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/lit/ - Literature

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2211443 No.2211443 [Reply] [Original]


Okay, I can understand The Little Prince and Lord of the Rings selling high, and even Dream of the Red Chamber (popular for China, I guess), but are A Tale of Two Cities and And Then There Were None really good enough to sell more than 100 million copies?

ITT We debate which best-selling books are actually good and which ones just benefit from peer pressure

>> No.2211475
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> The Da Vinci Code - 80 million
> The Catcher in the Rye - 65 million

>> No.2211482

>Name of the Rose
>To Kill a Mockingbird
>One Hundred Years of Solitude
>Gone With The Wind
>War and Peace
>Nineteen Eighty-Four
All sold over 20 million and are at least decent.

>> No.2211484

I haven't read either of those op but my sister swears by a tale of two cities and she has good taste so I trust her opinion.

>> No.2211509

wow, a list full of shit

>> No.2211512

It makes me very happy to see Le Petit Prince at the top of dat list.

Also, is anyone else surprised that the Betty Crocker cookbook outsells the Joy of Cooking?

>> No.2211566

Hm I gotta admit that I liked A Tale of Two Cities.
Its a damn good book, in comparishion to all the 'new bestsellers'

>> No.2211612


Not at all, every single kitchen belonging to someone over 30 I have ever been in has had a Betty crocker cookbook.

>> No.2211619

It's a goddamn shame that most of these authors are dead and probably got jipped out of royalties while they were still living.

Such is the price of being an artist.

>> No.2211623

Weird. Must be an American thing. I'm in Canada, and every kitchen I can think of has a Joy of Cooking. I've never seen a Betty Crocker Cookbook in my life.

>> No.2211922


>> No.2211943

A Tale of Two Cities is a great book what are you talking about
easily one of my favorites

sydney carton is one of a kind