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/lit/ - Literature

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22106216 No.22106216 [Reply] [Original]

Writers' Strike Edition

>Recommended reading charts (Look here before asking for vague recs)

>>22095341 #

>> No.22106284

What's the scifi/fantasy equivalent of biting into a piece of dog shit?

>> No.22106295

Reading Malazan
>“Children are dying." Lull nodded. "That's a succinct summary of humankind, I'd say. Who needs tomes and volumes of history? Children are dying. The injustices of the world hide in those three words.”
Eriksonfags think this shit is deep

>> No.22106304

Decided to not drop The Black Company and am liking it more now, only like 30 pages left

>> No.22106310

Reading Sanderson

>> No.22106316

did that jew Gayman fly to California from whatever he lives just to "protest"? lol

>> No.22106340

I'm writing a story about a Dark Lord getting revenge against the Chosen Hero!

I hope someone reads it when I finish it! I was inspired by Rothfuss, Sanderson, and Martin.

>> No.22106352
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/SFFG/ Recommendations:

Read Reverend Insanity, Lord of The Mysteries, Neuromancer, Hyperion, The Prince of Nothing

Also read The Wandering Inn, Between Two Fires, Mother of Learning, Cradle, I Shall Seal the Heavens, A Song of Ice and Fire, The Poppy

>> No.22106360
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/SFFG/ Recommendations: LITRPG Edition

Read Azarinth Healer, Primal Hunter, He Who Fight with Monsters, Dungeon Crawler Carl

Also read System Universe, Dissonance, Defiance of the Fall, Iron Prince.

>> No.22106367

why does Laquisha have a teapot on her head? lol

>> No.22106370
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JK did her dirty

>> No.22106394
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Time did her dirty too

>> No.22106397

No, not time. Her bong genes.

>> No.22106401
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Top kawaii, going to read Howl's next

>> No.22106424
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Writers should be paid less

>> No.22106624

Authors should be paid more. Hollywood writers should be paid less.

>> No.22106896

Just watched The Wacky Adventures of Ronald McDonald: The Visitors From Outer Space. Any good McDonald's books set in the McDonald's universe?

>> No.22106900
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>I'm black so my hair must be ridiculous
Why do they do this?

>> No.22106903
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What about a story about a Dark Lord getting revenge against the Chosen Hero's mother?

>> No.22106910

George has been on writers strike for years, no wonder he is there offering support.

>> No.22106941

Not him but I just can't stand Mom NTR, it feels way worse than regular NTR for me. Can't really explain why either.

With that said, if instead of the story ending with the demon lord "stealing" the mom, it ended with both the hero and the demon lord sharing the mom, then it would be a fantastic idea.

>> No.22106964
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>Some characters may look different from previous depictions—and that's intentional. Great works of art like The Lord of the Rings are only enhanced by having multiple interpretations in the world. We believe ours will bring joy to many, many fans of both Magic and Tolkien. This fresh update was a conscious choice made in partnership between Wizards and MEE and was driven by two guiding principles:
>Diversity: The Lord of the Rings is about the different peoples of Middle-earth coming together to fight Sauron, finding strength in their diversity. Fans of all backgrounds have been enjoying these stories, characters, and locations for decades, and we wanted this set to reflect on that broad inclusion.

>> No.22106978


>> No.22106982

Americans are cucks

>> No.22106984

mom ntr is even hotter

>> No.22106985

Who cares? That shit died in 2016

>> No.22106998
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>inspired by Rothfuss
no thank you

>> No.22107003

Ok did the brainworms finally get to me or isn't there a part in LOTR where they describe Aragorn as "dark"? Now I'm not saying this to mean that he was black, I'm sure it was referring to something else, but I just want to know if they really did describe him as that or if I'm just remembering things wrong.

>> No.22107005

After thinking about it for a bit, that old pasta of Keely's review of Book of the New Sun feels strangely unsubstancial in many points.

His critique of the prose is perhaps the most obviously biased part of the review: because he is personally familiar with latin and thus can untangle the obscure terms Wolfe uses he demerits the usage of those words, yet thats no basis for a critique. He repeats how he doesnt find Wolfe's prose evocative or plain good, comparing him with other authors, yet he fails to explain how exactly it fails beyond personal taste.

His words about Severian as a character are more reasonable: while I think he is and becomes a very nuanced, interesting, worthy protagonist and narrator the impression of a cheap mary sue was very present the first time I read SotT. Yet, at the same time, Keely then goes on to tear him a new one on the basis of being an inmoral, despicable character and the question I would have is: why is that a problem? In which way Severian being "evil" represents a narrative failing? He reiterates this perception several times but it is never justified.

But my biggest problem is perhaps his treatment of the plot: what conflict in BotNS is ever resolved solely on the basis of a magical artifact? He mentions the story being moved only by a dozen of characters, all with many secret identities and Inhuman designs yet I cant find a single trace of such a society in the story: CotC alone introduces many new characters and if only, the ease Wolfe has dropping characters left and right after short introductions should be the frustrating part. And Keely justifies such a brass judgement based only on the first two books? Well, once again, he provides no examples besides his own words.

>> No.22107008

I think Strider is described as being a dark fellow when he is first introduced. To be "dark" in this context refers to having dark features - eyes, hair, maybe a swarthy complexion - as in the phrase "tall, dark, and handsome".
To my knowledge the only populace described as black by Tolkien are the people of Far Harad.

>> No.22107023

Because thats something to keep in mind: Keely's verbose critique is based only on the first two books he apparently read not paying too much attention. His sweeping claims and judgements are based on an incomplete, badly understood portrait riddled with personal distaste and no justifications.

Because he doesnt sees the thread running across the plot he discards the entire thing as an experiment on meta-narratives and unreliable narrators, and claims that those must never be done unless the contradiction suggesting the alternate explenation is obvious. What kind of critique is that? Since when stories of that kind are judged by how easy they make the job of the reader? Lets leave aside the fact that BotNS has a clear narrative arc and themes, how can he judge to that level when he didnt even finished the story?

And to top it all, he then goes to talk about how based on these two books, he can say with confidence that Wolfe was a man uncomfortable with his sexuality, of course in the most holier than thou way possible, and adding nothing to the review.

All in all, despite hitting some valid points, he comes up as someone that loves to huff his own farts too much.

>> No.22107026

>finding strength in their diversity
Bullshit lol. They fought Sauron because it was the right thing to do. Their goal was singular.

>> No.22107089

It would be a good line if it were a little more concise

>> No.22107102


>> No.22107106

Dark in a medieval European context, not in a modern globalist one. It means having dark hair and/or eyes.

>> No.22107127
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>here's your Anduril bro

>> No.22107147

Anduril isn't a magic sword. Why do they put magic runes on it?

>> No.22107212

>Hothouse ended up being science-fantasy kino
Sorry for calling it shit, lads. It picks up massively 70 pages in when the mind-control fungus is introduced

>> No.22107215

as long as we are dividing LITRPG from the rest, might we as well divide self-published from trad-published?

>> No.22107216

Sir, that's a head wrap.

