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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 219 KB, 1351x1305, Marlon-Brando-Rolex-GMT-Master-Apocolypse-Now-e1562936785461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22110366 No.22110366 [Reply] [Original]

Kurtz edition

Prev >>22104143

>> No.22110374

I love God, I love Jesus Christ.

>> No.22110396

Do NOT look up the word "AFRICAN" in Ambrose Bierce's The Devil's Dictionary.

>> No.22110406

Jesus is King

>> No.22110407

My ass is a swamp.

>> No.22110410

I'm not seeing MENA or Africa having issues with birthrates. Only westoids and some asians, and westoids get fucked only when they are homosexualized (soi whites vs macho hispanics vs bravado nigs) and get replaced by more fertile and less gay immigrants.
I accept your concession

>> No.22110413

>I'm not seeing MENA or Africa having issues with birthrates.
In Nigera, which btw is the "rich" country of Africa, went from the average woman having 7 kids to having 4 in 20 years, which is a huge an done of the fastest birth rate declines in history. The reason why no one is talking about it is cause they are still able to replace themselves but they and many other African nations as well as Bangladesh and India will face a demographic crisis in the next 30 to 50 years.

>> No.22110414

>poles make fun of germans for being "half slav"
>it's the poles who end up being half german

>> No.22110416

>in 30 to 50 years
ah yes, two more decades

>> No.22110418

My need for escapism is fueling me to read good fiction. Aka fiction with half decent prose. I'm loving master and margarita so far, but my patience is wearing thin. I don't think the translation is sitting right with me. I dunno. The style isn't compelling enough? But the substance is great. I chuckled a few times.

>> No.22110419

lmfao, almost all the hispanics I know act like children. They throw temper tantrums over everything.

>> No.22110424

If only whites did the same when their children got mutilated... oh wait they're fine with it KEEEEEEEEK

>> No.22110427

Why would we, we have a slave race that works for almost nothing once the blacks stopped working.

>> No.22110439

you are the slave race though, of the jews
where do your taxes go? white interests perhaps? hmm

>> No.22110443

>b-b-but your one step above in the pyramid
cope, now back to work Jose

>> No.22110472

I have to get a new tobacco pipe. All my pipes are busted

>> No.22110506

>he thinks I live anywhere in the americans
Least deluded amerifat

>> No.22110523

Rent free

>> No.22110528
File: 424 KB, 2217x1300, 1675017829962430.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've come to conclusion don't want to become successful normie with a wife, children, and career. Easy wagie job and my having my own house in which I can lift weights, cook, read books, watch anime and masturbate (sometimes get a prostitute) would be everything I need

>> No.22110533

This is the second time a random stranger on the internet complimented my writing.
I was genuinely shocked, they explicitly told me that it seemed like I had strong grasp of the English language, and when he encouraged me to continue writing, telling me to set up a portfolio.

I think about it all the time, however this was on reddit and I literally told him that I had the grammar knowledge of a tenth grader. He continued to explain how my opening was perfect. another commenter explained he immediately thought I would be a good writer and assumed I was very smart.

Granted, this was after calling for help on a subreddit because I'm a 25 year old NEET whos behind as fuck in life..

>> No.22110570

This nostalgia is crippling me

>> No.22110587

>be me
>be on no-fap
>be terminally online (mostly on /lit/)
>spend the day reading and shitposting
>go to sleep
>get a dream about books and /lit/ charts
>suddenly shakespeare's macbeth starts to play in front of me (Sir Ian McKellen one)
>(Tomorrow, and tomorrow...)
>cream my pants with the most intense orgasm ever

>> No.22110590

welcome to autism / bizarre dreams

>> No.22110591

I told another human my beliefs when pressed (long story) and it was a rather enormous mistake.

>> No.22110602

I got another stripper pregnant. Why do I keep doing this to myself?

>> No.22110613
File: 33 KB, 470x512, russian feel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

say goodbye to your heart
she keeps it in her purse
and now on your chest is a curse
that will follow you like a black art

I was like garbage on the side of the street
when we first came to meet
it didn't take me long
to make everything go wrong

>> No.22110635

>so these "archons" are preventing people from reaching paradise, sorry "pleroma" and this dark god, the "demiurge" is their boss
>uh-huh, also not every light is the right one, you need to go towards the right light the others are evil
>ok so how do you know which light is the right one?
>you see, there's a book that tells you...
>oh sorry anon I've gotta take this, hey Anne. Of course I can pick up Josh,Ok.. Ok. see you later bye bye
>yeah I've gotta go anon, hope I don't meet any reptilians along the way who'll syphon my energy haha you keep "studying" ok? later buddy

>> No.22110687

i don't care what anyone says jodie foster is a terrible actress

>> No.22110696

Yesterday I had a lot of time on my hands and I poured it all into this site. I wrote funny things on a few boards and posted other OC, made effortposts about various subjects, etc.
When I had one of these days 10 years ago I'd check the threads the next morning and I'd have dozens of (you)s to reply to. These days, not a single reply, not even one. It isn't really about the replies, but man, what the fuck? Then the posters go on talking about the most inane, boring things, usually standalone posts without replying to anyone. It's not even that someone is posting something inflammatory and they're replying to bait, no, it's like a bunch of bots just posting filler. Which it probably is. Really makes no sense to post here anymore.

>> No.22110708

in fact the only semi-interactive threads are threads like this one where you can complain about things.It really baffles me. When you posted good quality OC in here people used to be happy about it, now they ignore it at best or shit on it if they're feeling like it.

>> No.22110761

it is a thread for posting what's on your mind, if reading peoples blogposts makes em miffed they are free to post about it too, grow thicker skin or god to the r site

>> No.22110888

I have to decide today whether I want to live where my career so far is, which is much more rural and cheaper, or where my family is, which is only semi-rural and far more expensive. I spent the last year staying with family hoping it would help me decide but it’s not.

>> No.22110895

I’m shelving my novel because it’s a fucking mess. I’ve been trying to force together interconnecting stories like a Pynchon novel and it’s shit. Going to focus on writing a moe simple novella instead.

>> No.22110899

I don't think I've ever known an Nicole, but if I had she should know that by religious law she is likely unlawful to me. She has a right to ask me whatever she wants, but she should know.

>> No.22110904

I hope it doesn't offend her that I think she should know that, maybe it is monstrously presumptuous of me.

>> No.22110907


>> No.22110917

>audible: everything on your wishlist is on sale
well shit, time to browse for bargains

>> No.22110919

Good morning, I hate women

>> No.22110961

african women are gay too

>> No.22111034

Most people assume the material world came after the immaterial world.
This is false. The immaterial world was made from the material one.
This means that any god or gods that created us or the universe or anything have come and gone.
What is left are the ones we invented out of physicality.

>> No.22111048

>good quality OC
no one wants to read your shitty poems. all you're doing is fucking up the /wwoym/ with long ass shit we all have to scroll past. fuck off.

>> No.22111104
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Why are there so many simps nowadays including myself?

>> No.22111132

I feel like me and my brother are a team. It’s not necessarily the case that if one of us ends up a total failure, the other will too. But it does feel like to be successful, we both have to be successful. You can imagine how much it frustrates me then that he seems hell bent on doing everything he can to be as big of a fucking loser as possible. It’s not just himself that he hurts. It’s me as well.

>> No.22111170

Amnesia struck my sister dear,
A concussion brought us near,
Taking care of her, I did share,
The responsibility, oh how queer!

One day, in the living room I played,
When suddenly, she displayed,
Her bare behind, with shame betrayed,
And begged me to help her wipe away the stain.

I blushed at the sight before me,
As I helped her tidy neatly,
But as I wiped, I saw more than need be,
Her private parts, exposed and teasing.

She asked to see my own equipment,
My manhood, for her to view,
But I refused, for modesty's sake,
And pushed aside her requests anew.

That night, as I lay in my bed,
She came to me, unable to rest,
And demanded entry to my space,
Her body seeking comfort at its best.

Again, she asked to see my dickie,
With threats of exposure if denied,
So I proposed a different plan,
To touch and feel instead.

I rubbed between her legs, so soft,
And against her cleft, so warm,
Until she drifted off to sleep,
With my arousal still at full alarum.

In dreams, I explored her further,
In acts unspeakable and bold,
But when I woke in laterrly spasms,
I found my member partially unrolled.

