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22100021 No.22100021 [Reply] [Original]

Books with artificial wombs portayed as good?

>> No.22100162
File: 175 KB, 377x473, Suicidebooth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

artificial wombs + suicide booths = heaven on earth

>> No.22100599

>noooooo a woman didn't suffer agony and have her body destroyed this way, so it's baaaaaddddddd

I will kill all men. I will simply start killing you all.

>> No.22100736

I'm asking a book that portatys it in a good way

>> No.22100751

Why would they be portrayed as good?
At best, you’re going to see them used as a oddity to keep the society working and that natural procreation figures into the plot, usually in the more positive light.

>> No.22100802

Ok femcel

>> No.22100853

What the future of medicine can do for women is make natural birth less of a draining ordeal for women. It’s a weird and dehumanizing method, don’t you think? Why would the child grow up wanting to even hug its mother. Would she nurse or would that even be a robot with artificial baby formula mounted on its chest? Gloomy

>> No.22100900
File: 155 KB, 1296x1030, -1x-1 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you aware of just how much female privilege and clout you're giving up by having procreation - the ultimate dominion of feminity - be outsourced? Men's whole reason for looking after and being gentle with women stems from them being the rearers of children. If a machine can do that, the average woman legitimately serves no purpose any longer. Literally all the things you could do will either be done better by men or done just as well by machines.

>> No.22100909

Don't be so sure in thinking men will be useful.Transhumanism and posthumanism will be the demise of us all.. Men and women.

>> No.22100929

That was a radical lesbian feminist trope in the 1970s, lots of fiction from that scene of utopian societies without men which would have it but it's all garbage of course

>Why would they be portrayed as good?
Well it could be a "solution" to some problem. There's a decline in natural births happening so you could offset that obviously

>What the future of medicine can do for women is make natural birth less of a draining ordeal for women
Why not just put chemicals in the water to induce infertility? Civilized governments fluoridate their water to keep citizens teeth healthy so why not maximize their sexual opportunities and minimize risks?

>It’s a weird and dehumanizing method, don’t you think?
Literally everything about contemporary society is.

>Why would the child grow up wanting to even hug its mother.
Autists already have problems with that. Do you think autists should be killed?

>Would she nurse or would that even be a robot with artificial baby formula mounted on its chest? Gloomy
That's a health question, as long as natural nursing is better you can have vast milking factories.

>If a machine can do that, the average woman legitimately serves no purpose any longer
Most men are heterosexual and want to have sex... so you are le wrong on that

>> No.22100945

why do you think women want to endure this bullshit? how about we use the miracle of modern science to put a womb in your abdomen, so you can have all the nutrients and minerals leeched out of your body until your teeth and hair fall out, you can have your ribs spine and pelvis broken and moved out of place, you can have your groin ripped open, and then you can let a shit-bag feast on your nipples until they're cracked and bloody and hurt to touch.
easy for you to fucking say. thank god i have a gun and can kill moids who want me to be their broodmare bangmaid. if you ungrateful scrotal sacks want kids so badly, troon out and birth them yourself.

>> No.22100949

I don't need you to do shit for me, scrote. My gun is what protects me and my profession is what provides for me. You are obsolete. And when you chimp out and try to rape someone the cops will come and kill you dead.
I'm glad the jews took your foreskin.

>> No.22101099

. Here's a list of potential advantages of artificial wombs:

1. Enhanced reproductive options: Artificial wombs can provide an alternative reproductive method for individuals who are unable to conceive naturally, including couples struggling with infertility, same-sex couples, or individuals without a uterus.

2. Increased safety for high-risk pregnancies: Some pregnancies pose significant risks to both the mother and the fetus. Artificial wombs could offer a safer alternative by eliminating the potential complications associated with pregnancy, such as preeclampsia, gestational diabetes, or placenta-related issues.

3. Elimination of maternal health risks: Pregnancy and childbirth can pose health risks to the mother, including hemorrhage, infection, or complications from pre-existing medical conditions. With artificial wombs, these risks would be eliminated, allowing women to have children without endangering their own health.

4. Better monitoring and control: Artificial wombs would enable continuous monitoring of the developing fetus, providing a controlled environment for optimal growth and development. It would allow precise control over factors like oxygen levels, nutrient supply, and hormonal balance, potentially reducing the risk of developmental issues.

