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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 129 KB, 1280x1024, 940028-artwork-children-of-hurin-jrr-tolkien-literature.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22114857 No.22114857 [Reply] [Original]

>ASOIAF is supposed to be the dark n gritty realistic take on soft fantasy like LotR
>LotR is actually darker far more morose and more in tune with the dark myths of the past
>ASOIAF is pretty much genreshit with gore n tits
Why is the reception of both different from the actual reality? At least Elric balances edge ad gore and sex with depth and innovation.

>> No.22115129

As someone's already said, ASOIAF is read by people who haven't read the things it stole everything else from, so it's hailed as some sort of amazing thing when in fact it isn't. It was also helped by its gore n tits show.

>> No.22115182
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>low test limp dick tolkienfags STILL mad GoT mopped the floor with their incelcore Wagner rip-off YEARS after the show ended

>> No.22115203

LOTR is way more popular than GoT

>> No.22115209

Terrible tranny b8

>> No.22115238

I too enjoy pretending it's 2005 yet.

>> No.22115286
File: 41 KB, 739x415, HotD vs RoP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They can't let it go because House of the Dragon also mogged the shit out of Rings of Power.

>> No.22115291 [DELETED] 

That has nothing to do with Tolkien. He wasn’t involved the same game Grrm was involved. Both are american nigger shit, anyway.

>> No.22115314

That's cope.

>> No.22115326
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Tolkien would honestly be proud

>> No.22115332

Just how it is. Grrrm himself was involved wirh HotD and it’s based on an actual book of his. Rangz of Powah is “based” on vague appendixes. If you think these are the same, you’re a retard.

>> No.22115344

Nah, it's cope. If it was a good show you wouldn't give a shit that it wasn't written by the author. LOTR is just obsolete, and ASoIaF buried it.

>> No.22115349

>Writers like Tolkien take you to the edge of the Abyss and point out the excellent tea-garden at the bottom, showing you the steps carved into the cliff and reminding you to be a bit careful because the hand-rails are a trifle shaky as you go down; they haven’t got the approval yet to put a new one in.
>The great epics dignified death, but they did not ignore it, and it is one of the reasons why they are superior to the artificial romances, of which Lord of the Rings is merely one of the most recent.
>The sort of prose most often identified with “high” fantasy is the prose of the nursery-room. It is a lullaby; it is meant to soothe and console. It is mouth-music. It is frequently enjoyed not for its tensions but for its lack of tensions. It coddles; it makes friends with you; it tells you comforting lies. It is soft
>Moderation was the rule and it is moderation which ruins Tolkien’s fantasy and causes it to fail as a genuine romance. The little hills and woods of that Surrey of the mind, the Shire, are “safe”, but the wild landscapes everywhere beyond the Shire are “dangerous”. Experience of life itself is dangerous. The Lord of the Rings is a pernicious con- firmation of the values of a morally bankrupt middle class. Their cowardly, Home Counties habits are primarily responsible for the problems England now faces. The Lord of the Rings is much more deep-rooted in its infantilism than a good many of the more obviously juvenile books it influenced. It is Winnie-the-Pooh posing as an epic. If the Shire is a suburban garden, Sauron and his henchmen are that old bourgeois bugaboo, the Mob — mindless football supporters throwing their beer-bottles over the fence — the worst aspects of modern urban society represented as the whole by a fearful, backward-yearning class for whom “good taste” is synonymous with “re- straint” (pastel colours, murmured protest) and “civilized” behaviour means “conventional be- haviour in all circumstances”. This is not to deny that courageous characters are found in The Lord of the Rings, or a willingness to fight Evil — but somehow those courageous characters take on the aspect of retired colonels at last driven to write a letter to The Times and we are not sure — because Tolkien cannot really bring himself to get close to his proles and their satanic leaders — if Sauron and Co. are quite as evil as we’re told. After all, anyone who hates hobbits can’t be all bad.

>> No.22115358
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>> No.22115360

Cope for what? It’s not even an actual Tolkien adaption. As long as it had niggers in it, it wouldn’t have been a good show.

>> No.22115365

It's cosmic justice that one of his grandchildren ended up being Jewish and his artistic legacy raped by such gifted people.

>> No.22115367

>ASOIAF is supposed to be the dark n gritty realistic take on soft fantasy like LotR
>LotR is actually darker far more morose and more in tune with the dark myths of the past
I do not believe you have read either of these works.
If anything, LotR takes place in an inherently loving universe. Whilst there are dark entities, they are considered a perversion of the natural order -- and that natural order is quite literally a harmonious song. I don't even know how you could interpret that as dark. Orcs don't even really 'exist', they're just fucked up versions of natural life.
I don't even particularly like Tolkien and even I know that much.

>> No.22115372

>It’s not even an actual Tolkien adaption
This is the absolute state of LOTR in 2023.

>> No.22115374

> Orcs don't even really 'exist
Orc is just an in-universe name for goblin. They exist.

>> No.22115377

What book is it adapting? Not a single Tolkien book mentions hobbit negroes, only dishonest retards would claim that.

>> No.22115381

Whats the name of the Jew?

>> No.22115386

I just hope they never touch Silmarillion

>> No.22115389

I'm not denying it isn't a book adaptation, ESLbro.
Nicholas Tolkien.

