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22109903 No.22109903 [Reply] [Original]

>don't be a libtard with blue hair. be a libtard that larps as a warrior instead
thanks BAP

>> No.22110226

He doesn’t really say you should do anything because muh feds. What little advice he does give (infiltrating government power sources like the military to slowly create change from within) has since been discredited and disavowed by the man himself using Twitter. So he now says absolutely nothing, actually.

>> No.22110255

BAP provides an aesthetic and philosophical vision for the world, not a political one

>> No.22110261

Go back to twitter, (((BAP))).

>> No.22110263

>bap is le jew zionist
ok cathtard

>> No.22110299

Yes. Fundamentally he's a more sophisticated Andrew Tate. Their role is act as catalysts to flip enough men into a frame that will allow eventually for political change.

>> No.22110310

More like to redirect enough mens political energies into a frame that will allow for them to spin their wheels larping as a barbarian and bitching about trannies while achieving no real political influence.

>> No.22110320

Libtards with blue hair only know how to give money to NGOs, libtards that larped as warriors at least managed to build a neo-classical town hall.

>> No.22110325

So he's just a celebrity

>> No.22111211

>previous thread just died
>another is quickly up

This is as natural as your Wikipedia page, Costin. Mimicking self-awareness won't save you. Should the time ever come, remember the only way to redeem yourself at this point is to kill yourself.

>> No.22111409

we were kings and native land larp is just as stupid and cringe as playing pretend pagan

>> No.22111426

Are you a christcuck? If so, you really shouldn't bother with this book

>> No.22111691

Yeah, he is certainly no Lenin or Debord, no revolutionary potential

>> No.22111722

No one should bother with this book, regardless pf religion.

>> No.22111836

He got exposed as a jew

>> No.22111838

>The only way to be a true artist in this era is to be a serial killer
How does anyone take this person seriously? He's obviously and legitimately insane

>> No.22111842

>revolutionary potential

>> No.22111845

He's as much of a pagan as varg or markbrahmin is, he's another atheist.

>> No.22111876

>he's another atheist
sure. regardless.

>> No.22111891


>> No.22112130

He didn't say that...

>> No.22112152


>> No.22112258

Not in the book, on his podcast

I liked some of his tweets and thought I'd give it a listen, but he's way, way more unhinged when not subject to Twitter moderation

>> No.22112303

>flip enough men
Last time I checked he had like 70k twitter followes, and that's the only place he has any influence bar some niche think tanks that publish an article ofe two by him.

He's a niche micro celebrity. He's terrible at mass appeal, and is therefore never going to flip enough men. His intention is to influence a new "Ceasar" in the west. Nietzsche tried doing this but it just stirred some egomaniacs like Mussolini to violence, nothing more. Today fascism is near impossible, and a new cease equally so. He fails either way.

>> No.22112414

Cool. BAPs not gonna do it himself. This is why I mentioned Andrew Tate who has millions of followers and speaks a similar albeit less historically and philosophically sophisticated message. The message will instantiate itself into reality as more of these figures appear and we WILL see a Ceaser in our time.

>> No.22112447

>new Caesar arrives
>it’s a tranny
Sure going to be funny watching those chuds, who clamored for an iron fist absolute monarch, crying as they are lined up on the wall. Be careful what you wish for

>> No.22112464

Yeah, that sounds like the Bronze Age

>> No.22112473

Lol as a member of all sorts of art scenes in a big US city, I can guarantee it will not be a tranny.

>> No.22112480

While I like some of his stuff I am instinctly sceptical of political messages comming from a jew.

>> No.22112540

>we WILL see a Ceaser in our time
This is possible but the challenge is immense. Neolibs will not want to give up their bougie boutique belief systems where nigger lives matter (if they're killed by cops or whites, the other 95% not so much), men can be women, and actual men as re oppressors of women (despite men showing all the same life outcome metrics relative to women that non whites have relative to whites).

Troons aren't even bit players nor extras in the grand public drama. They're more like a plot device, a potent (and pungent) symptom of decay. Any Ceasar in our time will reassert masculine pride in men and, more importantly, remind women that they're not strongest when doing the things that men can do, they're most powerful when doing the things that men can't. Giving birth and raising kids.