>> No.22107243

Because they don't expect a modern person to accept the symbolic value of one sword over another, so they have to have it shit out fire and lighting for you to accept that it's important.
>Bruh what's with all the fuss about the old piece of metal, just use a mass produced iSword like the rest of us fr fr

>> No.22107252

Daughter of the Forest/Sevenwaters series worth reading?

>> No.22107268

Any books about a magical King ruling over his Kingdom that has been destroyed because he offended the gods?

>> No.22107277
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there should be more stories about kings

>> No.22107303

>Writers strike
Considering what shit movies and shows hollyjew and the streaming services have produced. They deserve to lose their jobs. On another note im really enjoying the black company books i just finished the book of the south.

>> No.22107313

I assume that in Japan you have a bunch of isekai light novels about people industrialising their previously medieval kingdoms and conquering everyone else

>> No.22107390
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>> No.22107395

it's like when people used to say "tall, dark and handsome" that wouldn't mean his skin is dark, usually dark hair, dark eyes and a serious face

>> No.22107429
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I stand corrected. Seriously looked like wool in the OP pic.

>> No.22107555

dead thread

>> No.22107574

Neil Gaiman looks like absolute shit now
any books about transcending the ravages of time on the human body?

>> No.22107624
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Cast it and describe your way of adapting it

>> No.22107630

A complete rewrite to make it less like Earth Girls Are Easy.

>> No.22107643

why do you ask?

>> No.22107652

>why do you ask?
To pump myself up for the vampiric life force absorption rituals I need to perform to ward off ageing.

>> No.22107704

What can I say? I'm a glass half empty kind of guy. If I had to say what I like about it, it's magitech + very soft sci fi but enjoyable if you don't question it. I generally don't like magitech at all (too close to cringe steampunk) but it works surprisingly well here.

>> No.22107731

Is it really like that or are you lying?

>> No.22107770

to cope with the fact i'm nearing my forties and shit's not getting better

>> No.22107789

sean bean - all roles

>> No.22107794
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anyone write sf or fantasy and need an editor? i usually get stuck with nonfiction

>> No.22107941

how much do you charge?
I am currently editing my own books again. Have written and selfpubd three of em. Just redid the cover of the first one with a better picture, and I am almost finished on the second.

>> No.22107947

Is Sci-Fi always left wing and utopianist because Technology Progression -> People's Life become better?

>> No.22107958

>Nnedimma Nkemdili "Nnedi Okorafor is a Nigerian- ^ American writer of science fiction and fantasy for both children and adults. She is best known for her Binti Series and her novels Who Fears Death, Zahrah the Windseeker, Akata Witch, Akata Warrior, Lagoon and Remote Control. She has also written for comics and film.
>Born in Cincinnati, Ohio, UNITED STATES

>> No.22107964

That dowrap must REEK

>> No.22107975

Halo and Starship troopers is hardy left-wing or utopian.

>> No.22107977

Not always. Modern ones are, I got so sick of The Expanse books endlessly taking jabs at men for pretty much everything after a while. Hell, near the end of the books every single person with political power is an incorruptible woman with noble goals who is so much better than the evil or silly male politicians. Also the female Marine constantly looks down on men for being attracted to her, and the entire crew forgives one of the most vicious villains they had to face because she's a woman, including the one who wants to murder anyone who so much as insults them for some reason. The author(s) just can't help themselves with their feminist brainwashing and it's garbage as a result.

>> No.22107982

*I meant it is ''hardly left-wing'' or utopian

>> No.22107986

I have seen far too much modern sci-fi (or read it) that seems to focus on sci fi as a dystopian scenario. Most of what I see as upcoming SciFi is all dystopian shit.
I wrote a very hopeful sci fi trilogy (so far) about western man conquering the galaxy, which mostly means subjugating new and dangerous worlds for the betterment of mankind.
It is not left wing at all. The bad guys in it are space commie jews.
The Imperium in my books is spread across 10,000 worlds, but a small minority of those worlds hold a majority of the population. So you have a lot of worlds that have various types of governments. I even have some planets that refuse to use most modern tech and instead live under a feudal system with honor and virtue and horses and traditional women.
One world described in the book is very utilitarian, and the character hates it for that reason.
Another is far more modern with familiar class distinctions and economic zones.
None are considered utopian. That is fantasy in relation to human nature, and I don't touch on it.
Also, you can trust me. I have sold about a dozen copies on AMazon. BoOOOM.

>> No.22108026

When will books be judged on their content rather than the race of their author?

I'm sure the majority of writers who can't get published due to racial reasons/ their books aren't far left enough, would love to start a publishing collective where the author's name/face is hidden until after the book is decided to be published. Manuscripts should be differentiated by number received

Today I read manuscript

> 0002

Could this ever work? Why hasn't a publishing house done this?

>> No.22108029

You'd still have to hire non bias editors and staff. Which would be tough.

>> No.22108033

They haven't done it because the industry is being squeezed by a certain tribe of money-grubbing subhumans. They collectivize media for myriad reasons, and right now they are using it as a weapon to demoralize native populations of people that they see as cattle.

>> No.22108037

is this an allegory for an escort service?

>> No.22108042

My point is she's not Nigerian.

>> No.22108060

>myriad reasons,
such as?
>right now they are using it as a weapon to demoralize native populations of people

>> No.22108086
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>> No.22108087

I would suggest that collectivizing media would be much like collectivizing any other powerful tool. It helps your group to have access to the tool. It further helps your group to deny access to your enemies.
You can corner a market that way and drive up profits. You can gouge an industry, I suppose. You can spread propaganda. You can do that with a varying degree of pressure, depending on the desired outcome.
You can do it to hold power or built to the power that you already have. In America (and the west in general) there is a massive consumer base, so consolidating a media service would be a good way to build wealth.

These people use it as a weapon to demoralize because they are evil. They hate the Lord and His son, Jesus Christ. Everything they do is meant to demean followers of Christ. Moreover, they hold deep drudges, going all the way back to when homo sapians fought and killed their neanderthal ancestors. Also, they are of the line of Cain and are still butthurt about what happened. They hate Rome to this day, and they see western civ (rightfully) as Rome's successor.

>> No.22108103

>homo sapians fought and killed their neanderthal ancestors.
wut? neanderthals are (their) ancestors? where did u learn this?
>Also, they are of the line of Cain
dude wut? how can (they) be the line Cain when the Bible says they're descended from the line of Abel? how tf ard you coming up with this shit?

>> No.22108127
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Yearly reminder to read The Darkness That Comes Before by R. Scott Bakker.

>> No.22108133

You are seriously confused on what you think you know.

Modern jews are edomite scum that comes from Cain. Where the fuck are you getting this? Try and catch up.

Israelites were from Adam. Modern jews are not fucking Israelites.

As far as neanderthals, that is just a great theory that some folks have. One guy even wrote a book about neanderthals as superpredators that forced humans to evolve. He doesn't call them jews though. lol.

>> No.22108163 [DELETED] 

thoughts on this?

