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/lit/ - Literature

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22124961 No.22124961 [Reply] [Original]

Starting tomorrow I will read 20 pages a day, every day.

>> No.22124964

Based anon who knows that showing up is half the battle.

>> No.22124965

proud of u king

>> No.22124974

I tend to read at least a chapter per day but I’ve never felt this pressure to read a certain number of pages or chapters daily. When I want to read, I read a lot. When I don’t want to read, I don’t read. Life gets boring when I have a strict daily regime.

>> No.22124978

>Starting tomorrow
you already lost

>> No.22124980

Don't leave for tomorrow what can be done today. You can read 20 pages right now.

>> No.22124999

I will follow your lead king.

>> No.22125010
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Good Sir Doing the Needful

>> No.22125047


>> No.22125169

reading what? pick Don Quixote there's a read-along thread starting this week

>> No.22125250

Based procrastinating goal setter.
It's past the middle of the week, might as well wait until Monday, based procrastinating goal setter.

>> No.22125259

Awesome! What book anon?

>> No.22125309

Read 10 pages right now man.

>> No.22125387

Good job anon. This is the way.

>> No.22126304

>setting arbitrary page number
ngmi. just read something you’re genuinely interested in and you won’t need such a thing.

>> No.22126332

This. Or even better, might as well start next month, to start clean

>> No.22127072

No, you shall read for one hour before you fall asleep, beginning tonight.

>> No.22127092

Based. I should do the same.

>> No.22127158


>> No.22127190

>Starting tomorrow
Over before it started.

>> No.22127212

I believe in you fren

>> No.22127372
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thread theme

>> No.22127541

Just 20? Try for a 100, at least.

>> No.22127554

based. we all start somewhere anon, and if you've fallen out of the habit, twenty pages a day is a good point to begin. once you read a book at a twenty page a day pace, bump it up to thirty. then to forty, then fifty. after a few months you'll be at a hundred a day! think of all the books you'll be able to read!

>> No.22127656

Imagine acting like reading is an achievement. Are you proud of watching TV too, moron?

>> No.22127694

Second this, you'll have so much fun with it that just 20 pages a day will seem gay, I stopped reading at book 2 to preserve my love for the thing, can't wait to keep going eventually

>> No.22127699

Although it seems daunting 100 is actually easily doable, just sit down with the book for a few hours while taking breaks here and there and you'll find 100 go by in no time at all. I must admit that's only applicable to certain books

>> No.22127757

I've been doing that for a couple weeks now. Wake up at 745, make a cup of coffee, and read for about 90mins.

>> No.22127857

If you want to really do this you start today not tomorrow.

>> No.22128371
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>Starting tomorrow I will read 20 posts a day, every day.
fixed. see ya tomorrow!

>> No.22128726
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Starting tomorrow I will read 20 pages a day, do 20 sets a day, eat 20 carrot salads a day, and strike up a conversation with 20 girls every day
I've finally made it bros, tomorrow everything changes

>> No.22128758

Black hearts.

>> No.22128775

When's it starting?

>> No.22128780

total frenposter annihilation

>> No.22128787


>> No.22128815

Don Quixote is one of the only books that without fail makes me laugh out loud every time I pick it up. Cervantes is a funny guy!

>> No.22128820

It takes me about an hour to read about 25 pages anon.

>> No.22128844

It’s been one day and three hours anon. Have you read your daily quota for today?

>> No.22128852

Btw. I believe in you <3

>> No.22128868

What happens if page 20 is a few pages away from the end of a chapter? Also, start now instead of tomorrow.

>> No.22129063
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No! It is well meant mockery.

Prove me wrong, OP
Read your books and come back to start a discussion thread about your thoughts.
I'll give you your positive feedback at that time.

Advice: It's okay to eat literary junk food until you establish the habit. I did this successfully with sci-fi until I developed taste for more rewarding lit.

>> No.22129075
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Not to say there isn't world-class literary sci-fi (see the /lit/ charts)
It just tends to have a lot of filler around the titillating ideas, where more challenging dense stuff is all meat.

>> No.22129092

Ignore these guys, OP. You should start next week and spend the next 5 days watching YouTube videos on how to develop habits and reading techniques.

>> No.22130357

Reading has done so much good for me. Start small. Doesn't matter what kind of book it is.

>> No.22130363

that's cool and everyone is so proud of you and everything, but since you dont read get the hell out

>> No.22130875

For any anons thinking the same thing
Start today
Only a fool wastes time after setting a goal

>> No.22131833

OP, I'm 1 of the guys knocking you for starting tomorrow what you could start today.
It's been a day or 2 now, have you started?
If not, tell me what genres you're into and I'll give you personalized recommendations to get you started. Even if you haven't read books, you should know what movies or video games you're into. I'll give you something fun, not homework.