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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 35 KB, 220x334, Weird_Tales_March_1942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22099994 No.22099994 [Reply] [Original]

Hi everyone! With the great success of Tales Volume 1, we have decided to continue on and go for Tales Volume 2. This thread serves as our official call for submissions.

>What is Tales?
Tales of the Unreal is a periodically published book series taking inspiration from pulp magazines such as Weird Tales. We pick 12 to 15 of the best subs, put them into a book, and publish it with a book cover and style that emulates the pulp magazines of old.

>What we want
The horrible, the unknowable, the weird! We want your horror or weird fiction short story. Somewhere in the realm of 2 - 5000 words, but if you need a little more room, if the story is exceptional it will still be considered!

>When do we want it?
Submissions are open YEAR ROUND. This is just a dedicated call for Tales 2, with a close date of JULY 14 AT 11:59pm EST.

>Where do I submit?
Please email your submission to unrealpressandpodcast@proton.me in any format of your choosing. We do light editing for formatting and spelling only, and otherwise keep the entire intent of the author.
Please include with your submission the name you would wish to be published under.
You can also query that email for any questions you may have.

>Where can I find Tales 1?
FOR FREE: https://unrealpress.com/tales-of-the-unreal/
IN PRINT: Just search the name and it'll come up on Amazon

>> No.22100140
File: 336 KB, 492x376, beavis-beating-keyboard.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After the big doxxing drama-bomb of a few weeks ago...who exactly is left?
And why would anyone want to involve themselves with your sad-cringe dumpster fire?

>> No.22100183

damn that's a kino cover

>> No.22100193

Fuck off, tranny

>> No.22100199


>> No.22100214

It's not quick, but here's the seething mess that pretty much destroyed Unreal in 1 thread.

>> No.22100224

A tranny joined their discord and started leaking doxes while claiming they were being persecuted. Also some mentally ill girl is stalking a guy (both were &amp contributors)

Said tranny posts and replies to itself 100 times now in every thread related to &amp or Unreal, samefagging to relitigate the drama on repeat and reposting doxes. You can hang around and watch the tired show replay in this very thread.

>> No.22100349

Jesus christ. Why can't we have nice things?

>> No.22100358

Shut the fuck up, you unreal faggot. Shouldn’t you be taking out a loan for your for-profit MFA?

>> No.22100437

>unreal dox cast
No thanks trannoid. I’m good. Reported for advertising.

>> No.22100447

I guess the *real* test is going to be whether or not this thread gets to stay up with 300+ replies in the same way the lamp one has.

>> No.22100452
File: 783 KB, 750x888, 7C8444BD-1BD2-42B9-8BEB-80F2891AC6B0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based, I’m interested
Fuck trannies, jannies and those jealous fag who can’t write.

>> No.22100466

Don’t listen to the Unreal tranny >>22100224.
That’s just a load of self serving revisionist history. Ari (the old editor of the &amp best-of) was doxed by Rhyme because he was “disrupting the discord”. They’ve been posting his face around 4chan for the past couple month. Second person doxed was Ari’s old GF, who also worked on &amp behind the scenes. She was also Doxed by Rhyme. He was kicked off of the podcast and the press for doing this. Krake left as well because he was so disgusted by their tranny politics.
The rest of Unreal still hate Ari because he keeps bringing it up and that’s putting a huge hamper on shilling.

>> No.22100472

Krake, mentioning your own name is a dead giveaway that this is just you. No one gives enough of a fuck about your “work” or you personally to even think about you, let alone involve you in le heckin drama

>> No.22100482


>> No.22100489
File: 129 KB, 750x624, 24BC29BA-CA90-40C2-9961-BE6988AB71A6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>s-same f-fag!!
Seethe and cope, you bitter little faggot

>> No.22100495
File: 124 KB, 390x360, 7AB8747A-37AE-4E80-8948-14439D562EE9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stupid fuck. You can post all you want but the seething bitches are outnumbered by those of us who actually want to write

>> No.22100507
File: 6 KB, 510x175, Chrome.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Backstabing everyone you've ever worked with isn't a recipe for success.

There are too many IPs in the thread for all of those to be samefags. I guess it would be convenient if only one guy hated you newfag interlopers enough to call you out on your lies, but that's just not the case.
The only samefag here seems to be you.

>> No.22100558
File: 11 KB, 330x173, not-me-unreal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess I'll pile on with my evidence you're just a histrionic seether.

>> No.22100618

Looking forward to reading your work!

>> No.22100637

Unreal has really fallen off these past few month. I'd ask them to scrub my name and story off of the anthology I was in if I wasn't afraid of them going after me next.

>> No.22100747

You are better off submitting to a local community college’s literary journal. These guys are weird fags.