>> No.22108228

the most politically correct /lit/ conversation

>> No.22108237
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>Yearly reminder to read The Darkness That Comes Before by R. Scott Bakker.

>> No.22108261

I'll take that as a compliment, mein fren.

>> No.22108265
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thoughts on this?

>> No.22108275

liked it a lot. I'm a sucker for Prime Directive storylines. Was hard to be a god the first one?

>> No.22108309

idk this is from 1964

>> No.22108342
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Anyone read The Chronicles of an Age of Darkness by Hugh Cook?

>> No.22108362

>enhanced by having multiple interpretations in the world
If the contrivance of the race or skin colour of a character is considered an 'interpretation' then people are trukt braindead.

>> No.22108382

>Israelites were from Adam. Modern jews are not fucking Israelites.
Jews are a descended from Israelites retard. They are literally the remaining tribe of the 12 tribes of Israel. Judah was literally a son of Jacob (Israel).

>> No.22108390

>The Chronicles of an Age of Darkness began with an ambitious outline for a series of twenty novels. This would have been followed by two equally long series, The Chronicles of an Age of Wrath, and The Chronicles of an Age of Heroes. This sixty-volume scheme ended with the publication of the tenth volume because of disappointing sales
lol what the fuck is wrong with fantasy authors. Put the pen down.

>> No.22108453

No, stop your jewish lies. Judah was the son of Jacob that God loved. Esau was the son that God hated.
Edomites are descendants of Esau. They are not the same as Israelites or Hebrews. They are teh synagogue of satan. Modern jewry is descended from these Edomites. They murdered the Christ. Then, they were destroyed by the Romans.
The rabbi they let live went on to recreate judaism with the talmud. Modern jewry is babylonian talmud satanism.
Even jews actually admit this. Catch up, kike.

>> No.22108464

I would ultimately wish they would just add a new territory than this bullshit.

>> No.22108530

It has giant crabs

>> No.22108534


>> No.22108541

>Modern jewry is descended from these Edomites.
and you just pulled this out of your ass goy

>> No.22108570

>Because he doesnt sees the thread running across the plot he discards the entire thing as an experiment on meta-narratives and unreliable narrators, and claims that those must never be done unless the contradiction suggesting the alternate explenation is obvious. What kind of critique is that? Since when stories of that kind are judged by how easy they make the job of the reader? Lets leave aside the fact that BotNS has a clear narrative arc and themes, how can he judge to that level when he didnt even finished the story?
Keely is a retard but you're being the retarded one here
You shouldn't have to read an entire series to see if you like it or not.
You remind me of the wheel of time fans who, when people state that they didn't like the eye of the world, tell them to "read the entire series" and "it gets better"
No, if i read a book and don't like it i'm not going to spend my free time reading thousands more pages because some fanboy told me it gets better.
That's retarded
And yes, keely's review is stupid but it does hit on some correct points. BOTNs is good but not perfect

>> No.22108587

I actually agree with several of his points, and that review is useful to bring Wolfe fans back to earth. But I am not saying that he needs to like the series or to force himself to read it all, but rather that the sweeping, grandiose judgements feel very out of place if he just read the first two books.

>> No.22108589

Dunno but i do love dominant jewish women

>> No.22108631

Is there any good sci-fi involving time travel?

>> No.22108641

basically whatever people can afford. i give people who don't have the money a break using custom offers

hit up matthewg42 on fiverr

>> No.22108666

If they did nit murder Christ, then he could not have died for your sins.

>> No.22108667

I've finished Death's End recently. Is Ball Lightning any good? Also should I read Redemption of Time by Baoshu? The title alone makes it sound kino with the implications that it would bring to the series as a finale.

>> No.22108673

*if they did not

>> No.22108685

If you liked what you read then why not?

>> No.22108709

Waiting daily for new chapters completely drags Circle of Inevitability out. Binge reading a thousand chapters is the real way of reading webnovels.

>> No.22108717

I found Three Body Problem to be a bit bland as it failed to characterize anyone except Yi Wenjie. Dark Forrest was perfect, but then Death's End was a weird mix of under-explored cool ideas interspersed with moments of what felt like authors suppressed feeling of sexual insecurity and fear of emasculation. Thus I am weary that maybe Ball Lightning, that came way before the trilogy, will be a bit meh.

>> No.22108775

That's why you don't read anything that isn't already finished.

>> No.22108824
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>> No.22108852
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I need a sf/fantasy novel for a pessimist/nihilist looser like myself. I kinda enjoyed BOTNS and Bakker rencently, but not as much as when I read books such as Gotrek & Felix and Drizzt when I was a kid

>> No.22108886

This motherfucker gets it

>> No.22108940

Has the recommended infopic been updated in the last year or 2?

>> No.22108956

>go to big used booksale
>holy crap that's a lot of books
>no time to look at everything, just buy the stuff with the best covers

Looking forward to this. Is Sturgeon a big coomer?

>> No.22108963
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>> No.22109018

you made a good choice. Read the Dreaming Jewels as well

>> No.22109025

likely smells like shit

>> No.22109092

You'll have to be more specific than that.

>> No.22109242
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>demon lord redeems himself thanks to the power of mature motherly love and becomes best hole bros with the hero and the three of them live happily ever after.
There are two wolves inside me. One enjoys hardcore momntr, the other enjoys loveydovey momcest.

>> No.22109245

whats that bug monster on the cover? i dont remember it

>> No.22109285
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>>Yearly reminder to read The Darkness That Comes Before by R. Scott Bakker.

>> No.22109315
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Ace Combat, The Novel

>> No.22109331

How old is this unfortunate specimen?

>> No.22109368

Just finished children of time
a surprisingly nice read

>> No.22109373
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This narrative Ponzi scheming Boomer croaking at the writers' strike would be amusing.

>> No.22109379
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>> No.22109504

"'Then who would you take up with?' asked Strider. 'A fat innkeeper who only remembers his own name because people shout it at him all day? They cannot stay in The Pony for ever, and they cannot go home. They have a long road before them. Will you go with them and keep the black men off?'"

>> No.22109519

In a way it is - military sci fi is afraid of its own racism and displaces its anxiety onto aliens. I enjoy it, but it's inherently cowardly.

>> No.22109530

>Huge Cock

>> No.22109533

Have you read Thomas Covenant?

>> No.22109582
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/sffg/'s thoughts on Battlefield Earth

>> No.22109603

there's a reason he went into the cult game instead of becoming a successful writer.

>> No.22109612

Check out Wagner’s Kane if you haven’t. Also second Thomas Covenant.

>> No.22109619

I read it as a kid and found it goofy but fun. I dropped Mission Earth at some point, though. Even I have limits.

>> No.22109642
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What other Sci Fi writers do you think could pull off starting a cult like scientology?
Could Herbert make a cult based on Dune lore?
Maybe Vance could make a cult based on Vancian magic?

>> No.22109719

If Heinlein was younger when he published SISL (like let’s say 27 if he was), he would have started something like Mike did in the book.

>> No.22109776
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Any fantasy/sf featuring cute lizard girls?