>> No.22115392

They are not a naturally occurring race or species, they're a corruption.
>they're just fucked up versions of natural life.
You know, like I wrote here.

>> No.22115398

Haven't they started working on it already?

>> No.22115399

They exist. Corrupted or otherwise.

>> No.22115405


>> No.22115418

> I'm not denying it isn't a book adaptation, ESLbro
So it’s fan fiction, then.

>> No.22115429

Meth addicts exist.
The concept of meth addicts as a race or species does not exist.
I've gone back and checked what I wrote and it is still very clear what I meant. You're being pedantic at best, retarded at worst, and contributing nothing to the thread itself. Fuck off.

>> No.22115432
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>According to Christopher, Tolkien was bothered by this scene because Lewis was distorting and sentimentalizing the myth ("Narnian Exile" 41). He suggests, "If Lucy had really met a faun--that is, a satyr--the result would have been a rape, not a tea party" (Christopher, C.S. Lewis 111).
Tolkien merely aspired to the things GRRM fulfilled (Túrin Turambar's story should've had more incest though).

>> No.22115435

Orcs aren’t just druggies, little nigger. They evolved into a different sub species.

>> No.22115439

LOTR would be in a much better state if it was.

>> No.22115446

LOTR doesn’t depend on the writers of the Rangz of Powah (who suck btw).

>> No.22115448

Post the pasta

>> No.22115454

It clearly does, unless you're living in the past, which seems to be the case really.

>> No.22115456

This. Lord of the Rings can have all the terrible adaptations you can imagine, Tolkien's original work is still fine and no one can take it away from the world. Hell, in his lifetime Tolkien wrote vastly more than Martin himself has ever written, so much so that his son spent his own lifetime editing and curating all he'd written.

Martin is fucked because he's never finished his main story. Tolkien finished The Hobbit and The Lord Of The Rings.

>> No.22115457

It clearly doesn’t since it was completed many decades ago.

>> No.22115461

They are not the product of evolution. Even an example as facetious as 'evil magic meth make men go bad' would be more accurate than evolution in the context of Lord of the Rings. Even devolution would imply a natural process.
Isn't being pedantic fun? Is this contributing anything yet? Do you feel smart?
I'm going to go do anything else.

>> No.22115466

>many decades ago
That's where your mind goes to cope.

>> No.22115473

>Tolkien finished The Hobbit and The Lord Of The Rings.
Dagor Dagorath got the Berserk treatment unfortunately

>> No.22115476

Was it not completed by Tolkien in the 50s? Cope for what, exactly? I genuinely don’t understand what you’re trying to say.

>> No.22115490

You said Rings of Power has nothing to do with Tolkien when it's the current adaptation of his works.

>> No.22115497

Miura is another author who mogged Tolkien.

>> No.22115505

You said LOTR somehow depended on the writers of RoP when it was completed in the 1950s. And no, RoP is not an adaptation of any of his works. There are no nigger hobbits, for starters. It’s fan fiction on a corporate level.

>> No.22115506

Tolkien wouldn't be so easily mogged if he wasn't deathly afraid of human sexuality.

>> No.22115510

Coomer moment

>> No.22115515

Not even close. Unless nigger goblins raping toddlers is your idea of good fantasy.

>> No.22115517

>the slightest mention of sex makes the impotent soiboi tremble

>> No.22115524

>this guy is better!
>no this guy is better!
All of you are retards.

>> No.22115536

We're not talking about the trilogy but each work's current state. When was the last time LOTR had a good adaptation? The Hobbit movies were okay but nowhere comparable to their predecessors.
>nigger goblins raping toddlers
Every mythology probably had something like that. Tolkien was just too much of a prude to truly delve into the subject.

>> No.22115542

Yes? We're debating fantasy books.

>> No.22115548

> each work's current state
Tv adaptations are not the work itself. What kind of retarded idea is this? Jesus Christ.

>> No.22115553
File: 40 KB, 600x635, dungeon bait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

0/10 bait, too tryhard to pass
much like you in fact

>> No.22115557

> Every mythology probably had something like that
Name 10 myths where a nigger goblin rapes a toddler.

>> No.22115560

>Tv adaptations are not the work itself
No shit, Sherlock.
Your dad meeting your mom.

>> No.22115570

You know it's true.

>> No.22115576

I accept your concession.

>> No.22115583

I accept your cope.

>> No.22115584


>> No.22115588

Says the faggot without arguments. Projection.

>> No.22115593

What kind of argument are you expecting exactly? I can't think for you, anon.

>> No.22115594

I accept your transition

>> No.22115599

>has trannies in his thoughts 24/7
>can't handle female nudity
Must be stifling in that closet.

>> No.22115601

No, I don't.
Lord of the Rings will remain Lord of the Rings, no matter how much amazon spergs and makes their own headcanon.
Meanwhile Game of Thrones is slowly fading into irrelevancy because normies couldn't stand the show finale, and that lazy bastard will probably die before he finishes the last books.

>> No.22115605

You’re trying to argue with a faggot who thinks tv shows are part of the books lol don’t waste your time.

>> No.22115611

The Game of Thrones TV show was garbage.

>> No.22115613

>LOTR will remain LOTR
>hasn't had proper LOTR stuff for years
>GOT will fade into irrelevancy
>is currently the one with the better show
Impressive display of cognitive dissonance.
You can strawmen all you want, it only shows how badly you're coping.

