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22123868 No.22123868 [Reply] [Original]

What are some good books to gift women?

>> No.22123909
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>> No.22123931
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Not anything by Aym Randy

>> No.22123953

Lads, I'm just tryna fuck here

>> No.22123972

Then ask her what you should read.

>> No.22124000

The Turner Diaries

>> No.22124055

Leaves of grass

>> No.22124110

It's her birthday and she asked for a book but I have no idea what she likes

>> No.22124118

You can't go wrong with Jean de Berg's "The Image."

>> No.22124142


>> No.22124145

Not that one. Give her a whatever gift card.

>> No.22124151

You might have to do some digging and figure out what she's into.

Or you can go with tried and true classics like Emma, Pride and Prejudice, or Madam Bovary that chicks historically ate up

>> No.22124156

The Secret History - Donna Tartt
Siddhartha if they're spiritual
Something local if there's a writing scene where you live. Women love supporting local art.

>> No.22124161

If she's left-leaning do not give her an Ayn Rand book

>> No.22124165

Ayn Rand and Margaret Mitchell are always ignored when it comes to female literature despite their impact.

>> No.22124173

She's like old timey liberal

>> No.22124174

Anything written by Virginia Woolf
The Picture of Dorian Gray
Great Gatsby
Anything written by Sylvia Plath

Quirky girls who think of themselves in the writing community love these types of books. It helps if you also write and act mysterious. There's an abundance of these girls where I live but they make being a writer/reader their whole personality, they'd be hollow otherwise. They're above average in looks most of the time and dress well due to that whole dark academia thing. I tried once with a girl but I had to pretend I was into that whole scene. I thought it to be fake and cliquey. Higher than average chance of them having BPD.

>> No.22124242

do not give her a book. most women read cheap romance so she's not going to like you giving her some philosophy book. if she does like books then you should know her taste by now, give her something that goes with her tastes. unless she's really into books don't get her a book.

>> No.22124253

>If she's left-leaning do not give her an Ayn Rand book
Or literate, or if she's never been dropped o bher head.

>> No.22124264
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This is what you're looking for. I guarantee she will be interested in it as an "old timey liberal," and in you for your broad and worldly tastes. Plus, it's a classic.

>> No.22124274
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This should do the trick.

>> No.22124278

Pure kino

>> No.22124300

harry potter or don’t get her anything because that has nothing to do with getting her

>> No.22124802

Whatever you do, don't get her Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged. I can tell you from personal experience that it will never work

>> No.22124807

You...you didn't think to ask?

>> No.22124823
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>> No.22125720

They already have all those books
OP, just give her the eternal Deleuze&Guattari book
Or poetry, you can't go wrong with poetry
If you want to be cheeky, Bataille's poems

>> No.22126877

Every women I’ve dated who said they read lied. I read Atlas Shrugged over a decade ago and dated this one girl who also said she read it and LOVED it. It was apperent after a short conversation that she had no idea about anything in the book. Dated another girl once who no took out a book I had mentioned I read recently and had it sitting in her car. She told me she read it but after a short convo it was apparent she didn’t. Why do they do this? I do have a big D so maybe they were desperate to be with me but I found it quite pathetic.

>> No.22126881

Anthem is a safe bet from Rand

>> No.22126923

>to gift
When you take a woman out to dinner, do you meal her, then drink her afterwards?

>> No.22127358

Yeah I eat ass, drink piss/spit/sweat/fluids and everything

>> No.22127408

The part at the start when she describes the decadent party of state officials and industry leaders was beautifully written, the part when they send a train full of passengers into a tunnel knowing all of them would die just to avoid responsibility was too
She was really good at setting up scenarios and describing them so well you could feel the tension but she couldn't write a story to save her life
I remember more about atlas shrugged than I do for most books

>> No.22127418
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A good Dicking an a block on all forms of contact
Wisest man I ever known told me just fuck them and fuck off, if you get a kid out of it visit him a couple times a year until he is an adult

>> No.22127442

>if you get a kid out of it visit him a couple times a year until he is an adult
Why would anyone on /lit/ want their kid to grow up to be an incurious, post-literate nigger like you?

>> No.22127461


There's this local book shop staffed by grad students and the like, it's not a full-on infoshop and it actually runs as a legit general shop, but there's plenty of commie stuff to be had if you want it. The point is that you can sometimes hear them clutching their pearls about how awful Ayn Rand is, which is amusing to listen to.