>> No.22109789

Reading 99% of the drivel this general full of pseuds recommend

>> No.22109797

>Diversity: The Lord of the Rings is about the different peoples of Middle-earth coming together to fight Sauron, finding strength in their diversity
…the elf and the dwarf spend almost the entire time shit talking each other, then become like the only elf and dwarf in all of history to actually not hate each other

>> No.22109798

>this schizo was able to commission Frazetta to make cover art for his shitty book but you will never have that opportunity
It isn't fair bros.

>> No.22109802

Gene Wolfe could have easily made lore worthy of a cult of rubes

>> No.22109818

You're lucky if you get an actual artist now. It's all photoshopped swords and belt buckles. Soon it will be aislop.

>> No.22109820

Please tell me op pic has meme edits

>> No.22109830
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>It's all photoshopped swords and belt buckles
Fuck dude don't remind me. Pic related it's Cinder Spires 1 (2015) vs Cinder Spires 2 (2023). I hate modern cover art so much it's unreal. Maybe I can at least make an AIslop generator in Frazetta's style to cope

>> No.22109845
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>> No.22109847
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Not strictly SFF, but does anyone have suggestions for books on cryptids? Picrel seems to be the best work on this subject that I've been able to find. There are two volumes and it indeed is quite encyclopaedic. Can anyone suggest anything else similar?

>> No.22109853

John Keel's the Mothman Prophecy

>> No.22109873

Non-schizo stuff, please.

>> No.22109888

>John Keel

Read Passport to Magonia

>> No.22109909
File: 57 KB, 257x385, Hero_in_the_Shadows.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried listening to The poppy War on audio book. I couldn't get into it. I only gave it 20 mins while I was on the treadmill at the gym. I'm not sure if I am a racist bigot and can't enjoy it because the MC i 14 year old Asian girl, can't self-insert etc. Or if the book isn't any good. Perhaps I should read it instead.

For now I am going back to the Drenai series. Can someone recommend me some great audio books?

Here are some I liked
>Name of the Wind
>Drenai Series
>The Ocean at the End of the Lane

I really liked how GOT wasn't "bad guys vs Good guys", but I haven't found another book like it or at least not one where the characters were fleshed out and interesting. I'm just getting into Fantasy will take any recommendations. I have a MAM account so I have access to most books.

>> No.22109920

I did not enjoy reading Poppy War. It's all thinly veiled allegories and feminism with a veneer of lazily constructed fantasy world building that barely holds together.

>> No.22110013

Yeah I'm trying to be open minded, but it's hard for me to believe a girl war orphan wouldn't want to be wed to a rich merchant. It's not very realistic.

> She's just so smart, she'd rather go to school
> She tricked her male tutor into helping her study for school by giving him opium and then threatening to tell his loans sharks his location.
> Tough, smart, and beautiful.

I read the Brent Weeks Night Angel Trilogy, it wasn't great, but his portrayal of women wasn't too far left either. Some women characters were mages, but they excelled at different magic than men. A more feminine type of magic. There were women assasins, but they dealt with their targets differently and faced different obstacles. His realistic portrayals of women and men were the best part of the book.

>> No.22110032

Holy shit. This is a real book.

>> No.22110049
File: 77 KB, 497x823, R - 2023-06-04T002746.921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>chapter 1
>a woman has sex with a big black lizard to make chuds seethe

Ah yes, (((Silverburg)))

>> No.22110062
File: 58 KB, 394x576, 16f28ed8a155d1227eb810c88504dc97.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer the original cover

>> No.22110063

>but it's hard for me to believe a girl war orphan wouldn't want to be wed to a rich merchant. It's not very realistic.
I know that /pol/, blacked and modern american politics have rotten your brain but not all women are whores.

>> No.22110162
File: 44 KB, 500x589, 1f47f7c3764f8b63653ad6babc2c4822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>character is about his particular ancestor, legacy, and how he approaches this
>character design is explicitly made for diversity
do they have no tact or sense at all? its like they are intentionally trying to fit square pegs in round holes. Its like they actively want people to either be insipid, or insipid and racist.
Should just rename "flame of the west" to "flame of the rest" since the blood of numenor seems to be spent and over particularizing a direction is a bit exclusionary.

>> No.22110210

I hope she sees this, king.

>> No.22110216
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Have you read Gemmell's Jerusalem Man books?

>> No.22110227
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>Before the age of 30, Silverberg was independently wealthy through his investments and once owned the former mansion of New York City Mayor Fiorello La Guardia

>> No.22110246

>What other Sci Fi writers do you think could pull off starting a cult like scientology?
Arthur C Clarke had it already
He was a renowned pedo in sri lanka

>> No.22110270

The wandering inn

>> No.22110298

I've heard he was a p89°, but is there any actual proof? Also I need to revisit his stuff, I used to love him as a teenager but haven't read any of his stuff in years, and never finished the Space Odyssey series, so I feel kind of guilty for not doing that lol

>> No.22110305

Recommend me Japanese authored western-style fantasy? (Preferably prose, but I'll accept manga also)

>> No.22110351

Is there such a thing as western-style nip fantasy? I know there is some westaboo mangas out there but can they really catch the spirit of the genre?

>> No.22110356

Is this meant to be a deficient character?

>> No.22110357

Perhaps. Perhaps it is a book written and published with politcal themes in mind to cater to a particular demographic. Either way its a shit book.

I haven't, never heard of them. Do you like them? I'll check them out. I was thinking of trying his Westerns.

I believe books will get more and more outrageous, similar to >>22109845. They want to invoke disgust so they denounce you as a racist/bigot etc. I'm thinking of getting into self published books. If I could find one of quality similar to Gemmel that'd be satisfying.

In the middle of Quest for Lost Heros and it has two gay characters that are not obnoxious about it. It's not shoved down your throat, or paraded as better than anything.

>> No.22110370
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Guin Saga by Kaoru Kurimoto.

>> No.22110389
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I just like some of the character designs like the giant fox girl.

>> No.22110412

>Finished Dune
>Finished The Wheel of Time
>Caught up with Stormlight Archive/Mistborn
>Finished Malazan
>Finished The First Law
>Caught up with The Bloodsworn Saga
>Caught up with Berserk
What else can I sink my teeth into? I need to explore the sci-fi genre more

>> No.22110421

Read the whole solar cycle by Gene Wolfe.

>> No.22110436

Sell me on it

>> No.22110442
File: 370 KB, 1600x652, 1508273319535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't have time right now for a whole "sales pitch", but I think this image I have from the archive will probably help.

>> No.22110451

>Dark Souls
>Flying ship
Ok I'm sold

>> No.22110486

>I've heard he was a p89°, but is there any actual proof? Also I need to revisit his stuff, I used to love him as a teenager but haven't read any of his stuff in years, and never finished the Space Odyssey series, so I feel kind of guilty for not doing that lol

>> No.22110510

Exactly as I thought typical Sandersoys would look like

>> No.22110517

>"Sell me on it"
Seems like you can't grab a book without external influence.
You don't deserve Wolfe—begone!
Back to the depths of illiteracy and Sanderson books.
One your way, one foot before the other,
Maybe tiktok or instagram will tell you nicer.