>> No.22115616

GRRM writes dark fiction for 12 year olds, Tolkien wrote dark fiction for 20 year olds. Which when Tolkien lived meant for fully grown adults with 3 children btw.

>> No.22115620

You couldn’t name 10 myths yet you have the gall to claim EVERY mythology is like that.

>> No.22115623

>hasn't had proper LOTR stuff for years
Yeah, Tolkien sort of finished writing it several decades ago
>duuuuuude the Iliad sucks they haven't made proper Iliad spin offs in literally millennia
>muh TV shows
whether this is bait or not, unironically kill yourself

>> No.22115624

Are you implying mythology isn't full of rape? Do you even know what you're talking about?

>> No.22115630

Are you really implying child rape is absent in mythology when Tolkien himself addressed that?

>> No.22115633

>the slightest lack of sex makes the perverted coomer screech

>> No.22115634

GRRM mogs the Iliad. Iliad is outdated and only relevant because it's read for school. Tolkien is only relevant because there was no competition back then. GRRM had to overcome EVERYTHING.

>> No.22115637
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>Tolkien wrote dark fiction for 20 year olds.
>LOTR is way more popular than GoT!
>A-Actually only the manuscripts he wrote in the 11th century matter

>> No.22115641

You mean like Rings of Power? Friendly reminder that's the current popular conception of LOTR

>> No.22115646
File: 2.43 MB, 640x492, wont-somebody-please-think-of-the-children-think-of-the-children.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>average emasculated tolkienfag when his virgin eyes gaze upon unconcealed female anatomy

>> No.22115651

>still no examples of nigger goblins raping boys
This is embarrassing, faggot. And the fact that you reply with questions only makes you seem more Jewish. Can’t wait for the next non-answer.

>> No.22115656

That’s not even LOTR. This is a /tv/ thread, not a /lit/ thread. Stay jerking off about gosylop, though.

>> No.22115658

Well, if you want to compare similar times, The Hobbit's movies came out at a similar time than the Game of Thrones show, and those 3 movies gained way more money than the 4 seasons of GoT combined.

>> No.22115659

Kek you're so mad you couldn't even read >>22115432.
>B-But I want specific examples of specific creatures doing the raping
Unabashedly OD'ing on copium

>> No.22115663

>noooo you have to explicitly have interracial rape in your book or its not real literature

>> No.22115664

8 seasons of GoT combined*

>> No.22115665

>movies make more money than tv shows
Did you find that out by yourself?

>> No.22115667

Doesn't count.

>> No.22115669

Yes. Even the bible had interracial rape and Tolkien literally worshiped that book. It happens.

>> No.22115674

Not even the same level of degeneracy. Which was the point of my request. Miura’s just an edgelord, not a lover of mythology. Still waiting for those 10 examples btw.

>> No.22115675
File: 61 KB, 469x654, WE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>LOTR in 2023 be like

>> No.22115678

Rings of Power is the current popular LOTR media. You made the appeal to "popularity" dumbass

>> No.22115681

>tv shows
>I too enjoy pretending it's 2005 yet.
It checks out.

>> No.22115683

LOTR is a book. You can post all the fan fiction that you like lol nothing changes the book

>> No.22115684

There's a very famous example of homosexual rape too. And it involves bestiality on top of it. I'll let you google that one.

>> No.22115691
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>> No.22115692

Not even the same person

>> No.22115698

>only one person can cope at a time

>> No.22115699

Nope. I never said anything about popularity (different anon). Currently, the lotr books are the most famous media. They sell constantly.

>> No.22115700

>Alcmene raped by Zeus
>Callisto raped by Zeus
>Cassiopeia raped by Zeus
>Danae raped by Zeus
>Europa raped by Zeus
>Io pursued and raped by Zeus
>Hera raped by his brother, Zeus
>Nemesis raped by Zeus
>Rhea raped by Zeus
>Ganymede (a man) raped by Zeus
There you go, 10 examples. Are you happy now?

>> No.22115702

And? Harry Potter books sell more than LoTR. Harry Potter is better.

>> No.22115705

You're too generous, anon.

>> No.22115706

Eh, that’s 2 levels of degen lower but sure, assuming you’re correct, you still have 9 more to go. After all, every mythology is like that, so it should be pretty easy.

>> No.22115707

We are not talking about which one is better, we are talking about which one is more popular. Yes, Harry Potter is more popular than LOTR and GoT.

>> No.22115716

>you still have 9 more to go
8* I did give you one other example.

>> No.22115718

>not children
>same race
>mostly same species
The point wasn’t rape, little faggot. The point was utter edgelord degeneracy of a nigger goblin raping a little boy. I’m not sure you realize how many levels of degenerate that is.

>> No.22115719

>Harry Potter is better.
This but unironically

>> No.22115724

NTA but that's your arbitrary morals getting in the way. Ham raping Noah in the Bible is more degenerate in my view. It was his father not some random kid.

>> No.22115729

> Ham raping Noah

>> No.22115736

Nope, it's been widely discussed for centuries.

