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22107019 No.22107019 [Reply] [Original]

any books about homelessness, source of it and how to fix it in america?

>> No.22107041

re-open the asylums

>> No.22107043

>how to fix it in america
End capitalism. That’s why they’re there.

>> No.22107045

end society?

>> No.22107046

No, there's not. It's a mental illness crisis. We need asylums for the schizos and labor camps for the addicts.

>> No.22107050

Society thrives without capitalism.
Dumb liberal

>> No.22107052
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Look into Cloward and Piven's work, starting with Regulating the Poor. Spoiler alert, their solution is UBI.

>> No.22107058

Some of them are mentally unstable, but the same answer is to house them, we just need to send medical people to check up on themthem

>> No.22107060

Some of them are mentally unstable, but the same answer is to house them, we just need to send medical people to check up on themthem

>> No.22107063

>their solution is UBI.
Thanks for saving us the time

>> No.22107065
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I thought homelessness stems from drugs? US government funding cartel, china pumping fentanyl in our streets, all in the end is because of money. But besides the money, its the drugs that drag people out on the streets

>> No.22107068

Give me literally one example of a thriving society without capitalism lmao
>inb4 some kazcynski schizo shit about returning to tribes in the forest

>> No.22107071

That's exactly what an asylum is, it's a way to house them. Doesn't have to be le scary lobotomy building from the movies or whatever. Just built basically an assisted living apartment complex like for old people, but for the insane junkie zombies wandering the streets. When/if they get off the drugs or recover from whatever condition, then they can be let back out with some sort of career placement help

>> No.22107100

the solution is reopening institutions
the homeless aren't just poor people. they're crazy people or people too addicted to drugs to get off them to get on programs

>> No.22107101
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I guess you have to ask each of them personally and be willing to involve yourself on the spot like a good christian should.

>> No.22107105

Simply housing them doesn't work. They need to be confined.

>> No.22107109

bad decision-making
asylums and work camps to sober them out and get them used to being productive members of society

>> No.22107114

Read about Vlad the Impaler. He had a novel idea for ridding the country of the homeless, and it worked!

>> No.22107175

Visigothic kingdom

>> No.22107254

Solution is Reconnect with God and not GLOBOHOMO shit .

>> No.22107347

It isn't fixable by policy, it's unironically a symptom of systemic issues. If you try to reinstitutionalize or house them it'll be made into an unbearable financial burden by insane regulations made up by histrionic "white" women until the homeless end up back on the streets. In a more primitive society they'd be forced into hard labor or killed, and that's inevitably how it'll be solved. The only question is whether that happens tomorrow or in 100 years when bad times have hardened people a little.

>> No.22107358

San Fransicko: Why Progressives Ruin Cities

>> No.22107362

oh please, catholic charities are some of the worst stinkers in the whole homeless industrial complex

>> No.22107377


>> No.22107443

All homeless people are mentally ill (including addicts). They just need to be put in an asylum and receive some form of group and one on one therapy every day for as long as it takes to make them functional humans.

>> No.22107485

Can't California or some liberal shithole institute this? The inevitable failure would end this childish ruse.

>> No.22107550

They know it won't work, the goal is ALWAYS to make things worse in a direction that's useful to them. They don't want to show their hand at the state level.

>> No.22107562

Incan Imperium

>> No.22107570

This. They don't want to redistributed property, they just want to hollow out the middle class even further through excessive taxation and making employment unaffordable for mom and pop businesses. Then when it inevitably turns into a sieve for funneling money to large estate owners they can point at it and say "socialism never works" in order to justify even further privatization of industries built by public dollars.>>22107550

>> No.22107595

Re-open asylums. Homeless tend to congregate anyway so they're already in open air asylums, just without medical supervision or any form of therapy and with full access to both street drugs and the general populace.
They'd have to call them something else though because 'asylum' makes people think of straitjackets, lobotomies, and Jack Nicholson.
They could call them homeless residential treatment centers or something, and have them structured similar to secure nursing homes where patients have dementia or other neurodegenerative diseases which cause them to occasionally attempt escape.
You'll need a bit more security because a 40 year old schizophrenic crackhead =/= an 80 year old person with dementia, but you get the idea.

>> No.22107610

good idea, if the problem elements all starve to death then boom, no more problem

>> No.22107615
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>> No.22107719

midwit. Profit by the risking of wealth is fine. The problem is interests which capture government to serve their anticompetitive desires. For example, NIMBY homeowners declaring that nobody can build dense housing so their single family home stays high-value.