5. Elimination of fetal exposure to harmful substances: Artificial wombs could provide a completely controlled environment, free from exposure to harmful substances such as drugs, alcohol, or tobacco that may negatively impact fetal development. This could potentially reduce the incidence of developmental disorders caused by such exposures.

6. Extended gestational period: Artificial wombs could potentially allow for longer gestational periods beyond the normal nine months. This extended time frame could offer additional opportunities for fetal development, particularly for premature babies who might benefit from more time in a controlled environment.

7. Medical research and advancements: Artificial wombs could facilitate research and advancements in the field of fetal development and pregnancy-related conditions. Scientists would have a controlled environment to study various aspects of embryonic and fetal growth, potentially leading to breakthroughs in prenatal care and treatments.

8. Ethical considerations: Artificial wombs could provide an alternative to abortion in situations where a woman does not wish to continue a pregnancy. It could offer a compromise between those who advocate for a woman's right to choose and those who are concerned about the termination of potential life.

9. Gender equality: Artificial wombs could potentially help address gender inequality by removing the physical burden of pregnancy and childbirth solely from women. It would provide men with the opportunity to participate more equally in the reproductive process.

>> No.22101121

>It would provide men with the opportunity to participate more equally in the reproductive process.
You mean liberate women from being the sacrificial gender. Males should do 100% of child birth and rearing to get a taste of what they put women through for tens of thousands of years.

>> No.22101128

>Most men are heterosexual and want to have sex... so you are le wrong on that

Prostitution will be legal in the future

>> No.22101304

Preach on, sister! The sooner we get away from all this nature bullshit and move off planet to conquer the universe, the better.

>> No.22101328

While all of that sounds good, there's the possibility of some severe psychological issues in children born that way (maternal bonding, directly from the lack of a child's bond, and indirectly from the mother's, who's suffering--as unfortunate as it is--is also the fertilizer for love); there's also the possibility of slower cognitive development (hearing mother's voice, and all that).

Not to mention morally it's very unhuman, just to know children are born that way--to know you were born that way--can have some subtle effects on society as a whole, volumes could be written on this.

I have no doubt the child born will be far healthier physically (assuming ideal technology, it's hubristic to think we can match all the tiny alterations that occur between the mother and fetus at this stage, let alone improve on them), no technology short of artifical humans--and that's it's own moral issue--can replace a mother's movements, her voice, and all the other little details certainly have an exponential impact on an individual's life in ways we couldn't understand without a lot of sacrifice, child sacrifice.

>> No.22101576
File: 45 KB, 500x629, affiche-brave-new-world-1980-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why would the child grow up wanting to even hug its mother
There won't be "mothers" and "fathers" Anon. You'll just go straight from the birthing pod to boarding school. Then you'll be given a job that ideally suits your genetics.

>> No.22101792

You forgot
10. We can finally exterminate women and be free of their whining once and for all

>> No.22101984

Ahhhh anons, if only they meant it.... alas, they never do

>> No.22101995
File: 1.82 MB, 600x255, 987131CC-3AE0-4CEF-9189-9DFEC65035E7.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, bad future. Don’t let AI tell you what to do, monkey boy

>> No.22102002


>> No.22102140

Children aren't a human right faggots. if you can't find a woman willing to birth and raise your son then tough shit. Artificial wombs in reality just so how hateful people are towards women. The one thing that is unique to us will be taken away and reduce to a cold, sterile, and worthless waste of space factory to do nothing but pump out designer babies with the most bone chilling form of autism humankind as ever seen.

>> No.22102611

Why bother when you'll be obsolete one day?

>> No.22102618

>he thinks the artificial wombs will be for civilians

>> No.22102691

so, in your own words, moids are already de facto obsolete because you will never be a woman?

>> No.22102734

you don't have the guts. like most women, you'll turn the violence on yourself like all of you eventually do.

>> No.22102741

I disagree, in fact I've written many works to the contrary. the very fact people think consent actually matters is laughable. its all about power. not just between people, but governments and institutions. they have, you don't. and you're malding about it on some indonesian rice picking forum. wunderbar.

>> No.22102757

tell that to the girl who stabbed andy warhol, migger
SCUM -- society for cutting up men

>> No.22102762

Heh a typical 30+ woman.

>> No.22102783


>> No.22102797

>30 replies
>nobody has said Brave New World
I'm disappointed in you fuckers.

