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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 164 KB, 600x450, mishima.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22119988 No.22119988 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone watched this movie about Mishima? What did you like and hate about it? Is it worth it?

I don't think I can bring myself to watch it. It looks like it's a bit much.

>> No.22120001


>> No.22120003 [DELETED] 

Schrader is generally pretty kino, haven't seen this one though

>> No.22120051

An interesting film. Definitely captures the vague spirit of Mishima’s works as a whole. Too bad it attracts swaths of literaturelets who watch it and think “lie based beauty man” and then read Temple of the Golden Pavilion and realize it’s 400 pages of neurotic psychoanalysis and almost devoid of plot (and it’s amazing).

>> No.22120053

The soundtrack is amazing.

>> No.22120067

>400 pages of neurotic psychoanalysis and almost devoid of plot (and it’s amazing).

sounds like a chick flick

in a chick flick there must be pages and pages and pages of dialogue where they talk about their feelings and action only occurs to spur on even more pages and pages of talking about how it made them feel

>> No.22120072

Yukio Mishima books are chick lit, don’t be fooled his abs

>> No.22120073

Watch it and watch Mishima’s film Patriotism

>> No.22120086

It’s a great movie with a great soundtrack. I don’t really know why you wouldn’t watch it.

>> No.22120602
File: 58 KB, 540x540, 28f83386ac92db4db347ce4220eaf4cf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am drawn to this man, not because I admire him but because he's a train wreck and a warning sign of what NOT to be. I don't want to end up like him. I don't want to be this pathetic beta trying to be alpha. I relate to him too much and I don't want to be like him, I cringe at this man's story. I feel bad for this man and feel bad for myself for relating.

>> No.22120609

He was great, a truly great artist and visionary. Something you will never be.
This. Some of the best Glass stuff ever desu.

>> No.22120627

shit music, shit hack writer, shit lit
find a new, relevant & interesting homosexual author to spam on here

>> No.22120640

I feel bad for you

>> No.22120727

>I'm just like Mishima
Except you're a talentless bottom.

>> No.22120870

Do you not see any difference between
>chick flick retard emoting
>academic psychology
TOTGP is much closer to the second, and also has a lot of non-ego based philosophy. He also does a thorough investigation of the beneficial and corrupting nature of beauty.

>> No.22121021

>almost devoid of plot
zoom zoom discovers modernist literature

>> No.22121112

>Mishima: A Life in Four Chapters
As he died he came.

>> No.22121381

>I don't think I can bring myself to watch it. It looks like it's a bit much.

You can't sit through 120min biographical film? bit much? Man, unironically, slit your throat. Do yourself.

>> No.22121383

>Temple of the Golden Pavilion
is under 250 pages. it's not 'neurotic psychoanalysis'. there is a plot, a very simple one in fact, but only morons read for those anyway. also, kys.

>> No.22121392

Somehow you think I’m insulting Mishima or the book by saying this? Do you know what board this is? I am 100% into literature and Mishima specifically to read the neurotic psychoanalysis of a twisted narrator.

>> No.22121410


(Do consume some actual interviews with the real guy though)

>> No.22121413

Would be cool if you actually started writing anon so that we could spam your stuff. Faggot.

>> No.22121549


>> No.22122564

>I don't want to end up like him.
>I don't want to be this pathetic beta trying to be alpha.

I have good news for you anon.
you will never be anything close to Mishima.
no one will remember you after you gracelessly expire. Mishima's name and exploits will live on hundreds of years after all traces of your existence have long been forgotten.

>> No.22122571


>> No.22122583
File: 158 KB, 926x932, 1638642004353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22122595
File: 387 KB, 1000x1097, 1671010685905477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>explain Mishima

>> No.22122613
File: 375 KB, 700x378, 6a0168ea36d6b2970c022ad38e9b17200d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate it because Ken Ogata looks nothing like Mishima and isn't ripped and just comes across as a weird homosexual.

>> No.22123714

>T. only read sound of waves and life for sale

>> No.22123735

It's very much Schrader's interpretation. Just compare Mishima vs. Zenkyoto in A life in Four Chapters and Mishima: The Last Debate. For all his theatrics, Mishima might be the least pigeonhole-able author out there. Just read him.

>> No.22124037

all I know is that I torrented all of Philip Glass's music when I was 15 and this was one of the sounddtracks he did and it didn't stand out that much

>> No.22124301

>world famous novelist, poet and artist
>overcame physical limitations and lived an aspiring martial lifestyle
>intelligent, well spoken and commanding orator (watch his recorded student debate)
>had a number of of both boyfriends and girlfriends, was by all descriptions quite charming
Mishima was not the man you seem to have in your head anon, I think you might just be projecting.

>> No.22124308

>all philosophers and artists from all times and places are le sordidly trying to compensate for not having had a date to the prom
America is so, so, so tiresome. I don't even give a shit if this is bait.

>> No.22125246

>all philosophers and artists from all times and places are le sordidly trying to compensate for not having had a date to the prom


>> No.22125268

I read one book by this chink (Spring Snow) and it was extremely boring. I don't mind slow books, but this one had no substance at all. Then I read the reviews and everyone was saying how it's amazing and one of his best even. What the fuck is wrong with the world?