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/lit/ - Literature

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22107680 No.22107680 [Reply] [Original]

Any good books about a man dealing with childhood sexual trauma?

>> No.22107692
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No. If you got molested and didn't kill the perpetrator you deserved it.

>> No.22107693

my diary desu

>> No.22107702

Why are you so mean? Remember what Socrates said, "Be kind. Everyone faces a kind of battle."

>> No.22107706

Socrates never said that. Imbecile.

>> No.22107708

prove it

>> No.22107727


>> No.22107807


>> No.22108303

Why not just write one about your own experiences, OP?

>> No.22108429

everyone faces battles, but some battles are more pussy shit then others. and meanness is dealt in kind.

>> No.22108474

>got groomed but never actually touched
Am I in the wrong for still feeling bad about it? It's pretty minor compared to other people's experiences.
As for your question I don't really have an answer.

>> No.22108583

Catcher in the Rye unironically

>> No.22108903

You're entitled to the discomfort and anger others made you feel in the past. Stoicism is a cope, but I don't recommend dwelling on it forever either. Work towards getting over it. In time you will make it. In time we will all make it. But the first step is allowing yourself to feel how you feel.

>> No.22108907 [DELETED] 

No Longer Human

>> No.22108920
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>> No.22108931
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>> No.22108961
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>> No.22109674

>Question: Dr. Dobson, do childhood traumas inevitably twist and warp a person in the adult years?

Answer: No. It is well known that difficult childhoods leave some people wounded and disadvantaged, but for others, they fuel great achievement and success. The difference appears to be a function of individual temperaments and resourcefulness.

In a classic study called "Cradles of Eminence," Victor and Mildred Goertzel investigated the home backgrounds of three hundred highly successful people. The researchers sought to identify the early experiences that may have contributed to remarkable achievement. All of the subjects were well known for their accomplishments; they included Einstein, Freud, Churchill, and many others.

>> No.22109746

>Stoicism is a cope
Aaahhh, you're one of those people

>> No.22109752

ya and platos laws say death penalty to rapists
teacher taught him well

>> No.22109758

>[874c] The man who forcibly violates a free woman or boy shall be slain with impunity by the person thus violently outraged, or by his father or brother or sons. And should a man discover his wedded wife being violated, if he kills the violator he shall be guiltless before the law.

>> No.22109850


A lot of people saying "just get over it" are probably le edgy 13 year old trust fund babies who never suffered in their lives. In reality, that is life outside of fortnite, people who suffered trauma of any kind will spend their life trying to "get over it" but simply get reminded over and over again in a struggle like Sisyphus. It's even more ironic to say this in a literary forum as you would have any and all subtext and deep understandings of drama just completely fly over your head, that is, if you read anything other than reviews on Minecraft hacks.

I'd recommend anything dealing with childhood trauma desu but anyway:
Catcher in the rye
The perks of being a wallflower
Glass castle
The kite runner

All trauma is legitimate. Its not your fault. Everyone telling you to stfu are ignorant and waste of time. Find people who can empathize with you although it's certainly not going to be this place for sure.

>> No.22109856

that was pluto

>> No.22109889

Pretty much any book written by a female deals with childhood trauma at some point. It's kinda their thing to obsess over it.

>> No.22109895

0/10 bait

>> No.22109993

Nope. Your model is shallow. Your interpretation of your experience affects your future experience. Choosing an interpretation that serves your future experience is important. The interpretation that you were "traumatized" and that it is "permanent" or even "challenging" can be counter-productive. Likewise, it can be counter-productive to think that nothing from your past is impeding you from choosing decisions that will create a desirable future. The issue is not black and white and anyone claiming a one-size-fits-all model is simply, and embarrassingly, inexperienced.

>> No.22110051

>just think the right thoughts bro

>> No.22110132

>Everything is subjective dude
>Lmao just like try everything, or maybe nothing, haha what's even truth?
>Having opinions are declarations of facts in both 100% of cases and none of them, even this, oh god what is reality help meeee

Maybe contribute something more useful than 'you might be LE WRONG teehee I'm so smart' comments.

>> No.22110294

The program Transformation Mastery Mentoring by JulienHimself on YT

>> No.22110300

You prove it. Bring the source. The onus is on you the claimant.

>> No.22110815

Mysterious Skin

>> No.22110945

You're confusing a-priori with a-posteriori or some shit
This is exactly what he's saying

>> No.22112190

he said it i was there