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/lit/ - Literature

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22101559 No.22101559 [Reply] [Original]

what exactly is "sloth" sin?
Like if I'm a neet do I burn in hell?

>> No.22101562

Not if you use your neet status constructively. If you just waste away then that is a sin. You can waste away and work a job.

>> No.22101579

just catholic bs. being a lazy retard isn't inherently sinful unless God is telling you to do so something and you ignore it for your 3rd bag of doritos.

>> No.22101605

Get off the couch you fat fuck not literature

>> No.22101618

It’s not just laziness. Thomas Aquinas defines acedia as “sorrow about spiritual good.” In other words, it is a laziness and sadness that rises up in the human heart when they recognize their responsibility to become a saint.

>> No.22101641

sloth is just a translation
the real sin is depression
if you're depressed and not doing anything then yes you burn in hell

>> No.22101642

it actually is

>> No.22101654

Sloth isn't "I'm just gonna lay on the couch today, I had a rough day at work yesterday".

Sloth is "I know that by inaction I will allow bad things happen, but I'm still going to do nothing anyways".

>> No.22101660

The world is worse than hell anyway.

>> No.22101691

Lust also means desire in a general sense and not exclusively desire in the sexual sense. These types of misinterpretations are fatal.

>> No.22101699

This seems closer to the truth than you might think.

>> No.22101768

If you're not actively looking for something or working on something to provide for yourself then that is sloth. Jesus did say that those unwilling to work should neither eat.

>> No.22101802

This is contradictory to what he says about abandoning all your belongings. Unless he mean "work" as aimed exclusively at "moral actions" or something like that.

>> No.22101817

No it isn't dumbass. If I sell my house and everything I own then wander off into the woods to become a hermit, I'm still working for my food by gathering berries and trapping squirrels and shit.
The "abandon all your belongings" wasn't meant to be a universal maxim anyways.

>> No.22101857

Nah probably sloth refers to "not doing moral actions" than "you sin because uuuh you don't make any effort to survive"

>> No.22101894

No it isn't retard

>> No.22102069

>In Christianity, the sin of sloth (acedia) had nothing to do with contemplation or leisure , but was a turning away from God as a worldly and spiritual idleness.
>According to Catholic teaching , it can mean that one remains inactive and does not help the needy, weak or sick if one could.
>For Protestantism , diligence at work is a sign of a godly life, as pointed out by the sociologist Max Weber in The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalismis treated.
Yes, no

>> No.22102169

>Lust also means desire in a general sense
If that's true then what's the difference between lust and greed?

>> No.22102172

yes it is downie

>> No.22102424

No sitting on your ass and doing nothing while your parents pay for your needs is sloth.

>> No.22103397

No its scripture stupid. As literature alone the Bible is pretty shit!

>> No.22103536


>> No.22103624


>> No.22103626

>Lust also means desire in a general sense and not exclusively desire in the sexual sense

>> No.22103634

>As literature alone the Bible is pretty shit!
You're out of your mind, but I've only read it in Greek so maybe translations are shit.

>> No.22103792
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>sloth is not
when Professor X is chilling at the X-Mansion, using Cerebro to surf the metaphysical web to search for mutants, or even when Beast holes up in his room for days on end reading obscure esoteric texts
>sloth is
when Spider-Man had the opportunity to stop a burglar in the street but instead chose to ignore him, this resulted in his own uncle getting murdered when the burglar broke into his uncle's house and shot him

>> No.22103809

There was an angel, who in time of the war in heaven chose not to involve himself on either dide. In the end, he got rejected by heaven but sldo by hell. Lowest of the low...the demon of sloth...

>> No.22103815

Rest is fine. God rested on the Sabbath. God promises us rest in many parts of the Bible.

Indeed, rest can be better than passionate action. In First Chronicles we see that even though David was beloved by God he was not perfect. God tells David, through a prophet, that he will not build God's house on the Earth because he has shed too much blood. More blessed is the reign of his son Solomon, to whom God will give a period of rest and security. The rest and wisdom of Solomon is held up as preferable to the correctly directed zeal of David, who aims to please God, yet who nonetheless fails in this aim many times, by making wars necessary, by ordering a census against God's command, etc.

But we are called to action, see the Great Commandment. Sloth is when we ignore what God is telling us (e.g. Jonah) or are derelict in our duty to Christ by spreading the Gospel.

Gluttony is probably even more poorly understood today. It's about consuming too much, such that others are hurt. In past ages this often meant over consumption of food. Today it is more likely to mean holding on to multiple homes one doesn't use, or driving a large vehicle as one's solo commuter vehicle, etc.

>> No.22103821

you're reading a transcription of an oral tradition of godliness, not literature.

>> No.22103904

That's the secular definition, pleb
Anyone who reads the bible with a minimum of reading comprehension would realize this.
>In many translations of the New Testament, the word "lust" translates the Koine Greek word ἐπιθυμέω (epithūméō), particularly in Matthew 5:27-28
>In English-speaking countries, the term "lust" is often associated with sexual desire, probably because of this verse. However, just as the English word was originally a general term for 'desire', the Greek word ἐπιθυμέω was also a general term for desire. The LSJ lexicon suggests "set one's heart upon a thing, long for, covet, desire" as glosses for ἐπιθυμέω, which is used in verses that clearly have nothing to do with sexual desire. In the Septuagint, ἐπιθυμέω is the word used in the commandment to not covet.
Greed ἄπληστος means “insatiable, greedy”
Greed is all-encompassing as it includes the sins that are related to desiring anything in excess.

