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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 69 KB, 273x240, ralph.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2213039 No.2213039 [Reply] [Original]


I believe this is yours?
Please keep it out of our garden. It's upsetting the children.

>> No.2213046

We're sorry. They won't stay in their box.

>> No.2213052

Something tells me D&E has had a recent and highly dedicated history of saying "don't be shy boys"

>> No.2213056

wow that guy sure schooled that whole bunch of illiterate retards

>> No.2213067

Now it seems it was a good decision to just save the recommended reading jpg and finish my acquaintance with /lit/ on that. Honestly, it's horrible what atrocities reading a few books can do to one's self-esteem, and it's not in the usual downward direction on top of that. I recommend Dostoyevsky's Devils as a case study, and Kundera's Unbearable Lightness of Being as a meta case study.

>> No.2213070

"A little learning is a dangerous thing."
--Alexander Pope on D&E

He's tripping as D'Averc here because everyone knows his tripcode password, here. Don't knock /lit/ because of one socially inept cur.

>> No.2213073

I get the feeling from a quick glance that you used the D&E trip, then switched to your current one. Then linked to it here.
Congrats on joining Quentin on interboard trolling. You have fallen to his level.

>> No.2213090

Want to get rid of him because he's styling on you?

>> No.2213244
File: 4 KB, 219x138, imnotfuckingaroundhere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we're not done here. not by a long shot.

>> No.2213288

why am I not surprised that this cloistered cunt needs a surrogate for actual healthy social interaction?

fuck you are pathetic...i can just picture it, a bunch awkward men-children, with herdandderp in the middle, ponderously rolling a die and avoiding eye contact

>> No.2213309

Nobody makes eye contact.

This morning I attempted to start a perfectly casual conversation with a stranger while waiting in a queue to pay for my groceries. Not only did I get a mumbled reply and an averted gaze, the other people within earshot gave me a look of disgust when they realized I tried to communicate with somebody I didn't know.

>> No.2213316


You must live in the florida panhandle or something...I suggest you move north.

>> No.2213321

maybe ur just ugly as fuck and/or smell like shit

>> No.2213327

why the fuck would you do that?

>> No.2213330

Isn't D&E a guy..... why am i seeing feminist?

>> No.2213336

> doesn't know males can be feminist

>> No.2213339

Well I wasn't trying to debate him about philosophy, I made a witty remark about the supermarket prices which had he responded would have led to a hilarious anecdote about vegetables.

No I live in the UK. You can't talk to strangers unless it's about the weather, and you know you are going to be confined in the same location for a short while, like a lift(elevator). Occasionally you might get away with asking for the time, but it takes some planning.

>> No.2213341

D&Es been doing interboard trolling for years, dumbass

>> No.2213350
File: 6 KB, 251x251, 1293252834951[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are guys that are so brainwashed by feminist propaganda that they are torn apart by self-hate, guilt and sometimes even envy (for the victim role). Horrible, broken beings whose soul looks a bit like Gollum, cursed to spent their lifes in the shadows of their precious that they need to protect, which in fact however rules them, for eternity. They should be put to sleep, with a last comforting touch and caring word, to finally give them the peace they will never ever find in life.

>> No.2213361


>> No.2213362

actually in my experience feminist dudes tend to get the most pussy

>> No.2213369

The funny thing is that D&E thinks of himself as the pinnacle of social interaction.

He's either delusional or living a troll. Or he thinks talking at people is talking with them.

Either way, he's really socially awkward.

>> No.2213375

girls like the haunted types
and feminists make good slaves I guess

>> No.2213381

u dont get laid much do u?

>> No.2213400

>actually in my experience pseudo-feminist dudes tend to get the most pussy
real feminism is a huge turn-off

>> No.2213403

Let's have a contest. Everyone say how often they've had PIV in the last month. Doesn't count if you're female.

>> No.2213416

PIV... Pussy Immunodeficiency Virus?

>> No.2213417


posting stereotypes is cool

>> No.2213422

What the hell would that even mean? Wait, are you in premed?

>> No.2213425
File: 565 KB, 1506x1304, 1320537868060.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Deep&Edgy/D'Averc, why would you troll /tg/? They're pretty cool guys and mean no harm to anyone. Troll /v/ haters instead, use pic for guaranteed rage.

>> No.2213427
File: 78 KB, 293x301, 1296418638202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm not a girl so i don't get laid
i lay
and i lay good and often, thanks for your concern
don't know many feminists though
but i frequently fuck girls that have a bf whom they call "a nice guy", and i guess that's the first step towards doom
nice guy --> politically correct --> feminism
feminists can breed within themselves as much as they want, idc

>> No.2213429

Dude... what is LoL doing on that list... its actually good to pass time.

>> No.2213434

d&e can't into hybrid media, what's new

>> No.2213443

cool story, bro

>> No.2213449
File: 282 KB, 133x169, sara-likeaboss.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That feel when you fuck basic bitches...
>... in their boyfriends bed while he's at womens studies.

>> No.2213453

>I lay
>Never had a broad on top.
Nigga you missin' out.

>> No.2213457

u really got stop reading all that pua shit, it makes u look like a retard, also stop jackin off so much, u'll be less awkward.

>> No.2213464

>implying my #swag ain't natural.

>> No.2213671

I don't have a hard-on for strategy games, that's why. I'll probably change a couple of those games when I have time for posting

>> No.2213861

That's the point, D&E. No one has a hard-on for strategy games because no one fucking knows strategy games. "The games you like are shit, check out these games you've probably never heard of" is more efficient than "The games you like are shit, check out these games you already tried" because no one has any real back-up argument against strategy games due to the fact that the few people knowing strategy games actually like them. They often resort to buzzword arguments and ad hominem ('but strategy games are garbage", "these games are all hipster trash", "your games are all outdated shit", "but I have no fun playing strategy games", etc.)

Besides some of these games can be very complicated to master so you can tell them it's 2deep4them etc. I know I'm not as good as you in the art of trolling but I've tried to troll /v/ with this pic a couple of time and it yielded very interesting results each time.

>> No.2214006

>not liking strategy games