>> No.22102845
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Men have their purpose, of which they're increasingly becoming obsolete through automation, artificial intelligence, sperm banks, advanced weaponry, and so on, which is why men are dropping out of society and systemtatically checking out into escapism in increasing numbers.
Women have their purpose of which they will eventually become obsolete through maxed out pornography sexbots and artificial wombs, just at a later date.

Most men are perfectly content to never be a woman outside of your sissy threads on /gif/, and are merely the first casualties of the great obsolescence, which is something a lot larger than the transitory gender war for generating ad revenue on youtube.

>> No.22102852

consider that you might simply be wrong about their respective "purpose"
who are you to state the purpose of another human as if your words were objective gospel. you are a blasphemer. god did not put us on this planet to wageslave and rawdog.

>> No.22102878
File: 111 KB, 736x984, 8829e6fb7bd8b65261f21f4c84aad3b6--dostoyevsky-quotes-dostoevsky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well of course I'm not the arbiter of other people's lives, that's a 2 man job between them and fate. They should do as they please. You know. Please themselves.

>> No.22102900

The real question is as things "progress" to a technological apex, what does a person of the opposite sex truly offer in a materialist world? As this is the topic of discussion through artificial wombs, and really what I was alluding at with the word "purpose", more accurate would be "selling point to material society".

>> No.22103060

>Yeah bro women prefer to suffer a pregnacy instrad of using a comfy artificial womb

>> No.22103070
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Both of you will be obsolete.

>> No.22103072


>> No.22103677

she killed herself honestly. whats the use of talking to a corpse anyways?

>> No.22103854

>what does a person of the opposite sex truly offer
Love. I feel quite sorry for you.

>> No.22103875

what about producing egg cells

>> No.22103907
File: 487 KB, 1920x1080, 1150080_screenshots_20200215014527_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Men's whole reason for looking after and being gentle with women stems from them being the rearers of children. If a machine can do that, the average woman legitimately serves no purpose any longer.
My brother in Christ hundreds of millions of men spend billions of USD every month on chances to gain access to a few JPGs with depictions of 2D imaginary women that cannot and will not serve any sort of a reproduction purpose to those men whatsoever.

Hoes will be alright because your coom-addicted ass literally cannot stop simping.

>> No.22103927

I don't think it will be as simple as that. A massive shift in society like that and women are off the same? No way.

>> No.22104271

Remember how media and communication technology was rapidly evolving and how some visionaries supposed that omnipresent access to erotica, pornography, virtual reality and such would make men entirely uninterested in real women, making them largely obsolete for everything aside from procreation?

Remember how instead of that we got OnlyFans and e-thots making $500000 a month reading out patron names and showing their cleavage on Twitch streams?

Remember that?

>> No.22104277

The anon you were replying to here.

You are not a woman and it’s quite obvious. But beyond that dishonesty, your statement is ignorant of what modern science is even capable of. We wouldn’t be able to have such a society until years of experimentation, probably in the meat industry, and by then the science for easing the loss of minerals and other physical strains would be more advanced. Then as now, women would not opt for robot pod children because they naturally want to give birth to their own children. Even when reluctant they hold off till their 30s and all of a sudden want one so badly! I’m a lesbian and have always been afraid of it, but even I had a moment or two of this natural desire. But I let it pass.
>troon out and birth them yourself
Haha! How about no. Stop encouraging this non option. Modern science doesn’t change sex.

>> No.22104280

You will never be a man

>> No.22104284

>You are not a woman and it’s quite obvious.
This desu.

>> No.22104297

Nice oversimplification. But even your answer does show an increase of uninterest in real women with new advancements like this. I'm not arguing in favour of it or whatever either. Not to mention, what will happen to all the other women? The ones who aren't milking simps for all they're worth?
Right now well adjusted people form relationships but you gotta wonder what a wrench in the machine like artificial wombs will do to that.

>> No.22105048

>This inventions will turn women into vapid e-whores via market pressures
Why are you saying that like it's supposed to be a good thing?

>> No.22105053

Please start ASAP, I'm sick of my job.

>> No.22105110

Then why would anyone be upset about one's womb being made obsolete? Or any function of humans other than their capacity to "love" (however vaguely you'd define that). It shouldn't touch anyone then, should it? Love is all you need, isn't it?