One of the few times I've actually been in the real infoshop, there were two cranky old guys who were vocally complaining about Rand, Statler-and-Waldorf style, but then one remarked that "at least she was an atheist". The other agreed that that was good (it is).

Despite the admitted cringeworthiness of her prose (for this one can overhear the above clerks and the like), which I happily concede, Rand's merit is to have a fundamentally metaphysically correct worldview: anti-communist, pro-capitalism (sort of). Unfortunately, it happens that very few human beings are capable of holding both truths simultaneously. It requires something like an extreme male autistic brain in order to apprehend reality correctly in its fullness, and what makes Rand's case that much more impressive is that she happened to be a woman and she still got it right. She was aided by the instructive example of living under the bad stuff.

A third local bookshop is helmed by another cranky old man. Always with the bandana on, god bless him. Here and there, there are little quotes from Rand, which almost seem incongruous because they have an excellent selection. I feel very fortunate about the book scene around here despite those damn dirty commies of course, forms of life unworthy of life.

>> No.22127470

because women dont allow you to be a father, thats just the reality we live in so staying away until the kid is out of their control is the best you can do

>> No.22127485


That could actually be a positive evolutionary adaptation to today's world, but I suggest this tongue-in-cheek. It isn't over the long term, which is how evolution works, but it's an interesting thing to think about. The mind naturally turns to Idiocracy and built-up tech which no one understands how to run anymore. Still, the notion of adaptation (or refusal of it) is relevant here.

We like to imagine maximization/efficiency as always being the best, and frequently it's the best. Bigger, Faster, Stronger, Louder, Smarter, and so on. But the point about adaptation is that it doesn't always select for the "maximal" attribute, or what we conceive of as the "best" attribute, that's just our bias. We place a premium on intelligence because that seems to be our specialty, but in a given environment, nature may select for other traits, or even minimize certain traits among certain organisms, over time. The sloth evolved to move slowly so as not to attract attention to himself, thereby avoiding predators. Etc. Along these lines, it is easy to imagine, in principle, some environment that does not select for intelligence in a given species.

>> No.22127508


No, that's the reality you live in. Despite the state's (largely successful) best efforts to displace the father and cause sociological harm, there still exist large numbers of married couples who stay together and raise their children to adulthood, or something approximating to it. The odds improve among middle to upper-middle whites, and of course among upper class whites, asians and the like, who actually understand the importance of conventional, even conservative family life, precisely because they have something to lose. And even the Latino peasantry routinely reproduces something vaguely like western culture via marriage and children, sort of, though shorter, fatter and browner.

I agree that it may be very difficult to court or marry a woman given all the disincentivizing of the traditional family (and marriage is inadvisable for this very sociologicaly pathological reason), but it simply isn't true that all women just have the kid and then push the man out of the picture because they really want the double work of working and raising the kid. The (biological!) father and/or husband is present in the household about half of the time.

In any case, I agree that today's culture is very bleak, grim, as it were. I count myself extremely fortunate that I myself was raised by two white married parents who love each other, remain married to this day, and who have owned their home for over forty years. And also that I haven't personally had to deal with any of the sociological garbage that I've just described.

>> No.22127518

just because they stay together doesnt mean that the man is allowed to be a father
i have seen it happen way too many times
by he time the kid is en the parents could stay together or not it doesnt matter, the father is out of the picture
once the kid hits 18 you send him to college, you buy him a beer, you congratulate him on scoring with a hot chick, you buy him a knife and you teach him to cross the street when he sees a black guy at 2 am

>> No.22127531

Guys please shut the fuck up
What's a good book to redpill a woman?
>It can't be done!
I will try regardless

>> No.22127556

biology dictates humans are monogamous because it takes 18 years for a human o become adult and it takes 9 months for one to be born
we need two parents because raisung a human is harder
maybe thats why so many people obsess over cats and dogs, it feeds that need, takes nothing to keep them alive and healty and 18 years later they die instead of becoming independant and leaving you

>> No.22127652

I got my girlfriend of 5 years by gifting her the Book of Disquiet.

>> No.22127686

man, that is just like the simpsons episode where homer gets marge a bowling bowl.

>> No.22127880

It's a bit gay, no?

>> No.22128039

No because one guy is married and the other is not. There is a big difference