i can start my plan which would kill billions of people :)

>> No.22134767

Technology is not gonna progress to some socialist post-scarcity utopia. Billionaires will keep hoarding wealth till life on earth becomes unfeasible, then they will drag humanity into a nuclear war to drive down the population

>> No.22134791

Okay, and? Then there's no point in the anti-tech revolution if the billions must die on their own.

>> No.22134808
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The point is to exercise caution whenever the billionaires tell you to do something. Bill Gates and Elon Musk are not your kindred spirits, they do not have your best interests in mind. They are some of the most powerful people on the planet and hope to remain so as long as possible.

>> No.22134837

>Committed suicide
I call bullshit

>> No.22134868

>Billionaires will keep hoarding wealth till life on earth becomes unfeasible, then they will drag humanity into a nuclear war to drive down the population
Based wtf
They earned their position I hope they have a happy Second Eden
Don't tell me you really think you're anywhere close to as good as them

>> No.22134883

bootlicker moment

>> No.22134906

Suuuzy he's looking for you

>> No.22134916

Kek, based

>> No.22134920

so did lenin and bush and obama

>> No.22134937
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holy cringe

>> No.22134955

>doesn't mean the October revolution was merely a gang of "murderers"

A gang of JEWISH murderers.

>> No.22135001
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>Ted Kaczynski

>> No.22135008

That definition is eurocentric and racist against non-Itialians.

>> No.22135015

I was meaning to read this, so what was his preferred course of action nowadays?

>> No.22135288

There are probably a dozen writers who wrote better things about technology, but Ted K. wrote in a way a high schooler and dumb college student could understand so he gets the credit for profundity.

>> No.22135331
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You and us along with them

>Can't wait till technology helps us transcend our meaty limitations.

>> No.22135367
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RIP uncle ted, i dont approve of his actions but i do think his philosophy had merit, wish i had written a letter to him
whether or not his murders did his cause well or not is up to discussion

>> No.22135569

Rest in peace, Ted.