My heart raced as I realized,
What I had done in slumber deep,
Had caused my seed to flow and spread,
Between my sister's legs, a creamy heap.

I hoped she wouldn't notice the exchange,
This secret, I would keep secure,
For fear of reprimand and shame,
From parental eyes, so piercing.

But as we rose with dawn's first light,
Sis appeared as lovely as can be,
And never mentioned the odd feel,
Of her body, now curiously free.

Thus ends my tale of guilt and lust,
A story too wild to unfold,
For though my words may speak the truth,
It is a tale that should remain untold.

>> No.22111194
File: 167 KB, 628x472, featured_preview_71c3ae14-984e-43fe-9ef5-c57da36d6b10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't understand why jack keroac instantly starts his book by talking about his friend who turned gay because women are whores but not in the way a friend would just saying "the fucking guy was so annoying and so unintellectual and so pathetic that i almost pitied him"
bad hook = bad book right?

>> No.22111228

Nafrilander. People ARE definitely getting married later and having less babbies.

>> No.22111239

it's almost like people went to another site a long time ago and then again just recently.
that or no one likes the boards you go on
i'm just glad /lit/ isn't /cgl/ tiers of dead

>> No.22111241

Alphas died in WW2
Now only betas survive and what you see nowadays is their beta^2 offspring

>> No.22111245

still doesn't mean problem with birthrates (big subreplacement)

>> No.22111437

You carry with you a great weight called sin and you tell yourself that you love its weight, that you cherish your stooped frame, that you enjoy the way your body burns in exhaustion as it wends its way down its path. You cry to the naked face of the mountains beyond, you beat your hand against your chest during the great rains, you raise your fists to the indignant birds, you curse the driving winter snows and the long, steep roads winding over the hills. No longer can you set down your burden; your arms have lost feeling, your strength is such that you must continue on or you will fall and not rise again. Where your travels end you cannot say. At night the chill winds flay at you; by day the scorching heat rends the flesh from your bones. Still you insist that you delight in your state.
Are you as beloved as the flowers of the field, whose splendor shines without their efforts? Are you as beloved as the birds of the air, who are nourished daily yet who do not labor? Are you as beloved as the ant beneath your foot, who labors all his life and then dies in the dust of the ground, alone? On these simple ones shines a light more golden than the sun at evening. What is it that lights your path as you grope through the dark of the world, as you cut your hands and feet on the rock, as you stumble?

>> No.22111463

One day these threads will end or you will end.

>> No.22111492 [DELETED] 

Stopped exercising for half a year ago and since I basically don't eat, I look like dogshit. Being this skinny is worse that having the dadbod kind of thing I had for many years.

>> No.22111502
File: 158 KB, 475x475, 1F8944F4-FC42-477A-AE26-3D347F619AED.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just showed it to my new gf and she said it reminds her of a diglett. what do you think she meant by this?

>> No.22111508
File: 288 KB, 1280x760, ar-at-typewriter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm finding myself in the most unusual position of wanting to fuck Ayn Rand. How did I get here?

>> No.22111512
File: 1.34 MB, 1198x815, E58A2B85-76A1-446D-9BC1-7A95C3068E07.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never reveal your full power level bro

>> No.22111513

Retarded Jewish women are cute. Simone Weil is my waifu.

>> No.22111526

I've never felt love in my life. Am I defective?

>> No.22111557

Honestly? Given that people should theoretically gravitate towards procreation (ideological conditioning, being muslim, conservative, etc) the fact that birth rates are plummeting is very alarming.
I’ll pull a chart out of my ass in a sec

>> No.22111575
File: 128 KB, 1242x684, FF6DjI_UcAQE77h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22111590
File: 75 KB, 800x925, JoeRape340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

“What the fuck are you crying about? Your future? Your suffering? Your petty baubles?

You’re a fucking monkey!! You’re screaming about monkey money?! MONKEY MONEY!! MONKEY MONEY!! OOOH OOOHH AHHH AHHH!! MONKEY MONEY!!” - Joe Biden

Joe is fucking bananas man

>> No.22111592

i just watched the new super mario bros movie. that shit was wholesome af.

>> No.22111594

>max stirner copying is cool, now let me add jewish horseshit to it
*sad trompone*~

>> No.22111608

I’ve started feeling hopeless

>> No.22111612

Here's a little hope.

>> No.22111614

You’re a devout liberal, that’s how.

>> No.22111625

Fuck you

>> No.22111673

the cope conintues.

>> No.22111721

I basically admitted to being a pessimist and my friend took it personally (I said some very generic anti-natalist point without intending for it to be harmful to him) because he has a kid. He thinks I'm somehow upset at him because of my outlook or something.

>> No.22111748

Western esotericism, occultism, kabbalah, gnosticism, rosicrucianism, freemasonry, perennial traditionalism, all of this bullshit has origins in jewish thought. The entire history of esotericism as we understand it today is entirely a veneer for kikery to worm its way into the aryan consciousness, and it has overwhelmingly succeeded.

Just end our fucking misery already. None of us can continue onwards like this in good consciousness.

>> No.22111753

No it doesn't, it has its origin in cringe westoids like (((You)))

>> No.22111765

Explain to me how the modern tradition of western esotericism doesn't inevitably root back to drawing reference to jewish mysticism and symbols rather than sperging out.

>> No.22111774

Ever heard of mystery cults?

>> No.22111777

Simple, it has its roots in Pythagoreanism which has its roots in Ancient Egypt which existed long before jews. Jewish mysticism is big and influential but it's not the root of it. The roots are in Egypt and Mesopotamia, but that's the root of civilisation in general.

>> No.22111783


>> No.22111784

All my exes (the last one leaving after five years together) are living their best life.
And I'm alone. You would expect someone who has been experiencing true loneliness for the better part of two years to be some kind of disconnected monster, but it is not my case, no. The thing, you see, is that I am perfectly lucid. I understand why my last ex left me. I would have done the same in her stead.

What I do not understand is why I can't get over her despite having a few rebounds. It is not working. My brain is stuck on the assumption that she must be as miserable as me when she is, judging from her and her friends Instagram profile, clearly not. She's at the happiest point of her life and I am whining on 4chan. This has been our lives for two years.

Will it ever stop? Will happiness ever return? Will I ever feel genuine attraction and interest in another human being again? I'm not sure.

>> No.22111785

Cucks are the worst plague

>> No.22111787

The internet says my dick is super tiny but some guys in the showers seem to have similar slim pencils.
If you are a fellow dicklet, how do you cope, personally? I just avoided showing it to anyone for a few years now.

>> No.22111791

>avoided showing it to anyone
*to anyone except for showers after sports

>> No.22111801

What about people randomly throwing words they know nothing about?

>> No.22111805

A peepee is measured erect. Those showers guys are probably growers, sorry anon.

>> No.22111828

>mystery cults
Not relevant today and anyone who says so is LARPing.
I'm telling you the milk is spoiled.
Dead and now exists merely as a reference point to compare and contrast the jewishness of Christian theology with its non-jewish aspects.

>> No.22111829

Crying about a whore who has most certainly been fucking other men is being a cuck

>> No.22111834
File: 166 KB, 512x512, 1664896148196045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh j-jewish ancestors are le important
Shut up Avram no one gives a shit about your mentally ill LARP

>> No.22111840

>I'm telling you the milk is spoiled.
You got BTFO by holy trips

>> No.22111841

Saying you are blind to the reality we live in today is not me defending jews.

>> No.22111850

No I didn't. "Western esotericism" is purely a modernist movement conceived by 17th century LARPers who were influenced by jewishness.

>> No.22111855

You are mistaken : this is not the definition of cuckold. Plus, this isn't about wishing she was back, more about wishing the happiness I had with her was back. Have you ever been with a 'whore' for more than five years? Can you understand the pain of losing a part of yourself and suddenly realizing everyone you liked disappeared with that person? You most likely don't, so why should I listen to your insults? What's even the point of calling someone a cuck?

>> No.22111862

I had been with a girl for 7 years and I've been alone for the last 2 years. I don't complain like a bitch nor do I stalk her to see what men she's fucking. I told her not to contact me again and moved on looking after myself and my own life until I meet someone else one day. You're pathetic.