>> No.22115737

Ok then.
>Agne of Rome, raped at 12 or 13 years old in order to recant her "Christian faith"
>Europa, raped by Zues in the form of a white bull
>Halie, raped by her own sons
>Cyrene raped by Apollo in the form of a wolf
>Hera, raped by her brother
>Metis, raped by her cousin
>Persephone raped by both her uncle and her father
>Rhea raped by her son
>Caeneus, a man which was genderbend to a woman and then raped
Not 10 examples but it's something.

>> No.22115738

Yes, it happens, what's your point? Why would he be forced to add it? Is he writing an encyclopaedia?

>> No.22115740

You cunts are a bunch of weird faggots. Enjoy your goyslop shows like you’re on /tv/. goodbye.

>> No.22115744

And still inconclusive.

>> No.22115747

>If I use famous it's different from popular
Okay anon

>> No.22115750

Because his work was a literal recreation of humanity.

>> No.22115753

Now find an example that combines them all just to compete against Berserk. Teenagers are not toddlers btw.

>> No.22115755

It's very conclusive, Christians just have a hard time swallowing it.

>> No.22115765

Conclusive but much debated. Interesting.

>> No.22115770

That's usually the case when one side can't accept the truth.

>> No.22115772

Currently popular = trending on twitter and discussed on reddit.
Famous = staying cultural power

>> No.22115775

Or when something is not conclusive.

>> No.22115779

Just so you know you're replying to another anon but I originally said mythologies probably have stories like that, not exactly the same story. The Erlkonig kidnapping boys to fuck is probably a good example though.

>> No.22115789

Have you read the Bible? "Exposing someone's nakedness" is a common euphemism for sex in the Bible, Christians avoid admitting it because it's not plainly stated.

>> No.22115802

Okay, let's do a little thinking. If you asked every human on earth if they know Frodo Bolson or [Insert the most known GoT character here], would you think that most of the world would say the GoT character, or Frodo Bolson? Think that Reddit and 4chan is full of zoomers and millenials, and combined are only 40% or of the population.

>> No.22115804

(You) = Grasping at straws

>> No.22115809

(You) = no arguments (again)

>> No.22115815

(You) = Deep throating my dick (uninterrupted)

>> No.22115833

(You) = Homosexual coomer (predictable)

>> No.22116250

get a room

>> No.22116265

I got memed into buying these books by Cristopher, it is the literally the same story told 5 times with slight differences like Sauron being a giant cat

>> No.22116269

>would you think that most of the world would say the GoT character, or Frodo Bolson?
Definitely the GoT character

>> No.22116271


>> No.22116324
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>> No.22116338

This works against your argument. If they have to google him, it’s because they don’t know who he is.

>> No.22116344

>interest means lack of previous knowledge

>> No.22116348

Malazan mogs both cause there aren't adaptation termites.

>> No.22116358
File: 76 KB, 720x1315, imp the word.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If they have to google him, it’s because they don’t know who he is.

>> No.22116363


>> No.22116366

Take the L

>> No.22116377

Jesus is less and less popular. The modern retard may have heard of him but he doesn’t know him.

>> No.22116379

That's the most shameless damage control you could come up with.

>> No.22116382

Just how it is. We live in a godless society.

>> No.22116396


>> No.22116427
File: 76 KB, 602x680, 1647286902461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't get much dumber than being an LOTR fan and a christcuck.

>> No.22116516
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>> No.22116517

The comparison of the two is weird, anyway. Like comparing Mozart to One Direction, or a stick man doodle to the Mona Lisa

>> No.22116522

The prose in ASOIAF is awful and the continuous "ah we started the trope but then turned it on its head" trope is tiresome and means the series either ends with the others killing everything or outs GRRM as a hack.
Flip side is LOTR isn't exactly a fun read for young adults. Jackson doesn't get enough credit for turning a description of a map into a movie.

>> No.22116541

Speaking as a young adult, Tokien's books are a slog to read through. But on a positive side, re-reading them is a lot fun and an overall better experience.

>> No.22116545

There is bromance and necrophilia in the Iliad. Evidently it does not suck.

>> No.22116549

One of the most hilariously tragicomic aspects of 20th century history is the great last stand of hyper-Christian Anglos and their display of snarky arrogance followed by a steep, complete and immediate collapse. This letter isn't really a 'Tolkien letter'. It is a microcosm representing the austere, conservative culture among upper class Britons at the time. Little did our boys know what punching bags they would become!

>> No.22116565

>not even the most popular character in his own story

>> No.22116578

Yes, although it's unfair to compare the bible with LOTR. It's much more similar to ASOIAF. Verses such as Ezekiel 23:19-21 read like they're straight out of A Dance with Dragons.
You can comfortably read The Fellowship of the Ring to your kids. Not so much the aforementioned books.

>> No.22116583
File: 372 KB, 640x853, mr lovecraft.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly I never even cared about the hobbits. I know it's like a "haha, see true strength of character lies within and this here is le quirky Englishmen who are courageous despite being quirky". But I just don't care. I am not going to admire a midget. Sorry. Narrative-wise I understand that Sauron and the Ring Wraiths are trash, but subjectively speaking I always found them by far the coolest.

>> No.22116596

LOTR movies were 100% better than the books. Tolkien was a terrible writer.

>> No.22116607


>> No.22116612

Tolkien was a faggot without vision. LOTR is boring as fuck and the most milquetoast fantasy setting in existence. A complete snoozefest with basically just one (1) bad guy.

