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/lit/ - Literature

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22112045 No.22112045 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw everyone is talking about hagel, philosophy, christian metaphysics, traditionalist philosophy, and other advanced literature stuff
>tfw i read ficiton police books and scifi
>tfw like 90iq but know it and dont try to read the hard stuff

any other stuff for low iq manual labourers who just wanna read about police, shootings, big boobies, and strippers

>> No.22112061


>> No.22112100

>reading books
>having a good time with them
Sir, this is /lit/

>> No.22112103

That just means ur not pretending to be high IQ anon

>> No.22112121

Just pretend to read Hegel, even the people who have read Hegel won't be able to tell

>> No.22112134

detective and sci-fi novels are kino
Some books off the top of my head that are both of those thing that I've enjoyed are Dirk Gently, Altered Carbon, Gun With Occasional Music, Leviathan Wakes, Stainless Steel Rat, and lots of stuff by Philip K Dick and Isaac Asimov.
For regular detective books there's no end of good choices, just depends on if you're looking for. You got your nordic noir, old pulp novels, classic English stuff like Sherlock, or modern British/American procedurals.
Just buttpirate a bunch of stuff and read it to see if you like it. The good thing about a lot of detective/sci-fi novels, detective novels especially, is they're usually part of a series so when you find one you like you're set for awhile.

>> No.22112138

Based anon. Enjoy that single serve instant cappuccino.

>> No.22112139
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I cant even pretend to be high iq, i just like fart jokes, arm wrestling, bars, WWE, and cop tv shows. Just want some simple books I can read that have cool characters and hot babes

>> No.22112158

I unironically respect you more than every pseud on this board. Keep it up anon

>> No.22112278

What's wrong with arm wrestling?

>> No.22112396
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nothing I like it, but it seems quite 'lowbrow' to some peeps on here, but I like it. same as star trek novels and thunderstorms

>> No.22112453

Read Bukowski.

>> No.22112455

If you like arm wrestling: Joe Speedboot by Tommy Wieringa

>> No.22112515

t. pseud filtered by the smart boys

>> No.22112617

The shudra who follows his svadharma well is superior to a faulty Brahmin. Keep up what you’re doing Anon and live a happy and ethical life.

>> No.22112626

Maybe you would like James Clavell Shogun. Pirates, Samurai and cute Japanese babes might be to your taste.

>> No.22112637

Imagine pretending that enjoying the lowest recesses of entertainment is somehow dignified, in order to cope with the fact that the higher arts have been wholly inaccessible to you. Imagine being you.

>> No.22113095

dumb authenticity is ever preferable to gossamer intelligentsiatic veneer

>> No.22113746

Spend 2 hours in your local gas chamber

>> No.22113788

jack reacher

>> No.22113835

It is better to be a based retard than a midwit psued Anon.

>> No.22113869


>> No.22114318

Then you wouldn't read at all.

>> No.22114364

>The shudra who follows his svadharma well is superior to a faulty Brahmin.
Well put. I'm not very knowledgable on Hinduism, but I know enough to understand the meaning of this and see wisdom in it.
Seconding this, Shogun sounds right up OP's alley.

>> No.22115325

Not true, you overestimate how stupid somebody is with 90IQ. Some people are pretty high-functioning even with IQ levels of actual mental retardation.
George Jones had an IQ in the 60s-70s range and although he didn't seem like the brightest bulb, you wouldn't think his IQ was literally room temperature.

>> No.22115330

Not necessarily true*

>> No.22115434

Imagine needing to prove yourself to people online who are actually just as retarded as you are