>> No.22107725

The reverse. 2/3 addicts on the street start AFTER becoming homeless.

>> No.22107766

An asylum isn’t a home. Some may need to go that far, I agree, but most can handle a home of their own. But whatever the needs I think we should do asap

Pedophiles need confinement.

Ending capitalism ends poverty and starvation

You are not especially smart for having read an economics book.

>> No.22107778

>You are not especially smart for having read an economics book.
This is true but he's smarter than someone that hasn't read an economics book

>> No.22107804
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>I don't know what we need to do, but we need to HELP
>also capitalism is bad because it is

>> No.22107824

Every fifth homeless that I see has a dog, give or take. Who is furnishing these poor animals to these degenerates?

>> No.22107826

Sounds like bullshit. Ive volunteered a ton on skid row and have seen hundreds of homeless come and go. Most of them schizo or on drugs long before they hit the streets.

>> No.22107832

Those degenerate fucks just steal them. I saw some crust punk bitch bait a pitbull puppy with some jerky and she just snatched it last week.

>> No.22107850

Trouble brews when I read some economists that disagree with the ones he has faith in. Oh well.

Capitalism is bad because it causes the conditions of our lives. You want to celebrate the millionaires increased profit margins each quarter? You dumb. Not just because you are, but for easily established reasons. Shall we go over how dumb you are?

>> No.22107912


>> No.22107916

Such a basic take. If your entire view of politics is dichotomous then your political views are as deep as a straight line.

>> No.22107918

just watch the purge bro

>> No.22107924
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>Ending capitalism ends poverty and starvation
You have to go back >>/r*ddit/. Also you have to be 18 to post here.

>> No.22107926

No it’s true. People getting hooked on opioids are getting sent to jail. The people who lose the jobs, or lose their homes due to oppressive debts end up in their cars trying to get work enough and eventually hit pavement, lose all hope and start huffing and hustling.

Uh oh, my tweet isn’t as complex as you’d have liked. Better write up an essay or I’ll lose him.
Yes, anon. I have a deeper understanding of the topic than some false dichotomy.

>> No.22107929

This post is so cancerous im going to set the next homeless fuck i see on fire.

>> No.22107935

>calls me immature
>posts pol trash
You still think China is communist. *points and laughs*
That is a capitalist nationstate like all the rest. Marx was an asshole for advocating authoritarian state socialism. I don’t trust any tanky state agenda anymore than I do the western oligarchy. They’re two sides of the same coin. YOU go back

>> No.22107937

>This post BTFO of me so hard, I’m gonna commit murder!!!

Hope someone shoots you soon.

>> No.22107939

>Cries about /pol/ boogeyman
Yeah sure thing nigger. You still have to go back.

>> No.22107943

>leftypol troon kvetching about pol yet again
Why do you even bother. My guy its Saturday. Go and fucking touch grass and not kids.

>> No.22107945

nta but you are just embarrassing, go somewhere else with your smugposting

>> No.22107950

Homelessness Is a Housing Problem: How Structural Factors Explain U.S. Patterns.

You asked for a book. I think I'm the only one to provide one. The gist is that policy has made building housing very expensive and as a result people can't afford housing.

>> No.22107951

>capitalism is bad because rich people exist

>> No.22107965

Again, another cuck here to defend the insanely wealthy.
The system is rewarding sociopathic pedophiles and sending more and more people into the street. You will be next.
So what are you besides a cuck for power and money? A christian? A nazi nationalist? You see no problem with where society is right now?

>> No.22107996
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>another cuck here to defend the insanely wealthy.
Coming from a useless bum cuck who has never worked in his life or doesnt have anything of value in his life. Some of us might not be wealthy, but property owners with some value and still growing u absolute moron. There is nothing wrong with protecting ur own interest and ur familys. Why dont go join the pride parade and catch aids like the rest of ur kind nigger.

>> No.22108066

I'm not defending anybody, I'm just saying your argument is terrible.
Just saying 'rich people bad so capitalism bad so capitalism must be kill' is the logic of a 10 year old and something I'd expect from a histrionic undergraduate student. The answer to oligarchical billionaires is not to make everyone equally poor.
If billionaires are your biggest priority then something like an upper limit for income makes much more sense. Sure most of them would just start filing taxes in other countries, which would be another issue to overcome, but it makes more sense than whatever you're arguing for, which so far you haven't even said.