>> No.22112566

Wew, lad. This anon took the chud incel pill and never recovered

>> No.22112567

You realize the most influential people are on Twitter and are aware of various Twitter "scenes"? It's known Trump administration officials read BAM. I am confident Elon has read BAM. I bet Obama, Hillary and their apparatchiks are aware of BAP

Shortly before he was banned he posted pics people sent of their NSA badges, diplomatic passports, etc. and copy of BAM

>> No.22112581

Neolibs will lose all legitimacy once boomers die out.

Boomers can actually say that they worked hard and built their life, often coming from working class backgrounds or at least lower middle class.

When they die, most of their children will be entirely disposesed, a small minority will have their parent's wealth handed down to them, a much smaller minority will flourish as they take over the levers of the new society/economy.

At this point, we will either give up on liberal democracy or there is going to be a massive upswing in radical ideologies. Ironically both the hardcore Bolsheviks and the neo-fascist right wingers are going to gravitate to the Republican party, since the Democratic party is built in such a way to cockblock any potential radicals from being elected within the party mechanisms. So it will be a split Blue "Party of the Elite" and Red "Party of the People", with serious advocates for death camps, total jewish exclusion, and luxury space communism by 2050. The only people holding the overtone window within a level of normality are rapidly aging boomers who benefit from the status quo.

>> No.22112611

Women reading BAP is cringe

>> No.22112653

You're completely delusional.

>> No.22112668

Most people on the planet agree with me now and always have throughout history. The white American liberal NPC is a recent abheration and the most recent software updates have been the most extreme and inexplicably stupid. You're rudderless and confused.
I'm an extreme leftist, non white, a husband and a father of 1 (soon hopefully 2). I don't need a sleazy mudslime porn mogul like Tate to guide me, I'm in my late 30s and my core beliefs haven't changed since my early 20s.

>At this point, we will either give up on liberal democracy or there is going to be a massive upswing in radical ideologies
Your later predictions sound a little scifi but this part is accurate. Western liberalism is done for. The left thought it could open the mass migration floodgates and get waves of democrat voters. They should have known the minorities they already have, blacks and Hispanics, are more conservative than liberal whites and Jews, who will be bound up together as a shrinking minority beset by people who hate them. Stephen Steinlight knew this when he wrote "The Jewish stake in America's changing demographic" for the council of foreign relations. Thats was back in 2002, and he accurately predicted blacks would revolt violently against their replacement along with whites (predicted Stop Asian Hate 20 years ago, but of course his fellow tribe members in media have to pretend all those blacks attacking chinks are actually white supremacists).
Look at the Muslim parents at that school meeting in Dearborn Michigan. White liberals, faggots and feminists have no clue what's coming. And white men will not intervene to save them this time. They're already simping for the fucking Taliban lol. Similar things are happening everywhere. Look up the Arab Christian mob that attacked a small group of lgbt protestots outside their church in western Sydney earlier this year. Look at the Pakis and Indians taking their beef to the streets of Leicester in the UK.

>> No.22112672

Second paragraph was directed to you >>22112581

>> No.22112723

How so? The entire founding mythology of our current liberal order is that it provides a certain level of social mobility, freedoms (in particular free speech), and opportunities that past societies didn't.

Millennials have not had social mobility or free speech for their entire lives. Gen Z is even worse. Boomers exist as a demographic which, broadly speaking, has been catered to their whole lives by the state, and who can look at the system as say "this works" and "this serves my best interests".

What demographic could possibly replace them? White men? Upwardly mobile black professionals? Muslim immigrants? Once boomers die out the state loses the vast majority of their social capital, and even the people who continue to simp for the status quo will be a dwindling minority who were born into a life of excess and privilege. The boomer developer who owns a dozen housing projects can say "look, I started out middle class, worked hard, and built this up by my bootstraps. I earned my affluent life and it's not right to send me to a hard labor camp in Alaska to be worked to death", and he'll be mostly correct and sympathetic. His gen Z son who inherits these properties and jacks up rental prices so he can spend his time surfing in California and banging your waifu isn't going to be nearly as sympathetic of a target for social outrage.