>> No.22110538

Seems like you need some therapy anon

>> No.22110549

>picks 1 (one) author out of many
>defaults to zoomie shit
Go back you fucking tourist

>> No.22110588

I read A Time of Changes a month ago. The sheer amount of shoehorned sex scenes in that book is impressive, although it kind of makes sense in relation to the narrative. It got weird when I realised Silverberg was basically describing a muscular, well hung version of himself.

>> No.22110649
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If dragons counts, then maybe Wings of Fire series. It's aimed at younger reader, but it's fun.

>> No.22110655
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Is Chronicles Of Amber anything like Dying Earth or Book Of The New Sun? This series has been recommended to me often since I'm looking for Sci-fi/Fantasy hybrid novels

>> No.22110673

just read them, see if you like them
you people seriously spend more time trying to choose what to read instead of reading it
there is no objective answer to what is better than the other
holy shit

>> No.22110684
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Does the series really drop off after this or am I being memed?
Currently on Fires of Heaven and am still enjoying myself, but now I'm unsure whether I should go ahead and try to build up my collection or just drop it.

>> No.22110688

the consensus is that there is a long slog in the middle of the series
it is your call whether it is worth it

>> No.22110723

The series does slow down after Lord of Chaos but not as bad as most people say. TSR, FoH, and LoC are considered the best books in the series so anyone who told you they drop off after TSR was wildly incorrect.

>> No.22110789

Nothing like them. Amber is pure garbage.

>> No.22110801

Just like them. Amber is pure gold.

>> No.22110860

I am obsessed with A study in emerald
I think it’s so fucking cool

>> No.22111054
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>be the most skilled game player out of your entire species
>become a god

>> No.22111057
File: 421 KB, 500x803, pog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be the most skilled game player out of your entire species
>get blackmailed and used as a pawn to bring down a primitive and less-advanced civilization whose entire culture revolves around a certain game

>> No.22111143

lol Sell you on Gene Wole? Where are you from, boy!?!?

>> No.22111206

How's between two fires?
I'm a booklet (never read a book unless I had to for school) and this one appears interesting as I like medieval-themed shit and horror

>> No.22111224

That's a great cover, almost made me want to read it before I noticed the author.

>> No.22111259

good it you are a booklet. Check it out then you can slowly move on to other things

>> No.22111277

Alright thanks, will download it and buy the book if I end up liking it.

>> No.22111291

What's the rating on the expanse series here? I've finished calibans war and I'm enjoying the universe and its hard scifi setting.

>> No.22111369

I enjoyed it and wrote about each book. Maybe sometime I'll make more series overviews and them easily to find. For now you can look at the /sffg/ bookshelf for each book or look at the archive for opinions.

>> No.22111416

Authors shouldn't get paid, copyright doesn't exist outside of a piece of paper.

>> No.22111422
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>GRRM on strike

>> No.22111464

Only a little like those others but the first Amber series is one of my favorites

>> No.22111477

Unless your writing is genuinely really good or you have a combination of interesting side elements, your plot sounds incredibly derivative and stale; I would not touch it with a ten foot pole.

Also, Rothfuss sucks.

>> No.22111479

None of these people look like they should be writing, and at the very least, I would not want to read them.

>> No.22111484

>What a ridiculous looking individual. Ah yes, I must pay money to read her creative writings. I’m sure they are not politically charged.

>> No.22111503

Money shouldn't exist.

>> No.22111506

Fiat money, yes. Gold is better.

>> No.22111510
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cartoon women owe me sex

>> No.22111520

No medium of exchange should exist.

>> No.22111527

Barter is annoying though, a store of value in necessary for a free market to easily function

>> No.22111578

Im reading the black company and i swear ''Glittering stones'' is the most boring shit ever. That retard should have ended it at ''book of the south''.

>> No.22111769

RuneScape was a better game before the Grand Exchange.

>> No.22111788

The writer's strike may unironically allow Winds to be finished somewhat soon. If it didn't happen, I think Dunk and Egg would have postponed the book several years.

We are still never getting Dream of Spring though. Plus, I think George is going to say that after Winds, he will still need 2 more books to finish lol.

>> No.22111790

I was always the weird kid that played eve online. I miss eve.

>> No.22111797

I find it funny how sffg memes I made years ago pops up now and again in the general.

>> No.22111819

>that one part where Erikson starts ranting against Ted Nugent
God that was funny.

>> No.22111822
File: 160 KB, 774x1080, istvan-straban-elf-warrior-and-the-dragon-istvan-straban.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone recall a old book about half-elf girl becoming dragon rider and fighting Dark Lord? I read it like fifteen years ago. It starts of with her living in a city that's all inside just one big tower. Her dad is a blacksmith. He gives her dagger/sword one day. Some new guy shows up and challenges her to a duel with the dagger as bet. He uses magic to win and the protagonists feels cheated, so she follows him to a forest and becomes student of a sorceress, who is also the guy's teacher. Then the Dark Lord attacks and everyone fuck off to like capital city, where the protagonists joins fighter academics or something.

>> No.22111833
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>actually only has one real door
Wtaf Jolkien Rolkien Rolkien??

>> No.22111844
File: 107 KB, 650x401, noldor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one door is still moredoor than nulldoor

>> No.22111851

Easily one of the top 10 best points ever made in sffg

>> No.22111897
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I just finished the first story in the Fifth head of Cerberus and it was really good. Probably the best bit of literature I have read since I was reading through some of the classics. Even if the next two stories are meh, this is still one of my favorite stories of all time.

Is Book of the New Sun truly better than this?

>> No.22111977

Blacks are bigger LARPers than guys pretending to be norse pagans

>> No.22112030

yeah that was a fantastic book

>> No.22112072
File: 2.80 MB, 4031x2954, 06E33734-A7D2-4241-8236-E18EBE94C7F3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished Black Comapany, what am I reading next, sffgbros?

>> No.22112169

if you like post-modernist turbo-grimdark wankery and gay priests, it'll be right up your alley

honestly you shouldn't reply to those ritualposts, they're spammed every single thread by a deranged psychotic who has self-lobotomized himself into nothing more than a biological chatbot

>> No.22112255

It isn't tho

>> No.22112424

you're right, a real postmodernist would never condone the presence of the supernatural (let alone Christianity specifically being immanently true) even in fiction

>> No.22112441

I just torrented the audiobook, but haven't started it yet. What am I in for? Could you give us a review or a rating?

>> No.22112715

For the Black Company? 3/5, maybe 3.5/5. I nearly dropped it after a hundred pages, it’s writing style and pacing are fucking weird; there’s basically no descriptions and it jumps between scenes/locations in the same page, often without clear breaks, and there isn’t always a ton of action till the end. I still liked it and by the end I was glad to have read it. Felt very much like it’s merely the prologue of a good story, so I’ll probably read the other books soon.

>> No.22112769 [DELETED] 
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How would you make a weapon class in unreal? desu

>> No.22112778

Strange Company

>> No.22112783
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Has anyone else read this? I just finished it and thought it was pretty good, will definitely finish out the rest of the series. I liked all the social/political maneuvering.