I salute everyone who's actually trying to unfuck this "I read it as a kid therefore its the bestest ever!" nostalgiawank.

And yes, the movies >>> the book. Especially thanks to trimming all the fat. First 150 pages are basically nothing but three midgets travelling with Tolkien describing the landscapes.
>the hills were rising in the distance
>the riverbed was wide and shallow
Fuck off.
And don't get me started on that singing hobo in the forrest that every redditor memes about as the "best character". Really tells you everything you know.

There's a reason why the movies are as highly regarded as they are. They trimmed the shit out of an old man's wankfest(I thought of it for decades therefore I need to put all of it in!!").

>> No.22116615

Still better than Grrm

>> No.22116621

But why should I care about your opinion?

>> No.22116624


>> No.22116633

I think Tolkien's worldbuilding isn't bad, but it's hardly the best. The great bulk of it is family trees and philology. He doesn't ever elaborate on how Gondorians think and feel, their cultural practices and so on... and how these might differ from the men of Rohan... or what really differentiates a dark elf from a high elf beyond the journeys their ancestors took. We know next to nothing about what actually constitutes an orc, and even less about the Easterlings and the people of Khand.
He also tends to brush off pivotal battles as if they were nothing of importance. Everything builds up to a conflict, and he either skips over the thing or gives you a laundry list account without any real narrative dynamic. Then he focuses on what's really important: describing a tree for ten pages, like you said.
Ironically though, despite his detailed descriptions, Middle-Earth still feels lifeless in many ways. Thousands of years pass in the story and absolutely nothing happens, like the world's been paused. There are thousands of miles of wilderness between civilizations that should've realistically expanded that are just described as empty. Had he spent less pages describing what the left dwarf on the right's green button looked like and given more attention to substance then LOTR would've been much better books.

The ASOIAF books are far more interesting to read, no doubt about that.

>> No.22116635

No, quite easily, actually.

>> No.22116639

>The ASOIAF books are far more interesting to read, no doubt about that.
If you're a redditor, yes.

>> No.22116641

You might like to read Tolkien, Race and Cultural History: From Fairies to Hobbits by Dimitra Fimi. She talks about Tolkien's lack of what you're describing, that is "MATERIAL CULTURE."

>> No.22116643

I doubt you even read LOTR, or you'd know how boring and uneventful those books are.

>> No.22116652

it's obviously a moviefag having a kneejerk reaction to criticism

>> No.22116653

I was talking about the writing, plotfag.

>> No.22116659


>> No.22116661

It's that to you because you're immature and uneducated.

>> No.22116662

I noticed.
You'd need to have read both series to evaluate that.

>> No.22116666

What's mature about Tolkien's writing? Genuine question. Go read the books you clearly haven't read, then come back here and try explaining it. I'll wait.

>> No.22116671

based satan btfoing moviefags

>> No.22116672

>What's mature about Tolkien's writing?
I didn't even mention his writing. Why did you respond with a non-sequitur? That's a rhetorical question. Now I know certainty you're uneducated.

>> No.22116676

Tolkien's writing is superior. I'm not even sure why this is controversial with redditors.

>> No.22116678

Why does Tolkien now make some anons seethe?

>> No.22116685

>Now I know certainty you're
At least finish high school before you call other people uneducated, kid.

>> No.22116688

>Tolkien's writing is superior

>> No.22116694

Lots of reddit tourists on the last couple of months.

>> No.22116695

>a typo means I'm uneducated
>name calling
There's the immaturity. Thank you for proving my point.

>> No.22116698

There's some weird tribalistic thing going on between LOTR fans and ASOIAF fans, like they're both trying to convince the other to stop liking what they don't like

>> No.22116706

>can't be bothered to proofread a handful of sentences expressing his unfounded opinions he just pulled out of his ass
>wants to be taken seriously
I'm not name calling you, you're obviously underage.

>> No.22116724

>you're under 18
This is how you defend against someone saying you're immature and uneducated? Thank you for bolstering my argument.

>> No.22116728

Jews are not the reason why you don't have a gf or why the West sucks.

>> No.22116733

>No self-awareness

>> No.22116736

>muh sex
Got a live one, guys.

>> No.22116737

(You) = no arguments

>> No.22116749
File: 50 KB, 500x622, 1423793634132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>be Tolkienfag
>have to bear people talking about hot fantasy shit with tits and dragons while all I have to watch is an abysmal show about nigger dwarves
>nobody wants to talk about that time when Faggofin son of Faggotron got fucked by More Goth in my favorite book because no tv show
>"s-sunset found her..."

>> No.22116754

Why do you keep bringing up the TV shows? I have no interest in either of them.

>> No.22116755

Anon you think enjoying the snooze fest that is LOTR is a sign of maturity. You have no idea what an argument even is.

>> No.22116762

Did I reply to you?

>> No.22116764
File: 291 KB, 1280x1280, what grrmfags luv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22116769

>He doesn't ever elaborate on how Gondorians think and feel
it's not important and more a staple of dumb fantasy where an entire human nation is just one personality. His focus on family trees is something you'd actually see in ancient manuscripts and sagas, who also did not feel the need to explain to the idiots what their cultural practices were. You don't have to know absolutely everything about the world. It's supposed to be written by a dude in that world. It's like you are asking the sci-fi author to make his characters be nothing but mouthpieces to explain the tech and setting. Also, GRRM's prose is just not very good compared to Tolkien.