>> No.22111880

>da joos told us they own all our history
>so we forgot our history and blocked out the sun to starve the jewish solar panels of energy
Brilliant stratagem.

>> No.22111887
File: 47 KB, 537x525, 1643221183723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fact that Jesus, an ethnic jew, abandoned material rewards, endured humiliation and torture, and also forgave all his oppressors, demonstrates that Jesus must have been God.

>> No.22111901

The youtube algorithm is recommending me LARPing quirky 4chan autism girls again

Mediocre/derivative + has a pussy = success

>> No.22111904

I like the sound of Andy Prieboy's "Tomorrow Wendy" but I don't like the antitheist themes of the song.

>> No.22111911

I had to stop listening to satanic music after I noticed how pernicious it can be. Call me a LARPer I don't care, I don't want demons in my headphones.

>> No.22111922

>da joos
This kind of "tHiS iS wHaT yUo SoUnd LieK HURR DURR" shit is always cringe

>> No.22111925

DIdn't you just do that though?

>> No.22111958

That's what the Jews want you to think.

>> No.22111969

No, I'm equally mocking the shit in the quotes. The alternating caps meme and the appending hurr durr meme just show you're a fucking retard.

So does MUH ____ usually, it's just meaningless.
>I am a Marxist, I am critical of capitalism
It's all stupid, it adds nothing except looking like a spaz-out. Your reaction proves it, even me quoting it explicitly to make fun of it still looked like a spaz-out. Nobody should do any variant of it for any reason.

>> No.22111999

Ahh, you have a licence I see. Carry on, good sir.

>> No.22112000

Holy meds

>> No.22112001

I'm starting to think Adolf Hitler was actually wrong about his actions even though the meme says he did nothing wrong.

>> No.22112003

He made some mistakes but he was overwhelmingly right.

>> No.22112009

I heard he killed people. That's not nice. I can't support Nazis anymore.

>> No.22112015

You don't talk realistically about jews, you talk about meme joos, cartoons.

>> No.22112022

My Struggle vol 3, hard read for me. The way he describes his anxieties around his father every time he thought he did something wrong awakens feelings I haven't felt in decades, I hate it. He's so good at describing the sensation of chest tightening and being frozen solid when you know that dad knows something, I feel like someone is about to beat me in real life again. I'm so glad I'm not a kid anymore so I don't have to feel anything like this ever again. Knausgard's the best, rekindled my love for reading.

>> No.22112107
File: 291 KB, 1000x1500, 1685884123982967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>become the richest man on earth just to revert back to the lifestyle of a teenager
what's the end goal to bring rich?

>> No.22112113
File: 299 KB, 750x595, 1685885026105051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22112178
File: 103 KB, 828x837, 1669342464989089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have this feeling that I should try my hand at Amazon FBA and/or shopify to give myself experience with business and the like. But this is purely just for the end goal of money, I guess, and I don't really have any desire to become a wealthy entrepreneur. I really want to just work my job, come home, and do whatever it is that I like. But I have this nagging feeling that I should at least attempt before the years pass, and I look back and feel some sort of regret.

I don't really want to do it. I just want to come home, write, read, play video games, and study Spanish. What would you guys do?

>> No.22112400

>YouTube algorithm recommending me med school lessons in Urdu/Hindi and in Indian English by a Muslim, and, JLPT1 and Korean for kpop classes in Sinhalese
>not even Indian or interested in India

>> No.22112408

I have everything that I could possibly want, so why do I still want to kill myself

>> No.22112413

The storm is clearly coming, yes?

>> No.22112454
File: 195 KB, 640x368, jupiters-giant-red-spot-is-shrinking-a-comparison-of-the-v0-cv9r6egxutw91.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's shrinking! The storm is shrinking!

>> No.22112514

it's possible that these threads and twitch chat, by feeding me regular human retardation, actually do me a bit of good.

>> No.22113046

being rich is realizing you can have everything you ever dreamed of but not feeling like it anymore. ever had toys as a kid? that's the same thing. life is a bitch and you only want what you can't have. also you want more money because why the fuck not.

that aside pretty sure Jeff here would cut off his right hand and years of his life to get his wife back. I bet that's the only thing in his mind every time he enters post nut clarity after pounding women half his age. money can't buy love, can't buy his old life back and can't bring his youth back so he's coping by buying silly cowboy hats and fucking teenagers. Also the money is sabotaging his relationships
as basically everyone in the world knows his face. 'Is she nice to me because she thinks I'm cool, or because I'm rich?' je must think. I'd rather be poor and not have that kind of weight on my shoulders.

>> No.22113070

0.0 global warming? (ya rights)
and they told us we don't undergo change
GUESS AGAIN SCIENCE MAN. fuck you, i burn my plastics

>> No.22113073
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I shoulda just had a glass of water.

>> No.22113083
File: 281 KB, 1444x1142, bear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today is the first time ever in my adult life in which I didn't launder my clothes myself. Instead I took it to a new laundry near my place, the girl at the counter started "flirting" to convince me to pay for them to launder my stuff, I said "ok". Soon she will meet face-to-face with my shit-stained undies, I feel relieved and worried at the same time.

>> No.22113087

This reminds me of Donkey Kong

I haven't shit-stained my undies in some time, how do you do it? Sometimes I am sure I must have shitted but I never did.

>> No.22113100

I'm cursed with swamp ass, without constant cleaning and maintenance my ass sweat mixes with particles of creamy shit and it smells like an open sewer. I try to be very careful with this, but ever since I WFH sitting on my ass all day; my undies have become unholy relics.

>> No.22113101

she'd suck like nothin else
but, of course, she'd argue (validly) that nothing (nothing as in nothing nothing as opposed to nothing/no thing which would mean none higher or nothing after so it's completely different in what it means) can actually exists and a thing must always exist so in actual fact (here i said fuck instead of fact as mistype but it was a propriate to what im tralking about lol just wanted to throw that in here for comedic affect (it's affect not effect people!)) her mouth is really the only thing that sucks like that. making her
the cock sucking champ of all time. ugly women make up for their looks in some special way lik,e that
its like magic. there is olways a thing to make up for something lacking

>> No.22113105

it is from DKC3

>> No.22113106

saw a cute tomboy walking her dog yesterday with a tight ass and perky boobs bouncing braless in a t-shirt.

>> No.22113115

holy fuck i remember a time when i got a blowjob from an ugly chick and it actually sucked
what hte fuck i take that back.



>> No.22113120

Crossroads. Two choices; happy or sad? You stop to think. Sad is easy, happy actually takes some efforts. 'What do we do?' you think, 'I'm tired of fighting, I feel like nothing is worth it.' While it is true that you have fought your fair share in life, some people have it harder. You look at both sides but the answer doesn't come. You sit on the damp earth. Like this, you are the king of dirt, the ruler of nothing. A faint breeze caresses your face, and you feel a presence resting against your back. Comfort, appreciation, slight worry. It communicates in emotions. You turn your head, but nothing is there and the presence is gone.

This situation makes you think of a dream you once had, and while no smile creeps on your lips, you heart flutters a little. You can't remember but you think someone important was there. Now, it is getting dark. It is time to make a choice, and the king of dirt stands up again. 'I will be king some other time,' you think, with the belief you will be able to trace your steps back to this specific crossroads. The happy path gives you bad feelings. It is an extreme you can't really reach by yourself, as you remember happiness is only attained by hanging around people you love. The sad path feels like it is the one you took to get here, and you are not satisfied either, and since you've already decided you won't be standing there for eternity, you make your mind and take a step forward. Then another, and another. You enter a wild bush, then trip and fall face-first in the dirt because of a hidden branch. Before you get up, you notice a small fuzzy jumping spider looking back at you. 'Cute,' you think, 'I would have never noticed you if I didn't fall,' you smile. It hurts, but it is okay. You're up, and you tread more confidently. The path you have taken is a novel one. It is a path of acceptance, a path of hard decisions, a path of potential and hidden riches.

>> No.22113124

and i am your ogre :)

>> No.22113133

This place had made me more cultured whether people want to admit it or not. I can talk literature with anyone irl. This is the only good bookvlub on the internet and I love it

>> No.22113140

>took it personally
You were talking with a retard. Number one sign of retardation is the inability to ever speak about anything abstractly. They will, at the first given opportunity, relate it to themselves because they cannot comprehend anything outside of that lens.

