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File: 364 KB, 1396x1600, John-Wayne-Gacy-1978 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22109330 No.22109330 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any good books that would teach me how to more efficiently emulate picrel's behavior? He insisted upon his innocence until the very end (the evidence against was very flimsy at best, Rossi and Szyc probably did most of the killings while Gacy was out running errands for PDM). I mean, how can you effectively defend your innocence when the whole world is against you? Surely there has to be some self-help book that talks about media prejudice and public personality

>> No.22109402

Yeah that guy doesnt look like a gay rapist at all

>> No.22110639

Have you listen to recordings of his phone calls from prison? The man was guilty as fuck and admitted it too. In press interviews he loved to claim he was innocent, but behind closed doors he openly took responsibility.

>> No.22110715

Do you really need to read a book to learn how to fuck boys and then strangle them to death?

>> No.22110725

So, assuming what you say is correct, you want a book to teach you how to be a scapegoat? I suppose get one of those self help books aimed towards people who want to stop being a scapegoat and just do everything it says not to do.

>> No.22111287


>> No.22112290

Just put on 200 pounds and fap to gay porn anon

>> No.22112312
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>he insisted upon his innocence
they found several rotting corpses of missing people in his house

>> No.22112325

>evidence against was very flimsy at best
you fucking retard

>> No.22112351

they were planted there by the cops and he was drunk when he was coerced into giving his confession

>> No.22112353

all 26 bodies?

>> No.22112369

Cops loading up corpses of missing people all the time and planting them on people. I’ve seen a paddywagon with at least 40 myself

>> No.22112374

well i suppose anything is possible nowadays

>> No.22112392

yeah, they even raked a river specifcially to find bodies they could pin on him. they pinned everything on gacy to clear cases and cover up the police dept being involved in sex trafficking. gacys business also had connections to the chicago mob so they could have been storing bodies in his house and threw him under the bus by letting everybody think it was a serial killer and not them.

>> No.22112483

>yeah, they even raked a river specifcially to find bodies they could pin on him
You left out the part where he told them he dumped 4 or 5 bodies in that river and they were able to find one.

>> No.22112499

Troll or sick schizo?

>> No.22112506

Schizo retard who thinks he's reading 4D chess.

>> No.22112519

not OP but if you search any river you'll eventually find a body usually because of suicides. i don't put much faith in gacys confessions, you can easily manipulate someone into confessing into a bunch of stuff. gacy was an attention seeking narcissist and homosexual, its like the lee lucas case where the dude just makes up all this stuff about being a killer

>> No.22112533

Start a business if you want to emulate him and his behavior you fucking retard.

>> No.22112551

>manipulate someone into confessing into a bunch of stuff.
He explicitly gave them unsolicited details, retard.

>> No.22112741

If I were the prosecution, I would have been shaking in my boots. All they had to work with was a drunken confession from Gacy when we was numb as fuck on Valium at 3am and a bunch of bodies. They had to prove beyond any reasonable doubt that all of the bodies were killed by Gacy - impossible when there were no witnesses

>> No.22112747

Why have there been so many Gacy threads lately? OP glows

>> No.22112750

He had over 2 dozen bodies buried in his basement at various states of decomposition and you could smell them through the vents when his HVAC came on. Please never serve on a jury.

>> No.22112914

Prove to me right now that all of those bodies died at Gacy's hands.

>> No.22112921

He admitted to them and there were 2 dozen bodies in his crawl space. Maybe something weird happened if there was just one but we are talking about over twenty. Plus he admitted to it. That’s all you need to know. Why don’t you prove that he didn’t without going full tinfoil hat?

>> No.22112947

Just look at the photo, He was far too corpulent to fit into the crawlspace, much less to dig graves in it. Again, the task of the prosecution was to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Gacy killed all 33; however, this is reason to believe that PDM employees, esp. Rossi and Szyc, were involved in the murders. Now as it pertains to the legal definition of "beyond a reasonable doubt": this means that the prosecution must convince the jury that there is no other reasonable explanation (emphasis on "no other"!) that can come from the evidence presented at trial. Beyond evidence of accomplices, Gacy's verifiably connected to John David Norman through Phillip Paske while Norman was running an international pedo ring (and even allowed to do it while still serving time in prison in Chicago). Norman was definitely tied to other serial killers because somehow photos from Dean Corrl's murders of young boys in Houston ended up in Norman's possession. However when those photos were sent to the FBI in DC they all conveniently disappeared with thousands of other incriminating photos.

>> No.22112963

>bake a chocolate cake
>leave the kitchen
>come back 20 mins later
>find child with icing all over his face and hands and remnants of the cake all over the floor
>ask him "did you eat the cake"
>he says "yes"

>> No.22112972

>don’t go into tinfoil hat territory
>anon goes full blown tinfoil hat
Like pottery

>> No.22112977

He was a contractor and it was under a slatted wooden floor, retard.

>> No.22112986

I’m glad someone sees the truth. In fact, they are the same people that framed OJ Simpson.

>> No.22113044

OJ just proved that having a tonne of money while being able to play the race card means you can get away with murdering a white woman and a waiter.

>> No.22113049
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In pretty much every case of an innocent man being thrown in prison, it had to do with a perfectly logical explanation and some piece of evidence that was ignored or overlooked at the trial or came later, and not elaborate, implausible theories like "the police planted two dozens cadavers in local blue-collar worker's basement".

>> No.22113077

Yeah, whenever the weight of your argument is being carried by vague generalities (e.g. police corruption exists, the media lies, etc) and favoring cherry picking details to monopolize context, others can rest assured you're most likely full of shit.

>> No.22113098

OJ didn’t kill anyone though

>> No.22113174

This is what in the law is called an "unreasonable" doubt.

>> No.22113309


>> No.22113333

Prove he was guilty. He was framed by Jews who wanted to start a race war

>> No.22113347

Not that anon, but innocent people generally don't write a poorly-disguised tell-all of how they got away with it. Waste of quads, by the way.

>> No.22113356

The jews wrote the book and coerced OJ into saying he wrote it

>> No.22113445

And you can prove this?

>> No.22113449

>Prove he was guilty
The Goldman family did that in the civil case that found him liable for their deaths.

>> No.22113462

>(((Goldman))) family
It was all part of the plan for jews to frame him, start a race war, and get money for one of their tribesmen
Yes but the evidence is fractured because (((they))) are masters at covering their tracks and using underhanded tactics

>> No.22113502
File: 66 KB, 960x720, 1508676531076.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So let me get this straight. OJ is framed by (((them))) and swears up and down he didn't do it. He is acquitted and lives on. Years later, he is "coerced" into writing a book and yet never denies writing it or expressing how the funds should be sent to (((them))) as part of the conspiracy.

>> No.22113506

>I can't prove this
We already knew that.

>> No.22113510

I’m just fucking with you guys. Of course OJ hacked those 2 people up. Kek

>> No.22114009

the boy who lived

>> No.22114508

I think >>22112947 has a point. When weighing a case, a jury is asked to convict beyond a reasonable doubt. The fact PDM employees were involved with prostitution and potentially sex trafficking and had open access to Gacy's home introduces reasonable doubt into the case. If there is an argument for Gacy's innocence, I'm willing to hear that argument out. To me it looks like Gacy was simply a member of sex trafficking ring and it was conveniant for his co-conspirators to have the public believe he was a lone serial killer while the police and prosecution simply wanted to close cases.

>> No.22114648

This. Plus his earlier sodomy conviction in iowa made him an easy fall guy if things started to fall apart