>> No.22112841

Yeah, I read it well before it was released.

>> No.22112929
File: 59 KB, 500x500, Coiling Dragon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coiling Dragon by Wo Chi Xi Hong Shi

[The Story]

Born to the dying Baruch Clan on Yulan, Linley has distinguished himself as a prodigy from the age of 8. Old enough to be told of their Clan's hidden history, Linley learns that he shares blood with the legendary dragon-blooded warrior. After learning that he does not have enough of the blood to be a warrior, he decides to become a magus... and soon a legendary artifact, which provides a teacher in the spirit of a Saint Level Earth Magus named Doehring Cowart. It falls on Linley and his secret master to cultivate the power needed to reclaim his family's ancient heirloom sword and restore honor to his clan.

[The Character(s)]

Linley is the village head's eldest son and a descendant of a legendary warrior with EXCEPTIONAL elemental affinity and spiritual attunement. Upon discovering an ancient ring hidden in his estate and bonding with it through blood, he's able to conjure a 5,000 year old Saint-Level Magus who agrees to train him into a legendary Earth Magus. By the age of 10 he tries out for the Ernst Institute - the most famous Magus Academy on the continent - and learns that he has exceptional DUAL essence cultivation. Linley is not only able to bend earth to his will, but wind just as easily. With all that behind him, within his first year at the academy he is able to with 10,000 gold from an arrogant young master and establish himself as one of the top prodigies.

Doehring and Bebe are much simpler characters by comparison. Having escaped death by sequestering his soul inside of the Coiling Dragon Ring that Linley discovers, he emerges to a world vastly different from his own. Deciding to adopt Linley as a godson (as he's the only human who can see him), Doehring reveals that he is a 10th Level 'Saint' Cultivator of Earth Magic. What should've taken Linley 50 years to accomplish will now only take 10.

Linley's shadow beast Bebe is a small black mouse capable of minor teleportation. As he grows, he's able to shapeshift and become a terrifying monster capable of killing even 6th level cultivators with ease. He acts as Linley's protector and saves him when Linley's own overwhelming might won't do.

[The System]

The more one meditations and trains, the more their magical reserves and affinity grows though there's not a focus on this like in Reverend Insanity and ISSTH. The first book proposes ranks 1-9 with each being 'a world unto itself' before one achieves the level of SAINT and can easily bend the heavens and earth to their whims. Each cultivator can further diversify into an element: earth, wind, water, fire, lightning, darkness, and light but each elemental affinity will share the same techniques. All wind cultivators will know the same wind techniques, for instance.

Sainthood comes with understanding Profound Truths, though not explored heavily in the first book. This amps up a Saint's magic considerably and allows them to bond Saint-level spirit beasts.

>> No.22112935
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[Final Thoughts]

Dropped on chapter 45 of 77.

Another overpowered MC who's given the entire world served up on a platter within the first 20 chapters. When met with a challenge Linley breezes through it with almost no worry, but 5 chapters later we'll be told through another character how harrowing it must have been. Entire dialogue chunks are dedicated to worshipping Linley as the #1 genius and it all grows tiresome after a while. Obviously not my cup of tea, since I enjoy my characters struggling and surviving. I wish I had a bingo card so that I could convey the sheer amount of tropes checked off in the first 15 chapters alone.

Presentation of the system was also a struggle in this book. More than once, random cultivators would show up in the sky and fight to inspire the main character's growth. They would use a named technique the one time and the author would avoid describing the techniques in favor of using the name. Usually this is fine, but a technique should evolve... We're told that the 'earth tremor will evolve into the earth spike and then the heaven's earth upper super decker' and it's never visually demonstrated in a combat again.

Unengaging system, boring characters, and an uninspired world. No more overpowered MCs. Might curate my remaining list to make sure I avoid them.

>Lord of the Mysteries by Cuttlefish – 9/10
>Dungeon Crawler Carl Series by Matt Dinniman - 9/10
>Cradle Series by Will Wight - 8/10
>Worth the Candle by Alex Wales - 8/10
>Mother of Learning Series - 8/10
>Ave Xia Rem Y by Mat Haz - 8/10
>All The Skills by Honour Rae - 7/10
>Iron Prince by Bryce O'Connor and Luke Chmilenko - 7/10
>Chrysalis by RinoZ - 7/10
>Forge of Destiny by Yrsillar - 7/10
>A Thousand Li by Tao Wong - 7/10
>Retribution Engine by Akaso - 6/10
>Beware of Chicken by Casualfarmer – 6/10
>Wandering Inn by Pirateaba - 6/10
>Virtuous Sons by Ya Boy - 6/10
>Bastion by Phil Tucker - 6/10
>The Primal Hunter by Zogarth - 6/10
>Sufficiently Advanced Magic by Andrew Rowe - 6/10
>Heaven's Laws by Apollos Thorne - 6/10
>Battle Mage Farmer by Seth Ring - 5/10
>I Shall Seal The Heavens by Er Gen - 5/10
>Reverend Insanity by Gu Zhen Ren - 5/10
>Soulhome by Sarah Lin - 5/10
>Soulship by Nathan Thompson - 4/10
>Azarinth Healer by Rhaegar - 3/10
>Reincarnation: Threads by Michael Head - 3/10
>Paladin of the Sword by Marvin Knight - 2/10
>Portal to Nova Roma by JR Mathews - Dropped
>He Who Fights Monsters by Shirtaloon - Dropped
>Coiling Dragon by Wo Chi Xi Hong Shi - Dropped
>The Elevation Chronicles by Captain Capslock - Dropped
>Last Ship in Suzhou by Lungs - Dropped
>Defiance of the Fall by J.F. Brink - Dropped

>Still Reading (Cultivation)
19. The Human Emperor
20. Way of Choices

>Still Reading (LitRPG)
16. Mark of the Fool (Formerly: Perfect Run)
17. Re-Start
18. Infinite Realm
19. Dissonance
20. Fostering Faust (Formerly: Dungeon Diving 101)

>Currently Reading
The Human Emperor
>Currently Listening
Mark of the Fool

>> No.22112970

your """reviews""" are SHIT

>> No.22112998
File: 440 KB, 1024x633, 1418537458414.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Another overpowered MC
welcome to chinklit
you can save yourself the trouble by avoiding any author with a name that sounds like a Panda Express menu item

>> No.22113032

If you're talking about progression novels why the FUCK are you using the term 'system' to mean anything other than the litrpg thing?
If you're intentionally trying to confuse people then I'd criticise you for being too blatant.

>> No.22113052

Pointer I wish I had when I began this endeavor.

Labeling it 'The System' may be too on the nose with the genres I'm working with here, fair point. Meant it more as a generalized term: 'cultivation system' or 'litrpg system'. Depending on what I'm reviewing I'll do [Cultivation] or [System] respectively, going forward.

>> No.22113059

Mark of the Fool is an odd one for the list, given it's neither Cultivation nor LitRPG. I don't think it's bad, necessarily. I think it's just kinda fine.