>> No.22103935


Her torso is too wide.

>> No.22103976

And now it is redefined as a sin.
I hate subversion.

>> No.22103991
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You have something against sinners? You think you're better than me! No!?

>> No.22103992

You have a duty. You know what it is. If you neglect it, you are guilty of sloth.

>> No.22104367

>This study breaks new ground regarding the meaning of the words pleonekteō, pleonexia, and pleonektēs. The concept “greed” (= an insatiable desire for more) did not exist in the Hebrew world of thought, and it did not exist among the first Christians. It is a modern invention without any lexical basis.
>The floppiness of English Bible translations and Greek-English Lexicons is seen by the fact that they all put the word “greed” in the mouth of Jesus in Mark 7:22 and Luke 12:15 when the Hebrew language that Jesus spoke did not have any word for “greed.”
>First Corinthians 5:11 and 6:10 say that being a pleonektēs qualifies for disfellowshipping. The NWT13 translates this word with the expression “greedy people.” But a greedy person does not qualify for disfellowshipping because “greed” is a desire or an emotion, a state of mind, and no one can be disfellowshipped because of their desires, emotions, or states of mind. Therefore, the actual meaning of the noun pleonektēs in 1 Corinthians is the main point of this study.
>In order to understand the meaning of Greek words, we need to look at the contexts in which they occur. I will show that neither of the three Greek words that NWT13 translated with a form of the word greed relates to desires and emotions. This means that the term “greed” is not related to any of these three words. But each of the three Greek words relates to concrete actions.
In the Septuagint, pleonekteō “to make dishonest gain,” often involved the use of force. Greek writers in the fourth century BCE and first century CE used the verb with the meaning of “seizing the properties of others,” to “take something by force.” In the Christian Greek Scriptures, the verb is used with the meaning “to take advantage of,” “to exploit,” and I use pleonekteō with the meaning “to exploit.”
In the Septuagint, pleonexia is used with the meaning “dishonest gain,” often acquired by the use of force. In 2 Corinthians 9:5, pleonexia is used with the meaning of “something extorted” or “something exploited.” In the translation of the words of Jesus in Mark 7:22 and Luke 12:15, pleonexia is used, and this is translated by all English translations I know as “greed.” However, the Hebrew language that Jesus spoke does not have a word for greed (= “an insatiable desire for more”), so these translations are wrong.
Because pleonexia in the Septuagint is a translation of the Hebrew word bætsa‘, this must have been the word Jesus used.
The noun pleonektēs was used by the Greek writer Thycudides with the meaning “robber.” Because it occurs only four times in the Christian Greek Scriptures, its meaning cannot be construed on the basis of its context.

>> No.22104397

You're the dumbest retard that has ever lived.

>> No.22104423

You can make some mistakes here and there, but optimally God wants you to fulfill your purpose. Sloth takes many forms not just not working. Maybe you had a greater talent than Shakespeare or Newton. But you spent your days never exiting your comfort zone, never engaging in anything worthwhile, had so much free time, and instead of learning and improving yourself and the world, you spent it on jerking off and doing drugs.
God will look at your potential vs how much you actually achieved chart. You'd be surprised to find out you tried so fucking little in this life, that you will not have lived up to even 1% of your full potential, which that alone could have probably made you a milionaire. If we are judged, we will be judged by how much we tried or at least how much we managed to do (some people do have it easier without trying, but long as they wanna do good, they are good)
I hope you understand how it works now
Potential vs how much you actually achieved numbers will count, and most of us won't pass the treshold barrier neccesary for salvation, god will say "he was not good enough" even if we repent of some of our sins we will know we wasted ourselves and could have done so much more

>> No.22104457

>tips fedora

>> No.22104533
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>*no argument*

>> No.22104806

Where did you present an argument?
You presented a definition of literature that excludes Homer and the Sagas. What do you think compelled you to do that?

>> No.22104837

if you are making yourself a burden for other people for the sake of sensual indulgence then yes you will be judged for it. Same goes for when your laziness becomes self-destructive. May God have mercy on our souls

>> No.22104851

This post gave me the courage to transition.

>> No.22104860

How is this remotely fair though?
So an ugly manlet will go to hell because he (correctly) realizes that his life is going to be much less fun than a chad and decides to just waste away?

Why would God design an uneven playing field- but have blanket rules?

>> No.22104902

>>22102424 this is correct and you're being an idiot.
Go ask if what I said is considered sloth to an orthodox christian priest and he'll say yes.

>> No.22104904

that's also vanity anon

>> No.22104909
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Why would God design an uneven playing field- but have blanket rules?
This applies to more than just looks. Born into starving family, born with any kind of handicap, physical or mental, etc.

Uneven starting stats, blanket rules. Make it make sense.

>> No.22104915

I don't know, George. I'm not God.

>> No.22104981

Good analogy for the consoomer audience.

>> No.22104985

Cope. That definition doesn't make any sense in the context of the Bible.

>> No.22105107

I'm not coping, you're going to go to hell for eternity if you don't accept that its the fact.

>> No.22106110

We must secure the existence of our people and a future for my wife's children.

>> No.22106713


>gathering of fictional characters beloved by plebs

>> No.22106733

You ever get that feeling that you did something wrong by wasting time...

>> No.22107638

no I didn't