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/lit/ - Literature

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22109844 No.22109844 [Reply] [Original]

>just got to pontius pilate
This is the coolest shit ive ever read and its only chapter 2

>> No.22110130

I did not like this book and despise the hypocritical "critique" of Russian society.

>> No.22110155

I read this book about 8 years ago and remember literally nothing. I didn’t dislike it but it left absolutely no impression on me at all

>> No.22110371

bunch of faggots in this thread so far

M&M is top tier lit.

>> No.22111011

Part I, minus the Jesus chapters, were bad, unorganised, boring. Part II is where the real novel begins.

>> No.22111040

i found the book got progressively whackier with its length, but the pontius pilate chapter was indeed S tier. also i feel like that chapter was heavily inspired by dostoyevskys chapter on the grand inquisitor

>> No.22111159

Of all the books regularly memed on /lit/, this is objectively the most enjoyable. I plan to read it a second time in Spooktober.

>> No.22111387

How do you cope with not reading the original?
Do you subvocalize Slavic accent? BC YWN read it if its a translation.

>> No.22111398

To enjoy the book to its fullest, you only read the Yeshua chapters, skipping M&M chapters. The Woland chapters are fine though but not necessary

>> No.22111635

It really is a banger. Though honestly the Pontius Pilate parts were by far the most interesting.

>> No.22111700

The Pilate subplot was the only enjoyable part of the book. The rest is pretentious nonsense typical of modern Russian culture.

>> No.22112332

I didn't really care for the biblical moments. I felt as if they slowled the plot, especailly towards the end. It is a fun book, though.

>> No.22112476

cry about it

>> No.22112482

The cat actually reminded me of a cat

That's my only problem with them

>> No.22112487


>> No.22113499

only downhill from there

>> No.22113745
File: 28 KB, 640x480, koth_bobby_angry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously? Satan interrogating the atheists in the opening scene? Pilatism? The chase scene of Wolan’s henchmen and the atheists? The beheading? The master in an insane asylum? Margarita being Wolan’s party hostess? The tour through hell/limbo at the end? Nothing?

>> No.22113750
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I agree. The book could be a 10/10, but the M&M chapters dragged and I can only wonder how much Bukgakov might have cut down had he edited it.

>> No.22114262

This book is a subtle satire on Slavs and Slavic stuff. You ought to have some background on repressions and IRL communism, read Shalamov, Solzhenitsin. BC phantasmagoric events taking place are sarcastic descriptions of commie shortcomings.

>> No.22114514

The book is ok, but I would really like it if I had a girlfriend like Margarita

>> No.22114535

>the devil, satan, the prince of darkness, lucifer himself wants to ruin someone's life
>plants some foreign money in their apartment and calls the cops
always made me kek

>> No.22114537

It's good to read what it satirizes as well.
It's a specific poke at the early systems of the soviet union and it's corruption or certain soviet traits.

Like the lightning telegram was a direct satire on the lightning telegram advertisement which in reality was slow and dysfunctional but super fast in the book.
Or the empty suit doing meaningless bureaucracy or the guild structure.
The FOREIGN CURRENCY was obvious though.

>> No.22114552

YA tier.

>> No.22114578

The gold obsession too

>> No.22114613

The Pilate bits are amusing the only good ones.

>> No.22116080
File: 191 KB, 2192x3912, Orthodox Pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bump because this book is peak Christian kino.

>> No.22116214

Nope. Nothing

>> No.22117168

It is a book that you're supposed read again every 10 or 20 years of your life, you will find yourself understanding new parts of it.

>> No.22118058

cry about this, bitch *grabs dick*

>> No.22119337
File: 13 KB, 188x300, wordsworth-classics-2011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go /lit/

>> No.22119338
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Fixed it my bad

>> No.22119354

Agreed. I was 14 when I first read it and I'm hitting 23 next week. This thread made me really think about giving it a re-read.

>> No.22119372

You can say that about any book.

>> No.22120554

Had to put it to bed. Was horrible I imo.

>> No.22120675

I remember the big cat