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/lit/ - Literature

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2212517 No.2212517 [Reply] [Original]

Good evening /lit/,
I have just started an existential binge, finishing Notes From the Underground yesterday and just finished the Outsider a few minutes ago.
Where do I go if I want to continue the ride?

>> No.2212530
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I'm not kidding.

>> No.2212532

Nausea by Sartre, yo.

Hamlet has vague existential undertones, true story.

>> No.2212543

Nothing beyond Shakespeare, Dostoevsky, Sartre and Shakespeare?
Really /lit/?
I am not appeased.
>I've already read Hamlet.

>> No.2212545

I meant to add Camus somewhere in there.
>True Story

>> No.2212549

Shit nigga, you're not givin us full disclosure.

It's spotty, but has some good stuff.

>> No.2212553

Don't pick up Infinite Jest... It could kill you...

How about Moby Dick? ...Read Brothers Karamazov, yes?
What I meant by Shakespeare is ANYTHING afterwards you will find man's struggle to make sense of free will and rejection of fate and hierarchy. Anything questioning a god.

>> No.2212556
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Here you go OP.

>> No.2212569

>The Stranger - Camus*
>The Trial - Kafka
>Crime and Punishment - Dostoevsky
>Unbearable Lightness of Being
>Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep
>The Brother Karamazov
>Thus Spoke Zarathustra - Nietzsche
>The Metamorphosis - Kafka
>Fahrenheit 451 - Bradbury
>Tropic of Cancer - Miller
*Just read
Quick question:
Why is Camus' L'etranger translated as both 'The Stranger' and 'The Outsider'?
My copy is called the latter.
Does it get mixed up a lot with Colin Wilson's 'The Outsider'?

>> No.2212573

I hated Moby Dick with a fiery passion.
And no it was not a school assignment.
I picked it up because of the acclaim.

>> No.2212588
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You were not ready...

I forgive you.

>> No.2212590

Ahh, I'm with you here OP. I read the Outsider, then went on to read Steppenwolf (I highly recommend this, loved it), then read Notes From the Underground, and am now on Crime and Punishment.

>> No.2212593

Colin Wilson's The Outsider, is what I meant.

>> No.2212617

It's garbage.
I wrote a rant on the inanity of it a while back, maybe I'll show it to you guys.

>> No.2212620
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>It's garbage.

>> No.2212622

Same reason A rechercher du temps perdu (or whatever) is translated as Remembrance of Things Past and In Search of Lost Time.

>Translations are screwy, yo

>> No.2212645
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>> No.2212652


also kierkegaard, also sartre, also karl "fucking" jaspers. also robert solomon has some pretty readable essays on existentialism. also you seem like an edgy teen and a lot of existentialist literature sucks but whatever thats beside the point. also i realize that several authors i said aren't actually existentialists but idegaf

>> No.2212666

also don't read fucking Zarathustra unless you're at least somewhat familiar with Nietzsche + prepared to read it very carefully and well. no teenager should ever read zarathustra, by law.

>> No.2212683


I'm on my second reading of Zarathustra and I feel like I'm still only retaining 60-70% of it. There's just so much fucking content. Every chapter is meaningful, and there are so many chapters.