>> No.22112732

>/lit/ - politics and ecelebs

>> No.22112738

Exactly. The entire status quo depends on importing a new colonial elite from the third world, turning them into gay champaign socialists within a generation, and just hoping they forget about any radical tendencies or anticolonial animosities they might bring with them. Or, at least, directing that animosity towards working class white men. That's the only way they can generate a significant demographic who's seen only a relative increase in life quality compared to past generations, despite the overall trend being one of decline.

I expect racial animosity to get amped up to 11 once boomers start dying out, because the moment that poor whites and the emerging class of managerial brown college educated immigrants realizes that they hate exactly the same people it's going to be open season on the dozen or so families which rule us.

>> No.22112801

>Millennials have not had social mobility or free speech for their entire lives
I will disagree here. You're right on social mobility, the rug pull happened as we came of age so gen x was the last generation to make bank in decent numbers. But we had free speech. That's why some of us still say nigger and faggot even if we don't genuinely harbour strong animosity to those groups. We're doing it because we can, or rather we could. It's immature and puerile but it's necessary, like police audits when spergs film public buildings from the street just so the cops show up and they can flex their rights. A canary in a coal mine. Once they can stop you from saying/do something you always could, they can stop you from saying anything. Millennials in professional jobs and with uni degrees have betrayed our generation. They were just as edgy as the rest of us but fell for the spread of jew academic nonsense outside American higher education.
But gen z, most of them are completely complicit because they were raised in this shit. Little nigger worshipping stasi agents ready to snitch at the slightest offence against the 10 thousand self contradictory woke commandments.

>> No.22112878

>Millennials in professional jobs and with uni degrees have betrayed our generation. They were just as edgy as the rest of us but fell for the spread of jew academic nonsense outside American higher education.
That's the point though anon. Free speech isn't free speech when it comes with extreme social and economic consequences for stepping out of line. If you have to choose between free speech and being "deplatformed"/depersoned then you don't really have free speech. Just because we aren't actively being thrown in jail for saying nigger doesn't mean that free speech exists in the sense that it did in the 90s/early 2000s.

Millennials can look at their lives and say that they've both lost their social mobility and also the ability to speak their minds without inordinate consequences. With the pandemic they also lost even the ability to work/socialize for two years.

It's insane to think that they won't internalize this going forwards. We're either going to see incredible backlash, or a politics where disappearing ideological enemies, enacting martial law, and seizing private property are considered completely normal ways of doing politics. Because it's already been normalized, by boomers against millennials. You can't enact a nationwide lockdown for a year or lock ideological enemies out of the economy/social mobility then turn around and advocate a politics of limited means and moderation when it comes to addressing things like housing. Nobody is going to respect to"human rights" when they themselves have never gotten to experience that. This is all the more applicable to university graduates, who will form the bulk of policy makers and social scientists in the future

Idk what the future is going to look like, but our current paradigm isnt going to survive the boomer generation. That I'm absolutely positive of.

>> No.22112905

Is anyone older than 24 itt?

>> No.22112938

anon trannies are like less than 1% of the pop

>> No.22112941

How much money do you think that girl got paid to pose with his book

>> No.22112964

ITT radical anons with no life or social experience predict an utter collapse and all out war in the next 30 years

Things have never been better in the world. Just because you myopically fixate on ragebait and never leave your computer screen, doesn’t mean quality of life is poor. No one is fighting except terminally online radicals, and the battlefield is purely digital. Nothing will happen

>> No.22112982

>nothing will happen
Wonder how many times this has been said through history, or just the 20th century alone
It's always wrong.

>> No.22113086

Doesn't even sound like you believe it desu

>> No.22113096

No social experience? Even if that was true, I'd give that up in a heartbeat in exchange for my life experience. I can raise vegetables and poultry, kill and dress them for eating, catch fish and then clean and fillet them.
It's not that something is coming, it's that it's already here and millions like you aren't ready for it. You're zoomie trash that doesn't know how bad it is that the white house publicly said out loud they were going to provide hurricane relief prioritising race first, whites to the back of the queue. They are positively begging for civil unrest, the only question will be can they implement an assault rifle ban in time. The US military cannot defeat a determined civilian resistance, this has now been proven in 3 major wars. And the viets, Iraqis and Afghans weren't armed anywhere near as well as Americans.
As soon as the shelves at whole foods are empty, you're fucked tranny.