>> No.22116771

Even our forced diversity is better than yours.

>> No.22116773


>> No.22116775

I didn't say that. You really have trouble with reading comprehension.

>> No.22116778

You said you're not interested in the tv shows, but where did I ask?

>> No.22116780

>unironic /tv/fag goyslopper
lol embarrassing

>> No.22116784

This is /lit/, not /tv/.

>> No.22116785

It's a general discussion, not yahoo answers, nigger.

>> No.22116788

nobody cares about that except retarded archeologists who think they can divine the social structure of germanic tribes by the location of the entrances to their houses with method on par with that of augury. It's all downhill from ideology and psychology anyway. Also, the guy was specifically complaining about Tolkien describing clothing and buttons. You know... Material culture.

>> No.22116795

I didn't mention sex, that's you. I said they're not the reason you do not have a gf. Love isn't all about sex you know.

>> No.22116797

>Also, the guy was specifically complaining about Tolkien describing clothing and buttons. You know... Material culture.
That's why I recommended the book. Fimi talks about material culture and Tolkien's lack of it.

>> No.22116807

Yea, men have gfs just to play dominoes.

>> No.22116812

ok, but the guy was specifically complaining about Tolkien's apparent abundance of it.

>> No.22116813

>pretending he doesn't watch tv
Tolkienfags can't even hide their asspain.

>> No.22116827

Oh really? I just skimmed through what he said and assumed he wasn't retarded and was complaining about the lack of material culture.

>> No.22116831

didn't you just say "muh sex" not 14 minutes ago? Or do you think men only have gfs for sex?

>> No.22116841

Sounds like you thought the post was directed at you and felt personally attacked.

>> No.22116843

>everyone is a goyslopper like me
lol we know you're a raider from /tv/

>> No.22116845

>>pretending he doesn't watch tv
how does watching tv automatically imply that you have to be interested in HotD and RoP? are you, like, retarded or something (rhetorical question, don't answer)

>> No.22116848

>read this other book to somehow make the books you just read seem less shitty

>> No.22116849

Sounds like you posted b8 and don't like the replies.

>> No.22116857

It pains me how retarded you are that you don't understand basic logic. I said you're immature because you said it's a boring book. You said that I was saying it's mature to think the book isn't boring. I just can't believe how retarded you are you don't know simple A is B is not the same as B is A. Not all rectangles are squares, retard. YOU DONT EVEN KNOW BASIC LOGIC. No wonder you thought it was boring. You're not even intelligent enough to read it.

>> No.22116859


>> No.22116860

>wake up
>go on /lit/
>see dogshit genrefiction thread
This reads like a fucking /tv/ thread, the absolute state of /lit/
Any of you obvious tourists need to go back


>> No.22116864

Sounds like you're still trying to convince yourself it's bait not to have to post an actual argument.

>> No.22116865

both of those shows are goyslop, yes.

>> No.22116866

>read this other book to somehow make the books you just read seem less shitty
Holy shit you can't be this retarded. I recommended specifically as a criticism of Tolkien's lack of material culture making his worldbuilding less realistic. How are you possibly this retarded?

>> No.22116867

what are you even implying at this point? why (you) me in response to him?

>> No.22116868

>I said you're immature because you said it's a boring book
It IS a boring book. You'd know that if you had read it.

>> No.22116872

No argument was presented in the first place. Merely boasting about... goyslop tv. /tv/ shit goes on /tv/.

>> No.22116878

Reminder it started here >>22115203

>> No.22116882

And it ended here >>22116324

>> No.22116886

Anyone saying x is boring is being immature. Some people say Kant's Critique of Pure Reason is boring. And? I don't give a shit. Kill yourself.

>> No.22116888

>pointing out something is objectively boring is immature
damn anon learn how to cope better

>> No.22116898
File: 6 KB, 525x109, 4454554.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weird because that's not even my post.

>> No.22116899

There's no such thing as "objectively boring". You're RETARDED.

>> No.22116909

>newfag thinks a screencap proves a post isn't his

>> No.22116913

>There's no such thing as "objectively boring".
Lmao go watch paint dry you dumb faggot

>> No.22116935

There's 40 posters ITT, faggot. You're aware it's not just you and another guy, right? You've spent most of the day defending a reddit tv show and you think it's just you and another guy lmao

>> No.22116939

These threads are always made by newfags.

>> No.22116945

>this tech illiterate nigger is unironically implying ip count shows the actual number of people posting in a thread
holy shit

>> No.22116954

That's still subjectively boring. Just because the majority of people believe in something doesn't make it objectively true. Also, you used a homophobic slur. Stop. Just because I called you retarded doesn't mean you can call me that. In fact, I apologize for calling you a "retard".

>> No.22116955

Not very mature to call anything you don't like "reddit" anon

>> No.22116959

>schizo thinks there's only two posters ITT
lol I love the delusion. perfectly on brand.

>> No.22116965

>not very mature

>> No.22116971

nigger you think there's 40 people imagine being this stupid

>> No.22116972

That guy really tore you a new asshole. Completely traumatized.

