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22129562 No.22129562 [Reply] [Original]

What is book that is most brutal black pilled about the dark side nature of the woman in general? I tired of all good feel stuff, I want to learn the danger that lurks within a woman, and I want to be prepared to fight against!

>> No.22129585

Anything by houellebecq.

>> No.22129590

Black pill is the true red pill already.
Women are a lot like men.
I often see anon assume that they’re all this one way or another, and it’s cartoonish nonsense. All humans are unpredictable, scary, fun, kindhearted, cruel, stupid, independent, codependent, snivelers, bootlickers, cowards, brave. They’re everything.
Best to never mind the tendencies that might separate. Like what are women with severe menopausal episodes, why are most serial killers male, etc.

>> No.22129610
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Tbh as I got older, I realised that women overall just have this nature in them to want to control things. The problem is: although they can get control very easily, they more often than not aren't very responsible with it. Or they misuse it that it leads to destruction, most of the times without even meaning or intending to. Eg. Being accepting of things that are blatantly wrong to gain social favor, such as transgenderism and the covid vaccine

Seems to be why women are the more neurotic, anxiety ridden types. It all stems from wanting to control things, or not being able to control things. Once you come to this realisation you will notice this in basically ALL women in your life, from your coworkers, HR roasties, relatives, even your own mother and grandmother you love so much. Even if you ask them something that requires a simple yes or no, they will speak in tangents to control. Heck, what is makeup? Another thing they can use to control their appearance.

They all do it so some extent and just like that, can switch sides so easily to control the situation and keep life comfy for themselves if it becomes the social norm or to control others perception of them.

I think it's men's job to relieve them of this hell they live in. It's why despite what they say, they always want a man of higher status and more dominant than them. So they can finally relax and have them take the reigns/lead. If they don't trust the man they're with, they go into their control overdrive and they destroy their man and impose their nature on the kids which continues the cycle. You'll notice it in any failed or failing relationship, it almost always stems from the man not being strong enough to lead the relationship/family properly that the woman ended up taking over covertly and brought it to it's destruction, fucking the kids up too in the process

>> No.22129621
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So women crave power?

>> No.22129633

Yeah, Whatever is incelcore.

>> No.22129639

See >>22129590
a lot of women crave subjugation. Others more power. Just like men.

>> No.22129642

Check out Pimp by Iceberg Slim. It's not explicitly about OP but it touches on the subject and you can glean a lot of info from it.

>> No.22129671
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Very much so, for self preservation, and since they are the weaker vessel who can't really fight back if things get physical, they've adapted to be more slick about it. By latching onto more powerful people (or groups, which is why theyre more susceptible to following fashion trends or what's "in" or socially acceptable) wherever possible.

It's also where the nagging nature comes from. Since they are incompetent at a lot of things, but still expect them to be done anyways, they resort to nagging. Their sexuality too is one of their great tools to control men. That's why I kind of understand the whole notion of no sex before marriage now (on top of lack of paternity testing). Men love sex so it really can blind us to blatant red flags if we are getting the sex. But then suddenly we will put a ring on it then bam, once the sex etc starts slowing down we eventually realise we have a woman we are really incompatible with.

>> No.22129717

The Bible

>> No.22129759
File: 1.28 MB, 1882x1312, life_of_riley books 1&2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the Life of Riley series.

>> No.22129775

what a tragic state of affairs desu

really pathetic and dangerous how shallow people are in general. finding that special someone seems difficult enough already, now i have to fish from a pool of morons.

>> No.22129780

lol, what a faggot

>> No.22129795

Madame Bovary

>> No.22129994
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Woman wants to ba a men, men wants to be a woman.

>> No.22130003


>> No.22130038

Don't worry. Whatever may be lurking within women you are in no danger.

>> No.22130105

>t. borderline femoid.

>> No.22130111

Camille Paglia, Sexual Personae

>> No.22130129

>reasons are actually just the one reason
>boyfriend presumably around her age 20-30
>risk from covid was pretty close to zero vaxx or not
It’s scary how many people didn’t understand the age gated risk or how they kept repeating lies like “you won’t get sick” or “you can’t transmit it”. Amazingly these anti science misinformations about the vaccine were never removed or even challenges in most cases. Anything is okay if you’re lying for Jesus.

>> No.22130138

>My ex is my ex because of being an anti-vaxxer
So in other words, unemployed.

>> No.22130308

I work at a big 3 auto co and we never had to get vaxxed. Not union either

>> No.22130320

Didn't ask, shut up.

>> No.22130324

The vaxxy seethe is palpable lel. Sorry you fell for the scare tactics bro

>> No.22130330

Nah, I just didn't ask for you blogpost faggotry about (You) or your life, didn't ask.

>> No.22130336

It's truly bizarre. These same people now say that the vax was never supposed to stop transmission. Yet they all acted like it was, which justified ppl being excluded from society and fired from their jobs.

And most of those vax fags never even went beyond that 1st booster then magically never kept up to date. But at the same time still feel like those who decided to remain completely unvaxxed are selfish some how even though theirs is "long worn off"

All for a disease where for the common person, the treatment is.....none at all. Just to stay home

>> No.22130341

Female by Andrea Long Chu