>> No.22113064

Those aren't the only two out there -- Mother of Learning is the obvious example, which is more freeform progression.
Might need an offensively neutral term like [Progression Mechanics].

>> No.22113068

That'll come up with Mark of the Fool which is just straight progression fantasy as well, like >>22113059 points out. Neutral term will play better and I can specify therein. Appreciate it.

>> No.22113081

i'm so very torn on Bakker's Second Apocalypse series. Its a real achievement, no question. They are huge books, reasonably well written (by the 3rd or 4th you stop noticing how many times things come swirling down), and the worldbuilding and magic are literally second to none in the grimdark genre, and top 5 in modern fantasy, no question.
that said, bakker is also a grade A edgelord who has designed his world to have every kind of violence possible for the sole purpose of being narratively shocking, and whatever you may think of the value of that, i think the SHOCKING preponderance of sexual violence is problematic bordering on unacceptable. i can't in good faith recommend the books to much of anyone any more, which is such a shame because i legitimately love the worldbuilding, and as i said, i think the magic and metaphysics of the books is AMAZING.
so i dunno. they're intense and gorgeous in a lot of ways. but if you drop into /sffg/ and find yoruself thinking you might want to read the series, just know what you're getting into. rape. lots of it. against literally EVERYTHING that can be raped. and it's not an artistic choice, it's a deadpan serious statement of the author's beliefs...

>> No.22113093

>honestly you shouldn't reply to those ritualposts, they're spammed every single thread by a deranged psychotic who has self-lobotomized himself into nothing more than a biological chatbot

Reddit at its finest.

>> No.22113131

[system] is still too general, because people use the term "magic system" to describe various fantasy novels all the time
you're probably better off specifying litrpg system when you mean that, if you read those

>> No.22113138
File: 1.96 MB, 400x225, 1682407413146346.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Less than 2 days for CRADLE WAYBOUND

>> No.22113152

I see Bakker's series is rooted in determinism which is the same philosophical ideology that incels align themselves with so I understand why it's a popular series here.

>> No.22113180

2 or 3 religiously fixated spergs do not account for popularity in a thread with a hundred unique posters

>> No.22113188

It must be your favorite series then.

>> No.22113208
File: 13 KB, 497x224, sorry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It isn't up yet but expect APOLOGIES soon.

>> No.22113257

i dont get it

>> No.22113374

This harlot is personally to blame for the decline and ruin of /sffg/.

>> No.22113412
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>> No.22113426
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willbros... not like this...

>> No.22113512
File: 203 KB, 781x879, Screenshot_3845.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So his team fucked the ebook version somehow, fucking every pre-order and amazon released the book now 2 days earlier to make it up for it

nice, going to read it now, thanks Will

>> No.22113566

I absolutely hate progression fantasy, but I can't imagine this is anything but an absolutely devastating mistake. Sucks to see.

>> No.22113571

Cradle is too big to fall. He'll be fine.

>> No.22113615

Niggers don’t even like fantasy why cater to them??

>> No.22113673

its not about getting darkie money (they don't have any) it's about conditioning the people who spend money: women and the men they can browbeat through sexual capital

>> No.22113678 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.22113688 [SPOILER] 
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Lindon only says "apologies" 31 times in the final book!
Also here's the last page of the epilogue. Good night fags.

>> No.22113718

Probably the only good culture novel.

>> No.22113721
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>literally just their names smashed together

>> No.22113771

Forgot about Cradle. Going to give that a read and provide a review for the finale. Human Emperor and Mark of the Fool temporarily paused.

>> No.22113797

After Star Wars was released, George Lucas received tons of letters begging him to make the force into a real religion. He could've definitely pulled it off.

>> No.22113818

I find it difficult to believe LARPagans were quite as cringeworthy as that

>> No.22113858
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want to read my gothpunk garbage, the biggest inspos for this have been The King in Yellow, pretty much everything Poe & Lovecraft, the comic book Requiem Chevalier Vampire, and the Wizard of Oz

please do, i just get really loaded gonzo style and write until i passout


>> No.22113941

New sun is different. More grand in scale. Better, yes I'd say. But I do love fifth head. Read The Wolfe Archipelago also

>> No.22113981

Tolkien if it's possible you haven't read him
John Crowley
Jack Vance
Gene Wolfe
Robin Hobb
Le Guin
R Scott Bakker
Robert E Howard

>> No.22114267
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Red Rising and some 40k (Eisenhorn, Watchers of the Throne)

>> No.22114271
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I feel like I already read it several times without even touching it. Just write the premise in google, you will find several such books. Women get fucking wet when writing themselves with dragon companions, it's extremely prolific type of story. I get manly wet too when seeing dragons, desu

>> No.22114275

>Raised by a pack of wild military jets
Fucking kek holy shit
I know it was a satirical meme but it still took me off guard, the funniest shit I've seen in a week

>> No.22114584

Yeah how fuckin lazy can you get lol

>> No.22114622

Sounds like Chronicles of the Overworld

>> No.22114663

I feel like most of the sci-fi i read is a dystopia disguised as a utopia. Technology becoming better =/= people's life becoming better, its just more ways for people to be oppressed/brainwashed

>> No.22114675
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>fantasy series suddenly has trans/nb/gay characters in the later volumes and allegories for being in the closet
I just wanted to read about people fighting monsters...

>> No.22114686

Sorry pal they couldn't get published at all unless they complete a line in LGBT bingo

>> No.22114694

>reading sci-fi series
>Facist Slaver Space Empire is accepting of any sexuality, bisexuality is commonplace
>Ruler of said empire and her minions are black/African
>the slaves the protagonist is fighting for are homophobes that castrate those among them found gay

>> No.22114728

but do the homophobes win

>> No.22114763

>The 2007-2008 writers' strike lasted for 100 days.
I wonder how long this is gonna go on. Or if Hollywood will just go full ChatGPT already.

>> No.22114769

Love me some black company, although I only read the books of the north and felt really satisfied with the "and our story goes on" ending and went to read something else. Most definitely gonna go back for the Book of the Souths though

>> No.22114861

Holy shit, he looks so terrible. I didn't realize that was him.

>> No.22114876

The later Black Company and Garrett PI books both put focus on the protagonists aging. You can tell Cook was thinking about how he'd been writing these series for decades by the time he wrapped them up.

>> No.22114877

Any good fantasy books on the shorter side?
Preferably one volume and not beyond 500 pages or so

>> No.22114888

Striking just months after a technology that can easily replace you becomes publicly available seems pretty stupid desu but I don't expect any better from hollywood writers

>> No.22114903

anything by David Gemmel is pretty short, you can read Legend and be done with it or keep reading the other books if you have fun but theyre written as mostly standalones.

Same goes for The Black Company although it is a trilogy that I would recommend but the first book is only 300~ pages and ends exciting enouggh on its own

>> No.22114910

>Also the female Marine constantly looks down on men for being attracted to her
If we go by the TV show looks, I'm sorry but I have a thing for amazons with an Aussie accent. Never read the books because I wasn't sure they would enhance the experience.