>> No.22116978

>That guy
Now that's just sad anon

>> No.22116988

>you think there's 40 people
Thread's been up since 8 am. Not everyone is a no lifer schizo like you. Yea there's more than 2 users here.

>> No.22116989


>> No.22116992

Impartial bystander here, he clearly BTFO you.

>> No.22116999

what can I say. I saw you guys arguing about maturity and spellings for like 20 posts- funny that you think that's me, considering the poster count.

>> No.22117006

I agree and I've been lurking for a while.

>> No.22117011

who did?
ah you're just samefagging. never mind.

>> No.22117012

Let's all be friends.

>> No.22117018

Those are new posters.

>> No.22117026


>> No.22117035

I haven't said anything yet but he totally destroyed you bro

>> No.22117041

very funny. keep changing IPs.

>> No.22117042

Look at the poster count, they're all new.

>> No.22117051

>changing IPs
What's that? I thought each IP was a different person...

>> No.22117059

so you admit you're changing IPs to samefag lol

>> No.22117066

No there's 45 people here.

>> No.22117069


>> No.22117073

He's right. I'm joining as person number 46.

>> No.22117079

Based, I'll be poster 47 if you don't mind.

>> No.22117082

Tolkien > your mom > Grrm

>> No.22117086

My brothers. I'm glad we can all agree ASOIAF is superior while OP seethes uncontrollably.

>> No.22117105

A 4chan pass is powerless before the 49 of us.

>> No.22117117


>> No.22117124

How can OP even compete with so many chads?

>> No.22117142
File: 33 KB, 678x452, The Goat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He can't.

>> No.22117160

There aren't 40 posters on this entire board, much less in this thread.
Can't imagine the kind of subhuman who would buy a pass.

>> No.22117173

Jesus Christ this post annihilated OP's ass.

>> No.22117179

>Can't imagine the kind of subhuman who would buy a pass.

>> No.22117217

Where does the RR in GRRM come from?

>> No.22117231

I heard it comes from some author he surpassed.

>> No.22117232

Oh so it's like a trophy?

>> No.22117233

No it don't

>> No.22117237

It do.

>> No.22117250

>Obsesses over the proud lineages of Gondor, Numenor, elves, dwarves, etc.
>Painstakingly creates not just fictional cultures and histories, but even entire languages
>One of his main themes is putting differences aside to unite against a greater evil
>Thinks lineage is something to joke about
>Kills his literal kin, "regrettably"
>Refuses to put differences with Germans aside to fight a greater evil
>Thinks because he wrote an interesting fantasy book he has any grasp of real-world politics whatsoever
>Snootily looks down his nose at anyone who tells him otherwise
As talented of a writer as he was, he comes off like a colossal prick in many of his correspondences. At least we aren't speaking German!

>> No.22117283

There is only one poster ITT, samefag.

>> No.22117295

You can't not dislike Tolkien and not have a soul.

>> No.22117327

the no gf thing is because I’m asexual, but they are probably a contributing factor as to why the west began its decline

>> No.22117336

I'm not sure that came out the way you wanted to

>> No.22117400

LotR is the epitome of soulless.

>> No.22117517 [DELETED] 

If you ask people is they know who "Jon Snow" is, most normies would answer yes, probably more than if you said Aragorn.

>> No.22117520

If you ask people if they know who "Jon Snow" is, most normies would answer yes, probably more than if you said "Aragorn".

>> No.22117524

fr fr

>> No.22117529


>> No.22117541
File: 48 KB, 1174x685, tolkien v martin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22117561
File: 32 KB, 895x694, NowThis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny, when you post the actual work itself you get something different

>> No.22117563

Aragorn is not the most famous character of LOTR

>> No.22117567

I was a kid when I read that thing about how the mountain came into the tavern, raped the tavern keeper's daughter, killed his son. he 'liked it when they squirm', or one of his buddies did.

it turned me on. also that thing about how tysha got fucked by the entire house guard while tyrion watched. it's really horrible, this poor peasant girl getting raped repeatedly. I don't know how anybody could write that stuff.

>> No.22117572

I think it holds even between Jon Snow and Frodo. You have to understand that normies eschew fantasy unless it's a cultural phenomenon, so LOTR had it's day but has been relegated back to fantasy nerd stuff, but GoT is much more culturally relevant.

>> No.22117593

>film series
>drama series

>> No.22117599

Google trends puts a generic description under search terms, it doesn't affect the actual search.

>> No.22117606

Oh sorry. I didn't know that. Anyway I don't actually care if GOT is more popular than LOTR. If we said popularity is what matters, then Rowling mogs both. Also the only reason I don't read GRRM's ASOIAF is because it's unfinished. I'd like to read his other books like Tuf Voyaging.

>> No.22117620

A show that Tolkien had nothing to do with. Anyone can take a work and make it gay.

>> No.22117636

I dislike atheistic works. Nihilism is fine to a degree, but once it gets to a certain point it becomes annoying. i'm not saying that i believe in Christianity or any specific religion, but i'm definitely not an atheist. atheism seems childish to me. no one knows anything for sure, but stopping at atheism and not exploring anything beyond that seems immature.

>> No.22117644

I'm no puritan, but some people are just way too obsessed with sex in such an annoying way. Ejaculating in a hot chick feels good, but it's probably feels better to have sex with a woman you truly love. Random sex feels good, but it's not the greatest thing in the world. Getting high from opiates feels way better.

