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22121031 No.22121031 [Reply] [Original]

Has anybody read it? Which English translation is best?

>> No.22121035
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Keine Übersetzung

>> No.22121044

but I cannot read german...

>> No.22121058
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>mgw mein deutsch ist gerade gut genug um das deutsch zu lesen aber nicht schreiben insbesondere konjugieren und so wenn ich schreibe es dann aller deutscher denken mich retarded aber dennoch ich kann es noch lesen und freude haben daran
dies ist was ich nennen "retarded gelehrsamkeit" und es ist meine geheimwaffe

>> No.22121154

I'm not a clausewitzian but I enjoyed the Princeton translation, better than the two or three others I have tried bits and pieces of

>> No.22121480

are you retarded? sure seems like it

>> No.22121497

Is it still worth reading or is it more like Mahan's classic in its role in influencing the military?

>> No.22121610

>deutsche Sprache, schwere Sprache
Lug und Trug. Deutsch kann man im Handumdrehen lernen, wenn man sich Mühe gibt.

>> No.22121647

Read Howard and Paret's version. There's some slight interpretative controversies in a few places but nothing major, and nothing you need worry about unless you're already knees deep in secondaries. Clausewitz is definitely worth reading, the first and last chapter even if nothing else, and his philosophical system and method is very interesting even if you don't have an interest in war.