>> No.22114949
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Yes, it's. More specific the first book, Nihal of the Land of the Wind ( I guess the title sounds better in original language). Thanks a lot. You know, I didn't even like that book, I stopped reading around 2/3 of it because I couldn't stand how much of Mary Sue the main hero was, but some time ago I randomly recalled it and it has been bothering me that I can't remember the name of it. Now I know.

>> No.22115067

Is there a novel like Madoka Magica

>> No.22115076


>> No.22115081

>Is there a novel like Madoka Magica
As in, theme-wise, character-wise, aesthetic-wise, setting-wise, what? Or do you literally just want madoka magica but written down?

>> No.22115092

Setting wise, like that movie Hereditary if you will. Where a character is tricked with a contract that seems good at first but turns into hofrour beyond your dreams.

>> No.22115106


>> No.22115107
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I am currently reading Super Dimensional wizard/ Warlock Apprentice
it was pretty good for the first 450 chapters but now it turned into some nonsensical ya drama, every character is dumb, other wizards are just getting worse and more retarded, the purification garden arc was absolute garbage, thinking of dropping it, also it seems it stopped being translated after 1000 chapters, I see no point in reading it any further.

>> No.22115108
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I have procured Aragorn's copy of The Book of Three.

>> No.22115118

>stealing from a black man
How the tables turn

>> No.22115121

>it was pretty good for the first 450 chapters but now it turned into some nonsensical ya drama,
you just described all chinklit, move on to something else now that it peaked

>> No.22115147

Just read LOTM and forget other chinkshit even exists

>> No.22115160

Yeah the garden arc was the worst one. It's also more of a slice of life the longer it goes because you get used to the world which is what I personally like. Just drop it and check out something else, it's better than getting to the end and realizing the translation stops at the middle of an arc

>> No.22115179

Too old

>> No.22115216
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>for the first 450 chapters

>> No.22115228
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Finished this yesterday, pretty kino. The main guy's hero's journey was refreshingly different and his development felt very real to me. I really loved the main girl's story as she tries to figure out the mystery of her royal blood. The ending even wraps things up. There's another book which I'll read soon, but it would be fine if there wasn't.

>> No.22115229

>I believe books will get more and more outrageous, similar to >>22109845.
Nah man. That one is obviously and blatently fetish shit. Which is at least frank about what it is. The Aragorn thing is someone who somehow deluded themselves into thinking their justification is something deep when an honest reflection would find it lacking any real meaning or aplicability.

>> No.22115264

>It's also more of a slice of life the longer it goes because you get used to the world which is what I personally like. Just drop it and check out something else
I see.. Do you have any recommendations? something that is not slice of life?

>> No.22115416

Now that Cradle is finished what are some novels that can scratch that same itch? No generic chink or system litrpg shit please.

>> No.22115437

its chinklit, one chapter is like 2-3 pages of text at most.

>> No.22115440

but cradle is generic chink shit just written by a westerner

>> No.22115444

is the ending good? I read the first book but then the power level jump turned me off a bit because it felt like those issekai novels where mc has an interesting skill set until he just becomes SSS rank

>> No.22115474

>I read the first book but then the power level jump turned me off a bit because it felt like those issekai novels where mc has an interesting skill set until he just becomes SSS rank

But he doesnt get any power in book 1?

>> No.22115487


>> No.22115538

Since we're talking about litrpg, are there any books about villain protags that have the same feel as the Overlord games? It doesn't have to be a litrpg book but that's just the genre I figured would be most likely to have one. I loved those games in highschool and since there will never be another one I'll take any book that fills the void.

>> No.22115549

I meant I read the first book and then when I got to second suddenly everyone was gold at minimum. And I thougnt they were going to speedrun powerlevels so I didnt bother to keep reading. I could be wrong though, just what usually happens

>> No.22115552

Way of Choices is pretty much the best chinese web novel I've read. Not really sure how to classify if though, there's cultivation but it's not really the focus, instead great characters and their relationships and political intrigue takes the forefront

>> No.22115577


>> No.22115580

Is there romance? I looked at the reviews and they mentioned male and female lead? Huge red flag desu

>> No.22115602

Kind of? It's extremely light and kind of cute, I think they hold hands at some point but that's pretty much as far it goes

>> No.22115612

might as well do it while the tech sucks

>> No.22115635

>suddenly everyone was gold at minimum. And I thougnt they were going to speedrun powerlevels so I didnt bother to keep reading.

They make it very clear that Sacred Valley is obscure and that the average cultivator outside is Gold, hell they even talk about it some rich babys getting gold after birth bc the rich parents could afford pills and treasures, while in Sacred Valley the peak was Jade bc of speecial conditions, and that was rare for them

For example: Black Flame empire (The place Lindon goes to next) has 15-20 Underlords and only 1 Overlord (The King/Emperor)

Gold is basically cannon fodder, the protag and team were still Underlord till book 7

>> No.22115824

The mobilism link for Waybound seems broken, anyone have an alternative download link?

>> No.22115927
File: 91 KB, 1357x877, mobilismw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's working fine

>> No.22116036

Why don't pirates use mega and rapidshare anymore? They always use these malware ridden AIDS sites instead now

>> No.22116056

Not that anon, but I use jdownloader to bypass all those problems. As for mega, there are sites that still do, I use one a lot.

>> No.22116114

never had problem with mobilism

>> No.22116372

how the blast you know about this book man-animal?

>> No.22116376

Greg Keyes has been on my tbr ever since i've read his Star wars NJO books. There's a lot of underrated writers in the late 90s and early 2000s. Pretty much no one talks about fantasy from that time.

>> No.22116450

His stuff is fuckin' great. Some of the best books I've read this year. I even bought his new book just based off of my impression after finishing Kingdom of Thorn and Bone.

>> No.22116453

>2015 to 2023
In the interim he sold gajillions of books and they still downgrade him like this. Shame.

>> No.22116620

Every book is 1 power level advancement desu

>> No.22116646

I hated Bai Ning Bing before his death but afterwards her reactions to Fang Yuan are the funniest thing in RI

>> No.22116720

New Sun is better in my opinion but it’s hard to compare the two because they’re such different stories. Even Short Sun, which has a similar premise (colonising a blue and a green planet inhabited by shape-shifting indigenes), is only really similar in writing style.

>> No.22116766

Lang Ya land spirit was the funniest thing in RI, also in the beginning Gu Yue elders had few funny moments

>> No.22116936
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>> No.22116985

I will look into it. Thanks.
Do you think it is better just because it fits your tastes better, because it accomplishes more due to being grander in scope, or because its quality is just better? Or some mix?

>> No.22117071

>cultivation novel
>the main character doesn't reach the final rank
>his lackeys do

>> No.22117080

Make new thread already

>> No.22117090


>> No.22117116


>> No.22117177


>> No.22117204

Wait until page 12.

>> No.22117245

Loved it. Which is odd, cause I hated his first series.

>> No.22117257

Lindon did an alternate and stronger path. He could probably beat all his "lackeys" at once.