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/lit/ - Literature

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22110759 No.22110759 [Reply] [Original]

Good books on learning counterpoint, polyphony, and general musical form of the Renaissance and Baroque?

My current backlog is
>Study Of Fuge by Alfred Mann
>Continuo Playing According To Handel

But I want a larger pool of information when it comes to this subject, preferably from the periods this music was written in, so 13th to 18th century.
inb4 >why didnt you ask on /mu/?
Because /mu/ is fucking retarded and has no knowledge on music theory or history and are smug in their lack of any knowledge or intellect in this subject, I trust you guys just a little bit more when it comes to this

>> No.22110788

>Because /mu/ is fucking retarded and has no knowledge on music theory or history and are smug in their lack of any knowledge or intellect in this subject, I trust you guys just a little bit more when it comes to this
True. I hope jannies will understand. Also, bump.

>> No.22110800

Depends, what is your current level of theory? My gut feeling is that you have little to none.

>> No.22110915

I have basic understanding of theory, although somewhat limited. I am seeking to expand my knowledge on it.

>> No.22111125

the "suggestions for futher reading" section your händel book has all the necessary pointers, i just checked myself. mann also must have a bibliography. sapienti sat

modern textbooks for that style of cp:
schubert - modal cp
gauldin - practical approach to 16th century cp

schubert covers less but more intense, stops at four parts while gauldin covers five and more parts.

>> No.22111632


>> No.22111678

Sheet music and a piano

>> No.22111739

You cant learn everything through playing it, retard

>> No.22111745

Baroque Music by Claude V. Palisca. Doesn't hyper-focus on Bach like a lot of other books, and delves quite deep into Monteverdian+Palestrinian counterpoint and polyphony and how that came to pass the next ~200 years or so.

>> No.22111746

>"How do I learn more about the compositional techniques and styles of periods that mainly focused on vocal music over instrumental music?"
Lowest IQ post ive seen

>> No.22112504
File: 81 KB, 686x576, bagner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

full translation of marpurg's cp and fugue treatise from 1753

in preface he mentions dozens of earlier authors ("those i've read and those i haven't, in case my opponent wants to accuse me of plagiarising them too")
>inb4 reading the preface, ever