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/lit/ - Literature

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22124730 No.22124730 [Reply] [Original]

For the best lazy reading weekend, I would find a comfy spot in my home maybe a chair or part of my bed, while my wife is peacefully sleeping. I'd love to hear a thunderstorm outside, providing the only sound in the background, making the atmosphere calm and peaceful no music (not even classical music) just the rumble of the storm. I would make the room nice and cold, just how I like it. Near me, I would have some easy snacks (Sushi or Oreo) and a cool glass of Lipton iced tea. The book I would be eagerly diving into would be a suspenseful Stephen King novel a real page turner that would keep me engrossed (Or Brandon Sanderson, Tom Clancy). I would make sure I have a lot of free time with no tasks to do, so I can really get lost in the world of my book. I'd be wearing my most comfy clothes like pajamas. To keep my focus on the book, I would put away all distractions like my iPad, smartphone, TV, PS5, and even cable TV channels like HBO or National Geographic . With the cold room and the mesmerizing sound of the thunderstorm outside, I'd be all set for a perfect weekend of reading.

Explain your perfect conditions for a lazy weekend of reading.

>> No.22124929

thermodynamics is so fucking boring. HOT moves to COLD. THE END.

>> No.22124936
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As I settle into my cozy writing routine, the aroma of freshly brewed tea envelops the air, casting a soothing spell over my creative sanctuary. The warmth from the cup seeps into my palms, grounding me in the present moment. With each sip, the subtle flavors dance upon my taste buds, awakening my senses and igniting the flow of inspiration within. The gentle steam rising from the mug intertwines with the wisps of my thoughts, as if bridging the gap between the tangible and the intangible.

In the comfort of my chosen attire—a pair of soft cotton panties and an oversized sweatshirt—I find the perfect balance between comfort and freedom of movement. The loose fabric envelops me like a warm embrace, allowing my body to relax and my mind to wander through the realms of imagination. Nestled in this simple yet liberating attire, I feel unencumbered by the constraints of the outside world, allowing my creative energy to flow freely from within.

With my trusty laptop before me, I begin to type, the familiar sound of the keys punctuating the quiet ambiance. Words pour forth from my fingertips, their rhythmic cadence echoing the melody of my thoughts. The screen becomes a gateway to an alternate reality, where characters come to life, worlds unfold, and emotions intertwine. In this ethereal dance between my mind and the written word, the boundaries of the possible fade away, and I am transported to a realm where imagination reigns supreme. And so, in this intimate space, surrounded by the comforts of tea, attire, and technology, my writing journey unfolds, one word at a time.

>> No.22125003

When I've had some really shitty food that I know is going to keep me in the toilet for an hour minimum. I download a fresh epub on my phone, go into the toilet and strip completely, then I sit on it and just hold the pressure for maximum impact. I navigate to the epub app, open my book, push through the preface and introduction till I get to chapter one, and just as I read the first sentence, I let go and paint the basin brown and there I am, just me in the midst of a primeval animal process, in my most vulnerable moment. My intestines ties itself into knots, tears stream down my eyes, my heart rate rises and my mom's at the door saying it smells really bad. I read. I read to my heart's content. I read at least 4 chapters by the time I'm done. Then I delete the epub.