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22102135 No.22102135 [Reply] [Original]

haven't read a good horror book in ages, what're some of your favorites?
I thought pic related was pretty effective but haven't found anything to the same caliber

>> No.22102217
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>> No.22102251

Hill House is fucking awesome. Lovecraft stuff is good, I'm also partial to Poe. Dracula is a classic, The exorcist is awesome, The Hunger, House Of Leaves, Coraline by Neil Gaiman, Tender Is The Flesh. All awesome

>> No.22102262

Also this. Horror’s Call is the best horror series ever. So awesome. I can never get enough of F Gardner’s series

>> No.22102295

this sounds stupid but his popularity has always put me off him. for the longest time it seemed fucking everybody i knew was going on about how great he was i got sick of it
Loved the exorcist, house of leaves was okay.
know any more contemporary set books? it's kind of a mixed bag. joe hill's heart shaped box seems promising

>> No.22102301

Joe Hill is awesome dude

>> No.22102313

that's good to hear and honestly what i expected from the little i've read from him. NOS4A2 seems really good as well

>> No.22102355

Call of the Kappa is so good lmao

>> No.22102719

this one is modern and quite good

>> No.22102747
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My Work is Not Yet Done by Ligotti
A Collapse of Horses by Brian Evenson

>> No.22102759
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Anyone got suggestions for existential/psychological/spiritual horror? No dumb monsters or demons or angels or cursed towns or unnatural people. Just fears manifested in the mind. Even if it's POV of mentally ill or paranoid person.
>Inb4 house of leaves
Fuck off. No meta books

>> No.22102796
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>> No.22103416

The Monk is the greatest horror novel ever written.

>> No.22103526

It’s so cool to be a contrarian and miss out on great experiences, right anon?

>> No.22103553

>joe hill's heart shaped box seems promising
I promise you, with every fiber of my being, that it is not. It only got published because the author is Stephen King's son

>> No.22103557

What's the premise? I read a summary, but the cover implies there's a kaiju or something, and I'm not really into that

>> No.22103729

what makes you say that? because of the premise, the writing, what?

>> No.22104009

Books of Blood by Barker
Teatro Grottesco by Ligotti
Noctuary by Ligotti (first story is the worst)
Algernon Blackwood collections (Willows and Wendigo are masterpieces)
Richard Gavin collections (contemporary author)

Horror has always thrived in the short story form.

>> No.22104059

I thought Joe Hill's novels were just ok, but I like his comics. I haven't read his short stories yet but I'm thinking I'll like those better since they'll probably be more like his comics than his novels

>> No.22104065

A Head Full of Ghosts sound like what you're looking for, but I haven't read it so take that as you will

>> No.22104075

Ligotti is the iconoclast's Lovecraft. Far fewer acolytes and almost zero pop culture purchase.

>> No.22104161

I've never been big on short stories for whatever reason but maybe I've been reading the wrong ones. barker seems the most interesting

>> No.22104232

>filtered by The Medusa
Tasteless pleb. Literally the best in the collection.

>> No.22104236

What's the most literary horror novel have you read anons?? Then what's the most trashy novel for you? (Something like Steven Lee?)

>> No.22104240

Edward lee* my bad

>> No.22104329
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this old cornball series has some choice vintage interviews with various horror writers and filmmakers. comfy stuff

>> No.22104345

Any good horror books that resemble the folk horror movie genre? I'm talking movies like Apostle and the Ritual that draw on elements of folk tales, rural settings, paganism, etc.

(I hated Midsommar though)

>> No.22104456

Slewfoot is supposed to be excellent, but haven’t read it myself yet. The short story Wendigo is already mentioned here, 30 minute read with perfectly dense atmosphere of going crazy innawoods.

>> No.22104572
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>> No.22104771

Cosmic horror. Very well written novel, slow burn, things turn insane in the end
His short stories are better than novels
Maybe Straub's novels

>> No.22104799
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The works of Arthur Machen are perfect for what you're looking for.

>> No.22104832

Thanks fellas

>> No.22104993
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Who here /crab/?

>> No.22105341

It's just not a well written novel. The plot is awful, and it ends up feeling very goofy for something meant to be a serious horror novel.

>> No.22105357

hard to take this seriously when the girl next door is alongside house of leaves and so many of the earlier ones are just single stories. is there a chart made by a single really well read anon instead of these democratic mish mashes?

midsommar is truly great compared to the other two

aickman - cold hand in mine

>> No.22105360

I enjoy horror stories
if you do too, I suggest you look into anthologies compiled by "Marvin Kaye". Another good one is a anthology called "descent into darkness"

>> No.22105363

>My Work is Not Yet Done
That is one of the worst covers that i have ever seen

>> No.22105364

I meant to say horror short stories*
fucking hungry

>> No.22105374

There is cuckoldry by black

>> No.22105376

> Horror has always thrived in the short story form
Makes sense. It’s hard to keep one’s dick hard for 200+ pages. Horror and suspense wise, I mean.

>> No.22105385

Nice suggestion
Friday night binge incoming

>> No.22105399

/lit/ told me Dracula sucks and Frankenstein is much better, are they right?

>> No.22105430

Anything by Dan Simmons

>> No.22105502
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Opinions on the works of T.E.D. Klein?

>> No.22105511
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I read this last spoopy season. A nice mix of psychological horror and folk horror

>> No.22105518

I really enjoyed Dark Gods and The Events at Poroth Farm
The Ceremonies was like The Events at Poroth Farm drawn out ad infinitum

>> No.22105549

Slow burn Lovecraftian. They retell the story of how the town was flooded and turned into a dam and weird shit happened. Solid read.

>> No.22105578

i don't know why people prefer character development over acutal horrror
maybe it's because of stephen king but it's fucking boring. kleins story children of the kingdom could have been 30 or 40 pages but instead he stretches it out to 90. i don't care that much about what the interior of the old peoples home looks like

>> No.22105590
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Gothick literature reigns supreme over all
I only read gothic literature, gothic-influenced literature (like the works of rider haggard) and the stories published in weird tales (which owe a great deal more to the gothic than people assume)
I can't even read any horror written post 1970s. Stephen king is a bore
even the "hackneyed" penny dreadfuls written by anonymous authors are still great

>> No.22105677

This. Such a boring, badly written, below-average book. Idk what people see in it

>> No.22105965
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Are any of the horror works of Joe R. Lansdale worth reading?

>> No.22106112

I didn’t like Landans Corpsemouth collection, is this better? Also is there really cuckoldry in this

>> No.22106122

I happen to like it

>> No.22106135

The King in Yellow remains my favorite.

>> No.22106161

Off topic, but you’ll enjoy it:

>> No.22106275


>> No.22106533
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These are around for free.