>> No.22100899

I haven't submitted to Unrealz yet, but weird fiction got me into writing though it's not my specialty now. Maybe I should take a crack at it.
True, but it's also nice to support something niche like this.

>> No.22100968


>> No.22100972

It’s self-publishing schlock. Just write your own fucking story and publish it to Amazon. That’s literally what they’re doing

>> No.22101528


>> No.22101529

>It’s self-publishing schlock.
That's what niche is goofus.

>> No.22101558
File: 133 KB, 300x300, B4CF8E94-1EBC-41E3-B9BD-4967D96540ED.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off and stop whining Ari Coon. No one cares anymore

>> No.22101573

Looks like a fun and handsome guy. I'd love to have a beer with him!
JULY 14! Oh no! I take so long to write I don't know if I'll have it in time.

>> No.22101672

Looks like Gardner in drag.

>> No.22101680

I wouldn’t say handsome. Dude needs to start saving up for otoplasty STAT.

>> No.22101760
File: 264 KB, 750x1058, FrancineGardner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what, I kind of see the resemblance

>> No.22101775
File: 89 KB, 755x520, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fine. I'll admit it. You caught me.
I guess you aren't crazy
Fuck you

>> No.22101835



>> No.22102078

Er...those weren't all you.
We've all posted enough evidence to make that obvious.
So now /unreal/ lies about samefagging?
Who in their right mind would get anywhere near you?
OK, that's just unsettling.

>> No.22102100

this isn't literature it's discord tranny shit

>> No.22102114

Yes the resemblance between them is uncanny

>> No.22102203

It almost makes me wish I had saved the photo of Gardner standing next to the weinermobile, just so I can put the two side-by-side and post them.

>> No.22102321
File: 744 KB, 750x1334, BD6B68D6-9208-425C-BBB6-D78669E0D386.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoy bestie!!

>> No.22102375

>replies to himself
Frank, I sometimes wish you weren’t so fucking stupid so you could at least appreciate the impressive irony of the moronic shit you do

>> No.22102389

It’s not, but it you’re retarded so the perfect demographic for unreal schlock

>> No.22102400

It is, but you’re doing an excellent job of displaying your illiteracy so keep posting

>> No.22102405

So fucking niche that hundreds of thousands of people self-publish their schlock every day. Retard.

>> No.22102485

Is your argument here that self-publishing isn’t niche because it’s over saturated and a lot of people do it? You are a fucking brainless fuck lol.

>> No.22102498

Well my interest in submitting was certainly short lived.

>> No.22102522
File: 353 KB, 1500x1053, f-gardner-weinermobile-before-after.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even as I was asking for that photo, I cringed.
I felt like some sweaty slobbery trannie was rubbing up against me, and I was saying "yes, *please* shove your greasy hand down my pants."
Be careful what you wish for, I guess.
p.s. thanks

>> No.22102704

Kys faggot

>> No.22102781
File: 137 KB, 736x992, f-gardner-true-seeing-1b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop projecting and just put yourself out of our misery now, Frank Edward.

>> No.22103599

*the resemblance is unreal

>> No.22103703

>eyes dead flat
>teeth bared like a scared chimp
The classic Autism Smile

>> No.22103879

He's too dull-witted to be autistic.
I always assumed, even if he's developmentally disabled, that his biggest problem is alcoholism.

>> No.22104531


>> No.22104667

That's the sort of creativity we can expect from /unreal/ .
On a literary board, composed of people who can ostensibly write, all they can think of is "bump".
Now let this thread die already.

>> No.22104727


>> No.22104729

Stop bumping you unreal troon

>> No.22104767
File: 13 KB, 300x300, DA40CB59-4A18-465A-BE52-96C4F2F782D3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22104949

Just remember, potential submitters...this is the sort of banal, uncreative behavior you can expect if you get involved with /unreal/ .
Save yourself.

>> No.22105223

Fuck off Ari

>> No.22105528

Isn't Ari a former insider?
And you're concerned he knows how toxic you are?
What a self-own.

>> No.22105962


>> No.22106036

Wow...you're not even trying to disguise what a bully you are.
The strongest argument against associating with /unreal/ ... is /unreal/ itself.

>> No.22106615


>> No.22106662

Just digging yourself deeper.

>> No.22107662


>> No.22108298


>> No.22109116

Such uncreative seething.
Are you sure you're not just trying to give /unreal/ a bad name?

>> No.22109175


>> No.22109206

Oddly enough, that answers my question.

>> No.22109326

why does the anti-unreal poster type exactly like the AI poster on /wg/?

>> No.22109349

There are like two dozen different anti-Unreal posters. Though, AI poster in /wg/ is Boswell and he does hate Unreal so you may actually be correct.

>> No.22109374

Hi AnderSEN

>> No.22109384

Just name everyone who you dislike so we can get this out of the way.

>> No.22109396
