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File: 89 KB, 800x451, Who-Was-Apostle-Paul-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22122737 No.22122737 [Reply] [Original]

Was he a good guy or a bad guy?

>> No.22122771

For unleashing a plague and poisonous mindset, it’s obviously evil.

>> No.22122817

He was a great guy. Not only was he personally chosen by Jesus Christ, but his writings on employment and labor are also great, so much ahead of his time. He disproves Marx's view of religion quite directly. Exemplary man.

>> No.22122825 [DELETED] 

Atheists, kikes, mudslimes, and fags all hate the blessed Apostle so definitely a guy.

>> No.22122831

Atheists, kikes, mudslimes, and fags all hate the blessed Apostle so definitely a good guy.

>> No.22122833

>imprisoned several times by the government and Jews
>released each time because it was ungrounded
Woah just like modern times

>> No.22122845

These. His writings btfo all kikes, commies, nazis and faggots.

>> No.22122852

>commies, nazis
They didn't exist then
Lmao Americans speak so cringe

>> No.22122855

He was the Antichrist

>> No.22122880

What language do you speak?

>> No.22122891

Not Cringemerican

>> No.22122907

Are you a butthurt Brit, mad that the US popularized the English language. The eternal Brit inferiority complex.

>> No.22123035


>> No.22123383

Pretty much all the stuff people consider hateful and backwards in the NT can be traced to him instead of the Gospel authors.

That being said, his anti-circumcision stance saved billions.

>> No.22123420

Reminder that Luke and Acts are written by the same author, so you can't logically be pro-Gospel but anti-Paul.

>> No.22123421

>all the stuff people consider hateful and backwards
You mean all the faggotry that is making society worse by the minute?

>> No.22124129

Paul proved the importance of advertising. Without his efforts Christianity would have been just another failed religion.

>> No.22124133

Jesus would have wept if he’d seen the cult Paul made of him and how he distorted his teachings in a way to seek power. Truly the anti-Jesus

>> No.22124170

Sure, he found capital 'C' Christanity, rescuing it from being just another Greco-Judaic messianic mystery cult hybrid.

>> No.22124190

There is absolutely no bigger brainlet take than the "Paul corrupted Jesus' teachings" take. There's not been a single person who had the idea whose own thoughts are worth reading.

>> No.22124208

I have found a lot of beauty in his epistles, which in turn has allowed me to appreciate the Person and work of Christ more.

Plus going down the rabbit hole of Pauline studies is quite an interesting endeavor.

>> No.22124313

life would be better if judaism for gentiles died out.
But no, the jews want to control both the jewish faith and the gentile faith....

>> No.22124325

>Truly the anti-Jesus
So a good guy?

>> No.22124349

You do realize that Paul, himself, is the one that pushes the "Christianity is the New Israel" idea, right? The Christian covenant is the transformation of the Jewish covenant and therefore the Jews are no longer God's chosen people. That's why they hate him so much.

>> No.22124354

This guy was more of an ubermensch than any of Nietzsche's darlings. He is the person most responsible for Christianities wide spreading: literally the second most influential person in history after Christ, and his feats done with faith, determination and courage are inconceivable to moderns.

>> No.22124359

Gentiles are of no real account (Romans 11). God loves and still prefers the Jews who 'belong to it by nature' more than the gentiles.

>> No.22124361

Wrong and retarded. The apostle's students and church fathers were anti-semitic for a reason

>> No.22124362
File: 221 KB, 1280x725, IMG_20230509_121508_574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Paul of Tarsus was a false apostle

>Claimed to have received revelation directly from Christ, yet no one confirms this except Paul and his followers
>Claimed to be approved by James and Peter, yet could not produce a letter of recommendation from them(2 Corinthians 3:1-3)
>Claimed to have worked harder than all the other apostles who were eyewitnesses to Christ(1 Corinthians 15:10)
>Opposed by men from James, successor and brother to Jesus(Galatians 2:11-13)
>Advocated for the abolishment of the Law when the other apostles still held by it as Jesus did(Galatians)
>The Corinthians and Galatians doubted his apostleship, dismisses them with empty platitudes, calls the Galatians stupid and bewitched

>> No.22124368

Well, it's just the words in the book. it's totally okay if you aim to go against them.

>> No.22124373
File: 154 KB, 682x519, 20200828010848_5f48465ec2bf74d8cce11261jpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus Himself, in the Gospels, says more than once that the Kingdom of Heaven will be taken away from the Jews and given to people who are more worthy of it. That being "children of Abraham" is now no longer sufficient to be a true follower of God.

>> No.22124377

>given to people who are more worthy of it.

>> No.22124382

Dubs of truth.

>> No.22124393
File: 29 KB, 645x767, Chud.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

St. Paul was a bipolar incel with severe obsessive compulsive personality disorder and likely on the autism spectrum too, which is why he initially prosecuted Christians with such fervor. Probably the product of a very abusive father and a cold, neglectful mother. He had at least one documented psychotic episode (road to Damascus). And this mentally ill loser is respected in the western canon as a foundational saint of its major religion. LOL if he were born today, he'd be posting on r9k and cussing at his mom if the tendies were overcooked. Of all the characters in the Bible, he is the most vile and repugnant.

>> No.22124398

No, he was just a Jewish liar and corrupter of the Gospel

>> No.22124444

He was accepted by the rest of the Apostles to the point that Peter and Paul are often depicted together in iconography. I don't understand why people see him as some sort of hijacker of Christianity - without the apostolic agreement he would never have gone anywhere.

>> No.22124467

They were also martyred on the same day, and because the two are basically the two most important post-Resurrection Christians, they share a feast day in the ancient Churches.


It's actually coming up!

>> No.22125415

>originator of Christianity
Definitely bad.
Also isn't his views on breeding globohomo?

>> No.22126874

He's good. Better than you can imagine. If you meet a true Christian ever you'll realize that

>> No.22127608

again it's explicitly stated that the jews are the chosen ones according to jews and God

>> No.22127631

>St. Paul was a bipolar incel with severe obsessive compulsive personality disorder and likely on the autism spectrum too
hes just like me

>> No.22127718

Nobody inspires seethe like he does. For a long time, anti-Christian people liked to call him a self-hating gay man (to the point it was one of the most cliche blasphemies), but it seems calling him an incel is the new thing among both right wing pagans and progressives.

>> No.22128859

Why does he make them seethe so much?

>> No.22128901
File: 313 KB, 601x397, this_retarded.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the US popularized the English language
>what was the British Empire

>> No.22128944

>I don't understand why people see him as some sort of hijacker of Christianity
You're speaking to a board full of Nietzschean incels who read one book and think they suddenly understand Christianity.

>> No.22129016

Incredible dude, nobody makes degens seethe like Paul. He was definitely a genius, being able to write those masterful letters while running around Asia Minor to build up the Christian church.