>> No.22113148

---- Solaria ----
Pure Comedy

In almost every direction

From the perspective of both my bedroom windows
It's a typical fairway shot across uninterrupted country lawn

From trees that effectively obscure a human figure,
And recently white and fluorescent yellow balls

Have been appearing after startling roof thumps,
About a half dozen of them, in the last few days, as if I wouldn't notice.

Tomorrow's challenge: Break a window from that distance.
Bet you can't, though you would like to,

Silly bitch, bastard with a club.
It's not like I'll call the cops until then

Since I've even evaded carjackings and monstrous institutions
Without a scratch to my rather light figure.

I look like nothing special, sometimes a little sleazy but sound
Wonderful almost no matter what else.

I pay a lot of attention to women who, in general
Take me all too seriously.

I think about them rather a lot, and can't help it.
All of my siblings were sisters, no

Brothers to interfere.

>> No.22113150

it's more retarded not to be able to relate abstract concepts to real life

of course you'll be offended if somebody says something retarded and wrong that has direct implications to your life. what are you dense?
"uhh, yes please i'll just take my ideas to go please. its just fast food to me" all just a game
eat shit squiddo

>> No.22113202

I just added it up and realized I spent like $700 on one camgirl. Whoops.

>> No.22113307

hey man he's not trying to make u eat zee bugs like some of these dudes so just let him do his thing ok

>> No.22113345

---- Solaria ----

The distilled magenta frostiness of some Dianthus
Looks impossible in almost any light.

Certain snapdragons look velvet red beyond belief, and make
Garnet look like a pale, shallow imitation.

Orange New Guinea impatiens somehow shame
Everything else in daylight broad as can be.

But the shy lily of the valley exceeds them all in startling effect
Of scent, almost equal to that of ancient forest stands

Where industry is prohibited for aesthetic survey.

>> No.22113391
File: 160 KB, 736x1097, Giants - Phillips.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have no idea what he's pulling for

>> No.22113396

Count yourself lucky. I'm rather averse to risk, and sometimes worry about faraway scammers draining my accounts. They're out there. Most of the world is desperately poor. Never forget that.

>> No.22113415

I wonder what third worlders would even spend my life savings on if they got a hold of it. Extra bananas and pineapples?

>> No.22113429
File: 68 KB, 804x746, 1685919738729191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I witnessed my mom pooping when I was 3 and this culminated in my scat and fart fetish later on. I also tried eating my own shit when I was 3. I found /b/ when I was 12 and I saw a gif of someone getting fisted so I tried fisting myself. My first orgasm was when I was 13 and I put a banana in my ass. I was formula fed and co-slept until I was 13. I never took the SATs. I don't have a driver's license. I'm 24 years old. I'm a grocery bagger. I've been prescribed SSRIs, antipsychotics, and stimulants, not concurrently. My dad is 6'2" and I am 5'6". My mom used to threaten to crash the car and kill both of us while driving erratically. She has an assault record. My childhood home smelled of dead grass in summer heat, ashtrays, stale laundry, and marijuana. I also remember thin curtains muffling Alice in Chains. Sticky and laminated and creaky floorboards. I didn't enjoy eating. I always felt watched but nothing was there.

>> No.22113433

Imperial forces have been slowly gaining ground against the rebels for 600 years.

>> No.22113446
File: 2.56 MB, 4000x3000, IMG_20230603_135610096.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to appear normal is getting to be legitimately hard to do.

>> No.22113466

Any place a little more like the ones we take for granted: Flush toilets, climate control, soft clean beds in a setting so quiet and insulated with respect to sound that one can sleep pretty much whenever one needs or wants to. Diet, of course, is a part of that. I'm a skinny bastard, but regularly enjoy pretty much everything I like, short of caviar. Home theatre, digital archives, quiet time enough to enjoy long REM dreams for their own sake.

>> No.22113473

LATAMs birthrates are cratering.

>> No.22113478

I fucking hate being a manlet.

>> No.22113481

A foot fetish is a sign of high intelligence

>> No.22113533

I love it. Dominant and energetic young women like me, and so do the most considerate of men. It depends not so much on the scale, but a certain kind of energy. I'm a fortunate little prick by both nature and circumstance, and wouldn't trade places with most taller men.

>> No.22113546

thirdies have the magic power to sleep regardless of noise or being in a room with thirteen other people

>> No.22113587

Should the Jovians attempt to communicate with Earth and come to terms or do a stealth first strike that may not completely wipe out Earth as a threat? If communication is established earthlings will also establish defences and possibly gain a completely dominant position where they can dictate the lives of all Jovians.

>> No.22113594

At 7 I was reading about the planets, and at 17 about Very Long Baseline Radio Interferometry. I have never met a thirdie who had the taste in books my father had.

>> No.22113596
File: 62 KB, 800x698, rage-comic-internet-meme-trollface-laughter-faces.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22113611

>2nd person POV
Why does this feel like someone trying to sell me something?

>> No.22113614

Kill yourself simp

>> No.22113618

Yes, kill yourself simp

>> No.22113621

You guys don't even know what a simp is. You're just repeating black slang from 30 years ago you saw on the internet six months ago.

>> No.22113627 [DELETED] 

the term they used 30 years ago was captain save-a-ho

>> No.22113643 [DELETED] 

holy shit rumors say the apple vr headset being announced tomorrow will use lidar scans to track leg positions. meta vr on suicide watch if true.

>> No.22113672

Where did you take that picture from? From a jet? I like to fly, but can't afford it often as I'd like to. The richest of my relatives used to fly to Hawaii every year, and about as often tour DC and sites throughout the South, the Grand Canyon, Mexico especially around the where Mayan pyramids are. How can you fly and find it hard to make conversation?

>> No.22113764
File: 228 KB, 1280x720, WIN_20210812_18_08_24_Pro (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22113812

It's been a full weekend and I still think it's a good idea to get my CDL trucker licsense.

>> No.22113825


>> No.22113851

you can do it you can stop it i know you can do it i believe in you

>> No.22113976

---- Solaria ----
Exurban Preserve

Cambridge "Sutan" and such
Nestles in a circa 1970 yellow plastic design.

The light in the room is slightly violet,
Very faintly scented by cyclamen.

It's a little embarrassing to mention the extent
Of my archives, which I'll never see again.


>> No.22114007
File: 854 KB, 4000x3000, IMG_20220411_052752008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>caring about anything ever for any reason

>> No.22114013

I have started hate watching a few youtube 'shorts' people. I don't know how to feel about this. Is it wrong to focus your attention on what you think is bad or is there true value in better understanding what you despise and why? I am leaning towards the latter but maybe that is delusion to rationalise me indulging in what is a guilty pleasure that I would despise if I saw it in others a la 'outrage culture'

>> No.22114031 [DELETED] 
File: 76 KB, 1600x1200, IMG_20220411_052807529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel most alive when rapidly approaching my death.

>> No.22114040

And yet I bet you feel even more than I do, at my age. What is that image of? In 1997 Hale Bopp floated over northern skies for months.

>> No.22114070

Loneliness is on my mind.

>> No.22114073

Recently I've indulged in the George Page Nature series. About the only thing i wish for more of it is better video resolution. As for hate watching, /wsg/ is about all I can take or need.

>> No.22114178

It's like.. I'm not longing for the person precisely. But love is just habits. It's just neural circuits that haven't been decoupled. Neurons used to firing a certain way, and the way hasn't yet atrophied. And I want to go for a swim, but I find myself longing foolishly for this person, even when sense and rationality say no. But I think it's because they've come to represent a more abstract concept in my head. A relic of the past. And I'm in a nostalgic mood so everything in the past seems more alluring and attractive.

>> No.22114180
File: 263 KB, 643x389, E46DE0A0-2536-40FB-9E50-533F431F98CF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Excelsior stood beneath a stone shower. He took a second drag from a marijuana chalice, exhaling into the steam, his focus loosening like fragments of glitched code. Standing, thinking. Not actually thinking—yet the intuition cycling. Drifting while upright. A space station adrift the cosmos. The holographic overlay on the walls even imitated deep space. Fuck was he stoned. And there excelsior stood, staring at the universe—drifting on the stone platform of his shower when a sudden purring drew him to his loins. A temptress that would brook him no quarter lest he expel himself in front of space itself.

