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/lit/ - Literature

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22109747 No.22109747 [Reply] [Original]

are there any good alternatives to Z-library? All the alternatives I've looked at have a very poor selection of books

>> No.22109940

> All the alternatives I've looked at have a very poor selection of books

so why are you searching for alternatives?

>> No.22109956

libgen has a fucktarded user interface but it's pretty rare that I don't find what I'm looking for
probably because it got vanned

>> No.22109986

libgen is working for me. apart from that just look up "[book title] download pdf" on yandex or bing

>> No.22109990
File: 46 KB, 700x641, Pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got an email saying Zlib was back. I clicked it, I think it was a malware.

>> No.22109991

I think the Era of internet piracy is sadly coming to an end

>> No.22109996

Most things you'd want can be found with Anna's Archive (which indexes zlib and libgen plus sci-hub) and the Internet Archive.


>> No.22109999


>> No.22110002

You triggered? You pooping and getting stinky?

>> No.22110009

Hell yeah

>> No.22110026
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>reading PDFs, presumably on your phone

>> No.22110040

yeah i don't like calibre, generally i download an epub and print it in pdf on A3, it's really better ergonomically and aesthetically.

>> No.22110043

Why not just buy the book at that point? Are you a psychopath?

>> No.22110044

i'm a poorfag

>> No.22110046

Ok. You've earned my respect. How much cheap coffee do you drink bt.w?

>> No.22110069

i try not to drink coffee since i know it's gonna get me addicted. when i feel tired i do pushups to wake myself up. Here's a copy of Winckelmann's Images From the Ancient World I printed from epub just now. What do you think?

>> No.22110071

Dunno how safe it is, but looking at its r*ddit they seem to have found a way of using some single login thingy to make a personal link you can access on normal browser

>> No.22110100

Get rich parents and have them buy you books as compensation for being shit parents. Works for me

>> No.22111004

But zlib still exists.

>> No.22111074

the library

>> No.22111076


>> No.22111088

did you not get the personal zlib domain email? anyway if not use libgen

>> No.22111093

>he doesn't know
the state of /lit/

>> No.22111102

you have to make an account on their onion net website (via tor browser or something similar), then they will give you a personalized url that you can use on a normal browser
don't share the personalized url with anybody else or you're a nigger

>> No.22111187

>addiction is real
Just stop drinking coffee at any point.

>> No.22111188
File: 52 KB, 706x781, Screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are all of you even talking about?

>> No.22111232

Zlib still works for me
>he didn’t get the email
you’re never gonna make it bro

>> No.22111344

I think you are wrong

- A pirate

>> No.22111373

newfags don't know about slsk

>> No.22111432


>> No.22111441
File: 141 KB, 453x668, feelsPepeMan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not even tor browser, just from a regular link. Also, you don't need the personal url anymore, just an account

>> No.22111467

There is the onion address, the app (dunno how safe, bit very convenient, the telegram bot (stops working sonetimes and get's reaktivated [(?) Dunno if they finally purged it] just for zlib. It's far from gone. Would be great if you already habe an account. I don't know if you can register right now.

I would also look into irc. There are some guides about it on reddit I suppose. If you can get behind it it should be really nice.

>> No.22111486

Naaah. It might look grim but there are still forces fighting the good fight. If corporations really take over all the internet we can still go to i2p, tor etc. There will always be a a way but you certainly have to work harder, but the harder we work more they struggle. They are the metal, we are the corrosion. They are fighting a fight against entropy; it's futile no matter the amount of money they throw at it and we know that they throw at least money as possible into that direktion. The more numerous hacks if big tech is only the beginning one could think.

>> No.22111494

Please ignore the typos, I'm drunk as you can maybe tell, by my romantic hope for a second rising of a wild west internet.

>> No.22111650


>> No.22111652

just going to post this