>> No.22113109

So when do you think there will be battles on suburban streets?

>> No.22113130 [DELETED] 

Don't get too cocky, you're right overall but always remember the elites have multiple levels of plans going. This is a controlled demolition. America is now a Latin American "failed state," and they know from experience (from already having controlled demolitioning Latin America) that you can string those along for generations, especially if the locals are dysgenic retarded mestizos ruled over by race traitors and Jews who have enough money to keep living the good life in San Francisco / New York type cities. People just accept it.

The medium term goal is to turn America into Brazil, neo-feudal with racial stratification, and the long term goal is South Africa, where the minority whites can be used to vent the dysgenic mongrel hordes' rage on a regular basis while they are too low in numbers to ever effectively rebel.

Don't underestimate their ability to plan for shit like this. They always knew this phase would end eventually and they knew it would end in moderate chaos. They have accounted for this, because they don't care as long as the chaos doesn't destabilize everything and lead to total fascist revolutions. They don't give a fuck if you hole up in Montana with some militia, ultimately they think in such long terms and at such large scales that they can and will WACO entire regions of innawoods guys. If you want to stop this controlled demolition you need to actually participate in politics and create organic movements, not just wait for some collapse.

>> No.22113155

If 2020 was any indication, probably next election cycle.

>> No.22113206

Yeah this >>22113155 because there already have been flashpoints. And you faggots have already shown your hand. I'm not the only far leftist that knows Rittenhaus did nothing wrong so your inability to understand and enact justice means your side won't play fair. The other side is getting ready, you're still gooning to blacked tranny porn and seething at chuds on twitter.

>> No.22113246
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>Today fascism is near impossible, and a new cease equally so.
>You're gonna lose no matter what so don't even try, goy!
Thanks for the pep talk, Rabbi.

>> No.22113270

>be me
>check /lit/ catalogue
>see the daily BAP seething thread

>> No.22113300

a woman with a book in front of a camera is a massive red flag of attention whoring

>> No.22113328
File: 246 KB, 600x711, IMG_3296.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This has been said by everyone ever and is frequently correct right up until it isn't. Personally I always see it as demoralization propaganda the way it's used:
>There's nothing you can do to change anything goy so just like, be cool and slurp the onions and let your son be castrated and don't think about doing anything you could go to jail

>> No.22113560

You cannot seriously be putting Lenin and Debord in the same category.

>> No.22113565

Be the change you want to see

>> No.22113591

>small minority have inherited wealth, most young people dispossessed
True enough, the statistics point in that direction.
>We will give up on liberal democracy and see massive upswing in radical ideologies

I completely agree, political homogeneity will be a thing of the past in the 21st century Internet Age, the only uniting principle will be hatred of the status quo.

>Bolsheviks will gravitate to the Republican party

You lost me here. Not a fucking chance. The Democrats will probably split between urban, educated progressives huffing the fumes of grievance politics and working-class trade-unionists, but they will always be further left than Republicans, especially as the Republicans move ever further to the right on social issues.

>> No.22113905

>political homogeneity will be a thing of the past in the 21st century Internet Age, the only uniting principle will be hatred of the status quo
And they know it. That's why they were all going to Davos. It's prepper school for the elites, to teach the elites how to hold onto power for as long possible, that's the public side of it. At their after parties they probably network and nudge nudge wink wink to each other about seed banks and oil rig city states protected by PMCs.

>You lost me here. Not a fucking chance
Yeah today's version of Bolshies aren't even class focused, they've completed abandoned that for the shallow intersectional cultural Marxist shit. And that can only survive in the democrat party. Unless there's unironically some form of natsoc dressed in Americana with a focus on restoring a white America through protectionism (like Trump did to China and others), the republicans will also avoid class issues and remain in the trenches of the culture war for as long as possible. Both sides are instructed not to talk about the top 0.01%. Because that would be anti Semitic.