>> No.22117647

Being a virgin is better than having a wife.

>> No.22117648

It sounds like you have a distorted view of what atheism is, which is to be expected seeing as it's a term embroiled in many different culture wars. It's actually pretty amusing that most people think of atheists like Sam Harris as being along the lines you describe, despite the fact he has spent significant portions of his life pursuing spirituality and meditation and various traditions to get at the mystery of consciousness. To be honest, your characterization of atheism seems one dimensional and inaccurate.

>> No.22117649

I'm a progressive atheist and I feel exactly like what you say. Most people are way too promiscuous for their own good, I view it as akin to sacrificing huge future well being for immediate short term shallow "well being", if that degree of shallowness can even be termed as such.

>> No.22117666

Sex is like jacking off with extra steps. The most sex obsessed people now seem to be reddit dweebs. Sex is important, but it has an existential importance and we're driven to have sex to procreate. It feels good, but it's not the greatest feeling ever. Weird perverted people annoy me as well. Sex is all over the place now, so i don't see why people think depicting sex and kinks is so novel. It's not anymore.

The desire to have sex is like the desire to breathe, drink, or eat.

>> No.22117716

>Sex is like jacking off with extra steps
I disagree. You can jack off without any emotional attachment, because no other person is present. But the hormones released during sexual activity are the ones associated with pair bonding (Oxytocin being the most significant) especially when there is skin to skin contact. So essentially when you have sex with someone your physiology begins the process of pair bonding with them, and what do you suppose happens to your ability to pair bond if you repeatedly begin forming such a bond and then break it off? We are fundamentally pair bonding creatures, promiscuity destroys this crucial, this essential function of our sexual drive and leads people to a life of ultimate sexual frustration, loneliness, and misery. I reiterate my earlier point, it's sacrificing future well being for immediate shallow pleasure. A fool's choice.

>> No.22117790
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>> No.22117825

>ashkenazi with parentheses
dumb ass zoomers can't meme right

>> No.22117888
File: 108 KB, 736x920, 1677954879256040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tolkiencels are mad that people want something more complex than le good guys fight le bad guys

>> No.22117898

So you admit GRRM is pop garbage for the NPC masses like Harry Potter.

>> No.22117902

That's the opposite of what he said, you illiterate nigger.

>> No.22117911

>people want
It's appealing to people. I.e. a group. Marvel does these things called test screenings to make sure the movies appeal to people.
>the opposite
The opposite of that would be if it appealed to no one or only one person.
Look up the definition of "opposite" next time, kid.

>> No.22117917
File: 103 KB, 800x823, 1684678825166074 1684507201427298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's quite literally the opposite of what I just said you imbecile
You must be American, there is absolutely no way your reading comprehension could be this bad if you weren't

>> No.22117918

Harry Potter is good vs bad guys like LOTR. Next time read the post before replying, nigger.

>> No.22117920

No it's not. The characters are morally grey. Harry Potter uses magic against regular people and mentally disturbs them.

>> No.22117925

>uses magic against regular people and mentally disturbs them
Wow so machiavellian and morally ambiguous

>> No.22117926

>I said it's more complex that means it's not for NPC masses!
Holy shit you're retarded.

>> No.22117929


>> No.22117930
File: 43 KB, 411x418, frodo amused by your faggotry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this shithead hasn't got tired of making a fool of himself in this thread yet

>> No.22117939
File: 63 KB, 850x400, quote-it-is-an-easy-thing-to-call-names-any-fool-is-equal-to-that-and-the-weapon-of-vituperation-martha-finley-117-59-56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>name calling

>> No.22117945

>quotes grandma to protect his ego
you already reached your lowest when you tried to argue that jesus was less known than tyrion there's nothing left to salvage

>> No.22117947

She's not my grandma, idiot. I've never even heard of her before.

>> No.22117952

so you literally just googled quotes about name calling and posted a pic of someone you don't even know who she is? fuck man i take back what i said this is your lowest

>> No.22117960

Almost like the opinion of some random person bears no meaning. Hmm... >>22117888

>> No.22117967

you're a mess dude take a break from shitposting

>> No.22117969


>> No.22118178

Simon is the Tolkien that consults for Rings of Power though

>> No.22118294

Gimme a list of things ASOIAF stole from so I can read them
Never read ASOIAF because it's guaranteed to never be finished anyway

>> No.22118440

nta, but that is true.
Simon is just mediocre writer; a dimwit who envies his grandad's fame and literary skill.

>> No.22118544

ASOIAF isn't supposed to be realistic, this has always been a strawman.

The main difference between the two is that LOTR portrays evil/bad = inhuman.
ASOIAF shows evil/bad as just another aspect of humanity, Euron isn't inhuman, he's one of the most human characters and that's his problem.

>> No.22118572

Thanks for the blogpost. You forgot to mention whether or not you like cock in your ass, so we'll just assume you do until you write a second blogpost addressing our suspicions.

>> No.22118791

its just part of the https://coincidencedetector.com/
i didnt make it, i dont think it was made by zoomers

>> No.22118840


>> No.22118950

Please re-write without the use of buzzwords

>> No.22118982
File: 216 KB, 656x679, Disagree.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Both are kino