>> No.22114212

I hate bed bugs
I hate bed bugs
I hate bed bugs
I hate bed bugs

>> No.22114221

>Dominant and energetic young women like me
Nothing really to do with height. And I say this as a person who is fairly handsome himself. Just retarded and autistic.
>and so do the most considerate of men.
I don't know about you but I dislike living off charity. If people are being nice to me out of pity they're not being nice at all.
>It depends not so much on the scale, but a certain kind of energy.
Congrats on the luck anyways.

>> No.22114263

Indeed. If you truly reflect on what Jesus' actions and words entail, you can't help but conclude He is Divine

>> No.22114308

Are The Father and The Holy Spirit the only ones who act in OT?

>> No.22114320

I don t have any original thoughts

>> No.22114322

Same. I read all the time but dont have any original thoughts, like a tree who saps everything from the ground yet ends up as an ugly, twisted one without ever blossoming and producing fruit.

>> No.22114325

The moment of my childhood in which I embodied the shithead child the most is when I when to a young kid I was on a road trip with and decided to tell her that none of the classics actually existed in the most mean-spirited way possible. Mostly because I was pissed at her for being an annoying little kid (I was like 10 she was like 7) but I also wonder if I was taking out that one time my dad and my brother told me Santa wasn't real while calling me a stupid idiot on her. I vaguely remember enjoying causing her emotional distress. At least until the adults scolded me.

>> No.22114348
File: 95 KB, 640x906, 1542162017129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, the Son (the Word of God) is clearly in the OT not just in the opening verses of Genesis, but also in the various theophanies of the Angel of the Lord - this is the pre-Incarnate Word.

Exodus 3:2 notes that the Angel of the Lord appeared to Moses in the burning bush which is then identified as “God” in verse 4. God also tells Moses later that in the Exodus, He will send the Angel of the Lord before them and that the Angel will have God's Name in Him. The Israelites understand that it was God who lead them out of Egypt yet in Judges 2:1, the Angel of the Lord says, “I brought you up from Egypt and brought you to the land that I had promised to your fathers.” Another example of the Divinity of the Angel of the Lord is when Abraham singles Him out for worship Genesis when He visits him with the other two angels. There are *many* other theophanies but those are just a few to get started. You can also look into the Wisdom literature where the Wisdom is personified as co-eternal with God.

Also, look into Daniel 7. Here, we see the one like a Son of Man approaching the Ancient of Days (the Father) and the Son of Man is "given dominion and glory and a kingdom, That all peoples, nations, and languages should serve Him. His dominion is an everlasting dominion, Which shall not pass away, And His kingdom the one Which shall not be destroyed." Also note that this Son of Man "[comes] with the clouds of heaven." The cloud-rider is a Divine title and that's why the Pharisees flip out when they ask Jesus whether He is the Christ, the Son of the Living God - Jesus says “It is as you said. Nevertheless, I say to you, hereafter you will see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of the Power, and coming on the clouds of heaven.” At which, the Pharisees call Him a blasphemer because He was made Himself equal to God as per the Daniel 7 prophecy.

>> No.22114357

I do not know how to heal you
But you seem like you love life. I am here for you.

>> No.22114368

All thoughts are derivative of the stimuli your brain receives and interprets. The entire corpus of human wisdom has been regurgitated ad infinitum. It’s just the manner of expression that’s “original” and different.

>> No.22114370

Sometimes I wonder how long other people would take to figure out that im a fraud.

Im so out of touch with real life. I need a lobotomy.

>> No.22114371

Do I need to be schizo for completely original thoughts?

>> No.22114372

For the longest time I didn't understand the hate for Indians, mostly because where I live they keep to themselves, and they generally run a business of some sort instead of just niggin' it up or harassing women like arabs. But they have no concept of quiet, they always play their fucking godawful pajeet music in public places on their phones and now they've completely swarmed youtube with shitty low effort pajeet videos. They're opportunistic little goblins.

>> No.22114376

Have you ever felt like your family or a family member holds you back?

>> No.22114390

No. Even when you re a schizo your mind will just be riffing off of whatever it receives externally. Grossly misperceived though. Even paranoid delusions are based on something you saw or heard or read or whatever.

>> No.22114400

My parents never guided me in anything or supported any decisions I made, and only loved me when I was a little kid because I was brilliant in school and well-behaved. As soon as I started having health problems I became nothing but the illness. I was the sick thing in the family. My brother never talked to me and when he did it was to make fun of me or act like an asshole. I never had a real father figure because he was so old and narcissistic, and my mother was a pushover with no personality. I never had any uncles or other relatives that mattered. When I met other people who had healthy families with close bonds I felt like I grew up with missing pieces. I don't blame them for my current situation but I feel like I would have been so much better off if I had a real family.

>> No.22114409

To be fair, the med school vids are low production quality but better than most the western ones. Even in Hindi I can tell they're hitting on more practical points (because medical terms are mostly in English) during a lecture than westerners do. Hilariously, in the lectures I've seen in Indian English they talk about diseases of western genetics or lifestyles like western medical lectures talk about sickle cell patients or third world hygiene problems.

>> No.22114410

Why is it that nobody seems to be able to find moderation in what they like sexually nowadays? Like sure, you could say that sex is about everything besides moderation, but still, it's bizarre to me how people can't be into anything nowadays without making an embarrassing, exaggerated farce out of it. Saying that you like your women curvy used to mean that you liked women with a nice, feminine figure rather than meaning that you want to bang beached whales.

>> No.22114422

Porn creep. The majority of human sexuality is solo in developed countries.

>> No.22114423

damn this has that authentic 80s energy

>> No.22114434

Terminally online autists have metastasized public spaces. I think people with more normal tastes are simply dropping out or letting themselves ride the downward spiral. I'm into (actual) monster women which is admittedly fucked up by all standards, but for almost a decade now my fantasies about them have been vanilla. When I see those rare other straight people talk about this subject they always pile super gross degrading shit on top of it. I'm also generally porn-averse, I like very mild erotica and that's almost impossible to find so I no longer even look for it.
Personally I blame the gays. Letting gays dictate sexual trends was a mistake, they are by far the enablers of most of this because they are obsessed with sex in a way that no straight man can be.

>> No.22114438

Unfortunately, a lot of families are like this. I think baby boomer and generation x parents were especially bad because they were all narcissists raised by television and movies.

>> No.22114440

I'm reminded of that quote from that Hollaback novel where the protagonist says that before homosexuals became accepted practically no heterosexual man cared about his dick size.

>> No.22114445

oh wow i didn't know huellebeck was a small guy

>> No.22114448

I dunno, I think everything went to shit when it comes to man-woman relationships/bonds. Men are still held to pre-internet standards while on your side you have to swallow so much unnatural shit to make it work that it's just not worth it anymore. Personally I believe that no sane man will really enjoy the idea of settling with an older woman who fucked countless people for fun before deciding she wants something serious. We went from choosing one partner in your early stages of life when biologically speaking people are the most attractive and most fit to have kids, and marrying that person for life, to this awkward shit where you get used to banging strangers throughout your development and then switch to bonding when you're no longer capable of it. Here it's full of Arabs and I know that Muslim culture is shit in many ways, but when I see these young women along with their young man, with 2 kids, I dunno, it just looks so right.

>> No.22114452

Are they trying to bang your beaches whale wife or gf or ex?

What you say isn't profound desu

Make /Lit/ Classy Again!

>> No.22114453

I need to quit my comfortable but dead-end job and do something with my life. My main problem is that I don’t know what to do or where to go. Besides writing poems, I really have little I want to do.

>> No.22114461

you got that monday morning "wtf is up with my life" mood too? ya i'm about to go into work in an hour and my main concern is will i be able to watch the apple keynote this afternoon or will i have to sit in some stupid zoom meeting. we returned to the office like two years ago but still hold meetings on zoom because ... we just do ok. easy job, but like, there's more to life than taking it easy.

>> No.22114463

It probably has a lot to do with men checking out en masse. Like you gotta dangle a relatively desirable carrot if you want men to be willing to get into the wagie cage for it. But checking out just exacerbates the problem even more by making men stop giving a fuck and becoming even less desirable partners for women than they were before. The interesting things is that even women are worse off than they used to be despite their maternal ancestors living in that detested hell of being a mother and a housewife. Everybody seems to be worse off than they used to be, men and women alike, despite everyone having incomparably more freedom to do as they wish than ever before.

>> No.22114469

I've spent a lot of time trying to chase a creative career but the internet has changed so quickly between the 2010s and the 2020s that it felt like I got the rug pulled from under my feet. Around 2012 it felt like if you didn't do porn or porn-adjectent shit or some derivative thing that appropriated something popular in that moment you might as well not publish anything to begin with. People have also changed and became so passive. If you published anything before the 2010s, no matter what it was, people would be active about it, they'd say something, mostly positive things. The public felt a lot more engaged and receptive to ideas and new things in general. Now they just consoom what they see and only engage if they feel like shitting on it or project whatever filthy thoughts they have in that moment on it. It feels like toiling away for a bunch of entitled brats, and forget about getting any money for it unless you're grifting or selling pornography. It's just so sad and today I wish I had done something else entirely with my life. I still love art and creative work, but I keep it mostly to myself because it feels so draining to share any of it.

>> No.22114472

It’s less of a Monday morning mood and more of an everyday all day mood.

Honestly, im feeling pretty overwhelmed. Im having a hard time with private decisions for myself and at the same time I feel this huge burden to make certain moves for the sake of my brother, who can’t seem to get his life together without someone in the family being his shoulder to heavily lean on.

>> No.22114474

It's not gay acceptance. It's also not a wholesale adoption of gay sexual mores. It's not really even a tolerance of sexual deviation, as anyone with a fetish can tell you from how generic and trope based porn has become. It's paraded under these things at best, but it makes a lot of the groups it claims to support uneasy.
I think it's a much darker thing, which most people outside of some kink communities would not recognize as sexual. It's about loneliness, struggle, power, debasement, dehumanising, constantly observed and constantly ignored, attempts at any emotional reaction or validation of your existence through violation, and a type of exploitation of yourself and others. I'm not saying they have a BDSM fetish per se, but they have the kind of mentality which is generally considered abusive without that context. I'm not even saying the ones who practice BDSM necessarily recognize this, and there are a lot ot them because it's one of the ones abusive normies will find most appealing. There's a level of sexual objectification going on in straight people, whereby sex acts are seen through a lense of fetishes, and sexual partners through a lense of gender/sexuality/religious affiliation/body type/fetish trope, that is usually reserved for those into being a footstool for four hours.

>> No.22114478

I'm scared of the future

>> No.22114480

The fate of destruction is also the joy of rebirth.

>> No.22114482

Women are pretty content with the career+hookups lifestyle and they always find a desperate provider later on when and if they want to have a family. Then they divorce and get gibs.

>> No.22114484

Because this is an age of excess and virtually nothing exists in moderation?

>> No.22114489

I think debasement/dehumanising is a consequence, not a cause

>> No.22114496

I think it's a cause. If you look at anon as a sample, the amount of anon trying to be disgusted by their porn habit and it not being disgusting enough for them yet looks very much like they're trying to become less than human with the added spice of failing at even that.

>> No.22114510

Everyone with their problems. Sometimes I think you guys are actually proud of your problems. It made you seem helpless and innocent from your life choices.

I mean, who goes around loudly announcing about how their wives/gf cheat on them?

It's endless endless problems where the solution is there but it's alwayssssssss about your feelings.

>> No.22114516

Making sexuality all about the physical act of sexual conquest and the thrill of power is just the male-ification of sexual relations, though. Which is just an alternate way to say that it has become homosexualized.

>> No.22114518

only women think sex is about "power". gay dudes just want to get off.

>> No.22114522

> sexuality all about the physical act of sexual conquest and the thrill of power is just the male-ification of sexual relations
Not really. That's pretty much always been a straight female orientated porn trope. It's not gay, but it is a straight person's very normal idea of deviation. Mills and Boon and Harlequin aren't in business for nothing.

>> No.22114529

>joy of rebirth
>Suffering builds character
Tell that to the dead people of Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombing

>> No.22114531

Men of any orientation fuck for many reasons, sheer physical pleasure is not one of them. For most men sex with someone is about the validation of bedding their object of desire and the thrill of power they get from the inherently unequal relation of penetrator and penetrated, and for heterosexual relations, also the physical inequality of men and women. But also the intimacy of the other person trusting them enough to let them do that to them. Power play and male sexuality can't ever be decoupled from each other because that is just how men work, men desire to dominate and possess what they want to be theirs and theirs alone.

>> No.22114534

NTA, but how do you feel when you write this?

>> No.22114536

>jacking each other off and trading BJ's isn't an option
You're now aware most gay porn you've seen has been made for women.

>> No.22114541

Is it beneficial to blame your parents for everything? Don't at one point you just want the chains to break by thinking, hmm, maybe, you don't care what they think at one point?

>> No.22114544

What do you mean? People have written about the ways sexuality works a lot more cynically than that decades ago.

>> No.22114546

>the lesbian porn made for men where they think acrylics make you femme
>no male ever noticing that women won't open a can of coke with acrylics, let alone their vagina

>> No.22114548

They're just drug addicts, man. Porn is a drug.
>le males!!
STFU trannies, the men who think about sex like this are the ones who are the most successful in this promiscuity circus and endorse this state of things the most.

>> No.22114547

I said,

How do you feel when you write your post >>22114531 ?

Did you feel good? Did you feel happy? Did you feel smart? Stop pretending you don't understand my question that is concerning your well-being or simply questioning your intelligence or both

Also I don't care about other "people"

>> No.22114551

>Porn is a drug.
kek. No.

>> No.22114559

Tonight had sex with myself in my sleep. First time in my life had such a unique experience of touching my body and feeling it as if it's another myself, so there were two physical bodies of myself, and I felt what they felt together at once. It started with me seeing myself laying next to me, I gently touched "myself" on the side, it felt sweet and sparked the desire, I got super aroused, took the tshirt off and passionately kissed the whole body, (which was 13-14 by the look) chest, nipples, neck, tummy, then dived down there and it felt like heaven. Don't know what it might be, maybe a distant call from childhood, maybe a hidden desire to make out with, dunno.

>> No.22114561

literally has the same effect as a drug on the brain

>> No.22114562

Why are people so opposed to seeing male and female sexuality as each other's mirror images? Nature intended them to be like hand and glove, so it would be only appropriate that they are very similar in many regards, just with different polarities.

>> No.22114577


>> No.22114590

What other site is there

>> No.22114628

My entire plan hinges on me getting a house from my dad.
If I don't I live a slaves life.

>> No.22114654

I’m so tired of worrying about my brother and trying to fix his shitty decisions.

>> No.22114665

Best you could do is give advise and show how he could do better.
You don't fix someone else's life. Not possible

>> No.22114672

I'm sick of thinking about others and their problems.
So I think about myself and realize what I really want is... to finish a book.


>> No.22114676

No. Even if you have a caffeine addiction you should know the difference. Not being able to tolerate emotional distress exists without drugs, which is why it can't be used to define addiction alone.

>> No.22114678

---- Solaria ----

It's nice to have something important to do for a living.
Then one wouldn't feel so silly

Behind the wheel of a metallic mint Mercedes,
Almost supine through snow

Like an otter at play.

>> No.22114682

Sex isn't viewed as collaborative so much as transactional when you view people as objects. It's also the difference between seeing kids as an exciting outgrowth of collaboration, or as an undesirable gift of purchase.

>> No.22114687

Not an only child?

>> No.22114699

I have 2 brothers and a sister.
My dad is wealthy and I will try and get him to either buy me a house or lend me a lot of money for one.
I think he will but I'm nowhere without it. Housing market is so fucked I'll be a rentoid for another 10 years

>> No.22114717
File: 1.86 MB, 300x164, 1680627562121952.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Something BIG is Happening on Saturn and we DON'T KNOW why
>Using IMPOSSIBLE Trick to Solve Ancient Problem?
>This ONE LITTLE THING made EINSTEIN shit his pants
>GREATEST MYSTERY finally SOLVED about birds, here's how....
>Why it's IMPOSSIBLE to break this code
>Taylor Swift finally gets EXPOSED!
>Andrea KILLS her sister
>The ONE FATAL FLAW in the Constitution
>I RUINED Sneed's song
>Make PERFECT stake with this one little trick
>Barry LOSES IT while arguing with
>Magnus Carlsen DESTROYS Goku in 4.7 seconds
>Star Trek is DOOMED
>This Walmart is ON FIRE
>How this molecule is SAVING the internet
>You are doing this TOTALLY WRONG

>> No.22114726

Does it ever get you to click on the link?

>> No.22114757

It’s not the best though. I’m also having to step into a pseudo-parental role and giving financial and loving arrangement help, help getting a job, all while trying to counteract the bad advice he gets from our actual parents, who I’m sorry to say, are losers.

It sucks feeling like I can’t do what I want, can’t take risks, can’t move because I have to have certain jobs so I can have a certain amount of money, be there to split an apartment with him, be able to get him nepo hired, and it’s like I can’t even do it all the way because the actual parents are there doing it more but in the worst way possible.

>> No.22114760

40% of the house will be taxed and the rest split between you if he doesn’t sell it and use it to fund retirement.

You have to understand that for boomers and gen x, houses were their own retirement investments. They never intended to bequeath property to their children and it would be foolish to expect to inherit anything.

>> No.22114781

Everything goes back to normal for a time. Harold continues to do nothing, rolling along as if by sheer consumption, he will free himself of the unending guilt he must at all times be weighed under. Charity, heavily made up and over-dressed, goes back to the benign kind of cruelty she became famous for as a sorority sister. The passive nature of putting down her friends and family, leaving behind the little inconsistent practices of the undergraduate. I'm left standing there, looking around, wondering when they'll go back to going back on things. Non-comital as we all are, we are bound to the same misfortune of having witnessed the collapse of a great man at the hands of a small-minded, economy-driven machine.

>> No.22114815

I'm not talking inheriting a house. He's rich enough to buy all his kids a house so that's what I'm angling for. I got some bargaining chips so I have some hope of getting it within the next year. Best case a whole house but I'll settle for him giving me 50.000 for a down payment

>> No.22114835

Autistic perhaps, but as for retarded, that depends on the range of subjects one takes an interest in. Sir Walter Raleigh was a perfectly ridiculous figure, and no doubt a pretty as well as tall one. I sometimes wonder what Lucretius and Catullus looked like.

>> No.22114859

>>This Walmart is ON FIRE

>> No.22114878

Not him but I am allergic to this shit and I refuse to take the bait, but I don't browse shit idly so I'm already in a good position to do this. I generally search for a specific thing and click on something that doesn't have a woman or faggot with his mouth agape in the thumbnail.

>> No.22114892

Relax. True, the world is going to Hell mostly because of overpopulation, but you'll live well and long enough.

>> No.22114907

It doesn't affect me much. I try not to engage with things that I find aggravating. However, if I ever find someone whose job is to create this sort of shit, I will pull his intestines from his mouth and then strangle him with them.

>> No.22115052

Maybe I should pursue a graduate degree and a faculty positions. I don’t know. It’s really hard for me to figure out what I want lately. It feels like you’re kind of stuck if you’re born without money. So maybe I should say fuck all of that and get the money so my kids, if I ever have kids, can have more freedom than I had.

>> No.22115073

Though I am sad today I shall be happy tomorrow. So says the fool

>> No.22115078

I agree in the abstract, or strategy. As for feeling about it, I haven't the energy for such images. I'm too old and amiable for all that. too lucky in circumstance.

>> No.22115110

I don’t know if I should move to New York City or back to Ithaca.

>> No.22115128

---- Solaria ----

Nothing magnificent as idle curiosity,
To see for the sheer sake of sight, to engineer

So stellar an eye,
So comfortable a view

Of place remote and alien.

>> No.22115150

How to overcome self criticism?
Its like whatever i want to say or do in my mind i try to give reasons to do the opposite or not do it. And then it leads to nowhere.

>> No.22115153

What awaits you there? How do you feel about these places? I'm a yuro but I visited NY once (family had some money on and off at least, and they really cared to try to show me and my sister the world). What's Ithaca like?

>> No.22115163

I think if you really thought something was a good thing to do, but then you end up in some kind of quagmire, then it probably was a good thing to do. But the difference between a quagmire and a sincere doubt is nuanced, and I guess you just gotta accept whichever you choose in that case.

>> No.22115220
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Maybe it sounds stupid but when I finally do something in afraid someone comes along and mentions all the arguments against doing it and then it seems I didnt think about it.

>> No.22115227

I dont know what haircut to get.

>> No.22115249

I don't know to which church I should turn. I am a member of the Methodist church which is quickly falling. Ideally, I'd be able to find a church in the Anglo-Catholic tradition. Episcopalians are too far gone and to convert to Catholicism seems rash. I entertained Orthodoxy but there is too much emphasis on reverencing the saints. Women and gays have subverted orthodox Christianity.

>> No.22115270

I went to college in Ithaca and worked for one of the college’s there for about 5 years. I don’t have any friends there anymore, but it’s place that feels like home to me even more than my actual hometown I think. It’s also fairly rural and I like that. When I lived there I was involved with local farmers and horse stables. The rural lifestyle in general appeals to me. As for New York City, it’s just the experience. To have lived there for a while seems like it might be worth it, not because it’s it’s enjoyable but just to say you did it. And obviously, New York is a place to make a name for yourself today whether that’s business or literature or whatever really.

>> No.22115279

Do you think 30 is too old to pursue literature-related MA? I have a BS and some work experience but they’re totally unrelated. I just don’t see myself being happy doing anything other than teaching English literature.

>> No.22115283

I got a new girl. She’s a bit chubby but nice

>> No.22115287

---- Solaria ----
Only Desultorily

It's about ten minutes till noon
And my main concern is the distribution of water

Around the flower garden, indoors and out.

As for how the corn makes in these unusally dry conditions
That will take a long drive

And, to enjoy, the effect of Rooseveltian government.

>> No.22115289

I don’t think overpopulation is real. It’s just antinatalist propaganda

>> No.22115294

I remember having a musical project called The Andrea Yates Connection back in the day

>> No.22115300

Recitals like yours are tiresome.

>> No.22115305

The girl turns, smiling.

"It's a game! Everything is a game. Why aren't you having fun?"

I shake my head, "It isn't a game, not for me, not for billions of people. Isn't it weird that the only people who think life is a game are rich people and their kids?"

"... Why would you think that? If life sucks that much for you then isn't it better to seek some fun or kill yourself? Kill yourself, then," she says, staring directly in my soul.

I have no words.

"Are you going to sulk in a corner of your bedroom again? While everyone is going out and having fun?" she nods, "Just go ahead then. Do it! Or dance with me."

A knot forms in my throat, because she's probably right. Because even religious people seek fun. Because life is meant to be lived. Because I've been edgy and stupid all along. So, I take her hand.

>> No.22115307

Logically, there is a limit to how many people can survive on a planet. This is really indisputable. Whether we’re there or remotely approaching that number is debatable.

>> No.22115310

Im getting more depressed by each day despite turning my life around.

>> No.22115318

What did that entail? I was 16 when this was on the air:

>> No.22115346

I couldn't say I'm not similar.. it's scary in a way. Complicated being human. I guess you gotta try to resort to your sense of right and wrong, and stick by it.

>> No.22115353

what's church life like? what is it you're looking for in a church when you choose?

>> No.22115354

Her hand feels slimy. I look down and see it's made of worms.
Game Over
Score: 81940

>> No.22115363

>And obviously, New York is a place to make a name for yourself today whether that’s business or literature or whatever really.
I've gathered as much.. what is it you want to do? what are you trained in? Do you have any place you're interested in living in for the sake of the people that live there?

>> No.22115371

Teaching english litterature is a respectable aim. It was a HS english teacher that got me into readingn at all, and languages, really. I don't know if he was formally trained, he was some kind of old hippie, while at the same time having survived Manchester in the 80s. I don't have any idea how he got the job. I don't know if any of this is interesting to you. If you love litterature I'm sure there's a good way forward.

>> No.22115404

If I ever have a family I'm going to want to have a cat I think. It scares me to think that, as far as I know (I really don't know) you should probably let your cat out, but one day it might not come back, you know? Maybe if you get it really young you can keep it indoors almost all the time and walk it with a leash. I don't know if that's selfish though, seems like you're really, really keeping that animal for your own sake. I'm a muslim and dogs are not encouraged as pets, it's cats mainly. I think it's about respect for the animal, whereas cats are fine, I think maybe because under all normal circumstances a cat will simply claim its nature and walk around wherever it wants. But in a modern city..? Sure is nice sitting around with my mams dog though...

>> No.22115433

All of my work experience is in education. I worked briefly at a high school and then at one of the colleges in Ithaca. Technically I still work for them but I’m a contractor and work remotely. My family is in the New York City suburbs. Besides my family, there is no one I’d move for.

>> No.22115449

I think I would aim for teaching at the collegiate level rather than high school. There is nothing wrong with teaching high school literature, but I think that would be a bad fit for me.

>> No.22115450

I really feel a bit of sympathy with the Franklins tale. I HATE most of the people here and would love to see them burn alive but in a delusional or psychotic episode I can’t even remember I did “claim” them so also it would have been more just to suck it up.

I don’t keep in touch with most of you because I couldn’t care less. I should at least have pretended to because I claimed you so I have to. I can’t remember it but I have to suck it up and deal with it.

>> No.22115459

>My family is in the New York City suburbs. Besides my family, there is no one I’d move for.
I googled it, I get it's a bit of a drive from Ithaca.. I'd probably prioritize family, although I can imagine the appeal of a town like Ithaca. Good thing with teaching is you can go anywhere, really.

>> No.22115469

If you walk your cat with a leash you're gay.
I never had cats just walk off. Feed them plenty, give them love and that's all you can do.

>> No.22115471

I just want to honorary mention that part of how he won me over was this poem (we also read Shakespeare and stuff) from his brittish contemporary. I believe he read it with the word "fucking" instead of "bloody". Iirc it's about friday night in an average english city, of old smog-ridden brown brick.


>> No.22115500

>Walking your cat period
My cat is a fatass Maine tom and somehow he still manages to kill everything. This morning I went to pick up the paper and he had laid a fucking hummingbird next to the rag.

>> No.22115562

I’m not going to actually live by my family though. They live in the suburbs and I’m not going to move to the suburbs. I’m going to live in Ithaca or in the city. To be clear, I’m not a teacher. I’m a consultant. I just happen to be a consultant for schools and colleges.

>> No.22115660

>doesn't know what a gambling addiction is
I bet your addicted to video games too. Good luck with your brain rot on porn

>> No.22115668

>moving to a city

>> No.22115677

I've had outdoor cats why whole life and all of them came home and died somewhat peacefully, cat owners always sperg at me for letting my cat out but I just tell them "Did you like the Covid lockdowns?" "Oh, You didn't?" "Then why would you subject your cat to that? Seems like abusing them more than letting them out in nautre... where they came from... arguably where they belong. Even dogs go for walks."
They usually shut up after that.

>> No.22115713

>tfw never had a console
>also wasn't advocating porn
Okay so Netflix is qualifying as addiction to you and anyone who doesn't agree must be addicted to porn sites instead or else Nintendo? This renders the word practically meaningless to the point of being like how high control groups use the term addiction, where you're addicted to relationships or your job and what you really need is a retreat at their compound. Compulsive actions aren't an addiction, just like not being able to tolerate emotions is not an addiction.

>> No.22115734

Outdoor cats are horrible for local wildlife. They kill everything, wipe out bird species especially. Pentti Linkola basically declares a universal genocide crusade on cats in one of his early essays, when he was still mild.

>> No.22115743

fucking checked

>> No.22115757

1 part Jamaican rum
1 part coffee liquor
1 part espresso
.25 Demarara syrup
1 sqz lemon wedge
Shake and strain into a chilled glass

>> No.22115837

My single biggest regret is not finding some direction when I was young. I did end up finding direction eventually, but after a certain age there’s just this feeling that your potential is capped no matter what you do. In lieu of direction, a good back story would’ve been nice…

>> No.22115849

Nothing. Empty. Nothing. Not even online escapism is making me feel anything.
This is blissful? I should not have smoked. Fucking nicotine makes me down and give me brain fog. Im just gonna sleep. Ill sleep now. Ill sleep.

>> No.22115870

Survival of the fittest.
If the basedbirds and the chudmice can't avoid the catGOD then they're not fit for nature.
Simple as.

>> No.22115871

What do you consult them about?

>> No.22115880

I don't get regret, especially if you ended up fine anyway.
Seems to ungrateful for the experiences you have had and where you're at now.

>> No.22115892

It’s just my title. I’m a school administrator, basically. We do operations stuff related to budgets, marketing campaigns, stuff like that.

>> No.22115903

Fine is subjective is it not? I have high aspirations. I think that is partly my problem. High aspiration with a bad background is a recipe for misery.

>> No.22115905

The weird islands in the Pacific were magic once. Alien ecosystems with big flowers relied on fat flightless birds to waddle around and pollinate the island giving it a distinct smell and feel. Rats and cats destroyed these islands in days. If they could handle the cold they would have killed the penguins too.
Now we have robots and bombs that can kill almost everything. Since we can why shouldn't we? Like the cats we would be providing evolutionary pressure that reflects the real dangers of the wider world.

>> No.22115931

I want jaguars to roam the streets.

>> No.22115958

They need trees to hide and grazers for prey. In the streets they have no edge on anything or anyone.

>> No.22115964

They will have an edge over you and your doggy

>> No.22115977


>> No.22115981

I live with my grandparents and help take care of them.

>> No.22115985

Do you bathe them?

>> No.22115991

No, they can still do that themselves. I just help with dishes, some cooking, cleaning the house, laundry, some yardwork, internet/computer stuff, etc.

>> No.22116000

We will see.

>> No.22116012

The Wordle today was absolute bullshit.

>> No.22116020


>> No.22116023

Fuck you. You're probably a dirty fucking Frenchman.

>> No.22116024

I live with my mom, but I’m way too old to live with my mom.

>> No.22116034

I detest the absolute banality heartache brings!
Let me move on fast.

>> No.22116040

ice cream

>> No.22116045

They will need to adapt to the situation over a long time before becoming a threat. They need easier targets which make them comfortable with street hunting methods before they can go for me. They can't retreat into trees so they'll be very fearful of anything that looks slightly threatening. I have the edge because I know how to throw things, pick things up and how to intimidate. If the jaguar threat is well established I have specialized anti-jaguar weapons.
Open streets are very different from post-apocalyptic streets littered with debris where cats can hide. If you actually want the cats stalking the constructed streets of your civilization it makes sense to surround the streets with a lot of trees.

>> No.22116046

I'm 29.

>> No.22116113

>t. retard

>> No.22116147

And I’m 30

>> No.22116153

I just found myself face to face (literally 1 meter) with a boar with 2 piglets along and I am still sweating about the chance that she might've charged me instead of fleeing. Can't imagine how thrilling it would be to see a big cat up close.

>> No.22116201
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>> No.22116207

I’m worried that I’ve fallen into a routine of comfort and laziness for life.

>> No.22116238
File: 166 KB, 700x993, 0B494B04-DFE4-42DD-A62C-E17484EEA944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I could live forever and read every book.

>> No.22116274

cocktail recipes piss me off, always with these weirdass ingredients that I've never heard of or seen in a store, I mean what the fucking fuck is demarara syrup? there's no way they sell that where I live, so I guess we're adding that to the long list of cocktails I'm never having

>> No.22116277

>High aspiration with a bad background is a recipe for misery.
Can relate very much

>> No.22116285

it was bullshit in the sense that it's a really unique word and a pain to guess if you don't have a lucky start, but don't tell me you browse /lit/ and didn't actually know it

>> No.22116383

I wonder what ADD is. My mums new man has ADD. I feel like he is often trying to make an interesting point, but he gets lost in tangents, he gets lost so far you lose interest way before he gets to the point. But what he's trying to say is actually interesting. I wonder what that's about.

>> No.22116386

Interesting meme

>> No.22116387

Illegally migrate and colonize

>> No.22116756

It’s where stuff happens now, like it or not. And the suburbs and country are lonely. It’s impossible to date or make friends there.

>> No.22117610

>And the suburbs and country are lonely. It’s impossible to date or make friends there.
I live in the suburbs and I can tell you it is not lonely and it sucks, I can't wait to move out to the country. Fuck people, fuck dating, and fuck friends. I have a single friend right now who won't take a fucking hint and stop calling me all the time.